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采用团聚复合工艺制备铜铝聚苯酯复合粉末,采用大气等离子喷涂工艺制备铜铝聚苯酯涂层,并对涂层开展了 600 ℃下长达 1000 h 的等温氧化试验,表征了涂层的相结构、微观组织、孔隙率、高温硬度及摩擦磨损性能。结果表明,喷涂态涂层中聚苯酯及孔隙分布均匀;涂层的相组成主要是 α 相和 β'' 相,涂层表现出优异的抗氧化性能;孔隙率越高,硬度越低。磨损 2 min 基本达到稳定磨损阶段,氧化 5 h~100 h 涂层的摩擦系数在 0.8 ~ 1.1,体积磨损率在 0.00116 ~ 0.00199 mm3·N-1·m -1 ;氧化 500 h 和 1000 h 涂层的摩擦系数分别为 1.0 和 0.7,体积磨损率分别为 8.42 × 10 -4 mm3 ·N -1 ·m -1和 7.78×10-4 mm3 ·N-1·m-1 ,长时间氧化形成的氧化膜起到了减磨润滑作用。氧化 5 ~100 h 涂层的磨损机制是磨粒磨损和疲劳磨损;氧化 500 h、1000 h 涂层的磨损机制是磨粒磨损、氧化磨损和疲劳磨损。  相似文献   

混杂短纤维增强无石棉摩擦材料的制备及摩擦磨损性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用热压成型结合180℃/8 h固化热处理工艺制备混杂短纤维增强无石棉摩擦材料,通过正交实验优化热压工艺参数。在JF150D定速式摩擦实验机上测试材料的摩擦磨损性能。结果表明:实验制备的混杂短纤维增强无石棉摩擦材料的密度为2.1~2.21 g/cm3,洛氏硬度为62.2~68.0,摩擦过程中摩擦因数在0.37~0.43之间变化,随温度升高先增大后减小,磨损率为0.1~0.54×10 7cm3/(N.m)。制备摩擦材料的最优热压工艺参数是:热压温度为155℃,压力为18 MPa,热压时间为15 min。摩擦材料的摩擦磨损机理以粘着磨损和磨粒磨损为主。  相似文献   

采用超音速火焰喷涂技术 (HVOF) 在 F92 阀芯材料表面制备 NiCr-Cr3C2单层和 NiCr+NiCr-Cr 3C2双层涂层。通过扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、维氏硬度计、高温摩擦试验机等探究了两类涂层的显微形貌、相结构、力学及高温摩擦学性能。结果表明:两种涂层成分均匀、结构致密。其中,单层涂层的表面硬度较低(810.19±22.74HV),且摩擦系数范围由低温的 0.4~0.9 到高温的 0.3~0.7,磨损率从 3.19×10 -6 mm3 /(N?m) 到 3.06×10 -5 mm3/(N?m),单层涂层在高温下 (630℃ ) 表现出更为优异的耐磨性能;双层涂层具有较高的表面硬度 (869.68±44.12 HV), 且摩擦系数受摩擦往复频率影响在0.4~0.8波动,磨损率维持在2.5×10 -5 mm 3 /(N?m)左右,受磨损频率因素影响较小,更能适用于频率频繁变换 (1 Hz~5 Hz) 的服役环境中。C 析出生成的 Cr7C3与高温氧化生成的 Cr 2O3之间的协同作用能够提高涂层的高温摩擦磨损性能,磨损机理分析表明:两种涂层的高温摩擦磨损形式相似,整个磨损过程由磨粒磨损、黏着磨损构成。  相似文献   

WC-Co-Cr 是一类具有高硬度、 耐磨损、 耐腐蚀的金属陶瓷复合涂层材料, 常用于工业生产中苛刻服役环 境的工件表面防护。 本试验采用超音速火焰喷涂 (HVOF) 技术在 Q235 钢表面分别制备了 WC-12Co-4Cr 和 WC- 12Co 复合涂层。 使用 XRD、 光学显微镜、 SEM 以及附带的 EDS、 显微硬度计分别对比研究了两组涂层的物相、 微观形貌、 元素分布、 显微硬度和孔隙率。 采用球盘式摩擦试验机重点研究两组涂层在常温 (25 ℃ )、 300 ℃、 600 ℃ 下的摩擦磨损性能。 实验结果表明, 加入 Cr 元素的 WC-12Co-4Cr 复合涂层的硬度为 1050 HV0.5 比 WC- 12Co 涂层的 995 HV0.5 更高。 常温和 300 ℃ 下两组涂层的抗摩擦磨损性能基本相似, 其中常温下 WC-12Co-4Cr 复合涂层的摩擦系数和磨损率分别为 0.4、 2.61× 10-17 m3 (N·m)-1, 磨损机制为磨粒磨损。 而在高温 (600 ℃ ) 条 件下磨损机制转变为粘着磨损且抗磨损性能显著优于 WC-12Co 涂层; 摩擦系数为 0.62、 磨损率为 1.1× 10-15 m3 (N·m)-1, 相同条件下的 WC-12Co 涂层磨损率为 7.2× 10-15 m3 (N·m)-1。  相似文献   

短纤维增强C/C-SiC复合材料的制备工艺   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为缩短制备周期和降低成本, 采用水悬浮法制得含硅短炭纤维料饼, 经树脂模压成形和炭化后成为预制体, 再经浸渍/炭化增密和高温反应生成SiC, 制备了C/C SiC复合材料, 并对材料的显微组织、物相组成、石墨化度、力学性能和摩擦磨损性能进行了研究。结果表明制备的预制体密度为1.1 g·cm-3左右, 短炭纤维优先在摩擦面上交错排布, 部分在厚度方向上排布, 预制体中硅颗粒分布均匀; 最终石墨化处理后, 复合材料密度为1.75 g·cm-3左右, 组成相为炭和βSiC, 其中炭的石墨化度为54%左右; 复合材料的破坏形式为脆性断裂, 材料基本具有功能材料应具备的结构力学性能; 随炭纤维体积含量的增加, 材料的摩擦因素和磨损率均呈下降趋势,纤维体积含量为25%时具有适中的摩擦磨损性能, 摩擦因素为0.28, 磨损率为2.75 mm3·kJ-1。  相似文献   

采用粉末冶金工艺,制备了3种不同石墨含量的Fe-Mo-石墨自润滑材料,测定了3种材料的密度、硬度和抗压强度,并对材料的组织和不同摩擦速率下的摩擦学性能进行分析和研究,最后采用扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)对磨痕表面形貌和成分进行表征。结果表明,复合材料中石墨添加质量分数为1.0%时,材料组织以铁素体为主相,此时的摩擦系数较为稳定,磨损率随摩擦速率的提高而增大,磨损机制主要为粘着磨损;石墨添加质量分数高于1.0%时,材料组织以珠光体为主相,摩擦系数随摩擦速率提高而增大,但磨损率随之减小,且摩擦速率高于0.5m/s时,磨损率量级为10~(-8)cm~3/N·m,属于轻微磨损。材料中珠光体、Fe_2MoC的生成,以及摩擦过程中生成的Fe_2O_3、Fe_3O_4是Fe-Mo-石墨材料在高的摩擦速率下具有优良耐磨性的主要原因。  相似文献   

一种新型陶瓷基汽车刹车片摩擦磨损性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用无机纤维和有机纤维(无金属纤维)混杂增强,采用无机粘结剂(无树脂或少量树脂)和有机或无机材料作为摩擦性能调节剂,通过特定工艺制备新型陶瓷基汽车刹车片。研究了这种新材料的物理、力学性能和摩擦磨损性能,并与树脂基摩擦材料进行了性能对比。研究结果表明:新型陶瓷基摩擦材料密度适中(约2.0 g.cm-3),在相同条件下新型陶瓷基刹车片的磨损率远远低于树脂基刹车片,且其摩擦系数稳定性、抗热衰退性能及制动舒适性均明显高于树脂基摩擦材料。  相似文献   

白雪清 《山西冶金》2011,34(3):15-16,60
在MPX-2000型摩擦磨损试验机上考察了不同载荷下氟金云母玻璃陶瓷与碳钢对摩时的摩擦磨损性能,用金相显微镜观察和分析磨损表面形貌,测试了摩擦系数和玻璃陶瓷的磨损率,并探讨了材料的磨损机理。结果表明,随着载荷的增加,摩擦副的摩擦系数明显增大,有较大波动。  相似文献   

以短炭纤维、Si粉、炭粉和树脂为原料,通过均匀混合、温压成形,在1 500℃原位反应最终制得C/C-SiC复合材料.测试试样的开孔隙率、热扩散率及摩擦磨损性能,研究制备工艺过程中后续炭化对摩擦磨损性能的影响,并对摩擦表面及磨屑进行扫描电镜观察和X射线衍射分析.结果表明:采用树脂浸渍炭化工艺制备的C/C-SiC制动材料具有适中的摩擦因数和较低的磨损率;经后续炭化,树脂转变为树脂炭,以磨粒的形式增大摩擦力,同时有效地降低了磨损率.  相似文献   

钢纤维对摩擦材料性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
树脂基复合材料性能优异,被大量用做汽车制动材料.以酚醛树脂为基体,钢纤维为增强纤维,添加填料,采用热压法制成刹车片,并进行摩擦试验.通过试验研究了酚醛树脂基复合材料中钢纤维不同添加量(质量分数)对复合材料冲击强度、摩擦性能的影响.结果表明:该配方类型中,在100~300℃温度范围内,材料冲击强度先增大后减小,钢纤维质量分数为24%时为转折点;材料的摩擦系数先增大后减小,钢纤维质量分数为26%时为转折点;磨损率随钢纤维添加量的增加而增大,钢纤维最佳添加量为24%~26%.  相似文献   

为了开拓锰方硼石的应用,将选矿之后粉末状锰方硼石进行高能球磨处理,得到尺寸小于10μm的粉末颗粒,采用放电等离子烧结,将得到的粉末颗粒制备成圆片状样品.使用X射线衍射仪和扫描电子显微镜对粉末状锰方硼石和摩擦片样品进行表征,证实该样品为斜方晶系的Mn3B7O13Cl.用WTM-ZE可控气氛微型摩擦试验仪测试锰方硼石样品的摩擦性能,其摩擦因数范围为0.2~0.6,磨损量小,为1×10-9 cm3·N-1·m-1左右,表明锰方硼石在摩擦材料填料领域有应用前景.   相似文献   


Silver based composites with varying concentration of graphite and/or MoS2 were prepared by powder metallurgy method. Impacts of composition on the tribological performance of the composites in ambient air and vacuum were investigated. The lowest friction in air was achieved by Ag–20G (vol.-%) composite, while Ag–20MoS2 exhibited the best lubricity in vacuum. XPS evaluation revealed the oxidation of MoS2 in air and a decrease concentration of graphite on the surface of the wear tracks under vacuum. As the proportion of graphite to MoS2 increased, the friction coefficient and the wear rates ascended gradually in air while decreased sharply under vacuum. As compared with other compositions, Ag–15MoS2–5G exhibited a comparable stable and good tribological performance as the environmental condition changed for its friction coefficient and wear rate remained around 0·14 and 5×10?6 mm3 N?1 m?1.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the tribological properties of a novel iron-copper-graphite (Fe–Cu–C) based self lubricating material at high temperature. The effect of Calcium fluoride (CaF2) as a solid lubricant on friction and wear behavior of sintered Fe–Cu–C materials has been studied. Fe–Cu–C based self-lubricating materials were prepared by single stage compaction and sintering process. CaF2 was added to Fe–2Cu–0.8C based materials in different weight percentages of 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 wt%. The developed materials were tested for mechanical and tribological properties at high temperature (500 °C). The worn out surfaces were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope. The material with 3 wt% CaF2 exhibited high hardness value where as compression strength of the materials decreased with the addition of CaF2. Samples with 3, 6, and 9 wt% exhibited low value of coefficient of friction (COF) than base matrix. The material with 3 wt% CaF2 addition exhibited better wear resistance as compared to other developed materials. The worn surfaces were mostly characterized by delaminating and abrasive wear. A high temperature solid lubricant CaF2 was used in Fe–Cu–C based matrix and, the developed composites were tested for tribological properties at high temperature. The results showed that addition of CaF2 in Fe–Cu–C improved the friction and wear properties. Based upon the findings, the developed material could be used for antifriction applications.  相似文献   

采用粉末冶金工艺分别制备含还原铁粉、泡沫纤维铁粉和铁合金粉的铜基摩擦材料,研究了铁粉种类对摩擦材料摩擦磨损性能的影响.当摩擦转速从3000 r·min-1提升至6200 r·min-1,用还原铁粉制备的样品,其摩擦因数随速度的升高出现严重衰退;含泡沫纤维铁粉的样品具有稳定的摩擦因数,试验范围内其波动值不超过0.024,但是磨损严重;采用铁镍合金粉制备的样品可有效减缓高速阶段摩擦因数的衰退,高速下摩擦因数波动低于0.027.以铁铬合金粉制备的样品,其磨耗随摩擦速度的增加几乎不发生变化,抗磨损能力最佳.   相似文献   

利用MM-1000摩擦实验机,分别在沙尘环境与干摩擦情况下,研究不同玻璃微珠含量(质量分数)铜基摩擦材料的摩擦磨损性能。结果表明:在摩擦过程中,玻璃微珠含量通过影响摩擦膜的形成而影响材料的摩擦磨损性能;在沙尘环境下,沙尘破坏材料表面摩擦膜致使材料的摩擦因数高于干摩擦情况下的摩擦因数,且材料的制动稳定性较差,线性磨损量随着玻璃微珠含量增加而增加;综合不同环境下的摩擦实验结果表明,含6%玻璃微珠的材料具有良好的摩擦学性能;添加2%和4%玻璃微珠材料的磨损机制主要为磨粒磨损与剥层磨损,但添加6%和8%玻璃微珠的材料以粘着磨损和磨粒磨损为主要磨损机制。  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that duplex surface treatment, combining oxygen diffusion hardening with the subsequent deposition of thick, low-friction nanocomposite nc-MeC/a-C coatings to improve the tribological properties of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy. We have synthesized, in a magnetron sputtering process, the nanocomposite nc-MeC/a-C coatings (where Me denotes W or Ti transition metal) consisting of two dissimilar materials (nanocrystallites of transition metal carbides MeC and an amorphous carbon matrix a-C). The nano and microstructure of the substrate material and coatings were examined with the use of scanning and transmission electron microscopy as well as by X-ray diffractometry. It was found that different carbide nanocrystals of the same transition metal were embedded in an amorphous carbon matrix of both coatings. The HRTEM analysis indicated that the volume fraction of tungsten carbides in the nc-WC/a-C coating was equal to 13 pct, whereas in the nc-TiC/a-C one the volume fraction of the titanium carbides was equal to just 3 pct. The tribological properties, hardness, and scratch resistance of the coatings were investigated as well. The coefficient of friction (COF) of the coatings during dry sliding against 6 mm diameter alumina ball reached very low value, 0.05, in comparison with an oxygen-hardened alloy, whose COF was equal to 0.8. This low-friction effect of the coatings has been attributed to the formation of a self-lubricating film in sliding contact. The coatings exhibited similar failure morphology in the scratch tests. Even though the hardness was rather low, the coatings exhibited a very good wear resistance during sliding friction. The wear rate of the nc-WC/a-C coating was equal to 0.08 × 10?6 mm3 N?1 m?1 and for the nc-TiC/a-C one it was 0.28 × 10?6 mm3 N?1 m?1.  相似文献   

以Al,Fe,Zn等金属粉末和Si粉为原料,采用热压法制备MoS_2含量(质量分数)分别为0和3%的铝基复合材料,在滑动速度为0.377~1.131 m/s以及载荷为4~10 N的条件下进行摩擦试验,研究MoS_2对铝基复合材料摩擦磨损性能的影响。结果表明:在0.377 m/s的滑动速度下,3%MoS_2/铝基复合材料在10 N载荷下具有较低的平均摩擦因数0.4,比不含MoS_2材料的摩擦因数降低近一半;在0.755 m/s的滑动速度下,2种材料的摩擦因数和磨损率接近;在1.131 m/s的滑动速度下,载荷7~10 N时2种材料都严重磨损,3%MoS_2/铝基材料具有相对较低的磨损率,磨损机理为熔化磨损,未添加MoS_2材料的磨损机理为严重塑性变形磨损。添加3%MoS_2可显著改善铝基材料的摩擦磨损性能。  相似文献   

This work describes the tribological properties of mono AA6061-10 wt% B4C and hybrid AA6061-10 wt% B4C-7.5 wt% Gr composites which could be used as a potential substitute for aluminum alloys used in automotive engines. The tribological experiments are performed as per the experimental scheme designed using full factorial design. The results suggest that the wear loss increases with applied load and sliding distance and the friction coefficient increases with increase in applied load. Further, the ANOVA analysis reveals the statistically and physically significant factors which influence the wear loss and friction coefficient. Formation of Gr-rich tribolayer causes reduction in the wear loss and friction coefficient for hybrid composites compared to the mono ones.  相似文献   

In order to improve performance of semi-metallic friction material,the specimens doped with rare earth(cerous nitrate) were prepared.The effects of rare earth(cerous nitrate) and post heat treatment on properties of friction materials were discussed,and failure mechanism of friction materials was also analyzed.The result showed that the existing of cerous nitrate could stabilize friction coefficient,lower wear rate and increase impact strength,and when the content of the cerous nitrate was 3.0 wt.%,the semi-metallic friction material possessed optimal performances.The different post heat treatments had an influence on the friction coefficient,wear rate and linear thermal expansion coefficient of semi-metallic friction material.The worn surface and fractured surface were observed and analyzed by scanning electronic microscopy(SEM).It was identified that the semi-metallic friction materials doped with cerous nitrate acted abrasive wear and adhesive wear at the low temperature,and abrasive wear,adhesive wear and fatigue wear of materials appeared at the high temperature.The fracture of materials might be the result of matrix cracking interacting with interface separation.  相似文献   

Polymer blend of composition 80 wt% polyamide 66/20 wt% polytetraflurotheylene (PA66/PTFE) was selected as a matrix and reinforced with different weight percentage of short glass fibers (SGF). These composites were prepared by melt mix method using twin screw extruder followed by injection molding. The tribological behaviors were tested by using pin on disc machine by varying the different experimental parameters. The friction and wear mechanisms were studied as a function of sliding velocity, sliding load, and distance. The effect of fiber loading lowered the wear volume loss of SGF filled PA66/PTFE blend. The least frictional coefficient of 0.24 was obtained for 20 wt% of SGF in the blend. However, the wear resistance was not apparently improved by SGF loading in the experimental range for comparison with unfilled PA66/PTFE blend. The worn surfaces of specimen were examined by scanning electron microscopy photographs. The observations revealed that the frictional behavior was a function of development and formation of transfer film. Matrix wear and fiber wear were the result of frictional mechanism. The critical wear volume of PA66/PTFE/SGF composites was the contribution of both matrix and fiber wear. The abrasive nature of SGF was also one of the important factor for frictional behavior.  相似文献   

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