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尹翔  王英 《中国冶金》2006,16(10):45-45
由于资源禀赋的制约,中国钢铁行业存在对进口铁矿石的严重依赖,而铁矿石定价权却被国际钢铁行业寡头掌握,铁矿石的供给已成为中国钢铁行业的发展瓶颈。为解决这一问题,改变中国钢铁行业极其被动的国际地位,促进其稳定发展,故分析了中国钢铁行业投资印度铁矿业的必要性,并通过分析印度铁矿和中国钢铁产业各自具备的优势证实了投资的可行性。  相似文献   

受金融危机影响,印度钢铁行业大幅减产,减少了自身对铬铁的需求,同时随着国际市场铬铁滞销,印度铬铁出口欧洲及日本的数量也急剧萎缩。目前有消息称,由于铬铁需求持续疲软、价格萎靡不振,印度4家铬铁生产商包括Visa钢铁、Rohit—FerroTech、Nava Bharat Ventures和京德勒不锈钢公司已经停产,停产产能合计超过30万吨。而据统计,印度铬铁库存已经接近20万吨。  相似文献   

为深入推进钢铁行业绿色低碳发展,中国钢铁行业明确提出力争2025年率先实现碳排放达峰,2060年之前实现“碳中和”的目标。标准化是推动落实这一目标的重要技术支撑,建立健全钢铁行业低碳发展标准体系尤为重要。通过总结国内外低碳发展现状,特别是重点阐述和分析了国内外钢铁行业低碳发展相关政策、目标及降低碳排放水平所采取的具体措施、标准化工作现状及需求,归纳、总结并研究提出了中国建立钢铁行业低碳发展标准体系的初步框架,涵盖了碳排放管理和低碳冶炼两大方向,并提出了健全和实施钢铁行业低碳发展标准体系的相关建议,以期促进中国钢铁行业应对气候变化标准化工作的发展。  相似文献   

在钢铁行业发展过程中,技术创新、优化改革才是发展关键,也是未来钢铁行业的必然发展方向。而从当前钢铁行业的发展情况来看,自身的技术创新水平较低,其发展结构不够完整,这样就导致当前的钢铁行业在发展过程中出现问题,一定程度上影响我国经济发展。因此,就必须要提高钢铁行业的技术创新能力,明确其未来发展方向,推动钢铁行业的稳定发展。本文就先研究钢铁行业的技术创新,然后说明当前创新情况,最后说明钢铁行业的未来发展方向,为钢铁行业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

美国商务部发布通知,对原产于印度的不锈钢棒作出反倾销新出口商复审终裁,印度Ambica钢铁有限公司的反倾销税率为22.63%;此外,近日欧洲委员会将就大陆热镀锌钢材是否对欧洲钢铁行业造成损害展开调查。  相似文献   

贸易商和进口商称,预计8~12月份印度的镍进口量将同比上升15-20%,由于钢铁行业的需求强劲。  相似文献   

钼的消耗约80%在钢铁行业,钼行业的发展与钢铁行业的发展息息相关。本文介绍了钼在钢铁中的特殊作用和不可替代性,特别是钼在中国钢铁行业应用取得的成绩和存在的问题,根据中国钢铁行业的发展趋势提出了中国钼行业自律、加强钼的应用研究与钢铁行业共赢的建议。  相似文献   

非常高兴参加这次由印度矿业联盟(FIMI)和中国钢铁工业协会主办的“中印铁矿石峰会”。感谢大会组织者为中国钢铁业界,印度矿业界和中印铁矿石贸易商提供了这次宝贵的交流机会。相信本届峰会必将对加强各方的合作与交流,为促进中国钢铁行业和印度矿业的健康持续发展发生积极影响。下面,我将根据中国宏观经济和钢铁工业发展的有关情况,就目前中国铁矿石供应博弈中的印矿趋势谈几点看法,与各与会代表进行交流。一、中国铁矿石供应的现状  相似文献   

在国家推进供给侧结构性改革,实现钢铁行业转型升级的重要时期,结合我国钢铁工业发展现状分析了当前面临的困难和机遇,探讨了在经济发展的新形势下我国钢铁产业发展的出路,指出创新驱动钢铁行业转型发展、调整结构、实现钢铁行业绿色制造势在必行。  相似文献   

智能制造既是钢铁行业转型升级的需要,又是钢铁行业高质量发展的保障。本文结合钢铁行业智能制造现状,提出钢铁行业智能制造发展过程中存在的问题,并指出建立完善的钢铁行业智能制造标准体系,加强智能制造基础建设推进工业互联网发展应用,建设融入钢铁全流程的智能制造平台,建设钢铁行业智能制造公共服务平台、推进产业协同应用是助力钢铁行业智能化、数字化、绿色化水平提升,推动钢铁行业实现智能转型与升级的重要途径。  相似文献   

Indian steel industry has grown at a fast pace in last one decade and expected to grow faster in near future. Growth of steel industry necessitates expansion of existing steel plants and construction of new ones. Capacity enhancement of Indian steel sector will be accompanied by challenges and opportunities particularly issues related with raw material, energy, environment and product development. R&D is one of the major enabler to deal with emerging challenges and opportunities. Due to the capacity enhancement in the past, SAIL has been subjected to a variety of challenges which are expected to aggravate in near future and. R&D interventions have always been strong facilitators in SAIL to meet the challenges and to exploit the opportunities. Also, R&D resources in SAIL have been equipped to meet the challenges of future. This paper highlights some of the high-quality R&D work which has been done recently in SAIL in the areas of raw material, coke making, iron making, steel making, rolling environment, energy and product development. The paper also enumerates some of the R&D work SAIL is planning to take up in near future to deal with various challenges and opportunities arising out of ongoing and upcoming expansion of SAIL steel plants.  相似文献   

分析了印度铁矿石的资源储量、生产能力、国内需求、出口现状;探讨了印度钢铁工业的国家政策、未来发展趋势及铁矿石新增产能的可能性;研究了今后印度铁矿石的出口潜力,并综合分析了今后影响印度铁矿石出口的主要因素。  相似文献   

欧洲铜铁工业历史悠久,在世界钢铁发展过程中影响重大。回顾了欧洲钢铁工业的发展过程,介绍了近期欧洲钢铁行业的兼并重组概况,并展望未来欧洲钢铁工业的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Understanding and managing the risks inherent to the introduction of a new technology in the highly capital-intensive, large volume, and low-margin steel industry, is a key to effectively implementing a lasting change. New technology risk can be mitigated by recognizing the hierarchy of critical decisions that must be made, whether for a green-field project or a brown-field project that is focused on restructuring and modernizing existing facilities. This leads to a logical sequence of project planning activities starting with an evaluation of technology, its maturity/performance, and scale-up factors, selection of appropriate technologies and plant concepts, development of capital and operating costs, risk evaluation/management strategy, recruiting the best resources and management team, effective pilot and demonstration plant operations that leads to a successful commercial facility. Over the years, Hatch has developed a robust methodology for process technology selection for the iron and steel industry. In particular, this methodology has been successfully applied in the selection of alternate ironmaking technologies, many of which are in different stages of development/implementation. The methodology is based on a two-stage approach in which the first stage includes a preliminary evaluation of all available ironmaking technologies followed by short-listing of the best (maximum 3–4) candidate technologies based on results of mass and energy balance modelling, and a simple financial analysis consisting of payback period, factored capital cost and operating cost estimates as well as risk analysis. The second stage involves a more detailed analysis using refined input data, mass and energy balance, capital and operating cost estimate, as well as a detailed financial analysis of the best technologies selected. The detailed financial evaluation is based on estimation of IRR/NPV and discounted cash flow analyses. This methodology will be quite useful to the Indian iron and steel industry for their future expansion plans considering available input raw materials, fuels and reductants as well as accounting for the quality of the materials. To illustrate the critical elements of this methodology and the analysis required for the successful selection of ironmaking process technology, a case study covering the evaluation and selection of the best (most-suitable) ironmaking technologies for an Iron and Steel Company that is located in the European part of Russian Federation, is presented in this paper. In this study, the selection process considered the steel company’s access to specific input raw materials, reductants as well as fuels. The input materials considered in this analysis present a number of interesting points that are relevant for the Indian steel industry.  相似文献   

钢铁材料在经济社会发展中具有重要的作用和地位,钢铁产业是国民经济重要的基础产业。回顾了中国钢铁产业的发展历程与各时期产业发展特征,论述了关键共性技术和技术进步对钢铁产业发展的推动作用和重要意义。研究指出,面向未来中国钢铁产业必须坚持减量化、绿色化、智能化的可持续发展道路,遵循产业发展的客观规律,严格控制产能规模的盲目扩张和产量增长。钢铁产业的可持续发展要实现钢铁制造的功能拓展,加强产业科学布局和企业重组整合,促进流程结构优化调整,构建钢铁厂物理信息系统,实现高质量转型发展。提出并探讨了到本世纪中叶,钢铁产业的发展方向与路径。  相似文献   

中国钢铁工业绿色发展工程科技战略及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 针对中国钢铁工业绿色发展问题进行研究,在分析绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展的概念及其相互关系的基础上,提出了钢铁工业绿色发展的科学内涵。基于对当前中国钢铁工业绿色发展的现状和面临挑战的分析,研究预测了未来中国钢铁工业的能源消费总量和污染物排放总量的峰值;提出了2020年钢铁工业绿色发展的目标和钢铁工业发挥三大功能、与其他行业及社会构建生态链接的设想;筛选和凝练出“十三五”钢铁工业绿色发展的三大引领性重大工程、三类关键技术35个和5个示范带动项目;最后提出了中国钢铁工业绿色发展的措施及政策建议。  相似文献   

施灿涛  吴秀婷  朱涛 《钢铁》2021,56(9):50-55
 为了研究数据在钢铁行业的生态化利用问题,介绍了中国钢铁行业发展面临的新形势,以及新发展阶段对钢铁企业的新型能力要求,阐述了钢铁行业存在的问题及发展趋势,分析了钢铁行业数据资源特点及数字赋能基础,数据要素与土地、劳动力、资本、技术等传统生产要素不断交叉融合,从提升企业核心竞争力、优化行业资源配置、支撑政府行业治理3个层面,总结了钢铁行业数据发力的重点领域,提出以基于区块链的“数字基建”构建行业新型信用体系,支撑钢铁内涵式发展。  相似文献   


The development of China’s steel industry has been phenomenal, and in 2018, China’s crude steel production reached 928.3 million tonnes and accounted for 51.3% share of global crude steel production. In the past 70 years, along with the country's growth and development, China steel industry has experienced a period of unstable development, rapid growth, reduction and optimization. The purposes of this article are to provide some historical background of the steel industry development in China. In this article, we will summarize the unstable development of China’s steel industry from 1949 to 1978. We will, then, describe stable development over the reform and opening-up period from 1978 to 1999 and rapid development in the boom period from 2000 to 2014. Finally, we will discuss how the steel industry copes with the new challenges in China’s move towards supply-side reform since 2015 and the future directions of the development of China’s steel industry.  相似文献   

随着钢铁工业的高速发展,铜铁工业的能耗、废弃物排放、环境保护、再生资源综合利用等问题日趋严重。制约了钢铁工业的发展,对人类赖以生存的资源和环境造成极大的挑战,只有发展循环经济、转变经济发展模式,才是钢铁工业实现可持续发展的唯一道路。  相似文献   

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