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铝合金熔铸技术新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从熔铸设备、熔体净化、测氢技术、铸造技术四个方面,介绍了当前国内、外铝合金熔铸技术新进展。指出了国内铝加工熔铸技术发展方向,对改善国内铝合金熔铸水平提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

正近日,"863计划"先进制造技术领域"数字化智能化铝合金熔铸生产线及能效监测系统研究"课题通过了专家组的技术验收。该成果突破了铝合金熔铸工业流程复杂、自动化程度低、设备标准化程度低的现状,实现了熔铸流程关键参数的在线监测、科学决策与有效调控三大功能,提升了铝合金熔铸行业的智能化控制能力和水平,显著提  相似文献   

铝合金热轧板锭熔铸技术及设备   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文概述了近年来铝合金热轧板锭的熔铸设备和熔铸技术的发展和最新成就,重点介绍晶粒细化、熔体净化、检测及铸造新技术,为国内铝板带企业跟踪国际铝合金板锭熔铸技术、开展技术攻关和进行技术创新提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

介绍了7N01铝合金高速车辆车体型材的化学成分和质量要求,分析了7N01铝合金的特点和熔铸难点,研究了Φ472mm 7N01铝合金圆铸锭熔铸的炉料添加技术、熔炼技术、炉内精炼技术和在线处理技术,确定了Φ472mm 7N01铝合金圆铸锭的热顶铸造工艺参数。针对Φ472mm 7N01铝合金圆铸锭熔铸中出现的铸造缺陷,分析了其原因、制定并实施了应对措施,生产出了满足高速车辆车体型材挤压要求的高品质Φ472mm 7N01铝合金圆铸锭。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断发展,科技不断进步,在对铝合金的制取和应用方面都有很大的进步。因为铝合金具有明显的优势,铝合金的应用范围越来越广,我国对铝合金的需求量也越来越大。因此,加强铝合金的熔铸质量可以有效的帮助我国的发展。但是在熔铸过程中会受到诸多因素的影响,导致铝合金材料浪费。炉料质量作为影响铝合金熔铸质量的关键因素,制造厂应该给予高度重视。本文将分析炉料质量对铝合金熔铸质量产生的影响,探究解决炉料质量对铝合金熔铸质量影响的对策。  相似文献   

介绍了AA7178铝合金的熔铸特点,对该合金的熔铸工艺进行摸索和改进,采用同水平热顶铸造方法,结合已有的技术和经验,有效克服了AA7178铝合金铸造中心裂纹和锯切裂纹,成功试制出Φ250mm AA7178铝合金圆铸锭,确定了合理的熔铸工艺。  相似文献   

文章介绍了近5~10年来铝及铝合金熔铸方面出现的一些新技术,指出了其基本工作原理和相应的优点,同时将一些正在研发和推广的对铝熔铸行业有较大影响的技术一并简单介绍,为读者在熔铸设备的选择及更新换代上提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>在国家863计划的支持下,天津立中合金集团有限公司与科研院所及企业合作开展的"数字化智能化铝合金熔铸生产线及能效监测系统研究"课题通过了专家组的技术验收。该成果突破了铝合金熔铸工业流程复杂、自动化程度低、设备标准化程度低的现状,实现了熔铸流程关键参数的在线监测、科学决策与有效调控三大功能,提升了铝合金熔铸行业的智能化控制能力和水平,显著提高了生产效率并降低了能耗。  相似文献   

谷兰成 《山东冶金》1997,19(6):50-52
本文对山东省铝合金熔铸技术现状与当前先进的熔铸技术相对照,认为山东省铝合金行业应该依靠科技进步、引进先进设备与技术,注重科技信息的开发利用和新产品开发,以改善其技术装备,提高技术水平。  相似文献   

我国铝型材挤压业的现状及未来   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章介绍了我国铝型材挤压业的现状,指出了目前我国铝型材挤压工业在铝合金熔铸、挤压技术与设备、模具设计方面存在的问题及今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文对无氧铜和引线框架铜合金的熔铸工艺进行了分析,阐述了我公司引进4台熔铸设备(无氧铜感应炉组及连续铸造机、电子引线框架铜合金感应炉组及半连续铸造机)的理由及其技术性能.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of several projects undertaken at CAST to increase our understanding of the solidification characteristics of Mg–Al alloys. With the increased use of magnesium alloys, and with casting dominating as a production route, there is a need for a more comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of solidification and defect formation to allow further optimisation of alloys and casting processes. The paper starts with considering the formation of the primary magnesium dendrites and the means for grain refinement of magnesium–aluminium alloys. The Mg–Al system is then shown to display a range of eutectic morphologies for increasing aluminium content, ranging from a divorced structure, through several intermediate structures, to a fully lamellar structure at the eutectic composition. The eutectic also influences discontinuous precipitation which occurs in the aluminium-rich regions of the magnesium phase. The paper concludes with a section on porosity formation as a function of aluminium content and an outline of the mechanism responsible for the formation of banded defects in magnesium alloys, particularly in products made in pressure assisted casting processes.  相似文献   

The melting behaviour of mould powder during continuous casting is an important consideration with respect to caster performance, production rate and steel quality. Two important factors, powder composition and carbon addition, are critical to control the properties and melting behaviour of the mould flux. In this study, the effect of different carbonaceous materials on the melting characteristics of mould powders was evaluated. Correlations were established between the structural factors and chemical reactivity of carbon and melting behaviour of mould flux. In addition, two examples are given of the effect of flux composition on casting performance for specific steels. A flux with reasonable basicity and additives was designed for the casting of heat-resistant steel (Incoloy 800) to reduce surface cracks. Another flux was designed for the casting of non-magnetic steel containing high aluminium by partially replacing SiO2 with Al2O3 to limit aluminium oxidation by SiO2.  相似文献   

镁及镁合金加工技术的现代化进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简要介绍镁及镁合金加工业的发展现状,重点论述新型镁合金研究及镁合金加工技术(熔炼、压铸、挤压、锻压、轧制等)开发方面的现代化进展与发展前景。  相似文献   

Book Review     
none 《粉末冶金学》2013,56(3):160-161

Currently available compaction-ready aluminium powders enable sintered preforms to be readily produced by the powder metallurgy route. Aluminium bearing materials with good sliding properties can be produced by sintering-in abrasion-resistant particles or by using alloy powders with homogeneously distributed lead additions. Reactively ground and mechanically alloyed granulates with dispersoid particles of oxides, carbides, and inter-metallic compounds provide high-temperature PM materials with improved properties. New techniques for powder production provide aluminium alloy powders with extraordinary metallurgical effects within the particles and controlled properties. The consolidation of rapidly solidified aluminium alloy powders into high-strength PM semiproducts has considerably enlarged the potential of aluminium powder metallurgy. The aims of numerous worldwide development projects in powder metallurgy are to improve conventional aluminium alloys and develop new alloys which cannot be produced by the . traditional melting route. PM/0253  相似文献   

Semi‐solid metal casting is an innovative technology for the production of near‐net‐shape parts with demanding mechanical properties. The paper describes different processing routes and materials for semi‐solid‐metal casting (SSM), which have been investigated and also partially developed at the Foundry‐Institute of Aachen University. The standard thixocasting process for aluminium, highly reactive magnesium alloys and steel alloys with high melting points was investigated under variation of a wide range of process parameters. Specially adapted pre‐material production and reheating methods were developed for different materials and their application and future potential is pointed out. The thixocasting experiments were executed on a modified high pressure die‐casting machine with a specially designed “step‐die” providing wall thicknesses from 0.5 to 25 mm. The mechanical properties were tested in dependence of the wall thickness and the metal velocity. The results of these examination show high tensile strength values in combination with very good elongations. The rheocasting process is a new SSM‐forming method with liquid melt as feed‐stock and a high recycling potential. The research results of RCP‐technology (Rheo‐Container‐Process) invented at the Foundry‐Institute and of the Cooling‐Channel‐Process for aluminium and magnesium alloys are promising and are presented in this paper. Studies on semi‐solid processing of magnesium alloys and mixtures of them were conducted by ThixomoldingTM. To establish the most adequate process parameters, the temperature and the mixture relations were varied. Using a mould for tensile test specimens, the mechanical properties and the microstructure evolution could be evaluated. The chemical composition of the different phases was determined using SEM and EDX technologies. Evaluations of the flowing properties were conducted using a spiral mould with a total length of 2m and a cross section of 20mm x 1.5mm.  相似文献   

Microstructure development in the casting of copper-manganese alloys based on the congruent point at 34.6 wt pct Mn and 1146 K (873 °C) has been studied. The alloys were prepared by induction melting of electrolytic Cu and Mn in clay-graphite crucibles in open air. Under conventional casting conditions, the alloys exhibit fine cellular (non-dendritic) solidification morphology with a distinct absence of solidification shrinkage microporosity, and they maintain these attributes over a composition range of approximately 3 wt pct Mn about the congruent point. The high Mn concentration in the alloy admits carbon into solution in the melt, resulting in formation of manganese carbide Mn7C3 particles having two different forms (globular and angular) in the cast microstructure. The Mn carbide was eliminated or controlled to low levels by melting in an alumina or a silicon carbide crucible, or in a clay-graphite crucible at lower temperatures. Microstructure development in casting the alloy was analyzed in terms of the available phase diagrams and thermochemical data. Hardness and tensile testing indicated a potent solid solution strengthening effect of Mn and high ductility in the as-cast condition, with additional hardness (strength) when the alloy contains the Mn carbide phase.  相似文献   

西方通过对连铸连轧熔铝炉的工况分析,主要介绍了变频调速器的熔炼过程中的节能应用,并开创了高粘度重油使用变频技术的先例,为铝加工生产节能降耗开辟了新途径。  相似文献   

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