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电流密度对稀土熔盐电解影响的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析探讨了阳极电流密度、阴极电流密度以及体电流密度对稀土氟化物体系熔盐电解槽运行效果的影响,确定了合理的电解槽电流密度参数范围。  相似文献   

为研究混合稀土金属氯化物熔盐的电导率,以20世纪末某稀土厂生产混合稀土金属的真实生产工艺数据为基础,利用MATLAB软件编制的稀土电解槽电场数值模拟计算模型推算了电解质的电导率.计算结果表明,在正常电解生产温度下RECl3(55%)-KCl电解质的电导率为152.05 S/m.就不同电解质体系对电解槽槽电压的影响进行了...  相似文献   

以自制电解液为研究体系,考察了几种杂质,如福美钠、硫化钠、铈离子、磷酸根离子和氟离子等对电解锰电流效率的影响。结果表明:铈离子(Ⅳ)在一定浓度范围内对锰电解电流效率影响较小;硫化剂SDD和硫化钠的存在不仅会造成电流效率下降,还会造成电解锰质量下降,引起产品出现起壳、发黑、含硫量增加等问题;氟离子和磷离子的存在也会造成电流效率急剧下降,而且会严重腐蚀阳极板,造成阳极板工作效率下降、使用年限缩短,致使生产成本升高,严重时使电解过程不能正常进行。  相似文献   

影响金电解过程电流效率的因素较多,针对影响金电解电流效率的各因素,在生产实践中采取相应的对策,提出新的思路和操作方法来提高、稳定电流效率,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

廖春发  郭超  林觉远  蔡伯清  王旭 《稀土》2021,(1):122-128
电流密度是熔盐电解制备稀土合金过程中的关键技术参数,对电解制备稀土合金的工艺研究具有重要的指导作用.在稀土熔盐电解的发展历程中,对于电流密度的有效合理控制仍存在许多问题亟待解决.而电解制备稀土合金是中国当前的主要方法,且该电解方法效率高、能耗低、产量大.本文综述了稀土熔盐电解制备稀土合金中的电流密度对熔体温度、合金成分...  相似文献   

通过工业实践,考察了氟盐体系熔盐的配比对10 kA稀土电解槽钕电解的电流效率、电解槽槽龄与电解产品的碳含量等的影响;指出氟盐体系熔盐的配比是整个工艺的基础,并直接影响主要工艺技术经济指标;在长期的工业生产中,保持了高达80%~82%的电流效率.  相似文献   

在稀土熔盐的电解过程中,不同的通电方式对槽内各物理场影响也不同,进而会对电解槽的电解效率产生一定的影响。本文以某企业8 kA稀土电解槽为原型,通过Comsol的热电耦合模块研究通电铜板单侧与多侧分布的通电方式及通电铜板的不同位置分布下的电解槽电解时内部各物理场的变化情况,通过对比电流密度、电势差、电解温度的大小寻找最合适的通电方式。结果表明:只考虑电解效率时,导电板四侧中位通电最优分布方式,此时电解槽内电流密度最大,电能损耗最低,电解效果最好。若考虑制造成本以及可操作性,导电板单侧中位分布是最优解,这种设计的电解槽电解效率较高,同时也留出较大操作空间。其余几种分布均存在弊端,需要进一步完善。该研究旨在为稀土电解槽的结构优化提供参考意见。  相似文献   

谭海翔 《世界有色金属》2020,(3):267-267,269
稀土由于特殊的物理化学特征,成为制备高性能材料的关键原料之一,广泛应用在众多的产业,因而被世界公认为是重要的战略资源。在此基础上,本文分析了我国稀土材料产业的发展现状,并结合实际工作经验以及当前的市场前景,提出了该产业可持续发展的思路,希望能够为我国稀土产业的绿色可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

采用Comsol Multiphysics 有限元软件,基于麦克斯韦原理,在电流不变的情况下,研究建立3 kA稀土钕熔盐电解槽电场数学模型,考察电极插入深度和极距对槽电压、电流密度等电场特征的影响。结果表明,模拟结果与实际生产数据吻合度高,所建立模型能较好地反映钕熔盐电解生产实际;随着电极插入深度的增大和极距的缩短,电解槽电压下降,利于降低电能消耗,但阴极电流密度比阳极电流密度下降快,不利于电流效率提高。应综合考虑能耗和效率,合理调整电极插入深度和极距,以降低钕熔盐电解单位能耗。  相似文献   

Ce0.85Sm0.15O1.925 (SDC) and La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.5Mg0.2O2.85 (LSGM) were synthesized using Glycine-Nitrate Process (GNP), and the composite electrolytes were prepared by mixing SDC and LSGM. An X-ray diffraction pattern indicated that the mixture of SDC and LSGM consisted of their original phases after heating at 1450 ℃ for 10 h. The electronic conductivity of SDC-LSGM composite electrolytes were measured by direct current polarization method using Hebb-Wagner ion blocking cell at 700-800 ℃ in the oxygen partial pressure range of 104-10-20 MPa and compared with the results of SDC. Typical polarization curves, which were theoretically predicted, were observed on all the samples. The slopes of lgσe-lgPo2 plot for all the composite electrolytes agreed with the theoretically predicted value of-1/4 at some intermediate oxygen partial pressures and -1/6 at low oxygen partial pressure. The electronic conductivity of SDC-LSGM composite electrolytes decreased with the increase in LSGM content, whereas the ionic transport number ti of all the samples increased with the increase in LSGM content.  相似文献   

采用电感耦合等离子质谱法(ICP-MS)直接测定离子型稀土原矿中离子相稀土总量,实验对浸取溶液、浸取溶液的浓度及用量、被测元素的同位素、样品酸度、内标元素、仪器的最佳工作参数进行了选择,建立了优化分析条件.单一元素标准加入的回收率为95%~105%,离子相稀土总量回收率为98.4%,相对标准偏差小于5%,测定范围为:0.010%~0.50%.方法准确可靠,操作简单,精密度和准确度都能满足分析要求.  相似文献   

Global rare earth resources and scenarios of future rare earth industry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is known to all that China is abundant in rare earth resources.But rare earth deposits are really not that rare in the earth crust.In the five continents,i.e.Asia,Europe,Australia,North and South America,and Africa,there are about thirty four countries found to have rare earth deposits;Brazil might surpass China and rank the first in rare earth deposits.At present,investment in rare earth production was surged,there have been about 200 projects,and the total production for 25 of them would be more than 170 thousand tons after 2015,a multi-supply system on rare earths is being established worldwide.Cautions on the investment of rare earth production are involved.  相似文献   

银/稀土氧化物触点材料的制备   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了开发替代AgCdO的新型触点材料,本研究采用粉末冶金法制备了Ag/REO复合材料。利用球磨机干磨混合10h,然后冷等静压(压力200MPa,保压时间30min),在RX6-15加热炉中加热到800℃,利用TXJ-650挤压机热挤压,最后在800℃进行锻造,并对不同工艺后材料的组织和性能进行了研究。结果表明,此种方法生产的材料具有较高的致密度,相对密度达到95%以上,且保证了La2O3均匀的弥散分布在Ag基体中。该材料还具有优良的力学和电学性能,硬度为29HB,电导率达到了61×104s/m,接近纯银的导电性,可满足触点材料的要求,是有希望替代AgCdO的新型触点材料。该研究为Ag/REO触点材料的规模化生产提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

The leaching efficiency(LE) of ion adsorption rare earth(IARE) by the sulfate and chloride of ammonium,magnesium and aluminum were comparatively determined using column leaching method. It is found that at equal equivalent concentration of cation, the LE of IARE by aluminum sulfate is the highest, and the zeta potential of clay mineral particles in the tailing is near to zero, which means a lower risk of landslide and pollutant emission. Furthermore, the optimum concentration of aluminum sulfate is determined to be0.02 mol/L, which is much lower than that of ammonium sulfate and magnesium sulfate. To reduce the production cost and environmental impact, we proposed a multi-stage leaching process, which was firstly leaching with ammonium sulfate and then with aluminum sulfate, following by water washing and lime neutralizing. With the ratio of ammonium sulfate to aluminum sulfate varying from 1:0 to 0.5:0.5, the residual ammonium in tailing decreases from 11.2% to 0.6%, however, the LE of RE shows an optimum value at 0.8:0.2. By neutralizing the pH of tailing with lime water to over 6, the ion concentration in water rinsing solution can meet the requirement for water discharge. At the same time, the zeta potential of clay particles is found to be around-5 mV, means a relatively lower risk of landslide. These facts indicate that the LE of IARE can be increased and the danger caused by tailings landslides and pollutant emissions can be reduced by replacing ammonium sulfate with aluminum sulfate as leaching reagent.  相似文献   

The grain boundaries of polycrystalline oxygen ion conductors presented a blocking effect on the oxygen ionic transport across them.It was found that the apparent specific grain boundary conductivity was 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than the bulk conductivity in the temperature range of 200-500 ℃ for normal purity Ce0.85Sm0.15O1.925(SDC)with an average grain size of 320-580 nm.The apparent specific grain boundary conductivity increased with decreasing average grain size.It was found that the space charge potential was nearly independent of grain size,and the reason was analyzed.The increase of the conduction path width was resportsible for the increase in the apparent specific grain boundary conductivity.  相似文献   

 为了明确钙处理对稀土在C-Mn钢中作用的影响,利用扫描电镜、光学显微镜和超景深三维显微镜对热轧态试验钢夹杂物和显微组织进行了观测,结合热力学计算和冲击断口分析结果,对比研究了稀土和钙-稀土复合处理对C-Mn钢力学性能的影响规律。结果表明,稀土能将钢中典型夹杂物改性为近球形的含硅稀土氧化物的复合夹杂,尺寸细化,长宽比降低。钙-稀土处理后夹杂物变为球形含稀土和钙的复合夹杂,钢洁净度增高;添加钙能将稀土的收得率从7.6%提高到42.4%,有效提高稀土利用率,钙-稀土处理后珠光体所占面积百分比提高,钢的强度提高。证明采用钙处理提高稀土在C-Mn钢中的作用是可行的。  相似文献   

针对废旧稀土荧光粉特性,采用高温碱熔与酸浸相结合的方法处理废旧稀土荧光粉,考察碱熔温度、氢氧化钠用量、碱熔时间对稀土浸出率和铝回收率的影响,并对碱熔过程中的物相及形貌变化进行分析.结果表明,在碱熔温度为1050℃、氢氧化钠与废粉质量比为2.5∶1、碱熔时间为2 h 条件下,其稀土浸出率可达98%以上,铝回收率可达98%.通过对碱熔产物物相和形貌分析表明,废粉晶体结构被有效破坏,其中稀土以稀土氧化物形式存在,碱熔产物变成无定型云絮状.  相似文献   

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