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太原钢铁(集团)公司是我国目前最大的以生产优质板材为主的特钢品种基地,也是我国特大型钢铁联合企业之一。拥有固定资产23.19亿元(1993末净值),职工69000余人。1993年生产钢212万砘,生铁177万吨,钢材156万吨。1992年在全国500家大型企业中,太钢销售额排名第22位,1994年太钢获全国“质量效益型”企业,“七五”期间分别荣获冶金部和国家“技术进步”先进企业。 太钢始建于1934年,解放以来,太钢的规模和生产经营均发生了巨大的变化,在1949—  相似文献   

太原钢铁(集团)有限公司(简称太钢)是中国特大型钢铁联合企业和全球产能最大、工艺技术装备最先进的不锈钢生产企业。2006年,实现营业收入534亿元,实现利税67亿元。公司获"全国质量奖","太钢牌"不锈钢材获"中国不锈钢最具影响力第一品牌"和"中  相似文献   

太原钢铁(集团)有限公司(简称太钢)是我国特大型钢铁联合企业和全球产能最大、工艺技术装备最先进的不锈钢企业,现已形成年产1000万吨钢,其中300万吨不锈钢的能力。在2007年中国企业500强中列第68位、中国制造业500强中列第25位。2006年产钢626万吨,其中不锈钢111万吨,实现营业收入534亿元,实现利税67亿元。2007年上半年,不锈钢产量达到95.59万吨,  相似文献   

太原钢铁(集团)有限公司(简称太钢)始建于1934年,是集铁矿山采掘和钢铁生产、加工、配送、贸易为一体的中国特大型钢铁联合企业,也是目前全球规模最大、工艺技术装备水平最高、品种规格最全的不锈钢企业,截止2011年太钢年营业收入已经连续五年超过1000亿元人民币。  相似文献   

太原钢铁(集团)有限公司(简称太钢,英文简称TISCO)始建于1934年,是集铁矿山采掘和钢铁生产、加工、配送、贸易为一体的特大型钢铁联合企业,也是目前全球最大、工艺技术装备水平最高、品种规格最全的不锈钢企业,具备年产1000万吨钢(其中300万吨不锈钢)的能力,营业收入连续四年超过1000亿元人民币。太钢致力于不锈钢、特殊钢和高等级碳素钢的研究开发和生产加工,拥有雄厚的研发实力和可靠的质最保障能力。太钢技术中心在全国729家国家认定企业技术中心中排名第二。目前已形成了以不锈钢、冷轧硅钢、高强韧系列钢材为主的  相似文献   

太钢是我国特大型钢铁联合企业,口前已经形成了年产1000万吨钢的能力,其中不锈钢产能300万吨,成为全球产能最大、工艺技术装备最先进的不锈钢企业。近年来,太钢坚持以科学发展观为指导,实施绿色发展战略,实现了又好又快的跨越发展。2007年与2002年相比,钢产量由428.9万吨增加到929.3万吨,  相似文献   

2006年1月9日,太钢400系不锈钢产品推广会在天津举行,这是太钢继佛山、无锡两大不锈钢市场之后举办的第三次400系不锈钢推荐会。前两次推荐会都得到了不锈钢业界的积极支持和参加,本次推荐会由天津市春城不锈钢有限公司和开发区亚达钢铁有限公司共同协助,来自河北、天津、山东的部分厨房用具制品生产厂参加了会议。  相似文献   

太原钢铁(集团)有限公司(以下简称太钢)是我国特大型钢铁联合企业和全球最大、工艺技术装备水平最高、品种规格最全的不锈钢企业,目前已形成年产1000万吨钢(其中400万吨不锈钢)的能力,三年来,先后荣获"中国首届政府质量奖提名奖"、"中国工业大奖"、"全国五一劳动奖状"、"第一批国家级知识产权优势企业"、"全国循环经济工作先进单位"、"全国厂务公开民主管理示范单位"、"2012年度中国企业文化建设优秀单位"、"山西十大优秀环保企业"、"2012年国  相似文献   

太原钢铁公司与北京钢铁设计研究总院联合开发的太钢3号高炉(1200m~3)炉身下部冷却壁软水闭路循环冷却系统投产近两年,运转正常。1989年4月28~30日冶金部科技司在太钢主持召开了对该系统的技术鉴定会。出席会议的有冶金部、山西肯冶金厅、各有关钢铁公司(厂)、科研设计研究院所、高等院校等24个单位近50名代表。软水闭路循环系统是冷却水在管路系统中完全密闭循环。本系统的冷却水采用锅炉软水,其工艺流程为:冷却水用循环泵增压(达0.39~0.58MPa),经给水主管输至炉前,分为两路支管及环管进入冷却壁,由冷却壁排出的水汇入两个环管,再经支管汇成一条回水主管,流过空冷换热器,经冷却降温后流回循环水泵增压后继续循环。与会代表们认真听取了太钢和北京钢铁设计研究总院同志所作的技术报告,到现场  相似文献   

一、太钢超低排放A级企业的创建背景 太钢不锈地处山西省太原市,其母公司太原钢铁(集团)有限公司(简称太钢)始建于1934年.80多年来,太钢逐步被不断扩大的太原市所包围,成为一个周边高楼林立的城市钢厂.特殊的地理环境和巨大的环保压力,促使太钢把环保作为"生存的前提、发展的基础",从战略高度持续推进环保工作.本世纪以来,...  相似文献   

We report a clinical case of a patient affected by splenic non-Hodgkin lymphoma and virus C hepatitis. It seems that this kind of association is original because as far as we know the association between non-Hodgkin lymphoma and HCV did not include non-Hodgkin lymphoma involving the spleen. Indeed, in our patient, there was an increase of CD/57 lymphocytes. In our opinion this could be interesting in the disorders of the immune system associated with lymphoma.  相似文献   

The hot topic from Capitol Hill in Washington to Capitol Hill in Jefferson City is health care reform. President Clinton started the ball rolling during the campaign in 1992 by including health care reform in his platform. He continued the effort after his election by appointing his wife, Hillary, to chair a task force to present an outline for federal legislation. Since the package was presented to Congress, there has been much discussion, lobbying, and rumoring about the implications of health care reform and what it could mean to all of us as dentists. On the home front, Governor Carnahan has introduced legislation in Missouri to reform the health care system. This effort is known as the Missouri Health Assurance Plan (H.B. 1622). Missouri Dental Association members are vitally concerned about the impact of health care reform on their practice, their taxes, their relationship with their patients and employees, and on their ability to seek out health care services since each member is also a consumer of health care. This article represents answers to some of the questions being asked by MDA members in order that they might be more aware of the activities by the MDA, the ADA, and other levels of organized dentistry relating to health care reform.  相似文献   

Inevitably, doctors make mistakes in the normal course of providing care. Making a mistake often causes distress for the doctor involved, but it can also be an important source of knowledge and self-reflection. This article discusses central aspects with respect to mistakes and medical malpractice. The doctor's relationship to ethics and legislation is discussed, and an overview of the administrative action taken by the Norwegian health authorities is presented. The organisations and offices a physician may come into contact with when involved in a patient's complaint are briefly presented. "Meldesentralen" was formed in 1993 by the Norwegian Directorate of Health for the purpose of collecting reports on accidents in medical practice. We argue that the accidents reported to "Meldesentralen" do not reflect the true situation on this issue. We introduce a model for a systematic approach towards a colleague who has made a mistake or who is suspected of having made one.  相似文献   

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