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用P-MA解决多目标炉次计划编制问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对炼钢-连铸-热轧一体化生产中的炉次计划编制问题建立了基于多目标优化的数学模型,并设计了P-MA(Pareto-basedMemeticAlgorithm)。基于多目标优化的数学模型能更好地反映炉次计划的工艺约束,可以得到多个Pareto非支配解,为一体化生产的动态协调和调整提供了更多的炉次方案,使整个生产过程具有更大的灵活性。P-MA采用SPEA2的框架并结合了基于Pareto支配性的自适应网格存档(AGA)策略来评价邻域解的质量,以确定是否接受这个新解。通过对实际生产数据的仿真实验验证了P-MA在求解多目标炉次计划编制问题上是有效的。  相似文献   

针对多螺旋桨浮空器执行机构易发生故障的容错控制问题,同时考虑系统所受到的未知外部扰动和螺旋桨输入幅值的饱和约束,提出一种自适应滑模容错控制方法。建立浮空器的四自由度运动模型,系统分析矢量螺旋桨的故障类型,分为输出力的大小故障和矢量转角故障,得到浮空器执行机构的故障模型。基于自适应和滑模控制理论,由跟踪目标与系统当前状态偏差设计积分滑模面。针对未知外部扰动和执行机构偏移故障,设计相应的自适应律进行处理;针对螺旋桨输入饱和约束,应用Sigmoid函数设计跟踪轨迹进行处理。由此设计一种自适应滑模容错控制策略,利用Lyapunov稳定性理论证明了闭环系统的全局渐近稳定性能。以上海交通大学的多螺旋桨浮空器为模型,仿真验证了故障容错控制方法的有效性和鲁棒性。   相似文献   

铸坯连铸的二次冷却技术(简称二冷)是连铸的关键技术之一,对铸坯的表面和内部品质有重要的影响。二冷效果的优劣跟二冷段的零段喷嘴的规格、喷嘴布置方式、喷淋管的布置方式有很大的关系。  相似文献   

张玉振  李擎  张维存 《工程科学学报》2018,40(11):1389-1401
研究了含有大范围参数不确定性离散时间被控对象的加权多模型自适应控制问题(包括模型集构建和加权算法分析).通过构建含有自校正模型和多个固定模型的模型集覆盖并逼近被控对象,在模型输出误差可分的前提下,采用基于模型输出误差性能指标的加权算法,并依据固定模型中是否包含真实被控对象模型的不同情形分析加权算法的收敛性.在权值收敛的前提下,利用虚拟等价系统理论,分析了参数未知线性时不变和参数跳变的情形,在不依赖于特定局部控制算法的基础上,证明了此种模型集构建下的加权多模型自适应控制系统的稳定性和收敛性,放宽了先期加权多模型自适应控制系统稳定性分析中关于模型集构建的约束条件.最终,通过计算机MATLAB仿真,验证了此类加权多模型自适应控制系统的收敛性和闭环稳定性.   相似文献   

基于电弧炉电极非线性和时变性的特点,在原有电弧炉电极自适应控制的基础上,提出了电弧炉电极的嵌入型无模型自适应控制(Model-free adaptive control,MFAC).模块化的设计可以不影响原有的自适应控制系统,嵌入型无模型非参数自适应控制方法比单一的有模型或无模型自适应控制方法的跟踪性能更好.仿真结果进一步验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

矿用车辆无人驾驶是实现矿山无人化开采的关键技术, 而路径跟踪控制是无人驾驶系统的核心技术之一.路径跟踪控制系统是多变量、多约束系统, 采用传统方法在多约束条件下存在执行器饱和等问题.针对上述问题, 本文引入模型预测控制方法, 通过考虑车辆的姿态与位置之间的关系, 以跟踪路径的横向偏差最小化和车辆的航向角偏差最小化为目标对预测控制的目标函数进行优化, 以获得车辆速度和铰接角度的最优控制量, 实现对多变量、多约束系统的求解.针对模型预测控制算法不能提前判断道路曲率突变而导致跟踪超调的问题, 提出基于预瞄距离的控制方法, 通过提前判断道路突变信息, 提高车辆路径跟踪精确性和稳定性.使用Matlab/Adams仿真软件进行对比仿真试验, 结果表明: 使用模型预测跟踪控制器能够解决多变量、多约束系统控制问题, 有效防止执行器饱和; 而使用基于预瞄距离的模型预测跟踪控制器能够使车辆的横向位置偏差保持在±0.04 m, 航向角偏差保持在±1.8°范围内, 相较于改进前的控制器, 其横向位置偏差减少了80.9%, 航向角偏差减少了59.1%, 证明改进后的控制器具有更好的横向稳定性和精确性.   相似文献   

研究了全状态约束与输入饱和情况下的全向移动机器人轨迹跟踪控制问题.首先,针对一类三轮驱动的全向移动机器人,考虑系统存在模型参数不确定与外部扰动,建立了运动学与动力学模型;其次,利用障碍Lyapunov函数,结合反步设计方法,有效处理全向移动机器人跟踪过程中存在的状态约束,保证所有状态变量不会超出状态约束的限制区域;然后,针对系统参数不确定和未知有界扰动,设计相应的自适应律进行处理;同时,提出一种抗饱和补偿器保证机器人输入力矩满足饱和约束;并且利用Lyapunov理论分析证明了当选取合适的控制参数时闭环系统中的所有信号均能保证一致有界;最后,通过与未考虑状态约束和输入饱和的控制器以及经典比例-微分控制器进行仿真对比,验证了该方法的有效性和鲁棒性.   相似文献   

针对自行车机器人侧向自平衡问题,以一类装有角动量轮的自行车机器人为研究对象,提出一种新的平衡控制方法。该方法根据自行车机器人静止时刻的侧向平衡条件,构造机器人平衡控制的运动学约束,并将平衡约束视为控制目标。基于Udwadia?Kalaba(U?K)理论,建立满足机器人侧向平衡的扭矩解析模型,设计基于模型的平衡约束跟随控制器。研究结果表明,所提控制方法能够实现自行车机器人的侧向平衡,克服机器人侧向横滚角θ初始偏差的干扰,通过对平衡扭矩模型的计算,对自行车机器人进行主动平衡控制。相较于传统PD反馈控制方法,该种基于模型设计的控制方法,具有系统响应速度快、超调量小和控制扭矩易于优化等特点。借助MATLAB软件,对所提控制方法进行了仿真验证,实现了初始横滚角速度分别为0、1、2、5°·s?1条件下的自行车机器人侧向自平衡控制,仿真结果验证了控制系统的稳定性和有效性,为无人驾驶自行车机器人的平衡控制领域提供了一个新的思路。   相似文献   

炼钢-连铸生产的浇次组合与排序是带有工艺约束的并行机流水车间调度问题。作者研究了钢铁生产作业计划的求解策略,在满足机器约束的条件下,以浇铸生产成本为目标,建立了浇次排序问题的数学模型,并用自适应遗传算法加以求解。计算结果表明,混合钢铁流程炼钢-连铸浇次组合与排序计划算法是有效的,该算法已运用于生产实际,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

天然气管道多采用螺旋焊钢材料,螺旋焊钢制天然气管道安全运行网络模型构建涉及管道的组网结构和分布式设计问题。提出一种基于自组织传感器组网的天然气管道安全运行网络模型,首先进行网络模型设计,然后进行天然气管道网络的自适应均衡设计,提高了管道网络的天然气均衡传输能力。仿真结果表明,该网络结构可靠性好,天然气在途损耗降低,提高了管道网络的安全性和稳定性。  相似文献   

Overweight vehicles require permits to cross the highway bridges, which are designed for “design load vehicles” (prescribed in the national standards). A new, fast, and robust method is presented for the verification of bridges, which requires minimal input only: the axle loads, axle spacing, the bridge span(s), and the superstructure type. The bridge can be a single or a multispan girder, an arch bridge, a frame structure, or a box girder. The overweight vehicle may operate within regular traffic or it may cross the bridge at a given lane position while other traffic is prohibited on the bridge. The method is illustrated by numerical examples for deck-girder bridges and for a box girder.  相似文献   

铰接式车辆的路径跟踪控制是矿山自动化领域中的关键技术,而数学模型和路径跟踪控制方法是铰接式车辆路径跟踪控制中的两项重要研究内容。在数学模型研究中,铰接式车辆的无侧滑经典运动学模型较为适合作为低速路径跟踪控制的参考模型,而有侧滑运动学模型作为参考模型时则可能导致侧滑加剧。此外基于牛顿–欧拉法建立的铰接式车辆四自由度动力学模型原则上满足路径跟踪控制的需求,但是还需要解决当前的四自由度模型无法同时反映瞬态转向特性和稳态转向特性的问题。在路径跟踪控制方法研究中,反馈线性化控制、最优控制、滑模控制等无前馈信息的控制方法无法有效解决铰接式车辆跟踪存在较大幅度曲率突变的参考路径时误差较大的问题,前馈–反馈控制可以用于解决上述问题,但是在参考路径具有不同幅度的曲率突变时需要解决自动调整预瞄距离的问题,而模型预测控制,尤其是非线性模型预测控制,可以更加有效地利用前馈信息,且不需要考虑预瞄距离的设置,从而可以有效提高铰接式车辆跟踪存在较大幅度曲率突变的参考路径时的精确性。此外,对于基于非线性模型预测控制的铰接式车辆路径跟踪控制,还需深化三个方面的研究。首先,该控制方法仍然存在误差最大值随参考速度增大而增加的趋势。其次,目前该控制方法以运动学模型作为预测模型,无法解决铰接式车辆以较高的参考速度运行时侧向速度导致的精确性下降和安全性恶化的问题。最后,还需对这种控制方法进行实时性方面的优化研究。   相似文献   

A stochastic model of traffic excitation on bridges is developed assuming that the arrival of vehicles traversing a bridge (modeled as an elastic beam) follows a Poisson process, and that the contact force of a vehicle on the bridge deck can be converted to equivalent dynamic loads at the nodes of the beam elements. The parameters in this model, such as the Poisson arrival rate and the stochastic distribution of vehicle speeds, are obtained by image processing of traffic video data. The model reveals that traffic excitations on bridges are spatially correlated. This important characteristic is usually incorrectly ignored in most output-only methods for the identification of bridge structural properties using traffic-induced vibration measurement data. In this study, the stochastic traffic excitation model with partial traffic information is incorporated in a Bayesian framework, to evaluate the structural properties and update their uncertainty for condition assessment of the bridge superstructure. The vehicle weights are also estimated simultaneously in this procedure. The proposed structural assessment methodology is validated on an instrumented highway bridge.  相似文献   

Slender long-span bridges exhibit unique features which are not present in short and medium-span bridges such as higher traffic volume, simultaneous presence of multiple vehicles, and sensitivity to wind load. For typical buffeting studies of long-span bridges under wind turbulence, no traffic load was typically considered simultaneously with wind. Recent bridge/vehicle/wind interaction studies highlighted the importance of predicting the bridge dynamic behavior by considering the bridge, the actual traffic load, and wind as a whole coupled system. Existent studies of bridge/vehicle/wind interaction analysis, however, considered only one or several vehicles distributed in an assumed (usually uniform) pattern on the bridge. For long-span bridges which have a high probability of the presence of multiple vehicles including several heavy trucks at a time, such an assumption differs significantly from reality. A new “semideterministic” bridge dynamic analytical model is proposed which considers dynamic interactions between the bridge, wind, and stochastic “real” traffic by integrating the equivalent dynamic wheel load (EDWL) approach and the cellular automaton (CA) traffic flow simulation. As a result of adopting the new analytical model, the long-span bridge dynamic behavior can be statistically predicted with a more realistic and adaptive consideration of combined loads of traffic and wind. A prototype slender cable-stayed bridge is numerically studied with the proposed model. In addition to slender long-span bridges which are sensitive to wind, the proposed model also offers a general approach for other conventional long-span bridges as well as roadway pavements to achieve a more realistic understanding of the structural performance under probabilistic traffic and dynamic interactions.  相似文献   

原料供货车辆进厂后需要押车,以确保道路交通安全,同时打击司机抛撒非铜物料等作假行为,避免工厂蒙受损失。由于人工押车工作效率低,采用基于5G的无线视频监控技术对车辆行驶状况进行智能监控已成大势所趋,当出现车辆违章和抛撒非铜物料等违规行为时,监控中心能自动判断并发送预警,便于检验人员及时处置。  相似文献   

Conducted 3 experiments, each using 10 field-dependent and 10 field-independent male Ss, to investigate the relationship between field dependence and performance in selected driving situations. Exp I compared the field dependent and field independent groups in terms of control in a skidding situation. Overall performance levels were not statistically different, although the field-independent Ss showed a performance improvement after the 1st trial and the field-dependent Ss did not. Exp II and III compared performance in a platoon car-following situation. Results indicate that field-dependent Ss may not use information from vehicles ahead of the lead vehicle as well as do field-independent Ss. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

殷贵生 《铜业工程》2013,(4):55-57,85
通过对永平铜矿的井下斜坡道车辆定位、信号灯自动控制及调度监控系统工程应用,为保障井下车辆运输安全、提高运输效率发挥了重要作用.交通信号系统直接关系交通安全,系统本身必须以安全稳定为绝对前提,以服务生产提高效率为主要任务,在此基础上兼顾功能扩展和其他信息化项目的无缝接入.因此交通信号系统所选技术必须以成熟可靠为前提并兼顾先进性扩展性.系统实现了对井下车辆的实时跟踪监测、定位、红绿灯自动控制,有效地避免了汽车相互堵塞及安全事故的发生,从而提高了矿井的车辆运输效率.  相似文献   

Although geographic information systems (GISs) have been applied in different areas of transportation, full use of their potential in speed profile analysis and highway design consistency studies has yet to be made. The possibilities that GISs offer for analysis and the increasing number of highway inventories supported by such systems, including traffic data and crash rates, suggest that the implementation of a highway design consistency analysis module within a GIS will facilitate and improve road safety studies. It is with this aim that a GIS-based computer system that builds vehicle speed profiles and analyzes highway design consistency has been developed, in which an operating speed prediction model, acceleration/deceleration rates, and other features can be configured by the engineering user in order to obtain an analysis that is more representative of drivers and local conditions. Application of this system to the study of the design consistency of highways is described, using three examples.  相似文献   

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