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先进工业国家均采用电炉(转炉)→炉外精炼→矩形坯(大方坯)连铸工艺流程生产以轴承钢、齿轮钢等为主要产品的特殊钢.本钢炼钢厂采用转炉→炉外精炼(LF+RH)→矩形坯连铸生产GCr15,其化学成分全部达到本钢企业标准要求,其中有害元素w(Ti)=25×10-6,w(Ca)=2×10-6,w(O)=8×10-6、w(N)=38×10-6、w(H)=0.8×10-6,均优于GB/T18254-2002标准要求,满足瑞典SKF标准(SKF D33)的要求.  相似文献   

在首钢京唐钢铁联合有限责任公司"全三脱"铁水少渣冶炼工艺过程中,通过生产历史数据对影响钢水氮含量因素进行分析,结果表明:转炉顶枪漏氮对钢水增氮有很大影响;采用硅铁作为提温剂可以有效控制钢水w(N)在12×10-6左右;脱碳转炉采用全程底吹氩钢水w(N)可以降低3.3×10-6;转炉熔池内w(C)=0.3%~0.4%时,加入矿石可有效降低钢水氮含量;转炉后吹以及出钢时间越长,钢中氮含量越高;采取优化措施后,脱碳转炉出钢后,可稳定控制钢包内钢水w(N)≤15×10-6,达到了冶炼低氮钢的控制要求。  相似文献   

郭翔宇  王玉生  刘俊山 《炼钢》2012,28(2):41-43,47
对河北钢铁集团邯钢公司邯宝炼钢厂车轮钢的生产过程进行跟踪,全过程研究了"LD→LF→CC"工艺生产车轮钢各工序氮含量的变化。通过优化控制工艺,推行全程控氮,使车轮钢成品w(N)稳定在45.00×10-6以内,平均为31.61×10-6,提高了车轮钢的质量。  相似文献   

周宏  胡兵  何维祥  程小利  马立华 《炼钢》2012,28(2):29-31
重庆钢铁股份有限公司新区炼钢厂结合低碳低硅钢的生产实践,为改善钢水可浇性、避免因中间包水口堵塞而停浇的事故发生,对转炉后搅、顶渣脱氧和RH碳脱氧工艺进行了优化。工艺改进后,转炉终点钢水w(O)降低了127×10-6,渣中w(FeO+MnO)<5%,钢水中铝的加入量减少了0.38~0.43 kg/t,有效降低了钢中氧化物夹杂含量,钢中w(T.O)控制在(14~25)×10-6内。生产实践表明:采用"BOF→RH→CC"工艺路线生产低碳低硅钢,提高了钢水洁净度、单中包连浇炉数达18炉。  相似文献   

刘彭  徐刚军  隋亚飞  陈杰 《炼钢》2019,35(2):57-62
湖南华菱涟源钢铁公司210 t转炉在大生产中实施多工序点加废钢、转炉补热,大幅度降低铁水单耗,同时通过改善转炉脱氮能力,转炉终点减少过吹、补吹,优化LF进站前期低温送电制度、优化脱氧工艺、取消了钙处理工艺,有效减少生产过程中增氮量;优化RH钢顶渣改质力度,降低渣中TFe含量,根据RH加铝吹氧量相应延长RH循环时间,稳定中间包钢水T.O含量;最终实现品种钢综合铁水单耗降至820 kg/t,同时满足LF品种钢中间包钢水w(N)≤60×10~(-6)比例达到99.8%,经RH处理的中间包钢水w(T.O)≤28×10~(-6)比例达到95%,大幅度增加了钢产量,经济效益巨大。  相似文献   

介绍采用"BOF→LF→RH→CC"工艺开发的SWRH72A:钢中全氧w(TO)≤13×10-6,碳中心偏析指数控制在0.94~1.06,以及成品盘条的性能。  相似文献   

对比分析柳钢150t转炉炼钢系统两种(转炉-钢包炉精炼-RH精炼-连铸和转炉-RH精炼-连铸)生产IF钢的工艺。结果表明,采用转炉-RH精炼-连铸工艺生产的IF钢:(1)洁净度相对更高,生产成本更低;(2)RH精炼结束w(C)≤10×10-6、w全(O)≤31×10-6、w(N)≤20×10-6,中间包w(C)≤11×10-6、w全(O)≤25×10-6、w(N)≤20×10-6;(3)造成钢水洁净度偏低的主要原因是RH脱氧合金化后循环时间偏短,且RH精炼炉渣控制不稳定。  相似文献   

介绍了邯钢一炼钢厂"铁水→转炉初炼→LF精炼+RH精炼→200 mm×200 mm方坯连铸"生产齿轮钢的工艺流程。针对H20CrMnTi-2齿轮钢氮化钛夹杂含量超标的问题,从控制钢水中氮含量和钛含量两方面着手,有效降低了TiN夹杂含量,实现了连铸过程齿轮钢的增氮量降到10×10~(-6)以下,H20CrMnTi-2圆钢B类(氮化钛夹杂)夹杂含量稳定控制的2.5级以下。  相似文献   

采用"转炉→RH+LF→矩形坯连铸"工艺流程生产48MnV-C非调质曲轴钢,在LF精炼时添加氮化锰进行钢水增氮操作,钢中氮质量分数可稳定控制在(108~134)×10-6,平均值为120×10-6,并可预防轧材的"白点"缺陷。  相似文献   

介绍了首钢京唐公司IF钢生产工艺开发过程。IF钢生产工艺控制关键是碳、氮含量成分控制和钢卷表面质量控制(通过防止水口堵塞和减少夹杂物)。IF钢碳含量控制的关键是RH脱碳过程控制、防止合金增碳和精炼结束到中间包增碳,对应的措施有控制RH进站钢水w(C)≤0.04%、控制过程废钢加入量、RH脱碳过程辅助钢包底吹、清洁上料和使用无碳耐材等。IF钢氮含量控制的关键是控制好转炉吹炼过程脱氮效果、防止RH吸氮和防止连铸过程吸氮。IF钢卷的主要表面缺陷之一是夹杂类缺陷,控制夹杂类缺陷主要从控制转炉终点氧含量、钢包渣改质、控制中间包钢水w(Al_s)/w(Al_t)0.94、恒拉速浇铸等方面着手。采取措施后,中间包熔炼成分碳、氮质量分数分别下降了3.7×10~(-6)和5.9×10~(-6),IF钢夹杂原因造成的钢卷表面质量协议品率由2.3%下降到1.0%~1.5%。  相似文献   

转炉炉壳热应力分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
任学平  郭志强  邹家祥 《炼钢》2001,17(6):47-49
根据实际转炉建立实体模型。以有限元为手段,考虑了炉衬和炉壳材料的物性参数随温度变化的特点和炉衬与炉壳之间膨胀间隙,计算了转炉炉壳在温度载荷和炉衬膨胀压力同时作用下的热应力。所得结果可为转炉炉壳设计提供依据。  相似文献   

Usage of quality of life of psychiatric patients' relatives as the parameter of estimation of the quality of psychiatric care is considered. By means of standard questionnaire elaborated by the authors as well as by means of both individual and group conversations the quality of life was analyzed in 40 relatives which lived together with psychiatric patients. Different spheres of their life and difficulties (financial, social-psychologic, production) were examined in families with such patients. The defects of psychiatric care that had direct influence on the quality of life of the psychiatric patients' relatives are outlined.  相似文献   

The effect of 20 different antibiotics on chemotaxis by human neutrophils was studied. Human leukocytes incubated with chloramphenicol, rifampin, sodium fusidate, and tetracyclines in vitro showed markedly depressed migration. The mechanisms by which these antibiotics affect leukotaxis are discussed.  相似文献   

Totally negative results of epidemiological investigation of random samples do not prove the absence of the infection as the pathogen may be restricted to only a few animals in the herd for a long time. The statement "absence of infection" is critical for such situations. The question is raised, whether the statement "absence of infection" should be generally avoided. Classification of herds and flocks according to the prevalence of the pathogen would be more valid for the implementation of control measures.  相似文献   

显微维氏硬度测量不确定度评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对显微维氏硬度测量不确定度进行评定,建立了不确定度计算的数学模型,确定了影响实验结果的各项因素,计算出了各因素的标准不确定度,得出结果的扩展不确定度,并给出最终测量结果的表达式。  相似文献   

Some theories of personality hold that an individual's perception of others is influenced by his own personality characteristics; more specifically, that a trait of low social value will be projected more into others, and that insight into the possession of these characteristics reduces this distortion. These 2 hypotheses were tested by having a group of college students rate each other (including themselves) on degree of friendliness or hostility. Agreement with group rating about self yielded the insight score. In general, the hypotheses were supported; the "friendly" Ss were most accurate in their perception of others, and insight was positively associated with accurate perception. From Psyc Abstracts 36:04:4HL16M. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The rates of infection of two methods of external ventricular drainage in use at Atkinson Morley's Hospital--namely, (a) percutaneous drainage with Rickham reservoirs and (b) tunnelled ventriculostomies--were compared in this retrospective review. Percutaneous drainage of CSF with Rickham reservoirs was associated with a 27% rate of infection as identified by positive microbiological cultures; tunnelled ventriculostomy catheters had a 10% infection rate. The difference in the infection rate between the two methods was statistically significant (P < 0.015). Other variables examined, including the age and sex of the patients and the reasons for ventricular drainage, were not associated with an increased rate of infection. Most infections from either method were caused by a coagulase negative staphylococcus. The average duration of ventricular drainage before identification of positive cultures was 5.7 days for Rickham reservoirs and 6.0 days for ventriculostomies.  相似文献   

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