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铂族元素萃取分离的进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
溶剂萃取是一种分离稀有金属的有效方法,近年来国内外在萃取分离提纯铂族金属方面作了很多研究工作并取得了良好的效果,本文综述了近年来有机溶剂萃取(包括液-液萃取和萃取柱色层)分离提纯铂族金属方面的新成就。  相似文献   

铂族金属(PGMs)是我国极度短缺的战略性金属,其循环利用是践行资源安全和“双碳”战略的重要途径。PGMs分离提纯是其循环利用的重要组成,但因性质相近,分离提纯难度大,严重制约PGMs行业可持续发展。为此,全面综述了PGMs分离提纯最新技术,重点介绍了溶剂萃取和离子液体萃取的原理和应用情况,分析了萃取分离铂族金属的制约条件和发展趋势,为今后PGMs的分离提纯提供了研究思路和技术支撑。  相似文献   

支撑液膜分离技术原理及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、引言液膜分离技术是发展中的一种模拟生物膜传质功能的新萃取方法。它比固体膜分离技术具有高效、快速、选择性强和省能等优越性,比液—液萃取具有萃取与反萃取同时进行,分离和浓集因数高,萃取剂用  相似文献   

铂族金属溶剂萃取分离新进展   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
李华昌  符斌  周春山 《稀有金属》2001,25(4):297-302
从含氧,硫萃取剂,含磷萃取剂,含氮萃取剂及协萃体系四个方面对近年来铂族金属溶剂萃取进展进行了综述。尽管人们在铂族金属萃取方面开展了一些研究并取得了一些进展,但萃取分离仍存在诸如选择性差和反萃难等诸多问题,能用于实际应用的体系和流程还很少,尚需进一步开展高选择性并易于反萃的萃取剂和萃取体系的研究。  相似文献   

应用蒸馏法再生废旧钯萃取剂,不仅实现了钯萃取剂的再生,还能有效回收其中残留的铂族金属。主要考察了蒸馏温度、蒸馏时间对于废旧钯萃取剂萃取性能及其铂族金属回收率的影响。结果表明:蒸馏回收废旧钯萃取剂效果明显,具有高效、经济、环保的特点。蒸馏温度控制在135~140℃,蒸馏时间为8 h时,废旧钯萃取剂再生率为92.94%;对再生后萃取剂与新萃取剂进行红外光谱(IR)分析和萃取性能分析,结果表明:再生后的萃取剂性能稳定,主要官能团与新萃取剂完全一致;再生后的萃取剂总萃取率在99.92%~99.96%,而新萃取剂总萃取率在99.47%~99.90%,完全满足铂族金属萃取分离工艺的要求。通过经济分析,蒸馏1 L废旧钯萃取剂可节约成本600元,并且其中的铂族金属总回收率可达94.86%。  相似文献   

液膜分离技术及其在金属离子分离富集中的应用研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了液膜的基本概念、分类和分离机理。与传统分离提纯技术相比,液膜分离技术具有简便、高效且成本低的特点。综述了液膜分离技术在金属离子分离和富集中的应用进展,并指出其发展前景。  相似文献   

铂钯分离技术研究发展概述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着铂族金属在石化、航天航空、汽车、原子能等领域的广泛运用,铂、钯分离技术的研究也越来越多。本文主要介绍目前国内外运用广泛,技术较成熟的沉淀法、置换法、萃取分离法、吸附分离法和其它铂族金属分离方法,并对各自的技术要点及优缺点进行深入分析。为企业提供满足自身原料特性的分离方法与建议,以达到生产周期更短、成本更低、回收率更高的目的。  相似文献   

本文介绍了用离子交换法与液—液萃取法相结合来浓缩和分离铂族金属(PGM)的方法。首先用HCl/Cl溶解PGM金属,然后将溶液通过异硫脲阴离子交换树脂,在树脂上发生了特效的吸附作用。从树脂上淋洗下来的硫脲淋洗液转化成氯络合物。进一步水解(调节)后所产生的溶液送往用阿拉明—336作萃取剂的液—液萃取工序。铂和钯很好地被萃取,而水相中大部分其它PGM不被萃取。如果溶液中贱金属含量不超过PGM离子浓度时,则可直接用液—液萃取。 用硫脲选择性反萃取钯使铂和钯彼此分离,而用硫氰酸盐反萃取铂。本文论述了所有工序的提取化学,也提供了实验中间工厂结果。  相似文献   

简要介绍了铂族金属在新世纪发展中的重要地位、资源形势及提取冶金过程的基本原则 ,回顾了从金川含铂族金属硫化铜镍矿及低品位铂矿、各类二次资源中富集、分离、精炼铂族金属技术的发展历程与技术特点 ,展望了发展趋势  相似文献   

汽车失效催化剂之铂族金属分离方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铂族贵金属是汽车三元催化剂的主要成分,从失效的汽车催化剂中分离回收铂族金属是解决铂族金属资源不足的主要途径。根据近10年国内外文献资料并结合作者的工作实践,介绍了汽车失效催化剂铂族金属的各种分离方法,例如,传统沉淀法、溶剂萃取法、离子交换法、分子识别法、阳离子交换树脂分离贱金属净化铂族金属溶液等。近几年来,应用阳离子交换树脂分离贱金属净化铂族金属溶液的方法得到了广泛的应用,取得了较好的效果。生产实践证明,贱金属的高效分离是铂族金属相互分离能否成功进行的关键环节;铂族金属的分离方法各有优缺点,传统沉淀法流程长,分离效率低;离子交换法吸附容量低,设备投资较大;分子识别法无自己的知识产权,分离材料价格高,一次性投资大,运行成本高;溶剂萃取法分离效率高,铂族金属直收率高,有机相可循环使用100次以上,生产成本低,生产规模可大可小,已成为从汽车失效催化剂中分离精炼铂族金属的核心技术,具有很大的潜力和广阔的前景。  相似文献   

金川集团股份有限公司产生的低品位金钯铂物料为蒸残渣,通常是由贵金属精矿蒸馏分离锇、钌,水溶液氯化产生。现有蒸残渣处理工艺为反复氯化,由于受氯化效率的影响,依然有部分贵金属残留在外付渣中,造成贵金属流失。为提高贵金属回收率,金川集团贵金属冶炼厂组织进行了从蒸残渣中提纯贵金属的实验研究。通过长期实验探索,确定了蒸残渣氯化焙烧-盐酸浸出-有机溶剂萃取分离金铂钯的工艺路线。之后,又进行了工业化扩大试验,确定了最佳工艺技术条件,金、铂、钯直收率≥95%。与水溶液氯化工艺相比,该工艺具有贵金属直收率高、劳动强度低、生产周期短及生产成本低等特点。  相似文献   


This report records recent developments in the methods of extraction of pt metals from ores and concetarte. Proposed procedures for the determination of platinum metals in lb buttons are included. The advances in wet separation? and det of certain binary mixtures of platinum metals are also discussed.  相似文献   

Results of an investigation into a new method of magnetic liquid separation, which differs from known ones by the presence of a bilayer separation medium in the form of immiscible ferromagnetic liquids of different densities, are presented. During the separation in a bilayer medium, the equilibrium condition of a particle on a flat surface, which is written according to the Young law and Neumann rule, should be supplemented by the linear tension of a curve-phase interface surface. The linear tension is the force and energy barrier, which prevents fastening of small particles of precious metals at the phase interface, and the cause of their effective separation into a heavy fraction. The method of magnetic liquid separation is tested for concentrates containing platinum group metals. It is established that, during the separation in the bilayer medium, the recovery of platinum group metals into the heavy fraction is 25.89%, while that for the waterbased ferromagnetic liquid is 19.73%. The quality of the heavy fraction makes gives the opportunity to direct it to the hydrometallurgical stage bypassing the copper plant, which increases the recovery of precious metals by 5.0 abs %.  相似文献   

The liquid surfactant membrane technique is an interesting alternative for solvent extraction at low metal concentrations. In single-state stirred cell extraction, a hundred-fold enrichment of copper is possible, provided a suitable extractant is chosen. The liquid membrane technique appears to be especially suitable for processing Zn leachings and cementates; the extractant LIX 51 has a very high selectivity for Zn in the presence of Co and Ni. The Kühni extractor, operating in a continuous, counter-current process, is well suited for application of the liquid membrane technique.  相似文献   

以等离子炉富集产出的铂钯铑铁合金溶解造液萃钯后的余液为原料,选择TOA-TBP混合萃取剂萃取分离铂。研究单一TBP、TOA以及混合体系对铂的萃取行为。结果表明,对于贱金属较高的溶液体系,100%TBP对铂的萃取率仅有80.9%,单一TOA在高浓度下铂的萃取率接近100%,但铑的共萃率也随之上升,最高可达到82.86%。而95%TBP-5%TOA的混合体系在0.5 mol/L HCI,相比为1,旋转速度100 r/min条件下,铂的萃取率达到99.9%以上,铑的共萃率仅为0.2%。选择稀盐酸洗涤负载有机相,10 mol/L盐酸反萃,铂的反萃率达到97.2%。TOA-TBP混合体系可以实现铂铑高效分离,且该体系对铂的萃取具有协同效应。  相似文献   

The research and development effort in the field of solvent extraction of non-ferrous metals for the period from late 1974 to the end of 1976 has been reviewed. As before the review is broken down into sections for individual metals, secondary metals and wastes, acid extraction processes and this time two special sections on manganese nodules and platinum group metals have been included. The number of references have more than doubled since the last review and again indicate the very high level of activity in this field. A feature of the review is the increasing degree of commercialisation of the process of solvent extraction in every sector of hydrometallurgy thus making it now one of the most important metal separation processes in wet chemical processing.  相似文献   

余建民  毕向光  李权 《黄金》2014,(1):48-51
系统总结了亚硫酸钠在稀贵金属冶金中的应用。主要阐述了从铜镍合金氯化渣中脱硫富集贵金属,从铜阳极泥分金渣中分银,从高硒、碲的铜阳极泥中分离回收金、钯、铂,硒、碲的分离提纯,在盐酸介质中还原精炼金,从负载有机相中反萃金,从弱酸性介质中还原银,制备金的电镀配合物等,以期为从事相关领域的科技人员提供参考。  相似文献   

The separation of platinum and palladium from chloride solution by solvent extraction, using Alamine 300 as an extractant, has been studied. The effect of different parameters such as the concentration of HCl in the feed solution, NaCl concentration, extractant concentration, and platinum and palladium concentrations in the feed solution has been evaluated. Stripping behavior was also studied using different stripping agents, such as sodium thiocyanate and thiourea. Using a saturated solution of sodium chloride at a pH 1.5, platinum was selectively extracted as the major component, along with minor amounts of palladium. By adding a saturated solution of NaCl to the aqueous phase, palladium extraction could be decreased. Additionally, with the use of 0.5 M HCl in place of NaCl, both metals were studied. Selective stripping of platinum accomplished using sodium thiocyanate, and the selective removal palladium was achieved with sodium thiosulfate. This process can achieve a 99.9% purity of platinum even in very dilute solution.  相似文献   

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