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测试了损伤容限型TC4-DT合金的裂纹扩展速率。通过数据分析和线性或非线性拟合得到了3种疲劳裂纹扩展速率的数学描述公式。通过对描述结果的误差分析,得到了描述板材疲劳裂纹扩展速率的理想描述公式。  相似文献   

TC4-DT损伤容限型钛合金疲劳裂纹扩展特性的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
研究了典型的损伤容限型钛合金Ti-6A1-4V ELI(TC4-DT)的断裂韧度KIC、疲劳裂纹扩展速率da/dN以及疲劳门槛值△Kth等损伤容限性能与微观组织的关系,讨论了不同应力比(尺值)条件下片状组织与双态组织的疲劳裂纹扩展特性,并与Ti-6A1-4V(TC4)钛合金进行了比较分析。研究结果为高损伤容限型钛合金的微观组织设计和探讨微观组织对损伤容限性能的影响机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

α+β两相区轧制的TC4钛合金丝材经不同工艺热处理后,获得等轴组织、双态组织和片层组织,研究了微观组织特征及其对合金拉伸性能和疲劳性能的影响。结果表明:等轴组织α晶粒最为细小且具有较高的位错密度,表现出最高强度;双态组织α相较等轴组织显著长大,位错密度明显降低,具有最好的工艺塑性;片层组织原始β晶粒粗大,塑性最低。3种组织中片层组织疲劳性能最好,当裂纹长度<250μm时,不同显微组织对应的裂纹扩展速率差异较大,片层组织的扩展速率最低,等轴组织最高;当裂纹长度>250μm时,3种组织的裂纹扩展速率无显著差异。综合考虑TC4钛合金丝材的力学性能和工艺塑性,应选择双态组织作为产品的最终组织状态。  相似文献   

TC4-DT钛合金高周疲劳行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对TC4-DT钛合金的高周疲劳性能及断口形貌进行了研究。结果表明:TC4-DT钛合金的S-Ⅳ曲线(应力比R=-1)不出现呈水平线的疲劳极限,10^7次不被破坏的条件疲劳极限为550MPa,置信度为95%;疲劳裂纹源均出现在试样的表面,疲劳裂纹扩展区较大说明材料具有较高的断裂韧度;疲劳裂纹扩展区由许多解理小刻面组成,解理面上可见疲劳条带及二次裂纹,以解理断裂为主;断裂区断口表面由许多互相连接的凹坑所组成,主要表现为韧窝断裂。  相似文献   

本发明将TC4-DT钛合金棒材在温度为(Tβ-80)~(Tβ-20)℃的条件下保温1~2 h后炉冷,然后在500~600℃保温4~8 h后空冷,其次生α相含量增多且组织粗化,裂纹在扩展过程中遇到较厚的片层α相而改变扩展路径,同时消耗更多的能量,从而提高了TC4-DT钛合金棒材两相区的断裂韧性,最终实现了棒材强度、塑性、断裂韧性的良好匹配。  相似文献   

研究了固溶+时效处理对超低间隙TC4-DT钛合金厚板显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,固溶温度会显著影响TC4-DT钛合金厚板组织中初生α相和次生α相的含量及尺寸,提高固溶温度可以适当提高板材的强度及断裂韧度。固溶处理冷却速率较快时(水冷和空冷),会析出细针状和板条状的片层组织,主要提高板材的断裂韧度。当固溶温度为945℃,且经水冷或空冷后可以获得强度-塑性-韧性匹配良好的TC4-DT钛合金厚板。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对某新型航空用Ti—A1-Mo—Cr—Zr系低成本钛合金的双态组织、片层组织及网篮组织3种典型显微组织特征和裂纹扩展过程进行了观察和分析,并对具有不同类型显微组织的合金进行了拉伸、断裂性能和疲劳性能的检测。结果表明:该新型Ti—A1-Mo—Cr—Zr系高性能低成本钛合金在不同显微组织下均具有良好的强度-塑性-韧性-疲劳性能的匹配。其中,双态组织的该合金具有最高的强度和塑性,但损伤容限性能较低(断裂韧性稍低,疲劳裂纹扩展速率高);网篮组织的该合金具有良好的断裂韧性和疲劳强度,疲劳裂纹扩展速率与双态组织的水平相当;片层组织的该合金具有最为优异的损伤容限性能(最低的疲劳裂纹扩展速率和最高的断裂韧性),但疲劳极限、强度和塑性稍低于双态组织和网篮组织的该合金。  相似文献   

研究了TC4钛合金薄板经普通退火、α+β两相区固溶加时效处理及β单相区固溶加普通退火处理后,显微组织与力学性能的关系。结果表明,普通退火处理对TC4钛合金板材显微组织的影响较小,α+β两相区固溶加时效处理后能够获得双态组织,而β单相区固溶加普通退火处理能获得粗大的魏氏组织;其中双态组织的TC4钛合金薄板表现出优异的拉伸性能,而魏氏组织的TC4钛合金薄板具有较低的疲劳裂纹扩展速率及较高的裂纹扩展阻力。  相似文献   

研究了具有网篮组织的TC4ELI钛合金材料在不同应变幅值下的低周疲劳性能,给出了TC4ELI钛合金在低周疲劳下的循环应力-应变曲线,拟合出循环应变硬化指数、循环强度系数以及应变-寿命特征系数,并通过光学显微镜进行金相分析,通过扫描电镜进行断口形貌分析。结果表明,TC4ELI钛合金呈现出循环软化的特性;距离疲劳断口1.5 mm处的组织形态与断口处无明显变化,疲劳裂纹以穿晶方式扩展直至断裂;随着应变幅值增大,韧窝变大变深,韧性断裂特征变得更加显著。  相似文献   

TC4-DT钛合金是一种高强高韧损伤容限型钛合金,常被用于新型飞机制造中,而变形量会对该合金的组织产生重要影响,并最终决定其力学性能。为此,本实验以300 mm×180 mm的TC4-DT钛合金棒材为原料,进行3种不同变形量的锻造变形,研究锻造变形量对锻件组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:变形量太大或太小均会引起锻件内部显微组织不均匀,同时引起锻件不同部位力学性能存在较大的偏差,经综合分析确定TC4-DT钛合金合理的锻造变形量为35%左右。  相似文献   

The survival of Escherichia coli in artificial sea water was studied using linear and nonlinear regression analysis in order to fit the simplest model. The surviving population was evaluated in a rich medium, and two mathematical models, monophase and diphase linear, were considered. The diphase model gave the best fit, although both models can be adjusted to the results obtained. The criteria applied to decide which model was more statistically significant, were residuals, the residual sum of squares and the coefficient of determination. These models are discussed in the light of present day knowledge on survival.  相似文献   

徐申 《宽厚板》2010,16(1):30-33
根据中厚板生产线实测数据,采用多元线性回归分析方法建立了描述中厚板产品性能与成分和工艺之间关系的数学模型,这些数学模型可以用于产品性能预测和产品开发设计。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究夹杂-细晶粒区-鱼眼诱发疲劳失效的超长寿命预测模型.基于Cr-Ni-W合金钢疲劳试验结果,结合局部应力-寿命法和位错-能量法,分别构建了局部裂纹萌生寿命模型(LCIL)和考虑夹杂及细晶粒区影响的裂纹萌生寿命模型(IFCIL),并与Tanaka-Mura模型(T-M)进行了对比分析.其次,分别对细晶粒区内的小裂纹扩展行为和细晶粒区外鱼眼内的长裂纹扩展行为进行建模,最终形成了包含裂纹萌生和扩展在内的全寿命预测模型.结果表明,考虑夹杂及细晶粒区影响的裂纹萌生寿命模型(IFCIL)有较高的预测精度;对应细晶粒区的裂纹萌生寿命几乎等同于全寿命;裂纹扩展寿命仅占据全寿命很小的一部分;预测结果全部处于2倍偏差以内,即全寿命模型可有效地用于夹杂-细晶粒区-鱼眼诱发失效的超长寿命预测.   相似文献   

A linear model, two mathematical nonlinear models, and a curve-peeling procedure were used to estimate rate and extent of ruminal CP degradation of meat and bone meal (MBM) and soybean meal (SBM) from data obtained using the in situ Dacron polyester bag technique. Most of the values for extent of CP degradation of MBM were lowest when determined using curve peeling or the nonlinear models. In general, rates and extents of CP degradation of MBM estimated using the linear model and including ruminal incubations up to 12 h were greater than those obtained with the linear model and including ruminal incubations up to 24 h or up to 72 h. In addition, the models ranked the MBM samples differently for rate and extent of CP degradation. The results of the lack-of-fit test indicated that the linear model was inappropriate for estimating rate of degradation of MBM. However, CP degradation for SBM could be described by the linear model if long ruminal incubation times (greater than 48 h) were included in the calculations. Regression analyses were conducted to evaluate various compositional characteristics as predictors of CP degradation for MBM. Most of the correlation coefficients between CP degradation and the same independent variables were greater when the nonlinear models and curve peeling were used compared with the linear model. In general, the correlation coefficients between extent of CP degradation and the independent variables obtained with the linear model increased as the duration of ruminal incubations included in the model increased. Lysine concentrations, followed by CP solubility and ash content, were the best predictors of ruminal degradation of MBM protein. When using a specific mathematical model to predict CP degradation, analysis of residuals vs fitted and lack-of-fit tests should be performed to assess the validity of the model to describe the degradation patterns of the protein source under consideration. Also, long (at least 48 h) ruminal incubation times may be needed to correctly describe the pattern of CP degradation for MBM.  相似文献   


Tension-compression fatigue tests were conducted on forged (F-950) and rolled (R-950) Ti-6Al-4V alloys. The role of basal texture, produced by forging, was compared with prismatic texture, produced by rolling, on microstructurally short fatigue crack growth initiation and growth resistance. The fatigue life of R-950 alloy proved to be higher than that of F-950 alloy. Major differences in fatigue crack growth rate were detected in the short fatigue crack region at crack lengths of below 100 µm (F-950 alloy showing low resistance). To quantify the effect of texture alone, the opening/closure behaviour of a microstructurally small crack was analysed from the data obtained by combining an automatic in situ observation system with a digital image correlation technique. This analysis showed the crack opening stress of both alloys to be close to identical in the short fatigue crack growth region, nullifying the effect of crack closure. To study the effect of texture, cross-sectional electron backscatter diffraction analysis was performed at crack initiation sites. The results revealed that in F-950 alloy, short fatigue crack growth proceeded along basal planes that had similarly-oriented grains, whereas in R-950 alloy, short fatigue crack growth did not follow prismatic planes: the orientation varied.


The fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior of various types of alloys is significantly affected by the presence of residual stress induced by manufacturing and post-manufacturing processes. There is a qualitative understanding of the effects of residual stress on fatigue behavior, but the effects are not comprehensively quantified or accounted for. The difficulty in quantifying these effects is largely due to the complexity of residual-stress measurements (especially considering that parts produced in similar conditions can have different residual-stress levels) and the lack of mathematical models able to convert experimental data with residual stress into residual-stress-free data. This article provides experimental, testing, and mathematical techniques to account for residual-stress effects on crack growth rate data, together with two methods for eliminating residual stresses in crack growth test specimens. Fracture-mechanics concepts are used to calculate, in simple and convenient ways, stress-intensity factors caused by residual stresses. The method is advantageous, considering that stress-intensity factors are determined before the actual test is conducted. Further on, residual-stress-intensity factors are used to predict the residual-stress distribution in compact tension (CT) specimens prior to testing. Five cast Al-Si-Mg alloys with three Si levels (in unmodified (UM) as well as Sr-modified (M) conditions) were analyzed both with and without residual stress. Fatigue cracks are grown under both constant stress ratio, R=0.1, and constant maximum stress-intensity factor, K max = const., conditions. The mechanisms involved in crack growth through residual-stress fields are presented.  相似文献   

Load-controlled fatigue tests were conducted on dual-phase X80 pipeline steel to investigate the effects of stress ratio (R-ratio) on the fatigue crack growth behaviour. Dual-phase X80 pipeline steel showed a non-linear relationship between fatigue crack growth rate (da/dN) and the stress intensity factor range (ΔK) at each R-ratio. Fatigue crack propagation curves of X80 pipeline steel were evaluated using the conventional Paris equation and a new exponential equation named αβ model. In addition, the electron back-scattered diffraction technique was used to study the effects of stress ratio on the fatigue crack growth behaviour. The results indicated that the corresponding ΔK of the transition point decreased with the increase of R-ratio. That was attributed to the variation of the crack path and the fracture mode because of the changes in the size of monotonic plastic zone and cyclic plastic zone at crack tip. Compared to the overall fitting, piecewise fitting by Paris equation and αβ model, piecewise fitting was the most accurate method, and αβ model is more convenient and efficient than the conventional Paris-based equations.  相似文献   

Fitness-for-service evaluations of engineered components that are subject to environment assisted cracking (EAC) often require analyses of potentially large crack extensions through regions of variable stress intensity. However, there are few EAC data and models that directly address the effects of variable stress intensity factor on EAC crack growth. The model developed here is used to evaluate stress corrosion cracking (SCC) data that were obtained on a high-strength beta-titanium alloy under conditions of variable crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) rate. SCC of this Ti alloy in ambient temperature, near-neutral NaCl aqueous solution is thought to be due to hydrogen environment assisted cracking (HEAC). As the model equations developed here do not admit to a closed form solution for crack velocity as a function of applied stress intensity factor, K, a semiquantitative graphical solution is used to rationalize the crack growth data. The analyses support a previous suggestion that the observed crack growth rate behavior can be attributed to the effect of crack tip strain rate on rates of mechanical disruption and repair of an otherwise protective crack tip oxide film. Model elements introduced here to HEAC modeling include (1) an expression relating corrosion-active surface area to crack tip strain rate and repassivation rate, (2) an expression relating the critical grain boundary hydrogen to the applied stress intensity factor, and (3) an expression relating CTSR to both applied and crack advance strain rate components. Intergranular crack advance is modeled assuming diffusive segregation of corrosion-generated hydrogen to grain boundary trap sites causing embrittlement of the fracture process zone (FPZ). The model equations developed here provide a quantitative basis for understanding the physical significance of K-variation effects and, with additional development, will provide an engineering tool for analysis of crack growth in a variable K field.  相似文献   

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