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对生物医用钛及其合金材料的最新开发应用进展与市场状况进行了综述;并对我国目前在应用生物医用钛及其合金方面存在的问题进行了初步分析;并对这一领域的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

对生物医用钛及其合金材料的最新开发应用进展与市场状况进行了综述;并对我国目前在应用生物医用钛及其合金方面存在的问题进行了初步分析;并对这一领域的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Ti及Ti合金具有低密度、高比强度、较低的弹性模量以及优异的耐腐蚀性能和生物相容性,因而成为生物医用材料的首选。本文简要介绍了粉末冶金技术制备Ti及其合金的主要特点及其优势,从粉末准备、成形、烧结、性能4个方面综述了粉末冶金医用Ti合金的研究进展,并总结了目前粉末冶金医用Ti合金的应用状况;针对目前存在的主要问题,分析了粉末冶金医用Ti合金的发展方向及其应用前景。  相似文献   

钛材良好的生物相容性导致其在海水管路应用中面临着严重的海洋生物污损问题。分析了钛材表面污损生物附着机理及附着规律,分别介绍了微生物污损与宏生物污损对钛材的影响,阐述了国内外钛制管路常用的防污技术及其特点,并指出了钛制管路污损防除技术的研究方向:(1)掌握污损生物在钛材表面的附着规律及与钛材界面的作用机制,以助于防污技术的研究;(2)开发无毒、节能、高效的新型海洋生物防污技术。  相似文献   

成功研发出能显著改善医用钛材料综合性能的经济有效、环境友好表面改性新技术-改进表面热处理(PTO)技术.PTO表面改性钛植入物显示了优异的综合性能:显著改善的耐磨耐蚀性能;良好的生物相容性;优异的血液相容性.  相似文献   

随着医疗产品市场对生物医用材料需求量的不断增加,比强度高、弹性模量低、耐腐蚀,生物相容性好的钛和钛合金受到人们越来越多的关注。相对于传统的机加工和模压加工工艺,金属粉末注射成形能够实现产品的低成本、大批量近净成形,有效的提高材料利用率,扩大了钛和钛合金的应用范围。本文利用水溶性注射料体系和商用球形钛粉制备了注射料,并进行了力学性能试样的制备,通过优化烧结工艺参数,制得烧结试样的物理力学性能如下:氧含量0.228%,氮含量0.015%,屈服强度443 MPa,极限拉伸强度554MPa,延伸率20.9%,相对密度96.9%。试样整体性能满足ASTM F2989-13外科植入用金属注射成形纯钛部件标准。  相似文献   

多孔钛有着良好的生物相容性、耐磨性和耐蚀性,其特有的孔隙结构不仅有利于成骨细胞的增殖和分化,还便于将其力学性能调整至与被替换的人体组织相匹配,现已成为重要的人体硬组织替代材料,得到越来越广泛的关注。为此,总结了国内外关于医用多孔钛制备的最新研究成果,介绍了近年来5种新兴的多孔钛制备方法——放电等离子烧结法、带有空间支架的粉末冶金法、选择性激光熔化法、电子束熔融法和激光金属沉积法,讨论了不同制备方法对材料表面性能和力学性能的影响,并对多孔钛用作生物植入物产品的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

钛及其合金作为耐蚀和生物相容材料在医用方面已久负盛名.早在七十年代,前苏联就进行了大量的研究,直到目前,钛在该领域应用的研究兴趣仍在不断地增长.世界钛会上以及在非航空领域的应用方面有不少文章涉及到钛在医疗方面的应用,在国际钛协会组织的专业会议和展览会上与会代表们也十分关注这个问题.这必将促进钛及其合金在医学方面应用的深入研究以及生产工艺的不断发展.钛在医学方面的应用领域相当广,现已取得了长足的进展并得到了广泛的应用,诸如在人体髋关节的修复方面,现在每年大约有40万个钛制髋关节用于病人身上,这为人类健康、解除病痛做出了贡献.  相似文献   

以实现人体硬组织修复替代为应用目标的钛基复合材料是当前医用材料研究的活跃领域之一。从基体选择、涂层材料、复合制备技术等方面介绍了生物医用钛基复合材料的研究现状和近年来取得的进展,并提出了将来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

钛和钛合金由于具有诸如高比强度、低弹性模量、优异的耐腐蚀性以及生物相容性等一系列优良的综合性能,成为目前最有前景的生物医用材料,但是其较差的机加工性能限制了钛材料的应用,尤其是在形状复杂零件中的应用。金属粉末注射成形(MIM)可以实现复杂形状产品的近终成形,这种成形工艺能够大大扩展钛及钛合金的应用范围。利用水溶性注射料进行了力学性能测试试样的制备,通过优化工艺参数,最终获得了相对密度为95.7%的纯钛烧结件,其他主要理化性能如下:氧质量分数0.196%,氮质量分数0.007%,屈服强度403.12 MPa,极限抗拉强度491.33 MPa,伸长率21.4%,除相对密度外其他性能均满足ASTM F2989-13二级纯钛标准。  相似文献   

Background: Previous studies have identified the preventive effect of leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) on depression. Women and men have different emotional vulnerabilities. The impact of LTPA on depression varies by gender. Little is known about the impact of LTPA on depression for people with different marital status. Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the long-term effects of LTPA, changes in LTPA, and marital status on the risk of developing depression for general Canadians. Methods: Data from the biennial National Population Health Survey (NPHS) cycles conducted between 1994/95 and 2004/05 were analyzed in 2008. After excluding individuals with preexisting depression at baseline, respondents were classified as physically active or inactive and then followed up in subsequent cycles of the NPHS to look at risk of developing depression. Individuals who changed their activity level were also examined. Subgroup analyses by different marital status were performed to identify high-risk populations. Results: In 1994/1995, 17,276 participants were included in the NPHS longitudinal panel. Respondents who were inactive were more likely to be older, female, obese, widowed/separated/divorced, not working, low income, and lacking social support. After controlling for potential confounding factors, it was found that LTPA reduced the risk of developing depression for women. The modest risk reduction observed for men was not statistically significant. Women who were active at baseline and two years of follow-up were significantly less likely to report depression at four years of follow-up compared to women who were inactive at baseline and at two years of follow-up. A 51% greater probability of developing depression was observed after two years for women who changed their LTPA from active to inactive compared to women who remained active. No significant results were found for men. Divorced/separated/widowed women who stopped LTPA had 4.2 times the risk of developing depression after two years compared to those who remained active. The risk of developing depression after stopping activity did not vary according to marital status among men. Conclusions: LTPA has preventive effects on depression for women. Reduction in LTPA level is associated with subsequent depression for women. Divorced/separated/widowed women are at particularly high risk of developing depression if LTPA is stopped. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

探讨了半导体材料的应用、半导体技术的发展历程、四川半导体材料产业的发展现状以及与国际国内同行业的差距,进而论证了进一步发展四川省半导体产业应采取的对策。  相似文献   

罗方承 《江西冶金》2003,23(6):33-36
简要介绍了锆铪资源的分布、特点,在国民经济和国防建设中的意义;重点叙述了我国锆铪工业的发展历史、锆材料现状以及锆铪产品与锆铪产品的生产工艺、技术水平,锆铪材料贸易及应用前景,同时,介绍江西锆业状况与今后的发展思路。  相似文献   

烧结余热回收发电现状及发展趋势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在分析钢铁生产中烧结工序耗能状况的基础上,指出了在烧结系统中开展节能工作,增加余热回收发电装置,对节能减排、提高企业自供电率的重要意义.介绍了国内外烧结余热回收发电的现状、烧结余热发电中应注意的问题及该技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

林家三道沟金矿床矿体规模小,厚度薄,品位低,变化大,勘探类型复杂,通过边探边采试验,总结出一套成功经验,同时也为地勘行业发展开创出新的途径。  相似文献   

Rotaviruses were first detected 20 years ago and emerged rapidly as the single most important recognized etiological agents of severe diarrhea among infants and children under 2 years in both developed and developing countries. They are estimated to cause over 870,000 deaths annually in developing countries. This review highlights recent approaches to the development of a rotavirus vaccine.  相似文献   

王强 《中国冶金》2015,25(3):25-29
莱钢炼钢厂为了提高LD-RH-CC工艺生产低碳铝镇静钢技术水平,通过开发全工序低硫冶炼控制技术,构建RH环流模型,开发新型炉渣改质剂,开发连铸机无氧化全保护浇注工艺技术,提高了钢水洁净度,实现了LD-RH-CC工艺稳定控制。其中RH精炼炉终点硫的质量分数控制在0.006%,连铸机浇注炉数达到10炉以上,钢中氮、氧的质量分数达到0.02%以内,稳步推进RH精炼炉冶炼低碳铝镇静钢工艺技术发展。  相似文献   

本文通过分析有色金属工业的碳排放现状,指出碳排放主要发生在冶炼环节,尤其是铝冶炼环节,并提出了有色金属工业实现碳中和的三个主要途径:使用清洁能源、提高能源利用率和发展CCUS技术。其中,氢能是有色金属工业清洁能源的首选;提高能源利用率可通过开发新工艺和淘汰落后工艺、提升关键设备设计制造水平、发展热能梯级利用技术来实现。有色金属工业应加紧布局,确保各阶段碳中和目标如期实现。  相似文献   

This study explored developmental changes and effects of Down syndrome on mothers' structuring of their children's play. Mothers and their young children with Down syndrome (n?=?28) were compared with socioeconomically matched samples of mothers and their mental age-matched (n?=?28) and chronological age-matched (n?=?28) typically developing children. Mothers of typically developing children exhibited more object demonstrations with their developmentally younger children, who exhibited less object play. Mothers of children with Down syndrome were more directive and supportive than were mothers of younger and older typically developing children, who did not differ in their frequencies of these behaviors. More maternal supportive object behavior was associated with more object play and vocalization by children with Down syndrome. Mothers and children in all 3 groups were contingently responsive to their partners' behavioral signals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

阐述了MIS的概念和开发方法,强调用软件工程的科学方法指导MIS开发过程,指出开发过程中出现的各种错误认识以提高MIS开发的成功率。  相似文献   

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