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"浙江东海明珠工程"是"全国万里边疆文化长廊建设工程"的组成部分,是我省基层文化建设和精神文明建设的重点工程,1995年初启动以来,我省各级政府对文化明热情,  相似文献   

实施"985工程"建设是落实科教兴国和人才强国战略的重大举措,新一轮"985工程"建设在建设方式、建设重点、投入方式等方面均发生了较大变化。结合"985工程"建设中存在的问题和不足,提出"985工程"重点建设学校抓好建设项目管理工作,以改革创新的精神把握新方向,开创新局面,高效推进世界一流大学和高水平大学建设进程。  相似文献   

宁夏将成为我国有色金属基地据悉,宁夏回族自治区政府已决定,在"九五"期间将充分发挥本区水力资源与煤岩丰富的优势,建设能耗高的有色金属工业与铁合金冶炼工业,将宁夏建成我国的有色金属工业基地。根据区"九五"计划,宁夏将建设四大工程:①完成青铜峡铝厂第三期...  相似文献   

建立约束机制 控制工程成本邯钢集团公司计划处为了把"模拟市场核算实行成本否决"机制引入工程管理,节约投资,公司决定由计划处牵头对项目实行全过程管理。两年多来,我们结合公司实际情况在实践中进行了积极的探索,基本实现了工程管理由粗放型向集约型管理的过渡。...  相似文献   

东北轻合金加工厂高精铝板带技术改造工程将动工兴建东北轻合金加工厂是中国有色金属工业总公司直属的特大型企业之一,是中国500家大型企业之一,并荣获"中国最大的铝镁合金加工基地"称号,是新中国第一个综合性的现代化铝加工企业。自第一期工程于1956年11月...  相似文献   

在倡导"回归工程"的工程教育理念形势下,虚拟学院是高等教育人才培养方式有益、必要的补充。遵循新建本科院校以培养立足地方、面向行业,培养满足工程需要的应用型工程技术人才目标,探索"有形组织、无形机体"虚拟学院下属各个学科群科技创新团队高度自治的创新人才培养模式。  相似文献   

立足于校区地处长三角的地域特征,分析了铸造专业区域性特点和行业结构升级需求。提出以专业化和信息化人才为目标的培养标准,从教育模式、师资队伍建设和工程实践等方面讨论和探索"卓越工程师"培养模式:以专业理论学习和工程实践为主线,计算机基础知识和工程应用为辅助;以科研和教学,工程研发和工厂培训为任务,与地方企业多点合作,从科学性和工程性两方面建设"双师型"教学团队;以校企合作为依托培养学生工程意识。  相似文献   

为了满足新时期钢铁企业的人才需求,从培养学生工程素质和工程能力出发,探索了不同于国内与国外案例教学的方法,利用网络虚拟炼钢仿真平台进行了"学生自主型冶金工程案例"的教学实践。阐述了"学生自主型冶金工程案例"教学法的基本思想、原则和实施方案。实践表明,"学生自主型冶金工程案例"教学法的实施,有利地调动了学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高了学生的综合能力,并促进了教师专业水平的提高。  相似文献   

平果铝业公司在奋斗中崛起位于右江之滨的平果铝业公司自1991年5月7日动工后,以惊人的建设速度夺取了土建和设备安装工程中一个又一个辉煌胜利。平果铝是国家"八·五"重点工程,总投资43.17亿元,设计规模为年产电解铝10万吨,氧化铝30万吨,。从199...  相似文献   

中国二十冶建设有限公司(以下简称中国二十冶)是中国冶金科工集团控股的大型施工企业,注册地为上海市宝山区,具有冶炼工程施工总承包特级资质及房屋建筑工程等三个壹级施工总承包资质。经营规模在全国冶金建设施工企业中名列第二,在上海市"建筑业综合实力50强"中排名第四。承建的工程获得"鲁班奖"、"国家优质工程奖"等各类国家及省部级奖项达100多项。多次获得"全国优秀施工企业"等各种荣誉称号。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new nonlinear control strategy is proposed for hovering control of planar vertical takeoff and landing (PVTOL) aircraft. The control of this typical nonlinear, nonminimum-phase system is treated as a robust control problem. The robust control design is then converted to an equivalent optimal control design so that both stabilization and performance can be guaranteed. The primary contribution of this work is to provide a closed-form solution to the resultant nonlinear optimal control problem by employing a recently emerging nonlinear control approach, called the θ?D technique. The θ?D technique is based on optimal control theory and derived from an approximate solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation via a perturbation process. This formulation will not only enhance the system performance but also simplify the design process in that robustness and optimality are integrated in one unified optimal control framework. Furthermore, the closed-form control law is very suitable for onboard implementation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by simulation results and comparison studies with a similar linearization based optimal control formulation.  相似文献   

焦炉加热燃烧过程智能优化控制系统的研究及应用(上)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
论述了焦炉加热燃烧过程智能优化控制的研究及应用,包括火道温度优化控制、火道温度软测量、火道目标温度优化设定、焦炉作业计划与优化调度,指出采用单一的智能方法难以准确描述焦炉加热燃烧过程并解决其优化控制问题。集成多种建模、控制方法、优化算法的焦炉加热燃烧过程智能优化控制系统可以实现过程的有效控制,明显地提高焦炭质量,降低劳动强度,为焦炉生产过程产生较大的经济效益。  相似文献   

An optimal flow control methodology based on adjoint sensitivity analysis for controlling nonlinear open channel flows with complex geometries is presented. The adjoint equations, derived from the nonlinear Saint-Venant equations, are generally capable of evaluating the time-dependent sensitivities with respect to a variety of control variables under complex flow conditions and cross-section shapes. The internal boundary conditions of the adjoint equations at a confluence (junction) derived by the variational approach make the flow control model applicable to solve optimal flow control problems in a channel network over a watershed. As a result, an optimal flow control software package has been developed, in which two basic modules, i.e., a hydrodynamic module and a bound constrained optimization module using the limited-memory quasi-Newton algorithm, are integrated. The effectiveness and applicability of this integrated optimal control tool are demonstrated thoroughly by implementing flood diversion controls in rivers, from one reach with a single or multiple floodgates (with or without constraints), to a channel network with multiple floodgates. This new optimal flow control model can be generally applied to make optimal decisions in real-time flood control and water resource management in a watershed.  相似文献   

智能集成优化控制技术及其在工业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究和讨论了复杂工业过程的优化控制技术 ,提出了智能集成优化控制的理论框架。以冶金工业生产中三个典型的复杂生产过程为应用背景 ,分别将模糊神经网络集成建模、基于改进模拟退火算法的混合罚函数目标优化技术、基于混沌神经网络的优化技术及基于模型的专家优化控制技术应用于工业生产过程控制 ,为企业带来了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

In this paper, modeling of the vibration of cylindrical shell components of space structures incorporating piezoelectric sensor/actuators (S/As) for optimal vibration control is proposed and formulated. The parameters of the control system, which include the placement and sizing of the piezoelectric S/As and the feedback control gains, were considered as design variables and optimized simultaneously. The effect of the amount of piezoelectric patches was investigated as well. The criterion based on the maximization of energy dissipation was employed for the optimization of the control system. A modified real-encoded genetic algorithm (GA) dealing with various constraints has been developed and applied to search for the optimal placement and size of the piezoelectric patches as well as the optimal feedback control gains. The results of three numerical examples, which include a simply supported plate, a simply supported cylindrical shell, and a clamped-simply supported plate, demonstrated significant vibration suppression based on the optimal design of the control system. It was also found that for specific controlled vibration modes, the optimal distribution of the piezoelectric S/As should be located at the areas separated by the nodal lines to achieve the optimal control effect. This finding would be useful for the practical design of smart structures.  相似文献   

A strategy for optimal nonlinear stochastic control of hysteretic systems with parametrically and∕or externally random excitations is proposed and illustrated with an example of a single-degree-of-freedom system. A hysteretic system subject to random excitation is first replaced by a nonlinear nonhysteretic stochastic system, from which an It? equation for the averaged total energy of the system as a 1D controlled diffusion process is derived by using the stochastic averaging method of energy envelope. For a given performance index, a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation is then established based on the stochastic dynamical programming principle and solved to yield the optimal control force. Finally, the statistics of the responses of uncontrolled and controlled systems and those of the optimal control force are predicted analytically. Comparison with the modified optimal polynomial controller indicates that the proposed strategy is more effective and efficient.  相似文献   

Lower automation level in industrial rare-earth extraction processes results in high production cost, inconsistent product quality and great consumption of resources in China. An integrated automation system for extraction process of rare earth is proposed to realize optimal product indices, such as product purity, recycle rate and output. The optimal control strategy for output component, structure and function of the two-gradcd integrated automation system composed of the process management grade and the process control grade were discussed. This system is successfully applied to a HAB yttrium extraction production process and was found to provide optimal control, optimal operation, ontimal management and remarkable benefits.  相似文献   

张柏祥 《工业炉》2014,(5):43-44
介绍了加热炉的几种优化控制方案,通过传统控制方案和优化控制方案的比较,说明优化控制能够在满足工艺要求、保证设备安全的前提下,降低加热炉的能耗,提高加热炉的热效率。  相似文献   

稀土分离过程综合自动化系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨辉  柴天佑 《稀有金属》2004,28(6):1070-1075
针对稀土工业生产过程自动化装备水平普遍较低而造成的生产成本高,产品质量一致性差,资源消耗大的问题,提出了实现稀土产品纯度和金属回收率等综合生产指标优化的稀土萃取分离生产过程综合自动化系统,讨论了由生产过程管理系统和过程控制系统两层结构组成的综合自动化系统的体系结构、功能和以萃取分离过程两端出口产品纯度为目标的优化控制策略。将所提出的系统应用于某公司HAB萃取提钇生产过程,实现了稀土萃取过程的优化控制、优化运行和优化管理,取得了显著的应用成效。  相似文献   

The responses of two, low-rise, 2-degree-of-freedom base isolated structures with different isolation periods to a set of near-field earthquake ground motions are investigated under passive linear and nonlinear viscous damping, two pseudoskyhook semiactive control methods, and optimal semiactive control. The structures are isolated with a low damping elastic isolation system in parallel with a controllable damper. The optimal semiactive control strategy minimizes an integral norm of superstructure absolute accelerations subject to the constraint that the nonlinear equations of motion are satisfied and is determined through a numerical solution to the Euler–Lagrange equations. The optimal closed-loop performance is evaluated for a controllable damper and is compared to passive viscous damping and causal pseudoskyhook control rules. Results obtained from eight different earthquake records illustrate the type of ground motions and structures for which semiactive damping is most promising.  相似文献   

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