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对四川某复杂高硫铜铅锌矿进行了工艺矿物学研究后,采用部分混合浮选流程,铜铅混浮—铜铅分离—混浮尾矿选锌,最终获得铜品位17.5%,回收率为51.80%的铜精矿,铅品位为60.10%、回收率为79.51%的铅精矿,锌品位为47.01%、回收率为78.64%的锌精矿,硫品位为38.92%、回收率为72.64%的硫精矿,同时铜铅分离生产验证试验取得良好指标。  相似文献   

氧压浸锌是一种新兴的湿法浸锌工艺,工艺过程中将会产生40%高硫渣,由于高硫渣的颗粒不均匀,黏度大,工艺矿物学研究不深入,导致高硫渣的处理和利用难度大。以内蒙某锌冶炼厂的高硫渣、硫精矿、硫尾矿为研究对象,研究其工艺矿物学特性,以及有价金属铅、锌、铜、银等综合回收利用。采用XRF、偏光显微镜、SEM-EDS、激光粒度分析仪和MLA矿物解离分析仪等测试分析方法,探究高硫渣、硫精矿、硫尾矿的元素和矿物组成、粒度和矿物连生情况。高硫渣浮选硫回收率84.5%,硫尾矿投入奥斯麦特富氧顶吹炉铅冶炼系统后,Pb、Zn、Ag的回收率分别为95.3%、85.6%、96.91%。  相似文献   

锌硫分选尾矿中有价金属的提取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对锌硫分离浮选尾矿进行了工艺矿物学研究,XRD分析和多元素化学分析显示尾矿中的主要金属硫化矿物为黄铁矿,主要脉石成分有石英、绿泥石和蛇纹石,尾矿中的主要有价金属为铜、锌和银。采用化学物相分析查明了尾矿中铜和锌的主要矿物组成。通过X-射线光电子能谱分析确定了试样的基本化学组成,然后在显微镜下研究了铜、锌矿物的赋存状态。在工艺矿物学研究的基础上,在约240g/L NaCl酸性水溶液中对尾矿中的铜、锌和银进行了浸出试验研究,通过矿浆浓度、温度、初始Cu2+浓度和盐酸浓度对浸出率影响的试验研究,得出铜、锌和银的最佳浸出条件为:矿浆浓度241.9g/L,温度86℃,初始[Cu2+]=19.24g/L,初始[HCl]=0.17mol/L。在此条件下经过8h的浸出,铜、锌、银的浸出率分别达到83.35%、92.10%和85.26%。  相似文献   

芬兰奥托康浦公司所属柯克拉厂从含铜锌的黄铁用优先浮选的方法,选出铜和锌的合格商品精矿后,余下的尾矿——黄铁矿供制取元素硫、二氧化硫和铁矿砂用。它的原矿平均成分为(%):铜0.9%,铁35%,锌3.5%,硫38%。经过选矿后,尾矿(黄铁矿)的平均成分为(%):硫52%,铁46%,铅0.05%,锌0.05%,砷0.06%,二氧化硅1.5%。采用的新的处理流程和方法如下: 干燥的精细颗粒状的黄铁矿用燃烧气体加热至一  相似文献   

唐山首矿矿选厂所使用的原料来自秘鲁铁矿,铁矿石经过选矿工艺磨选后产生的尾矿中含有大量的有价元素,通过对尾矿进行工艺矿物学研究,查明尾矿中含有大量铁、铜、硫、钴等有用元素,本文主要研究该类型资源的综合回收工艺。  相似文献   

红透山铜矿选矿厂的浮选工艺流程是:经过铜硫混合浮选,铜硫分离浮选,得到铜精矿和优质硫精矿;铜硫混选尾矿选锌得锌精矿;选锌尾矿再选硫得次硫精矿和最终尾矿。在上述浮选过程中,易浮的硫矿物(大部份黄铁矿和部份磁黄铁矿),已在铜硫混选循环回收。选锌后进入选硫循环的硫矿物以难浮的磁黄铁矿为主,硫的作业回收率很低,平均45%,小型试验也只能达到50%。为提高硫回收率,进行了添加硝酸铵的试验。  相似文献   

铜、铅、锌、铁复杂多金属矿综合回收研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
福建闽北某矿山复杂多金属矿含有铜、铅、锌、铁等多种有价金属矿物,综合利用价值高。通过对该矿石进行选矿试验研究,采用先浮后磁、部分混合浮选的流程,选出铜铅混合精矿、再进行铜、铅分离,然后浮选锌、硫,浮选尾矿经过磁选选铁,得出了铜精矿、铅精矿、锌精矿和铁精矿四种产品。为该矿多金属矿的综合利用提供了可行的方案。  相似文献   

针对某大型铜锌锡矿硫化矿浮选作业存在的问题开展浮选流程的优化研究.在工艺矿物学分析的基础上,结合现场生产浮硫尾矿硫砷含量超标致使锡精矿有害杂质过高的现状,确定了磁选除铁—优先浮铜—锌硫砷混浮—锌与硫砷分离的工艺.在确定工艺流程过程中对磨矿细度、浮选药剂制度进一步优化.优化后的浮选流程在原矿含Cu 0.06%、Zn 0.36%的条件下,得到了含Cu16.37%、Zn 7.92%,铜回收率为68.302%的铜精矿以及含Zn 44.44%,锌回收率76.368%的锌精矿,实现了对极低品位的伴生金属的回收.而且优化后的硫化矿浮选流程对硫砷脱除效果更佳,有利于后续锡石重选效率的提高.  相似文献   

某多金属矿选矿工艺研究及实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对某多金属矿工艺矿物学的研究 ,选择了“铜铅混选、混合精矿铜铅分离 ,尾矿选锌”的工艺流程 ,试验获得了合格的精矿产品。  相似文献   

通过加入lw-01矿浆调整剂调节选铜尾矿矿浆,从而使T-2000对硫铁矿的抑制效果达到最佳。选铜尾矿含铜0.06%、锌1.05%,硫10.28%时,用ZYQ-311为起泡剂和捕收剂从而获得了含锌49.62%,回收率83.18%的锌精矿,实现了无石灰浮锌抑硫的工艺条件。选锌尾矿再加入矿山井洞形成的井下酸水活化硫铁矿,用丁基黄药作为捕收剂,ZYQ-312作起泡剂获得了含硫34.12%回收率80.89%的硫精矿。工业试验过程流程稳定,指标良好。  相似文献   


In the Sivas-Divri?i Iron Ore Concentrator, 600,000 t of tailings are discarded annually. There are already 1 million t of tailings deposited in ponds from the previous production activities. The presence of Co, Ni, and Cu in the tailings makes the beneficiation of those tailings attractive. In the experimental work, sulphide concentrates were produced from these two types of tailings by flotation. Under optimum flotation conditions, a bulk sulphide concentrate assaying 0.376% Co, 0.721% Ni, and 0.403% Cu was obtained with 83.1% Co, 57.7% Ni, and 59.0% Cu recoveries from the old tailings. On the other hand, another concentrate containing 0.384% Co, 0.687% Ni, and 0.393% Cu was produced under the same flotation conditions with 94.7% Co, 84.6% Ni, and 76.8% Cu recoveries from the new process tailings.  相似文献   

重选-磁选-反浮选回收某铁尾矿中的铁、硫试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了某尾矿的工艺矿物学性质及回收铁精矿、硫精矿的工艺流程。通过采用螺旋溜槽预富集-磨矿-弱磁选-强磁选-浮选硫-反浮选硅工艺回收铁精矿、硫精矿,获得的铁精矿TFe62.58%、回收率32.63%,硫精矿S品位37.57%。  相似文献   

氰化尾渣中含有可回收的Au、Ag、Cu、Fe、Pb、Zn、S等有价金属元素,并且尾渣库存量巨大,回收氰化尾渣中的有价金属不仅有利于保护环境,还能产生一定的经济效益。本文围绕氰化尾渣的性质、危害、尾渣中有用矿物的回收工艺、氰化尾渣在建材行业的应用等方面综述了氰化尾渣综合利用的现状,总结了回收尾渣中有价金属的主要方法,分析了在综合利用氰化尾渣中存在的一些问题,并对综合利用氰化尾渣的未来发展方向进行了展望。   相似文献   

铜镍硫化矿尾矿中有价金属的湿法提取研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以硝酸为氧化剂、硫酸为添加剂的混酸体系用于铜镍硫化矿尾矿中镍、铜、钴等有价金属的浸出,镍、铜、钴浸出率分别可达91.5%,85.0%和54.6%。放大试验表明,这一混酸浸出方法的效果良好、操作简便稳定。  相似文献   

通过对四道沟金矿黄铁矿晶形、化学成分、晶胞参数和反射率的研究,查明了黄铁矿的标型特征;成矿期黄铁矿是富硫亏铁,S/Fe=1.28,成矿后黄铁矿为亏硫亏铁或只亏铁,S/Fe=1.19.黄铁矿中Co,Pb,Cu也是标型元素,Co,Pb随Au的增加而增加,Cu随黄铁矿中Au的增加而减少.本区黄铁矿中不含Sb和V元素.不同期次黄铁矿其晶胞参数a0均为0.5419nm,V均为0.1591nm3,高于标准黄铁矿.这是由Co,Ni和As分别取代Fe和S所引起的.反射率的测定表明,成矿期黄铁矿的反射率随波长增大而增高,而成矿期后黄铁矿在481~590nm波长范围内反射率随波长增加而增高,而在590~644nm波长范围,反射率随波长增加而降低.  相似文献   

Polymetallic ores always contain precious rare metals which have high economic value. There is a large-scale copper (Cu)–zinc (Zn)–stannum (Sn) polymetallic ore deposit in Dulong, Yunnan Province, China. The polymetallic ore deposit contains a lot of silver (Ag) and indium (In). In this paper, the polymetallic ore is investigated to explore the characteristics of its process mineralogy by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), optical microscopy (OM), and electron probe micro-analyser (EMPA). The contents of the main valuable elements in the ore are Cu 0.20%, Zn 3.93%, Sn 0.47%, Fe 22.70% and S 9.90%. Cu, Zn, Sn, and Fe mainly occur in chalcopyrite, marmatite, cassiterite and magnetite, respectively. In addition, as rare metal elements, there are also Ag 4.9 g/t and In 90.50 g/t in the ore. Ag mainly occurs in matildite and an unknown mineral (Ag0.75(Zn, Fe)0.25S) and these two minerals are all enclosed and disseminated in marmatite. In does not form an independent mineral, but an isomorphism element which mainly occurs in marmatite. Based on the results of the process mineralogy and actual conditions, a feasible flowsheet for this polymetallic ore is designed and optimized. The industrial experimental results show that processing capacity of the plant and the indexes of the concentrates are improved.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model has been developed to predict the distribution behavior of Ni, Cu, Co, Fe, S, As, Sb, and Bi in the Outokumpu flash-smelting process, the Outokumpu direct high-grade matte smelting process, and the INCO flash-smelting process. In this model, as many as 16 elements (Ni, Cu, Co, Fe, As, Sb, Bi, S, O, Al, Ca, Mg, Si, N, C, and H) are considered, and two nickel sulfide species are used to allow for modeling of sulfur-deficient mattes. The compositions of the matte, slag, and gaseous phases in equilibrium are calculated using Gibbs free energies of formation and the activity coefficients of the components derived from the experimental data. The model predictions are compared with the known industrial data from the Kalgoorlie Nickel Smelter (Kalgoorlie, Australia), the Outokumpu Harjavalta Nickel Smelter (Harjavalta, Finland), the INCO Metals Company (Sudbury, Canada), and from a number of experimental data. An excellent agreement is obtained. It was found that the distribution behaviors of Ni, Co, Cu, Fe, S, As, Sb, and Bi in the nickel smelting furnace depend on process parameters such as the smelting temperature, matte grade, and partial pressure of oxygen in the process.  相似文献   

对由失效锂离子电池焙烧制备的含钴铜物料进行物相分析和硫酸选择性浸出。对浸出温度、浸出时间、硫酸初始浓度、搅拌转速、液固比等影响钴和铜浸出率的因素进行了条件试验,同时分析了浸出机理,钴和铜之间的相互作用有利于钴的浸出与铜的沉淀分离。得到了选择性浸出钴的优化工艺参数:使用1 mol/L硫酸,浸出温度60℃,浸出时间2 h,搅拌转速200 r/min,液固比20∶1(mL/g)。在优化条件下进行了重复试验,钴和铜平均浸出率分别为95.3%和0.37%,钴铜分离系数达到21.4,选择性浸出钴效果较好。  相似文献   

2∶17type Sm(Co ,Cu ,Fe ,Zr)zpermanent mag-nets originatedfromthe investigationinthe 1970s .Sm(Co ,Cu ,Fe ,Zr)zpermanent magnets have excellentintrinsic magnetic properties such as very high Curietemperature , high anisotropy fields , and relativelyhigh saturation magnetizations[1 ~4]. Hence the mag-nets play an i mportant role in national defence andmodernindustry .Because of the high brittleness of Sm(Co ,Cu ,Fe ,Zr)zpermanent magnets ,theirtransfor-mationinto complex,small ,precision …  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model has been developed to predict the distribution behavior of Ni, Cu, Co, Fe, S, As, Sb, and Bi in nickel smelting and direct high-grade nickel matte smelting processes. The model has been validated by numerous experimental data and industrial data with a wide range of operating conditions. The effect of operating conditions on the distributions of Ni, Cu, Co, As, Sb, and Bi among the gas, matte, and slag phases has been investigated. It was found that the distribution behavior of Ni, Co, Cu, As, Sb, and Bi in the nickel smelting furnace depends on process parameters such as the smelting temperature, matte grade, oxygen enrichment, Fe/SiO2 ratio in the slag, Cu/Ni ratio in charge, and oil/air ratio. The parameters also have an influence on the behavior of Fe3O4 in the slag.  相似文献   

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