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该文阐述了电子化招标采购系统的内涵及优点,并详细介绍了一个招标中心电子化招标采购系统构建过程。  相似文献   

孙磊 《莱钢科技》2005,(5):68-69
国际招标采购是一种重要的商业模式,本文主要讨论了关于设备国际招标采购中常用的几种评标方法,对今后设备的招评标工作有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

一、钢铁企业招标采购的做法先对比一下采用网上招标与传统招标的相同点、不同点。1.传统采购招标一般流程和特点(1)采购方发布定向招标邀请(大范围自由招标很少),用电话、传真和邮件通知。(2)供应商到采购方获取编制好的成套标书文件。(3)供应商根据自己经营的产品准备投标并填写标书。(4)投标标书加封,按时限邮寄或送到采购方。(5)采购方开标,供应户可现场观看各投标内容。(6)专家评标。(7)新增供应户资质审定。(8)公布中标单位。(9)供求双方签定采购供应合同。(10)招标过程伴随有大量电话、传真、…  相似文献   

1999年以来,本钢集团公司以降低产品制造成本为目标,以降低物资采购成本为突破口,认真贯彻执行国家经贸委第9号令《国有工业企业物资采购管理暂行规定》,借鉴山东潍坊亚星集团购销比价管理经验,规范企业物资采购行为,逐步建立起一套与本钢生产经营实际相适应的物资比价招标采购管理和运作体系,并取得明显成效。本钢开展物资比价招标采购的主要做法是:一、构建科学的框架体系 1.健全规章制度为搞好物资比价招标采购,本钢首先重点抓了物资比价招标采购管理框架的总体设计。第一进一步建立和完善了物资比价招标采购制度。制定了《关…  相似文献   

网上联合招标采购—钢铁电子商务的重要突破口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统工业企业走向现代化的过程中,大力推广和应用信息技术是必然趋势。网上采购招标,是从传统采购招标的基础上发展起来的一种新型电子商务应用手段。网上采购招标可以全面取代或部分取代传统采购招标,从而使企业提高采购效率,降低采购成本,加快资金循环。中国联合钢铁网作为钢铁工业的行业网站,探索钢铁行业电子商务实现形式和发展模式是我们的使命。下面结合我们的研究、思考和实践,讲述三个内容,与大家共同探讨。一、走联合之路,共同发展钢铁行业电子商务在2000年6月,中国联合钢铁网的12家股东企业领导在宝钢召开了钢…  相似文献   

王潼 《冶金管理》2001,(12):4-8
一、2000年我国网上采购的基本情况2000年1月1日,中国“投标招标法“正式实施,该法规定,凡是工程合同价超过200万元,货物采购超过100万元的项目,都必须公开招标。2000年7月1日,中国国家计委根据国务院授权,指定“中国采购与招标网“(chinabidding.com.cn)是发布政府招标公告的唯一一家国家级招标代理机构。这家网站上,有众多的各行各业的和各省市的政府招标采购项目公告,既有在建项目公告,也有拟建项目公告,既有国内招标采购公告,也有世界银行、亚洲开发银行、联合国和欧盟等国际组织的采购招标公告…  相似文献   

企业采购信息管理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张秋生 《江苏冶金》2004,32(4):65-68
介绍了企业采购信息管理系统的专家数据库管理、供应商数据库管理、价格数据库管理、招标业务流程、特采业务管理、比价采购业务管理、统计分析以及系统维护.以需求分析为出发点,结合企业采购业务的理论知识,对该系统进行了较详细的分析.并对整个系统实施的状况及配套措施作了介绍。  相似文献   

陈虹  王昕 《冶金管理》2002,(11):51-51
攀钢集团成都无缝钢管公司将招标投标制度引入到采购工作中,通过近两年的摸索和尝试,取得了一些成绩和经验,据不完全统计,2001年公司开展招标项目104项,节约资金1323万元,降低率达13%,为公司降本增效发挥了重要作用,我们的主要作法如下:一、建立机构和制度我们以《招投标法》为指导思想,结合企业招标的根本目标,设计、规范企业招标业务流程。首先公司设立了“招标委员会”,由总经理任主任,公司各分管领导任委员,供应、财务、技术、质量、生产等部门负责人组成,招标办公室设在监察审计部,在物资采购部门成立了…  相似文献   

冶金备件电子采购招标系统通过互联网、移动互联网、条码识别等技术,为企业建立私有云式的电子采购平台,能够实现线上招标、报价、合同、结算,并与线下送货紧密连接,提高了招标采购效率、降低采购成本。  相似文献   

刘法升 《山东冶金》2001,23(6):67-69
为了降氏采购价格,提高采购质量,铸管公司建立了大宗原材料物招标采购模式。在准备阶段采取了建立强有力的组织保障体系、提供必要的制度保证和综合的质量保证、严格程序和人员培训等措施;在招标采购过程中严格按制度办事,规范操作行为,确保招标采购良好运行,使采购成本平均降低18.8%,提高了工作效率,建立起了系统、完善、行之有效的企业管理新机制。  相似文献   

鲁迅先生一生热爱美术作品,对版画中木刻兴趣尤甚.<野草>作为其"写心之作",亦呈现出一些与木刻版画一致的审美特征:一是具有木刻版画的色彩特征,多对比、多冷色,有阴郁的美感;二是具有木刻版画的力度特征,环境描写、人物刻画处处刀锋毕现,遒劲有力,有一种"力之美".  相似文献   

南钢45号钢的主要问题是铸坯和轧材裂纹率高,轧材易在热墩或热墩后的机加工过程中出现不同程度的开裂。究其原因是由于钢中大量的氧化物和硫化物夹杂使得其塑性、韧性及疲劳强度降低、加工性能变坏所致。因此,通过控制转炉终点碳质量分数和出钢过程温度、增加软吹氩时间、在LF炉中提前造白渣以及加强保护浇注等措施,降低了45号钢钢中夹杂物的数量,有效的避免了加工开裂。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to investigate the mechanism of regulation of mitochondrial respiration in vivo in different muscles of normal rat and mice, and in transgenic mice deficient in desmin. Skinned fiber technique was used to study the mitochondrial respiration in the cells in vivo in the heart, soleus and white gastrocnemius skeletal muscles of these animals. Also, cardiomyocytes were isolated from the normal rat heart, permeabilized by saponin and the "ghost" (phantom) cardiomyocytes were produced by extraction of myosin with 800 mM KCl. Use of confocal immunofluorescent microscopy and anti-desmin antibodies showed good preservation of mitochondria and cytoskeletal system in these phantom cells. Kinetics of respiration regulation by ADP was also studied in these cells in detail before and after binding of anti-desmine antibodies with intermediate filaments. In skinned cardiac or soleus skeletal muscle fibers but not in fibers from fast twitch skeletal muscle the kinetics of mitochondrial respiration regulation by ADP was characterized by very high apparent Km (low affinity) equal to 300-400 microM, exceeding that for isolated mitochondria by factor of 25. In skinned fibers from m. soleus, partial inhibition of respiration by NaN3 did not decrease the apparent Km for ADP significantly, this excluding the possible explanation of low apparent affinity of mitochondria to ADP in these cells by its rapid consumption due to high oxidative activity and by intracellular diffusion problems. However, short treatment of fibers with trypsin decreased this constant value to 40-70 microM, confirming the earlier proposition that mitochondrial sensitivity to ADP in vivo is controlled by some cytoplasmic protein. Phantom cardiomyocytes which contain mostly mitochondria and cytoskeleton and retain the normal shape, showed also high apparent Km values for ADP. Therefore, they are probably the most suitable system for studies of cellular factors which control mitochondrial function in the cells in vivo. In these phantom cells anti-desmin antibodies did not change the kinetics of respiration regulation by ADP. However, in skinned fibers from the heart and m. soleus of transgenic desmin-deficient mice some changes in kinetics of respiration regulation by ADP were observed: in these fibers two populations of mitochondria were observed, one with usually high apparent Km for ADP and the second one with very low apparent Km for ADP. Morphological observations by electron microscopy confirmed the existence of two distinct cellular populations in the muscle cells of desmin-deficient mice. The results conform to the conclusion that the reason for observed high apparent Km for ADP in regulation of oxidative phosphorylation in heart and slow twitch skeletal muscle cells in vivo is low permeability of mitochondrial outer membrane porins but not diffusion problems of ADP into and inside the cells. Most probably, in these cells there is a protein associated with cytoskeleton, which controls the permeability of the outer mitochondrial porin pores (VDAC) for ADP. Desmin itself does not display this type of control of mitochondrial porin pores, but its absence results in appearance of cells with disorganised structure and of altered mitochondrial population probably lacking this unknown VDAC controlling protein. Thus, there may be functional connection between mitochondria, cellular structural organisation and cytoskeleton in the cells in vivo due to the existence of still unidentified protein factor(s).  相似文献   

Islets undergo a number of upregulatory changes to meet the increased demand for insulin during pregnancy, including an increase in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion with a reduction in the stimulation threshold. Treatment with the lactogenic hormone prolactin (PRL) in vitro has been shown to induce changes in islets similar to those observed during pregnancy. We examined cAMP production in islets treated with PRL to determine if changes in cAMP are involved in the upregulation of insulin secretion. Insulin secretion and cAMP concentrations were measured from islets in response to a suprathreshold (6.8 mmol/l) or high (16.8 mmol/l) glucose concentration in the presence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine. Insulin secretion increased by 2.1-, 5.0-, and 5.9-fold at the suprathreshold glucose concentration and by 1.6-, 2.3-, and 2.9-fold at the higher glucose concentration after 1, 3, and 5 days of PRL treatment, respectively. After a similar pattern, cAMP metabolism increased by 1.2-, 1.6-, and 2.1-fold at the suprathreshold glucose concentration and by 1.2-, 1.7-, and 2.2-fold at the high glucose concentration after 1, 3, and 5 days of PRL treatment, respectively. The similar increases in insulin secretion and cAMP concentration suggest that changes in cAMP metabolism are involved in lactogen-induced upregulation of insulin secretion. To gain additional insight into the role of cAMP in the upregulation of islet function after lactogen treatment, we examined the relationship between changes in cAMP concentration and insulin secretion. Under all conditions (differing glucose concentrations and time periods), the increase in insulin release was directly proportional to the increase in cAMP. Thus increased glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from lactogen-treated islets could be accounted for by increased generation of cAMP and did not appear to require any further specific changes in intracellular processes mediated by cAMP. Because the PRL receptor is not directly involved in cAMP metabolism, the lactogen-induced increase in cAMP was most likely due to the increase in glucose metabolism that we have previously demonstrated in PRL-treated islets and in islets during pregnancy.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis was performed on 40 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and mouth floor, which could be followed for 6 months or more after initial treatment in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, School of Medicine, Keio University during the 14 years from 1983 to 1996. The 5-year survival rate determined by the Kaplan-Meier method for each stage was 100% for Stage I, 77.8% for Stage II, 60.0% for Stage III and 44.4% for Stage IV. Thirteen suffered a relapse after initial treatment and patients with relapses among them have all survived after the subsequent salvage surgery. In contrast, in nine patients with cervical relapse, however, the 5-year survival rate was 11.1% with an unfavorable prognosis. This confirmed that suppressing cervical relapses is important for treating tongue and floor mouth cancers. The treatment strategy in our department is characteristic of positive enforcement of prophylactic neck dissection in the surgery and introduction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in the chemotherapy. Prophylactic neck dissection was performed in the 17 patients and no relapse was observed on the side of prophylactic neck dissection. NAC was performed on 26 patients in consideration of suppressed minute metastases and preserved function and 24 determinable cases were statistically analyzed. Among patients who had received NAC, the oral function was successfully preserved without surgical intervention in six patients both patients who showed complete response (CR) and four out of 14 patients who had a partial response (PR) following NAC. This may indicate that the oral function could be preserved in those patients who exhibited CR following NAC, but that preservation could be difficult in patients who exhibited PR. In addition, concerning the accumulated 5-year survival rate in relation to the effect of NAC, responders (CR + PR) accounted for 90.9% and non-responders (no change + progressive disease following NAC) for 15.0% with a very good outcome noted in the responder group. These figures suggest that responders may have a significantly good prognosis in the multivariant analysis including additional background factors before treatment as well. Accordingly, the present therapeutic measures for non-responders must be reexamined and performed more carefully and accurately as compared with those for responders.  相似文献   

The influence of a unilateral lesion of the basolateral amygdala (BLA) on instrumental reflexes and the EEG activity of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus (DMN) was investigated in experiments on rats. A decrease in the number of correct reactions and an increase in their latency over the course of the first two postoperative weeks was accompanied by an increase in the amplitude of the delta and theta rhythms in the EEG of the OFC and DMN, whereas in the following two weeks this change appeared only in the EEG of the OFC. The changes in the EEG reflecting new functional relationships between the structures of the injured system were more prolonged (more than a month) than the period of the recovery of the parameters of the reflexes. It is hypothesized that an important role in the foundation of the disturbance and recovery of the instrumental reflex behavior following destruction of the BLA belongs to the functional reorganization of connections between the limbic and thalamocortical structures of the brain.  相似文献   

Bromosulfophthalein and papaverine have been demonstrated to inhibit biliary lipid secretion without affecting secretion of bile salts in normal rats, so-called uncoupling. Bromosulfophthalein inhibits the capacity of intracanalicular bile salt micelles to induce biliary lipid secretion, and papaverine inhibits vesicular transport within the hepatocyte. We compared the effects of bromosulfophthalein and papaverine on biliary lipid secretion in normal Sprague-Dawley rats and Eizai hyperbilirubinuria rats. The fatty acyl chain saturation in biliary lecithin increased during bromosulfophthalein infusion and decreased during papaverine infusion in Sprague-Dawley rats. Bromosulfophthalein had no effect on biliary lipid secretion in Eizai rats, while papaverine induced uncoupling. The degree of fatty acyl chain saturation in biliary lecithin was unchanged during bromosulfophthalein infusion, but decreased with papaverine in Eizai rats. We deduce that selection of biliary lecithin species occurs at various points in the lipid transport pathway at intracellular and intracanalicular sites.  相似文献   

Experimental studies on the mechanims of transductal dissemination of the pancreas carcinoma was made in rabbit by injection of VX2 carcinoma suspension into the pancreatic duct. Ductal occlusion was conductive to nidation and growth in the pancreas of intraductal floating cancer cells, but tumor growth also occured in 40% of animals in which the duct was not occluded. The mechanisms of nidation in the pancreas of intraductal floating cancer cells were direct embedding into the ductal wall, and leakage of cancer cells from the duct in the process of pancreatic fibrosis due to ductal obstruction. Expansive tumor growth in the pancreas was more vigorous the smaller the degree of fibrosis of the pancreas, and was most active where associated acute pancreatitis was seen or where the pancreas was X-irradiated one week before injection of carcinoma suspension.  相似文献   

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