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拜耳法生产氧化铝的分解、蒸发、焙烧等工序均使用循环水系统。本文介绍了使用水轮机充分回收氧化铝厂综合循环水系统中所存在的富余能量带动冷却塔风机转动,直接去掉原冷却塔的风机电机,实现冷却塔运行无电化,并进行改造实际运行后的系统性效果评估,证明改造后满足生产要求,取得良好节能效果。  相似文献   

介绍了自流进水冷却塔在重庆钢铁1#、2#高炉密闭循环水系统中的实际改造应用情况.巧妙地利用现场地势高差,蒸发空冷器喷淋回水经改造可自流进入新建的自流冷却塔,经冷却塔降温后,回水自流到喷淋水池,实现对喷淋水降温达到降低密闭循环水系统温度的目的.  相似文献   

近年来韶关冶炼厂按照清污分流、污污分治、梯级使用、末端蒸发的原则,有效地控制了工业废水产生量。同时采用生物制剂深度处理污酸废水与回用系统改造、工业废水深度处理及浓水蒸盐与结晶系统改造、生产用水系统改造、浊循环水系统改造和优化厂区初期雨水收集系统,实现了1SP铅锌冶炼生产中工业废水零排放。  相似文献   

全面分析了国内各大氧化铝厂蒸发技术现状与存在问题,总结了各厂为蒸发系统增产节能所采取的技术措施,并通过技术分析和生产实践,提出了采用竖管降膜蒸发器及其排盐工艺技术新建及改造各厂老蒸发系统的可行性.  相似文献   

某铝业公司在低温拜耳法氧化铝生产中使用六效四闪管式降膜蒸发器,针对其蒸发过程中蒸汽用量高、热能浪费严重等情况,通过能源损失分析工具,提出了改善蒸发器进料方式、提高真空度、减少系统散热损失、提高蒸发原液温度、优化酸洗流程、进一步提高蒸发器的设备综合效率等节能措施,以提高蒸发效率、降低热能损失。节能改造后,实现了蒸发工序的有效节能,氧化铝的生产成本节约426万元/a。  相似文献   

针对转炉一次除尘风机转子在线使用周期短的问题,2013年初唐山国丰钢铁有限公司第二炼钢厂通过对一次除尘系统中的半干式蒸发冷却塔、风机叶轮冲洗装置等设备进行改造,提高了除尘效率和叶轮冲洗效果,延长了风机转子在线使用周期和设备检修周期,节约了设备维修成本.  相似文献   

分析了烧结法系统碳分母液蒸发的现状,提出了增加强制循环泵、改造现有的真空系统、强化蒸发器操作、预防加热管结垢、改造蒸汽系统以及强化水洗和酸洗工作等措施,提高碳分母液的蒸发能力,从而达到节能降耗的目的。  相似文献   

介绍了安钢高炉喷煤供气系统的组成,以及该系统改造的原因、改造方案的确定,改造后的使用效果;分析了WW42-7型无油润滑空气压缩机的几种故障和处理方法.  相似文献   

包钢喷煤旧系统设备老化,工艺复杂,不具备磨制配合煤条件,若是大修不如改造,改造设想是取消现使用的三级收粉系统,改为单一的高浓度脉冲袋式收尘器。用高炉或焦炉废气做为干燥剂,将现在使用的加热炉做为备用,淘汰七十年代使用的仪表及控制系统,实现计算机控制,通过计算,以上改造完全可行.改造后,能耗、设备维修率、安全等问题可大大降低,并可提高烟煤配比.  相似文献   

莱钢120t转炉干法除尘系统优化改造实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对莱钢120t转炉干法除尘系统使用实践中存在的电除尘器泄爆率高、设备故障率高、蒸发冷却器喷嘴性能差、生产维护成本高、烟气含尘量波动大等问题进行了系统分析,并采用防泄爆技术、蒸发冷却器喷嘴改进技术、系统整体切换技术、备件国产化技术等对系统进行优化改造,大大提高了系统运行安全,设备故障率为零,煤气含尘量稳定在8mg/m3以下,降低生产成本4元/t,年直接经济效益达1700万元。  相似文献   

苏中刚 《工业炉》2006,28(5):22-24
长输管道输送原油需要加热.阐述了新型原油加热系统热媒脱水、脱轻馏分的工艺,针对用户在使用热媒炉系统过程中易发生水击,无法实现自动控制和优化运行,热效率低,热媒乳化失效快等问题进行了攻关,发现主要根源是热媒脱水、脱轻馏分工艺操作不合理造成的.经过长期的实验,得出了热媒脱水和脱轻馏分的优化曲线,实现了热媒炉系统的安全、平稳、高效运行.  相似文献   

A new method for predicting upward solute movement in unsaturated sand soil due to evaporation is developed and tested. Laboratory experiments were conducted in an unsaturated uniformly packed sand column with a cross section of 1.20 × 0.50 m2 and a constant shallow ground-water table. Evaporation was measured by a new ventilated chamber system. Solute movement from the ground water upward was monitored. Water and solute movement could be accurately reproduced by numerically solving Richards' equation and the convection-dispersion equation in one-dimension. The experimentally measured dispersivity for the unsaturated homogeneous sand agreed closely with the values which are available in the literature. This paper offers a new approach for investigating dispersion phenomena in unsaturated porous media exposed to evaporation.  相似文献   

针对锑工业生产过程中产生大量硫化锑渣的物料特性,通过理论分析研究,采用真空蒸发的方法处理硫化锑渣,并考察了物料粒径、体系压强、蒸发时间和蒸发温度对硫化锑渣蒸发率的影响。结果表明,在物料粒径0.106~0.075mm、体系压强50Pa、蒸发时间30min、蒸发温度923K的条件下,蒸余物中锑含量降至0.2%,硫化锑渣的蒸发率为27.9%,锑分离效率为98.6%。  相似文献   

介绍了转妒烟气冷却系统的类型,重点阐述了汽化冷却系统与增压水冷却系统,并就二者的成本进行了比较,得出汽化冷却系统比增压水冷却系统有明显的经济优势。最后说明了汽化冷却系统在操作安全和环境保护方面的优势。  相似文献   

Estimating Evaporation Using ANFIS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water resources engineering assessment requires simple but effective evaporation estimation procedures, especially from readily measurable meteorological factors. Unfortunately, such approaches are rather scarce in the literature. In this paper, an adaptive neural-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) was applied to daily meteorology data from the Lake E?irdir region in the southwestern part of Turkey. Daily evaporation, solar radiation, air and water temperatures, and relative humidity measurements were used to develop the ANFIS method, which helps to assess possible contributions that each input variable has on the evaporation estimates. Such an assessment is not possible by any conventional procedure including the Penman method. However, the Penman method daily evaporation estimations were used as output data for the verification of the ANFIS approach. Classical evaporation estimation models treat the data individually. However, ANFIS models process past data collectively and then adaptively provide estimates as new sets of data become available. In the ANFIS architecture as developed in this paper, there are four measured input variables and one output variable to estimate evaporation. The estimation results from the ANFIS model had a high coefficient of determination of 0.98 when compared with the Penman method results and a low average performance error of 4.6% among other alternatives. The average performance error is less than the practically acceptable limit of 10%.  相似文献   

分析了武钢轧板厂2^#加热炉汽化冷却系统热水泵运行中存在故障的原因。针对这些故障,提出了两种改进措施,一种是设计新型机构,采取新的密封方式;另一种是将选泵程序的逻辑扩大化。  相似文献   

煮炉是转炉汽化系统投用前的一个重要环节,煮炉的效果将直接影响转炉汽化系统的安全运行与寿命。总结并阐述了梅钢转炉汽化系统煮炉工艺操作技巧及控制要领。  相似文献   

针对烧结法粗液合流到拜耳法稀释槽后,溶出液αk降低影响叶滤机正常过料的问题,提出了在溶出液中加入平盘母液、拜耳法蒸发母液或蒸发原液以提高溶出αk的三种方案.通过物料平衡计算,对三种调整方案的优缺点进行了对比分析,并对新老系统如何调整溶出液αk提出了建议.  相似文献   

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - A new CaCl2-CaO-SiO2 slag system was recently proposed to remove boron from metallurgy-grade silicon by oxidized chlorination and evaporation. To...  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical model for the pressure inside the vapor space of an underground storage tank (UST). Using mass balances based on dispensing activities, vapor recovery, evaporation, leaks, and the safety vent, the model resulted in a system of nonlinear differential equations with unknown parameters, leak rate and evaporation rate. Given the leak rate and evaporation rate, the pressure inside the UST can be obtained by solving the system of differential equations numerically. Given the pressure inside a UST over a period of time, one can find the evaporation and leak rates such that the calculated pressure from our model best fits the given pressure data. This optimal value of leak rate can allow us to determine whether the UST system is leaking and if the leak rate is above the EPA standard. Numerical results and statistical analysis of our model are also presented.  相似文献   

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