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通过调整化学成分、选用合理均热工艺和最佳成品退火工艺,采用进口矫直单元拉伸矫直,生产3004合金工程屋面板用铝带。  相似文献   

肖玉芬 《江西冶金》1996,16(2):43-45
介绍了某工业厂房现浇薄壳屋面板和梁的加固做法,并进行了分析探讨  相似文献   

针对鞍钢西区2150连轧厂房,分析全现浇钢筋混凝土楼屋面板的裂缝发生及防治措施。  相似文献   

中板厂1号加热厂房长期受高温、有害气体腐蚀,使混凝土屋架和屋面板保护层脱落、钢筋锈蚀,经检查、鉴定,必须更换。  相似文献   

挑檐是建筑屋面的一个组成部分。本文介绍了挑檐自重平衡法、屋面板压重平衡法、圈梁压重平衡法、螺栓锚固法等四种预制挑檐的构造 ,在施工过程中应根据现场环境合理选用  相似文献   

分析了天钢集团有限公司带钢厂轧钢车间厂房长期受高温高湿环境的影响,导致混凝土屋面板发生坠落的原因及解决措施。  相似文献   

杨杰 《山东冶金》2003,25(2):27-28
温差、设计不合理及施工质量差等是砌体结构女儿墙产生裂缝的主要原因.指出改进屋面保温隔热层、加强女儿墙砌体刚度、屋面板设置伸缩缝等是控制裂缝产生的有效措施。  相似文献   

通过对WJZn成分、性能设计和对生产工艺条件的改进,进行了多次工业试制。结果表明,WJZn的化学成分和工艺规程设计合理,各项性能均达到GB/T2518-1988规定的指标。产品经用户试用,其性能可满足建筑屋面板的要求。  相似文献   

从角弛Ⅲ型与W - 550型屋面的对比出发 ,分析研究角弛Ⅲ型屋面在宝钢三期工程应用中的经验与不足 ,提出并探讨今后应用角弛Ⅲ型屋面时应注意解决屋面板固定、连接件强度、屋面板材选择、密封材料选择和节点防雨设计等几个问题。  相似文献   

我厂自从一九七○年以来,利用高炉水淬渣搞建筑材料,所取得的成就是可观的。目前,阳钢矿渣制品车间的生产能力接近2000万砖/年。十年来,共生产矿渣砖9340余万块,各种规格予制屋面板38500余块,还有予制枕木、空心砖、水道盖板以及保温帽等  相似文献   

Roof surfaces represent a significant portion of the impervious area associated with urban development. Storm-water runoff from those surfaces causes stream degradation in receiving waters attributable to excess volume of water runoff. This paper investigates the influence of roof surface type on storm-water runoff and specifically considers the benefits of a vegetated roof, or green roof, as a storm-water best management practice (BMP). Runoff data were collected over a 6-month period from three full-scale roofs, which were retrofitted with flow meters and automated water-quality samplers. The roof surfaces included an asphalt roof (for control purposes), a vegetated extensive green roof, and a stone ballasted roof. Both the green roof and stone roof were effective at reducing runoff volume and attenuating peak discharge, with the green roof being more efficient for rainfall events less than 2.54?cm. Overall, the green roof retained 68.25% of rainfall volume and reduced peak discharge by an average of 88.86%. Water-quality results were inconclusive, but did provide some indication that green roof systems could reduce nutrient loadings.  相似文献   

Low-slope roofs are subjected to potentially high levels of suction pressure as reported by Baskaran and Savage in 2003 in “Wind pressure measurements on full scale flat roofs.” Traditional roof assemblies are prone to failure when the low pressure on the roof surface instigates a transfer of forces to the roof membrane. Existing pressure-equalized roof systems use the power of the wind to transmit low pressure to the space immediately beneath the roof membrane, pulling the membrane down to the roof surface. The object of this study is the design of a wind vent which, when coupled with a single-ply roof membrane in a complete roof assembly, will successfully equalize low pressure throughout the entire field of the roof. The proposed wind vent differs from existing equalizer valves in its use of the Bernoulli effect to create low pressure. The vent is omnidirectional and contains no moving parts. Future study will be required to determine the tributary area of each vent and other roof system parameters.  相似文献   

采用理论分析、物理相似模拟与工程实践相结合的方法,对坚硬厚层顶板群结构的破断冲击效应进行了分析,得到了工作面采场冲击来压的主要影响因素、来压特征及工作面合理支护强度等.研究表明:多分层坚硬顶板群结构的破断冲击载荷在短时间内会产生剧烈的震荡;工作面来压特征受多分层顶板垮断的动、静载荷联合作用;采场冲击来压强度主要与顶板厚度、岩性及节理弱面有关,对于岩性相近的顶板岩层,厚度越大,对采场的矿压冲击影响也越剧烈,但厚层顶板垮断后的结构对其上覆顶板岩层的冲击载荷强度具有一定的缓冲.以大同矿区坚硬顶板群结构下的煤层开采为例,通过在综放工作面选择应用ZF15000/28/52型高强度支架,保证了首个关键层顶板破断前后的安全开采;同时,采取水压致裂辅助控制上部关键层顶板,有效减缓了工作面强矿压的显现.   相似文献   

周晓超  侯克鹏 《黄金》2013,(8):32-36
针对似层矿开采的特点,以卡房分矿I-9采空区为工程实例,将地下空区顶板视为梁模型、改进梁模型,结合岩梁、结构力学和材料力学理论,以顶板岩层抗拉强度为控制条件,推导出地下空区不同跨度下顶板的安全厚度。研究结果表明:顶板安全厚度随空区跨度的增加而增大,近乎呈线性关系。低水平应力时随空区跨度增加对项板厚度整体影响都较小;当采空区跨度较小时,不同水平应力程度对顶板安全厚度的影响可忽略不计;当空区跨度达到一定程度时,对比梁模型计算的结果,随空区跨度的增加改进梁模型计算的顶板安全厚度增加幅度变大。  相似文献   

根据罗河铁矿工程地质实际,基于弹性力学小变形薄板理论为基础,得出评价顶板稳定性的顶板安全系数,采用正交敏感性极差分析法,以顶板安全系数作为评判指标,对影响顶板稳定性因素进行了敏感性极差分析,得出了顶板厚度对顶板稳定性影响最大,随后依次为顶板宽度(顶板跨度)、岩层抗拉强度、顶板长度、岩层抗剪强度,并运用数学线性回归分析法,对影响顶板稳定性的不同因素进行了线性回归,对回归系数进行了MATLAB残差验证分析,得出了不同因素综合作用下的顶板安全厚度的数学预测模型,最后得出了罗河铁矿嗣后充填回采的顶板安全宽度为9m左右。  相似文献   

Contact between an anterior cruciate ligament graft and the intercondylar roof has been termed roof impingement. Grafts with impingement sustain permanent damage, and if the injury is extensive enough, then the graft may fail, causing recurrent instability. This study evaluated two mechanical factors that could be responsible for the graft injury associated with roof impingement: an increase in graft tension or elevated pressures between the graft and the roof, or both. An anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction was performed using an Achilles tendon graft in five fresh-frozen cadaveric knees. Using a six-degree-of-freedom load application system, the anterior displacement of the knee with the native anterior cruciate ligament was restored in the reconstructed knee at a flexion angle of 30 degrees and with an anterior force of 200 N applied. Pressure between the graft and intercondylar roof, graft tension, and flexion angle were measured during passive knee extension for three tibial tunnel placements (anterior, center, and posterior). Intercondylar roof impingement increased the contact pressure between the graft and the roof but had no significant effect on graft tension. Therefore, during passive knee extension, the contact pressure between the anterior cruciate ligament graft and the intercondylar roof is a more likely cause of graft damage than increased graft tension.  相似文献   

某金矿顶板管理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
某金矿采用上向分尾砂(废石)充填采矿方法回采,曾多次发生重大冒顶、片帮事故。本文分析顶板冒落的原因,提出了顶板管理方法,如调整落矿工艺,顶板锚网支护和冒顶预测预报,结果保证了采矿的安全。  相似文献   

赵庆和 《云南冶金》1999,28(4):7-10,19
脞影响顶板稳定性的基本因素,评价指标出发,根据大姚顶板岩体的参数和实际盘区顶板稳定性的分析,优选和论证了大姚盘区的结构参数,其分析方法对顶板稳定性评价,有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

为了研究采空区群系统的灾变失稳,将顶板简化为弹性薄板,矿柱简化为在长期荷载作用下会产生蠕变损伤的Poynting-Thomson体,考虑水平荷载和竖直荷载的共同作用,结合流变理论和燕尾突变建立采空区群顶板—矿柱系统灾变失稳模型。计算出模型突变时顶板中心的下沉量,矿柱有效支撑面积与顶板面积的比值,以及模型从开始到发生突变的时间,以广西盘龙铅锌矿为工程实例进行验证,得出盘龙矿采空区群系统的稳定时间与实际情况相符,验证了该模型的可靠性和实用性。同时,研究了各影响因素对采空区群系统稳定性的影响,为采空区群系统稳定性分析提供了新思路和新方法。  相似文献   

本文通过对焦炉炉顶空间温度的测量工具改造,使炉顶空间温度测量过程效率更高,环保效果更好,而且节省劳动力及炼焦煤;同时炉顶空间温度的测量误差降到最低。  相似文献   

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