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 Analysis on the deposition behavior of spray on deposition surface was made and an optimization method for the movement parameters (u, ω) of substrate was obtained. Simultaneously, a mathematical model of growth of tubular preform, specifically aimed at the kind of atomizer that is fixed and with a tilt angle was established. By integrating the optimization method and the mathematical model, the growth process and shape of preform were simulated. The results show that the tilt angle of atomizer plays an important role on the dimensions and shapes of tubular preforms and it can provide a guidance for the development of spray forming equipment.  相似文献   

 Free opening rate is mainly determined by the performance of the ladle filler sand. High free opening rates of ladles are required in steel making to improve steel quality. Chromite ladle filler sands are one of the most widely used ladle filler sand. Several operative variables and materials characteristics affect the performance of the sands. Three sets of chromite ladle filler sands were selected and researches were focused on the sintering behaviour and performance of the sands under operative conditions. The effect of particle size distribution on sintering, microstructure, flowability, and permeability were presented. In all cases, the particle size varies from 01 to 15 mm corresponding to free flowing powders. One of the samples has higher permeability factor in comparison with others due to low particle size distribution. The other sample presents very good free opening due to its very good flowability and permeability factor.  相似文献   

 Grain refinement is one of the successful and low-cost methods to develop metals having excellent combination of strength and ductility. Low carbon steel was deformed by using multidirectional forging (MDF) technique at room temperature. The influence of strain amount and annealing process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of investigated steel was studied. The grain refinement mechanism was studied by the microstructure observation. The results showed that the grain refinement was attained by multidirectional forging technique. The initial coarser grains of average 38 μm size fragmented into very fine ferrite with grain sizes of about 1.2 μm. After MDF, the strength properties improved significantly, although uniform elongation and elongation decreased with increasing strain.  相似文献   

 Based on dislocation reaction theory and Avrami equation, a constitutive equation model was developed to describe dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization during hot deformation of T122 heat resistant steel, which have taken the effect of dynamic strain aging into account. Uniaxial hot compression test had been carried out over a wide range of strain rate (001 to 10 s-1) and temperature (900 to 1200 ℃) with the help of Gleeble 3500. Obtained experimental data was applied to determine the material parameters in proposed constitutive equations of T122 steel, by using the non-linear least square regress optimization method. The calculated constitutive equations are quantitatively in good agreement with experimentally measured curves and microstructure observation. It shows that propose constitutive equation T122 steel is able to be used to predict flow stress of T122 steel during hot deformation in austenite temperature scope.  相似文献   

Thermal crown of roll is an important factor, which affects strip profile. It is necessary to analyze the temperature field and thermal crown of roll for hot strip mill. A new simplified finite element method (FEM) was used to analyze the temperature field and thermal crown of roll, and corresponding models were built according to the practical boundary conditions. Transient roll temperature field and thermal crown were simulated by ANSYS FEM software with considering transient thermal contact and complex boundary condition. Temperature and thermal crown variations on roll surface nodes were obtained. The thermal crown results of roll obtained by FEM simulation were in good agreement with the measured data, indicating that simplified FEM models and results were correct.  相似文献   

 The secondary dendritic arm spacing (SDAS) of free cutting steel 38MnVS during continuous casting process was simulated based on a Mixed Lagrangian and Eulerian Method (MiLE Method) and SDAS model. The simulation results are basically in agreement with measured ones. The effect of composition, superheat and casting speed on SDAS are studied, and the relationship between SDAS and interdendritic segregation is discussed. The results show that SDAS increases with increasing carbon and silicon content, and decreases with increasing manganese and sulfur content. The increase of superheat and casting speed also makes SDAS increase. The permeability of columnar mushy zone which is parallel to the primary dendritic arms is calculated based on Carman Kozeny relationship, and the increase of SDAS makes the permeability increase, which exacerbates interdendritic segregation of columnar crystal zone.  相似文献   

 The influence of 001% to 025% of Aluminum content (in mass percent) on the mechanical properties and cold workability of low thermal expansion Fe-33Ni-15Co sheets in the annealed and hot rolled condition was investigated. Addition of Al up to 015% resulted in the increase of ductility and toughness and improvement of workability. Besides, achievement of fine grain structure and increase in the amount of annealing twins caused ductility to improve. Addition of Al higher than 015% led to the increase in oxidation reaction during melting process and to refine under argon atmosphere. This caused the volume fraction of Al containing inclusions to increase and consequently the ductility and toughness to decrease.  相似文献   

Microalloyed elements such as Nb, Ti and Vinhigh strength low alloyed steels play an extremelyi mportant roleini mprovement of mechanical proper-ties ,due to the formation of fine precipitates duringhot working process . Quantitatively thermodynamiccalculations of precipitates are the basis of precipita-tion model . On the basis of regular solution sublat-tice model , a thermodynamic model was developedto predict the austenite/carbide equilibrium in Fe-Nb-Csystem.1 Thermodynamic Model1·1 D…  相似文献   

Global warming caused by greenhouse gases(GHGs) has been recognized as a worldwide problem.Of all the GHGs ,CO2is the most significant ,account-ing for half the greenhouse effect .In 1992 , over 150countries signedthe United Nations Framework Conven-tion on Cli mate Change (UNFCCC) onthe Cli mate Con-ferencein Rio.Six years later ,the 3rd meeting washeldin Kyoto ,and 175 countries agreed to take fur-ther actions to reduce GHGs emissions .In February2005 ,the Kyoto Protocol ,in whic…  相似文献   

 A finite element model is made for coupled thermo-mechanical analysis during hot continuous rolling process for finished product- Inconel 718 alloy round rod with diameter of 45mm. The stability of that process is discussed by integration of FEM and processing map reported in open literature. The result shows that the stability of Inconel 718 will be analyzed effectively during that process and good stability appears as the initial temperature is 960℃ and the initial velocity is from 0.15 to 0.45m•s-1 or the initial temperature is 980℃ and the initial velocity is from 0.15 to 0.25m•s-1.  相似文献   

The influence of Nb on microstructure, mechanical property and the transformation kinetics of the coarse grain heat affected zone (CGHAZ) in HSLA steels for different heat inputs, has been investigated. When welded at higher heat inputs (100-60 kJ/cm), impact toughness values of the steel without Nb are much higher than those of the steel with Nb, and the lowest span is 153 J at 60 kJ/cm. But only a little higher values are observed at lower heat inputs (40-30 kJ/cm), and the highest span is 68 J at 30 kJ/cm. Dilatation studies indicate that continuous cooling transformation starting temperatures (Ts) of CGHAZ for the steel with Nb are approximately 15-30 ℃ which are lower than those of the steel without Nb at all heat inputs. For higher heat inputs, Nb in solid solution suppresses ferrite transformation and promotes the formation of granular bainite which has detrimental effect on impact tough-ness. For lower heat inputs higher Charpy impact energy values in the steel with Nb are associated with the formation of low carbon self-tempered martensite.  相似文献   

利用COMSOL对TC4表面激光熔覆制备CoCrNiMox及CoCrNi(WC)x高熵合金涂层的熔化与凝固过程的温度场进行模拟,建立了三维多物理场并存的瞬态模型,同时考虑了传热、流体传热、对流以及表面熔覆层生长过程,分析对比了扫描速度、激光功率等参数对添加不同含量Mo及WC的CoCrNi基合金温度场的影响。通过模拟结果可以得知,激光熔覆过程中熔池的主要驱动力为马兰戈尼力,提高Mo含量时会使涂层温度场的最大值降低,但同时速度场和压力场的最大值会上升。此外,使用CoCrNiMo2作为涂层粉末相比于熔覆CoCrNi(WC)2,会在温度场、速度场和压力场均观察到较低的数值;激光功率逐渐升高,激光熔覆产生的熔池的中心温度也随之升高,且熔池的宽度、深度也将有所升高;扫描速度逐渐升高时,熔池中心最高温度显著降低,熔覆层起始位置明显推迟,熔覆层厚度明显减少,熔池的几何尺寸变小且熔池底部形貌对称性变差。  相似文献   

There are two kinds of mechanisms of the improvement of Heat Affected Zone(HAZ) toughness with fine inclusion particles. One is to prevent the austenite grain growth during welding process with the aid of the pinning effect of fine particles. The other is to promote the Intragranular Ferrite growth during phase transformation process with fine particles. The oxide metallurgy technology with strong deoxidizers is developed in Baosteel. With the pinning effect of fine particles, after welding with high‐heat input of 400 kJ/cm, the average austenite grain size decreased to 61 µm in HAZ, the average energy absorbed value increased to 142 J for V notch Charpy test at 1653 K.  相似文献   

 Effects of Mg on the chemical component and size distribution of Ti bearing inclusions favored grain refinement of the welding induced coarse grained heat affected zone (CGHAZ), with enhanced impact toughness in Ti killed steels, which were examined based on experimental observations and thermodynamic calculations. The results indicated that the chemical constituents of the inclusions gradually varied from the Ti O+Ti Mg O compound oxide to the Ti Mg O+MgO compound oxide and the single phase MgO, as the Mg content increased from 0002 3% to 0006%. A trace addition of Mg (approximately 0002%) led to the refinement of Ti bearing inclusions by creating the Ti Mg O compound oxide and provided favorable size distribution of the inclusions for acicular ferrite transformation with a high nucleation rate in the CGHAZ, and a high volume fraction of acicular ferrite was obtained in the CGHAZ with enhanced impact toughness. Otherwise, a high content of Mg (approximately 0006%) produced a single phase MgO, which was impotent to nucleate an acicular ferrite, and a microstructure comprised of a ferrite side plate and a grain boundary ferrite developed in the CGHAZ. The experimental results were confirmed by thermodynamic calculations.  相似文献   

Effects of Mg on the chemical component and size distribution of Ti-bearing inclusions favored grain refinement of the welding induced coarse-grained heat affected zone (CGHAZ),with enhanced impact toughness in Ti-killed steels,which were examined based on experimental observations and thermodynamic calculations.The results indicated that the chemical constituents of the inclusions gradually varied from the Ti-O+Ti-Mg-O compound oxide to the Ti-Mg-O+ MgO compound oxide and the single-phase MgO,as the Mg content increased from 0.002 3% to 0.006%.A trace addition of Mg (approximately 0.002 %) led to the refinement of Ti-bearing inclusions by creating the Ti-Mg-O compound oxide and provided favorable size distribution of the inclusions for acicular ferrite transformation with a high nucleation rate in the CGHAZ,and a high volume fraction of acicular ferrite was obtained in the CGHAZ with enhanced impact toughness.Otherwise,a high content of Mg (approximately 0.006%) produced a single-phase MgO,which was impotent to nucleate an acicular ferrite,and a microstructure comprised of a ferrite side plate and a grain boundary ferrite developed in the CGHAZ.The experimental results were confirmed by thermodynamic calculations.  相似文献   

Excellent Heat Affected Zone Toughness Technology Improved by use of Strong Deoxidizers (ETISD Technology) has been developed by Baosteel. When deoxidation of molten steel is conducted at the precisely controlled oxygen concentrations, the formation of the micro-meter inclusions and the nano-meter precipitates in the steel plate can be effectively controlled. During the welding process with high-heat input, the formation of acicular ferrite can be selectively promoted with the aid of micro-meter inclusions; the growth of γ grain can also be selectively restrained by the pinning effect of nano-meter precipitates. After welding with high-heat input of 400 kJ/cm, excellent heat affected zone toughness can be obtained for the steel plates with both of the above microstructures, and the average absorbed energy is greater than 200 J for V notch Charpy impact test at -20℃ .  相似文献   

杨宁  杨帆 《铜业工程》2010,(3):56-58,95
激光熔覆技术在目前材料表面改性技术中应用较广泛。本文概述了激光熔覆技术及工艺方法,介绍了激光熔覆材料分类及特点,并展望了激光熔覆技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

 低应力破坏是焊接结构常见的断裂形式之一,为确定其影响因素,采用插销法焊接试验和扫描电镜断口观察,研究了低合金钢焊接热影响区的静载断裂特性。试验结果表明,为防止焊接热影响区产生低应力断裂,采用预热措施是十分有效的;预热80℃以上时,断裂强度与母材强度相接近。断口观察表明,不预热时绝大部分为结晶状断口,微观上呈现氢致沿晶断裂和氢致准解理断裂;预热时绝大部分是纤维状断口,微观上呈韧窝状。  相似文献   

08MnNiVR储油罐钢模拟焊接热影响区组织与韧性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘孟  傅博  程钢 《鞍钢技术》2008,(5):38-40
利用焊接热模拟、示波冲击韧性和光学金相试验,研究了不同焊接热循环对鞍钢08MnNiVR储油罐钢板热影响区组织与性能的影响。试验结果表明,08MnNiVR钢板粗晶区在低热输入时具有很高的韧性且组织以粒状贝氏体为主,随着热输入的增加,组织向块状铁素体和珠光体转变,粗晶区的裂纹扩展功降低,韧性恶化。  相似文献   

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