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针对司家营铁矿主井岩体存在大量节理破碎带和涌水量大的条件,通过理论分析和调研,设计提出地表注浆进行堵水;地表注浆方案分为成井注浆段注浆和未掘砌段预注浆,施工过程中三个井筒平行作业。通过地表注浆,现场测得井筒涌水量为5.2m3/h,计算得各井筒各段堵水率98.2%,效果显著。  相似文献   

"注浆堵水"是治理大水矿山经常使用的一种方法。辽宁省凌源某金矿混合井掘进到深部,由于岩石条件变得较破碎,井下涌水量突然增大,造成井筒被淹。该矿首先预埋止浆垫加固注浆导管、滤水桶,通过理论计算确定止浆垫厚度及高度,并浇筑止浆垫;然后架设施工平台,预埋工作面和塌落区注浆导管、安装注浆设备;最后进行工作面壁后混凝土充填、注浆加固封水的工艺流程对该井井筒进行壁后注浆堵水,并且取得了明显的效果,使得该井能够顺利的完成施工。该矿井筒壁后注浆的成功应用,为今后类似淹井矿山水治理积累了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

结合工程实例,介绍了超前预注浆堵水在胶带斜井施工中的应用。结果表明:超前预注浆技术的应用可以明显减小斜井井筒涌水量,并能巩固井筒软弱围岩,确保施工顺利进行和施工安全。  相似文献   

井壁破碎出现渗水和片帮是影响采区风井安全性的主要因素之一,在三山岛金矿中,应用井筒壁后注浆是常用的堵水及加固井壁稳定性的方法.随着开采往深部和西南翼的延伸,围岩更为破碎,渗水量加大,井壁片帮现象严重,影响前期施工和后期井壁的安全.因此,采用井筒壁后注浆的方式,达到注浆堵水和井壁加固的作用,使得施工得以正常进行,并为类似矿山开采工作提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

针对田兴铁矿1#主井井壁突水情况及井壁裂隙破碎带的结构特点,介绍了在出水点埋设3根导水管将井壁涌水引入工作面水窝,再浇筑混凝土井壁形成支撑结构防止围岩失稳、裂隙扩展,最后待浇筑混凝土养护后对其壁后注浆封水的突水治理方案。其中,壁后注浆采用上行式注浆,由下而上逐步推进注浆封水,注浆孔分3层上下菱形交错布置。经过井壁突水综合治理方案的实施,田兴铁矿1#主井井壁裂隙破碎带涌水从最初的64 m3/h降到近20 m3/h,对井壁涌水起到了封堵作用,有效保障了后续井筒下掘施工的安全。  相似文献   

地下水是产生井筒涌水的主要水源,研究表明矿区地下水资源丰富,主要源自大气降水,而矿区断裂普遍发育,构成了涌水通道,为主井涌水提供了条件.通过对比分析,并结合矿区井筒地质概况,选择静水抛渣注浆封水、壁后注浆充填截水作为井筒涌水的治理方案,在此基础上,介绍了涌水治理的施工工艺、主要技术参数及排水问题.在井筒涌水淹井后,采用...  相似文献   

楚雄矿冶六苴矿区2#竖井在井筒施工到430 m时,遇到一涌水断层,其水量及水压较高。在直接穿过断裂层较困难的情况下,经采用工作面预注浆封堵,有效减少了断层涌水,较顺利地穿过了该断层,大大加快了施工进度,同时也确保了工程施工中的质量与安全。本文就工作面预注浆的施工工艺、注浆压力及监理控制要点等进行了分析与阐述。  相似文献   

谦比希东南矿体主井设计井深1100m,存在井筒穿越多个含水岩层,水压及涌水量较大等问题,如何有效封堵深部地下水成为井筒建设成败的关键,针对上述问题,在深入分析涌水规律的基础上,提出了工作面超前预注浆防水技术,封水效果良好,缩短了建设工期,为类似工程提供了借鉴意义.  相似文献   

吴文根 《黄金》2001,22(4):26-27
文中介绍了在涌水较大的竖井井筒掘砌施工中,采用工作面预注浆,合理选择注浆工艺,既可改善施工条件,又能加快工程进度。  相似文献   

详细介绍了三贵口主井淹井事故处理技术。通过勘测井下涌水,设计堵水方案,堵层厚度计算以及注浆量估算,采取抛渣和注浆封底方法,成功地堵住了涌水。  相似文献   

Bone-marrow chromosomes were examined from 38 mentally and physically retarded and two psychiatric patients who were being treated with a variety of neuropharmacologic drugs. Twenty of these patients used clozapine (Leponex). The clastogenic effects of clozapine in vitro were studied in the lymphocyte cultures of three patients--one free of hematologic disease and two who 6 months earlier had had agranulocytosis attributed to the use of clozapine. The mean frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities in the bone-marrow cells of patients who used clozapine was significantly increased (P less than 0.05). The two patients who had had agranulocytosis had a greater frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities in their cultured lymphocytes in vivo and in vitro than the patient free of hematologic disease. A clone with a 13/14 chromosome translocation was detected in one of the patients. As all patients received a number of drugs during the in vivo and in vitro studies no definite conclusions could be drawn regarding the role played by clozapine in the occurrence of chromosomal abnormalities.  相似文献   

High plasma renin concentration (PRC) and hematocrit (Ht) were observed in hypertensive rabbits with one renal artery clipped and an intact opposite kidney (Group A), while rather low PRC and Ht in hypertensive ones with one renal artery clipped and the opposite kidney removed (Group B). Plasma volume (PV), blood volume (BV), and packed cell volume (PCV) were estimated in these two types of hypertensive rabbits, and also in sham-operated rabbits (Group C). In Group A, 4 weeks after clipping of a renal artery, PV was decreased and significant inverse correlations were observed between PV and the elevation of blood pressure and between PV and PRC. A significant correlation between PRC and the elevation of blood pressure was also found 4 and 12 weeks after the clipping. PCV was increased until 12 weeks after clipping. In Group B, PV was increased 1 and 4 weeks after clipping, then returned to the initial level. Ht was decreased 1 and 12 weeks, and PCV was decreased 12 weeks after clipping. These results would indicate that a high Ht seen in Group A was partly due to the decreased PV and partly due to the increased PCV, while, in Group B, a low Ht in early stage might be mainly due to the increased PV, but in the late stage, a decreased PCV appeared to play a role to lower Ht. PRC seems to be affected differently by PV in these two types of hypertension.  相似文献   

Author made a revision on the theory published by Rihmer and alii in the year 1989. According to this theory the marked regional differences of suicide in Hungary are caused by the different discovery of the "endogen depression" (rate of diagnosed depression). So the lower is the diagnosis of depression the higher is the suicide rate in a given territory. They have seen a negative correlation between the number of working physicians and the suicide rates. Author made a reexamination on a correct database between 1985-1994. He has also made a study using the DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria in four counties of Hungary. His results deny the theory above mentioned. The rank-correlation of the number of GP and the suicide rates in Hungary in years 1985-1994 did not show correlation. So the underdiagnosis of the depressive disorders and the different number of GP are not the cause of the regional differences of suicide in Hungary.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test the ability of the chemotherapeutic agent suramin to inhibit angiogenesis in experimental models in vitro and in vivo. In the culture of rat aortic rings on fibronectin, suramin dose-dependently inhibited vascular cell growth, achieving the maximal effect (mean - 88% versus controls, P < 0.05) at 400 microg/ml. Image analysis showed that suramin could inhibit microvessel sprouting in fibrin from rat aortic rings as evaluated by the ratio between the cellular area and the mean gray value of the sample (sprouting index); suramin at 50 microg/ml significantly reduced the sprouting index from the control value of 0.35+/-0.04 to 0.14+/-0.02 mm2/gray level (P < 0.05). Likewise, the area occupied by cells was 19.2+/-1.8 mm2 as compared with 41.8+/-4.2 mm2 in controls (P < 0.05). In the rat model of neovascularization induced in the cornea by chemical injury, suramin at 1.6 mg/eye per day reduced the length of blood vessels (0.7+/-0.1 mm as compared with 1.5+/-0.1 mm in controls, P < 0.05). In the same model the ratio between the area of blood vessels and the total area of the cornea (area fraction score) was decreased by suramin from 0.19+/-0.02 in controls to 0.03+/-0.003 (P < 0.05). Suramin given i.p. at 30 mg/ kg per day markedly inhibited the neovascularization induced in the rat mesentery by compound 48/80 or conditioned medium from cells secreting the angiogenic protein fibroblast growth factor-3 (FGF-3). The area fraction score in control rats treated with compound 48/80 was 0.31+/-0.03, and this was reduced to 0.07+/-0.01 by suramin (P < 0.05). After i.p. administration of FGF-3 the area fraction score was reduced by suramin from 0.29+/-0.03 to 0.05+/-0.01 (P < 0.05). These results provide evidence that suramin exerts inhibitory effects on angiogenesis in both in vitro and in vivo models.  相似文献   

To examine the possibility of cytokine gene therapy in relation to pancreatic cancer, we evaluated the antitumor effect of human pancreatic carcinoma cells (AsPC-1) which were retrovirally-transduced with several kinds of cytokine genes. These cells were inoculated into BALB/c nude mice and their tumor volumes were assessed. The in vitro growth rate of the transduced cells was not different from that of a parental cell line. Among the transduced cells, human interleukin (IL)-6-transduced AsPC-1 and mouse granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor-transduced AsPC-1 cells showed a significant retardation of tumor growth compared with a parental cell line. In the cases of AsPC-1 cells transduced with the human IL-2 or mouse IL-4 gene, small tumors were generated but thereafter they regressed completely. Histological examinations showed monocytic cell infiltration around the tumors of IL-2- or IL-4-producing cells. These data suggest that secretion of IL-2 or IL-4 from tumor cells can induce an antitumor effect even in the defective condition of mature T cells.  相似文献   

 为了在“全三脱”工艺流程中实现炉渣的高效循环利用,将[w((P2O5))]较低的热态脱碳炉终渣通过渣罐兑入脱磷炉继续发挥脱磷作用。分析结果表明,提高返回渣量及脱磷渣磷分配比均可显著降低脱磷炉石灰消耗量,当渣钢磷分配比及返回渣量控制合适时,脱磷炉可不加入石灰而使半钢磷质量分数达到目标值。对脱碳炉渣在脱磷炉冶炼中的再熔化过程进行计算分析,随着铁水中硅元素的氧化,脱碳渣碱度降低而不断熔化,逐渐发挥脱磷作用。在“全三脱”工艺流程中成功开发了转炉渣热态循环利用工艺,脱磷率提高约6%,返回脱碳渣加入量约为67.13 kg/t,石灰、轻烧白云石和萤石分别节约9.37、1.15 和2.45 kg/t,半钢温度提高约7 ℃。  相似文献   

Clinical and bacteriological efficacies of lomefloxacin and ofloxacin were comparatively estimated in the treatment of 104 urologic patients with nonspecific inflammatory diseases and in 36 urologic patients for prophylaxis of inflammatory complications after surgical interventions. The majority of the urinary tract pathogens i.e. Enterobacteriaceae spp. and gramnegative nonfermenting bacteria were highly susceptible to both the fluoroquinolones. The clinical and bacteriological efficacies of lomefloxacin amounted to 94.4 and 80.7 per cent and those of ofloxacin to 92 and 79.2 per cent respectively. The prophylactic use of lomefloxacin and ofloxacin was efficient in 94.7 and 94.1 per cent of the cases respectively. The antibacterial prophylaxis in urologic patients should be applied not only at the period of surgical interventions but also during the early postoperative period.  相似文献   

结合天津铁厂烧结分厂二烧车间烧结过程控制的具体情况,介绍了分散型控制系统在烧结生产上的应用以及数据网上发布的一种方法。  相似文献   

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