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矿山供配电系统对于矿山企业的正常运营来说具有十分重要的作用。伴随着矿山规模的不断增大,传统的供配电系统已经不能满足矿山生产的需求,这就需要提升系统的自动化程度。为了更好地提升矿山供配电系统的自动化程度,大量自动化技术应用于矿山供配电系统之中,大大提升了系统的工作效率,保证了系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

介绍以STD总线结构、CPU采用8031芯片的矿井微机监控系统的结构,功能和原理,及其在矿井提升机上的应用,增加了提升机运行的安全性、可靠性,为矿山老提升系统的技术改造提供了一条经济有效的途径。  相似文献   

辅助竖井的方案比选和设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴健薇 《云南冶金》2010,39(2):18-21,55
竖井提升是联系井上与井下的重要枢纽,提升系统确定的正确与否直接影响矿山生产能力。提升设备的选择,一般应经过方案比较后方可确定。本次方案设计主要比选系统中的提升机、提升设施上部配置和罐道配置,结合矿山的实际需要,推荐采用落地式多绳提升方案。介绍该方案的主要系统构成和性能特点。  相似文献   

本文在回顾和小结长沙有色院设计矿山副井提升信号系统的技术与装备发展历程的基础上,着重介绍了本院开发的新一代DSHS系统的原理、优点及实用效果。该系统是目前国内用于矿山副井提升中性能最优良的信号系统,颇具推广应用价值。  相似文献   

云南某矿山选厂碎矿系统能力偏低,最终碎矿粒度偏大,与球磨机需求不匹配,导致生产组织困难。该矿山为了提高矿石处理能力,经过考察、研讨及试验研究,确定将GP11F圆锥破碎机更换为GP330圆锥破碎机,并对配套的筛分设备进行改进,减少粗碎设备负荷,提高细碎生产效率。改进后,该矿山碎矿效率提升至160~180 t/h,碎矿最终产品粒度-12 mm含量提升至71%,磨矿处理能力稳定提升至2 029 t/d,为降低选矿能耗提供了有力的保障。  相似文献   

针对大宝山露天多金属矿山矿脉复杂、采空区分布多和配矿要求高等特点,宏大爆破有限公司以大宝山项目部为试点单位,进行了适用于矿山施工企业的数字化矿山建设。以无人机航测、DIMINE软件和卡车调度系统为技术支撑,从露天矿山数据获取、加工处理和数据应用等方面构建了数字化矿山建设框架。构建流程如下:首先采用无人机航测技术获取了矿区范围内详细地形地貌信息和三维模型,清楚地了解了矿山生产现状与危险源分布情况;然后利用DIMINE软件进行生产计划制定、日常技术交底、工程量结算和爆破自动化设计等数字化工作,实现了矿山三维化生产规划设计,保证了资源开采利用的科学性,降低了矿石贫化与损失;同时利用卡车调度系统,进行分采分运与实时调度管理,确保了配矿指令的有效执行。实践表明:相比传统矿山施工企业,宏大爆破有限公司的数字化矿山试点工作从开采规划设计、施工调度和现场监管等方面实现了矿山一体化设计与集成化服务,显著提升了露天矿山采剥精细化施工及管理水平。  相似文献   

陈景生 《黄金》1994,15(3):19-21
砂金矿山所用砂泵提升装置因突然停电而堵塞提升系统。本文设计的新型防堵阀门,解决了砂泵堵塞问题。  相似文献   

新城金矿主溜矿井塌落破坏分析及其修复   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘永会  张海茂 《黄金》2000,21(9):24-27
新城金矿主溜矿井曾发生塌落事故,造成了主竖井矿石提升系统的瘫痪,严重影响了矿山生产任务的完成。为尽快恢复主竖井矿石提升系统的正常生产,在主溜矿井的修复过程中,采取了一系列行之效的施工措施,确保在最低限度影响生产的前提下,成功地修复了主溜矿井,  相似文献   

山东焦家金矿提升系统改造方案研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
在国家经济快速发展的形势下,许多老矿山为了适应新的发展形势,需要不断地扩大生产能力,而矿山提升系统是制约扩大生产能力的主要因素,再加上新建竖井提升系统的工期长且见效慢,一时难以接续,为此,在老提升系统的基础上进行技术改造,成为快速发展的捷径。以山东黄金集团焦家金矿西矿区提升系统改造为例,介绍了一种快速增加提升能力的方法,即将单层罐笼提升系统改造成双层罐笼,包括罐笼和钢丝绳的选型、提升机强度的校核等改造,取得了节能降耗的良好效果,提升能力增加了近1倍。  相似文献   

文章结合实际介绍了矿山老化设备技术改造的对策,阐述了老式斜井及提升系统改造的思路和改造后的效果。  相似文献   

Different forms of neurons of the temporal cortex of the adult cat were studied in frontal and sagittal sections by the Golgi method in the author's modification. It was shown that the 2nd type Golgi cells (spider neurons, basket cells, spindle stellate cells with two bunches of processes, stellate cells with radial processes, Martinotti's cells) are characterized by local restruction of their processes and differ from one another in the specificity of axonal aborizations. The comparison of axonal systems of the pyramidal and above forms of the 2nd type Golgi cells has shown the set of collaterals of one pyramidal cell to consist of fragments of axonal branching of different forms of short-axon neurons. On the basis of the data obtained the pyramidal neuron is considered as a universal type of cell. The structural features of its receptive surface sustain the converging on it of a wide range of polymodal signals, the difference in the quality of presynaptic structures being responsible for the plasticity of a functional change of its integrative activity.  相似文献   

A total of 203 characters has been determined for 68 strains of Aeromonas belonging to the Aeromonas hydrophila-A. punctata group. The results have been subjected to computer analysis using the coefficient of Jaccard-Sneath and the strains clustered by the method of aggregation according to the variance. The 68 strains can be divided into two well-segregated classes on the basis of 59 variable characters, of which seven are of diagnostic value. The two classes are considered as two separate species. The first one (42 strains) is assigned to the type species of the genus, A. hydrophila, and it appears that the species name, A. punctata, is an illegitimate synonym for A. hydrophila. The second (26 strains) constitutes a new species for which the name A. sobria sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of this new species has been deposited under the reference CIP7433 (our strain 208).  相似文献   

双卧轴强制式混凝土搅拌机是一种高效、快速的混凝土搅拌器械,广泛用于各种混凝土工程中。以某型号双卧轴强制式混凝土搅拌机为研究对象,根据磨料磨损机理推出搅拌叶片线磨损率的计算公式,通过Fluent软件的计算和相关后处理工作得出搅拌叶片表面线磨损率的分布。分析结果表明,搅拌叶片的顶端附近处线磨损率最大,磨损最为严重;根据线磨损率的数值可预估搅拌叶片的使用寿命。研究对于预估整机的使用寿命提供了一定的理论依据和数值依据,对搅拌臂的布局和搅拌叶片材料的选择和处理也提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) represents a comprehensive core collection of data on published germline mutations in nuclear genes underlying human inherited disease. By September 1997, the database contained nearly 12 000 different lesions in a total of 636 different genes, with new entries currently accumulating at a rate of over 2000 per annum. Although originally established for the scientific study of mutational mechanisms in human genes, HGMD has acquired a much broader utility to researchers, physicians and genetic counsellors so that it was made publicly available at http://uwcm.ac.uk/uwcm/mg/hgmd0.html in April 1996. Mutation data in HGMD are accessible on the basis of every gene being allocated one web page per mutation type, if data of that type are present. Meaningful integration with phenotypic, structural and mapping information has been accomplished through bi-directional links between HGMD and both the Genome Database (GDB) and Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), Baltimore, USA. Hypertext links have also been established to Medline abstracts through Entrez , and to a collection of 458 reference cDNA sequences also used for data checking. Being both comprehensive and fully integrated into the existing bioinformatics structures relevant to human genetics, HGMD has established itself as the central core database of inherited human gene mutations.  相似文献   

In the last decades psychoanalysis has tended to recast itself as a hermeneutic discipline geared at the retelling of human lives, and Freud is recast as a great writer in the humanist tradition rather than as the scientist as which he saw himself. Although this reconceptualization has good reasons, it tends to obscure the fact that Freud primarily saw himself as a theorist of human nature. One of Freud's deepest convictions was that psychopathology needs to be explained on the basis of evolutionary biology. This paper argues that this may have been one of Freud's greatest ideas. The reason it has been "repressed" by psychoanalysis is that Freud based it on Lamarckian principles. The current flourishing of evolutionary psychology and psychiatry may well turn Freud into one of the precursors of the psychology of the future. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

高架式装钢机设计改进及使用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武钢轧板厂加热炉由推钢式改为步进式后,装备水平有一个较大的提升,但由于高架式装钢机局部设计的不合理,致使新设备不能正常运行。在现场实物调试、检测和受力分析计算的基础上,对结构实施了改进,取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于划分与整体改进策略的铝电解槽群体控制方法。首先,从稳定性的角度,基于聚类方法将电解槽划分为好、中和差三类。其次,提取不同类别电解槽的共性特征,使得每一类电解槽都以更好一类的电解槽为目标.为每台电解槽向更好的状态跃迁提供了依据。本文提出的方法已应用于中电投宁夏青铜峡能源铝业集团有限公司,效果良好。  相似文献   

There is now a growing research literature on the types of reactions that are experienced by crime victims of all types. We review research on systematic differences in such reactions over time. Such reactions often seem more severe than might be expected on the basis of the material loss or physical injury caused by the victimization. Theories developed to explain the stress resulting from being a crime victim are outlined. They include a loss of a sense of self, a loss of safety or invulnerability, and feelings of inequity or injustice. Also reviewed are the cognitive and behavioral coping responses of victims. Redefining the victimization experience as less severe than it originally seemed or as occurring for some other purpose is one common coping mechanism. Another is to blame oneself as a means of reestablishing control over the situation. Behavioral coping through withdrawal or through assertive action and help seeking is also discussed. Some of the special issues associated with family violence and with children who are victimized, as well as another special type of victim, the friend or relative of someone else who has been killed or seriously injured, are discussed. Needs for future research are outlined. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A formula for the calculation of tissue-maximum ratio (TMR) from percentage depth dose (PDD) and peak scatter factor (PSF) is derived from first principles using a simple geometric model for the case when the field size for PDD and PSF is defined at the surface. The derivation is carried out in two ways: (a) taking field size for PDD and PSF as defined at the depth of maximum dose and then applying a conversion factor, and (b) by a direct derivation. The first of these methods yields a formula which agrees with BJR Supplement 25, but the latter yields a result which differs from it. Numerically, this difference is insignificant, but it has implications for the theoretical basis of the conversion formulae. The difference arises due to the translation of field size from one depth to another when calculating PSF: two different values of source-to-surface distance (SSD) yield two apparently different PSFs for the same size of field at the depth of maximum dose. Disagreements of this type are prevalent throughout the standard conversion formulae given in BJR Supplement 25 when field size for PDD and PSF is defined at the surface rather than at the depth of dose maximum. These disagreements are illustrated here using the conversion of PDD from one SSD to another as an example. The difficulty is overcome by considering PSF to be a function of SSD as well as field size.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) shows substantial nucleotide sequence diversity distributed throughout the viral genome, with many variants showing only 68-79% overall sequence homology. This has led to problems in diagnosis of HCV using commercial immunoassays. Based on clustering of homologous sequences, various genotypes and subtypes of HCV have been described from different geographical regions. In the present study, 11 isolates from India were genotyped using sequence comparison for part of the non-structural (NS5) and structural (core) regions. Parts of the genome covering 451 bp (nt 9-459) of the core gene and a 249 bp fragment (nt 7959-8207) of the NS5 gene were reverse transcribed and amplified using nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The amplified fragments were cloned and sequenced. The classification into genotypes was done on the basis of phylogenetic analysis. Four isolates showed sequence homology to type 1b. Two of the isolates were classified as type 3a. One isolate was classified as type 3b and the remaining four isolates were found to be variants of type 3 but did not belong to any designated subtype. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis two of the unclassified isolates were put into a new subtype of 3 named as 3g. In one of these variants, parts of a 5'-noncoding (5' NCR; 204 bp), envelope-E1 (435 bp), and NS3 (502 bp) regions were also amplified, cloned, and sequenced. This study demonstrates the type 3 variants including a new subtype (3g) to be the major cause of HCV infection in India.  相似文献   

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