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结合有色设计企业的特征及特点,通过对有色设计企业设计管理的探讨.论述了设计与管理的关系.提出设计战略管理、设计目标管理、设计系统管理、设计质量管理是设计管理的主要内容,并阐述了设计管理在设计企业中所发挥的重要作用.  相似文献   

多晶硅生产企业本质安全化设计的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了多晶硅生产线设计和建设中进行本质安全化设计的必要性.通过分析可行性研究、工艺设计、初步设计、施工图设计等各阶段本质安全化设计的目标和方法,探索了多晶硅生产工艺研发中的本质安全化设计策略,提出了多晶硅生产过程的本质安全化设计流程.  相似文献   

针对阿尔及利亚供水项目,论述了供水项目设计过程中的管道选线、水力计算、管道设计、主体构筑物设计、附属构筑物设计等相关问题,提供了满足技术要求、适合当地市场的供水项目设计经验。  相似文献   

设计师作为社会中的一员有意无意地承担着部分文化传播责任,因此社会责任感是每位设计师所必须具备的一项基本素质。负责的设计应该是立足于我国当前的资源、社会、经济现状的设计。创新地运用技术、艺术手段,解决设计的基本问题是设计的本愿。设计不应是设计的出发点,也不是设计的终点。设计是对待生活、对待社会的一种负责的态度。  相似文献   

一、模型校审的必要性 目前的舾装三维设计流程主要分为三个部分:生产设计准备、模型构造、图表生成。其中模型构造阶段是整个舾装三维设计的核心部分,它关系到后期图表生成阶段所生成图表的正确性、完整性和美观性,模型的质量也直接影响到图表设绘的周期。模型的设计是最能体现设计人员设计成果的一项工作,同时也能反映出—个设计人员的设计能力。  相似文献   

本文主要论述了<动漫主题网站设计>的技术背景、设计理念、概要设计、详细设计以及最后效果展示等方面内容,详细的介绍了设计简单Flash网站的设计过程和相关技术难点的解决方法.  相似文献   

蓄热式燃烧技术实际应用中几个问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹丰平  刘江 《工业炉》2002,24(4):18-20
分析了蓄热式燃烧技术应用中蓄热体设计、空气和煤气喷口设计、点火装置设计和换向方式设计 4个实际问题。  相似文献   

孙汝林 《河南冶金》2009,17(5):42-45
介绍了高速线材吐丝机前夹送辊工艺设计的主要内容,包括孔型设计、导卫设计、辊型设计、速度和夹持力设定。对夹送辊孔型的设计内容和方法,导卫系统的设计和选择要求做了重点阐述。  相似文献   

工业设计具有很强的综合性和系统性,时尚因素在工业设计中起着重要的作用,它对于工业设计有着各式各样的影响,文章从时尚所引领的生活方式、时尚对于工业设计产品的视觉形态、设计主题和经济性四个方面分析时尚因素对于工业设计的影响,重新认识时尚与工业设计的关系,对工业设计中如何利用时尚做出更好的设计提出有益的启示.  相似文献   

维修性设计具体生成过程是一个复杂的、涉及多种技术和方法的系统工程.本文阐述了有色设备维修性设计的一般原则及维修性设计具体要求,制订一些设计准则来指导设计人员,为设计人员、维修技术人员掌握维修性设计方法提供帮助.  相似文献   

In recent years, many U.S. federal, state, and local governments have been authorized to use the design–build method of project delivery instead of the traditional design–bid–build method. Recent studies have not been definitive on the cost advantage of design–build for governmental owners. There are fewer change orders in design–build due to design errors because the designer (architect/engineer) and contractor are one entity, but there are other causes of change orders. Some literature suggests that changes requested by the owner of the facility are greater with the design–build method. This research examines the causes for construction-phase changes in 14 design–build and 20 design–bid–build projects. Total changes, expressed as number per contract, cost per contract, or percentage of original contract, were significantly lower in design–build. Fewer design errors in design–build accounted for this advantage. The number of owner-requested changes was significantly greater in design–build. The cost of owner-requested changes, averaged over all the projects, was significantly less for design–bid–build. The differences in changes due to differing site conditions were not significant. The concept that there are more owner-requested changes in design–build projects is supported by this research.  相似文献   

The integration of modeling and simulation tools with robust and efficient methods of optimal design offers a rational approach to explore new concepts and designs. However, a widespread adaptation of these tools in the industry design environment will require that they incorporate a systematic analysis of uncertainty in all aspects of the design process. A lack of confidence in designs generated in a simulation-based approach is the result of uncertainties in the predictive capabilities of physics-based models used in the simulations, and poor representation of uncertainties and their propagation in a coupled systems engineering design problem. A data- and knowledge-lean environment, typical of a design process involving novel concepts, further exacerbates the situation; design engineers often make gross assumptions about distributional information of random variables and parameters, thereby adding to the uncertainty associated with the design results. The paper focuses on numerical and analytical tools by which to model uncertainty and risk in a simulation-based design environment, including cases where the uncertainty does not conform to standard probabilistic distributions. A specific focus of the modeling effort is an approach to establish confidence intervals for response predictions available from analytical and numerical models, as well as surrogate approximations used in the design process. Innovative adaptations of formal optimization methods in a nondeterministic design setting are discussed, including design problem formulations that examine the nondeterministic design problem in a multicriteria optimization framework. Simple design problems are used to illustrate the concepts and to underscore the deficiencies in a purely deterministic approach to the design problem.  相似文献   

Concurrent design is commonly used in building a semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities to shorten projects. Current practice in managing a design schedule involves preset milestones that represent percentages of completion. Such a simple control scheme does not provide sufficient information to support concurrent design. This study presents an analytical model that applies a cluster identification algorithm to separate the work of designing a multisystem project into management packages that support concurrent design. Tasks within a package have strong informational dependency relationships on each other, and are not suited for concurrent design. Tasks of different packages have weak dependency relationships on each other, and are suited for concurrent design. Tendering design work based on these packages may reduce the number of design interfaces between participating design firms. Possible application of the model includes the management of design schedule, design contract tendering, and design information flow.  相似文献   

During the detailed design stage of a building project, a vast amount of mostly interrelated design information is generated and communicated among specialists from several disciplines. Changes in some design information are inevitable due to the iterative nature of the design process. In many cases, when the design of a building component is modified by one discipline, this change affects the design of many related building components that are the responsibility of several other design disciplines. Commitment and resources are needed to accommodate such design changes to maintain compatibility among all the design information. Otherwise, incompatibility errors become embedded in the design information leading to numerous problems during the construction of the project. This paper presents a computer-assisted methodology that helps design managers in planning and scheduling changes with interrelated effects on the design information.  相似文献   

A void exists in development of design theory methodology within the structural engineering community. This void hampers efforts to resolve performance deficiencies including cost over-runs, unplanned rework, and suboptimal design. In manufacturing, product design and production improvements have resulted from implementation of the design structure matrix (DSM) methodology. DSM offers a means to represent, analyze, and decompose complex systems in order to improve their performance. DSM use within the architecture engineering construction (AEC) industry has been sporadic and focused primarily in the U.K. Where applied, DSM has proven effective at helping AEC design teams streamline processes to address nonlinearity (nonsequential information flows) introduced by iteration and complexity in design. When a DSM reveals iteration and highly dependent work, group brainstorming, collocated design sessions, rapid feedback, set-based design, and collaborative design aids can be used to increase overall team effectiveness. This paper examines a case study where DSM-based planning software was used on a seismic retrofit project to drive process improvement in design management. DSM correctly identified iterative activities central to design and provided the following; (1) a common vocabulary to discuss rework in the context of a multidisciplinary design team; (2) a rational method to schedule team collocation and brainstorming efforts to maximize their benefit; and (3) a means to consider iterative activities (and associated hand-offs) in design work structuring.  相似文献   

选矿厂设计过程涉及大量数据计算、图形绘制以及设计规范和设计经验的应用,计算机辅助设计的应用无疑能显著提高设计效率和质量。通过对选矿厂计算机辅助设计研究现状进行总结和分析,指出存在的问题和不足,即设计过程模块化、设计规范和经验处理不成熟、设备配置自主化和可视化程度低以及沉浸感缺乏等。计算机虚拟现实技术(VR)的出现,为解决这些问题和不足提供了新的技术途径,将VR技术应用于选矿厂设计中,可有效提升设计过程的自主化、可视化、沉浸感以及人机交互性与设计员的想象创造力,是未来选矿厂计算机辅助设计的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

Rational data modeling is prerequisite to the computerization of design, and the use of design information in the subsequent work, in areas such as cost estimation and construction. In particular, the structural design of buildings consists of a long series of unit steps and is nonprocedural and data intensive compared with structural analysis problems that are procedural and computation intensive. Hence, there is a need to investigate the characteristics of the problem and to structure design information properly to effectively manage it in the structural design process. This paper discusses modeling concepts for managing design information efficiently and supporting the design process effectively. Type-local instance–global instance object modeling is the conceptual backbone of the model in this study and provides consistent modeling of structural components including not only primitive members such as beams and columns, but also composite elements such as floors, frames, and even whole buildings. This paper also provides core and extended object concepts for classifying structural design information into an overall design and for processing dependent temporary stages in the design. Foundational and application object concepts are introduced for extending the model to various types of structures. An integrated structural design system for buildings is developed based on these modeling concepts, and finally a brief discussion of the application of the object model throughout the entire structural design process in the integrated structural design system is given. It is expected that the modeling concepts proposed in this research can be applied to a range of other engineering applications.  相似文献   

本文通过对建筑结构设计前期质量管理,设计过程质量管理,设计后期质量管理的阐述,分析了建筑结构设计全面质量管理的过程,简洁透明、便于掌握。有效地执行建筑结构设计全面质量管理是设计单位在同行业竞争中的关键因素。  相似文献   

A theoretically based base course thickness design method for unpaved roads was developed in the companion paper. This paper presents a calibration of the design method using data from field wheel load tests and laboratory cyclic plate loading tests on unreinforced and reinforced base courses. The constants in the design method are determined during the calibration. The calibrated design method is used for analyzing the test data through three case studies. In addition, the design procedures and a design example are provided in this paper to demonstrate the use of the design method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of a recent office renovation project. The paper investigates the problems that occurred during the design process, analyzes the causes of design iterations and rework, and proposes changes that can improve the design process. The analysis illustrates two design challenges that cause iterations and rework: (1) preexisting, hidden conditions identified late in the design process, and (2) limitations of downstream systems that were not accounted for in upstream decisions. The recommendations propose mechanisms to reduce design rework and duration, and increase the quality of the design solution. The recommendations are (1) to accelerate the discovery of existing conditions, (2) to identify the project constraints that design and construction have to meet, (3) to select the project team early, and (4) to accelerate the iterative design process with a team-based rapid development of schematic design (rapid prototyping).  相似文献   

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