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曹杰  阎军  章静  杨启文  朱银森  阮本龙 《钢铁》2004,39(8):79-81,85
借助有限元分析软件MARC/Autoforge,对螺纹钢三切分轧制进行了有限元模拟,重点分析了轧件的变形与预切分道次的作用。研究表明,三切分轧制轧件变形很不均匀;预切分道次可减轻轧件的变形与不均匀变形程度,对轧件的尺寸有一定的调节作用,增加预切分道次是合理的。  相似文献   

为分析螺纹钢二切分轧制哑铃孔中轧件充满程度,优化孔型形状,笔者借助有限元分析软件MARC/Autoforge,对哑铃孔中轧件的变形进行了模拟。结果表明,改变哑铃孔的基本结构尺寸、调整来料尺寸可增加轧件的宽展并改善哑铃孔的充满程度;但会使轧制压力增加、切分楔磨损严重,所以哑铃孔的设计应同时考虑轧件充满程度和轧辊的磨损程度。  相似文献   

对轧件切分轧制过程中的变形进行了实验研究。较为详细地介绍了连铸板坯切分、窄板坯的立轧、预对中孔型轧制及成品孔型实验的轧制变形的结果及分析  相似文献   

基于金属塑性变形基本理论,以圆钢双线切分为基本实体模型,结合生产实践,对切分位置、切分方式的选择和切分孔型系统的设计参数进行了分析,并建立了预切分轧件和切分轧件的面积计算模型.  相似文献   

高伟 《钢铁》2003,38(5):33-35
为稳定小规格带肋钢筋的三线切分轧制 ,对涉及棒材张开角的切分孔孔型诸角度进行了分析 ,通过对轧件受力状态的讨论 ,提出了诸因素与棒材张开角之间的解析式 ,指出满足三线切分稳定轧制时的棒材张开角应为 2°~ 3°,相应的孔型切分角为 30°左右 ,孔型外侧壁倾角应在 4 5°~ 5 0°之间 ,咬入角可控制在 7°~ 8°之间等。  相似文献   

两线切分轧制几个关键问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合八钢股份公司小型材厂的生产实践,介绍两线切分轧制棒材孔型系统的选择、切分孔型中金属的变形、切分楔及切分轮顶角的理论推算和选择方法.  相似文献   

李纪仁 《四川冶金》1996,18(1):76-78
本文分析了简单孔型中轧地,轧件头部金属质点非稳定流动的规律,提出了判别轧件头部变形凹凸趋势的方法,以箱形-圆-六角-方孔型系统为例,提出了多道次轧制后轧件头部形状的形式。有关预测结果得到了实际轧制过程的证明。  相似文献   

辊切切分过程最佳预切分孔型设计的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辊切切分轧件时,产生的水平分力必须使轧件弯曲,保证切分轧件与轧件弯曲同步进行。就预切分道次后连体软件的断面开头,也就是对预切道次的最佳孔型设计进行探讨。目的在于满足生产需要,保证在生产过程中能够顺利完成将轧件切分开,另外从节能省力的角度,了要选择合理的孔型断面开头。  相似文献   

Theeffectofrollradiusonrollingforcehasbeenstudiedlargely ,buttheeffectofrollradiusondeforma tionofrollingpieceandontexturewasmentionedlit tle[1] .Therollradiusmayhaveaspecialinfluenceonthedeformationofrollingpiecebyaffectingtheformofdeformationzoneandaddi…  相似文献   

通过对辊系变形的模拟,分析了轧制条件下对工作辊弯曲变形、支撑辊弯曲变形及接触应力的影响,借助大型有限元分析软件ANSYS的手段,对辊系进行了弹性力学结构分析,得出了在轧制过程中辊系的变形情况及载荷分布等详细直观的分析结果。  相似文献   

为设计安全合理的合金钢椭圆孔型系统,采用三维热力耦合弹塑性有限元模拟仿真技术,超前再现了合金钢方坯在椭圆孔型中金属的三维流动过程并获得了轧制力及力矩等重要参数的变化规律.结果表明:表面和心部金属沿轧制方向流动速率的不同导致合金钢方坯端部横断面产生凹形;轧制力和轴向力及轧制力矩和径向力矩具有相似的变化趋势,即咬入和抛钢阶段其值变化较大而稳定轧制阶段变化较小.  相似文献   

 The one-step finite element method (FEM), based on plastic deformation theory, has been widely used to simulate sheet metal forming processes, but its application in bulk metal forming simulation has been seldom investigated, because of the complexity involved. In this paper, a bulk metal forming process is analyzed by using a rapid finite element simulation method based on deformation theory. The material is assumed to be rigid-plastic, strain hardening. The constitutive relationship between stress and total strain is adopted, whereas the incompressible condition is enforced by penalty function. The geometrical non-linearity in large plastic deformation is taken into consideration. Furthermore, the force boundary condition is treated by a simplified equivalent approach, considering the contact history. Based on constraint variational principle, the deformation finite element method is proposed. The one-step forward simulation of axisymmetric upsetting process is performed by this method. The results are compared with those obtained by the traditional incremental FEM to verify the feasibility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A simulation model for two-roll cross wedge rolling (CWR) was presented by using three-dimensional rigid-plastic finite element method (FEM).The whole forming process of CWR,including knifing zone,guiding zone,stretching zone,and sizing zone,was simulated using the model in which dynamic adaptive remeshing technology for tetrahedral solid elements was used to fix element distortion.Based on the simulation results,the distributions of metal flow field,strain field,and damage field,and the geometry of the workpiece's end were analyzed.These results could provide theoretical guidance for realizing net shaping and reasonable design of tools.  相似文献   

带材异步冷轧时大变形弹塑性有限元模拟和实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用纠正的拉格朗日列式和基于弹塑性乘法分解的超弹性-塑性本构关系建立了大变形弹塑性有限元程序,并对铝带在不同条件下的异步冷轧过程进行数值模拟,同时对计算结果进行实验验证。结果表明,在异步轧制时,轧制压力对工作辊辊径的变化表现出非敏感性,而且变形区内静水压力绝对值比同步轧制时要小得多。  相似文献   

Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Thin Strip Temper Rolling Process   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 To reveal the basic deformation mechanisms under the conditions of high friction, small reduction, and long contact length in thin strip temper rolling process, an elastoplastic finite element analysis of plane strain upsetting was made based on the FEM software Marc. The results indicated that a near flat ‘zero reduction’ region was present in the center of the contact arc. The simulation results about the effect of rolling parameters on the central flat region showed that any change of increasing the rolling force could result in or enlarge the central flat region in the deformation zone. Stress distribution results illustrated that the metal was in triaxial compression state. Although the maximum and minimum principal stresses were all much larger than the yield stress of the strip, the equivalent stress became lower than that, and no further plastic strain, even a small elastic spring back occurred in the central flat region. That was the problem of ‘hydrostatic pressure’ in thin strip temper rolling.  相似文献   

文章结合酒钢高速线材生产实际,提出了孔型设计的方法、粗中轧轧制程序表,并采用刚塑性有限元法对粗中轧过程进行了模拟分析,提出了相关的量能与变形参数。  相似文献   

应用弹塑性有限元商用软件Marc对二辊异步轧制过程进行了分析计算。给出了变形过程中的力学参数如应力,应变等变化状态,是确了异步轧帛的变形和受力状态,为轧制过程机械性能参数的合理化设置提供了依据。  相似文献   

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