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高熵合金结构简单但主元相对复杂,由于其具有迟滞扩散效应,可以阻碍由于原子运动引起的晶格畸变,并且存在的较高原子级别应力,使其具有自修复机制,因此高熵合金具有优异的抗辐照性能。辐照作用在材料内部产生的缺陷或缺陷团簇,在反应堆服役过程中还会发生迁移和聚集,形成大型缺陷并影响材料的微观结构和力学性能。为了更好地解释辐照缺陷的运动,通常还需要采用理论模拟的方法。从结构的角度将抗辐照高熵合金分为体心立方、面心立方和混合结构3类,分析探讨了辐照对材料结构和性能的影响,介绍了部分常用的理论模拟方法,最后针对高熵合金抗辐照性能研究发展的趋势以及对未来研究工作重点进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

快中子反应堆(快堆)的核心结构材料(如燃料包壳等)在服役过程中将承受长期的高通量的中子辐照、高温和嬗变反应产生的He的作用,引起的合金微观结构的改变,导致材料力学性能的严重恶化.高性能抗辐照材料成为快堆发展的关键前提条件之一.本文介绍快堆中辐照引起的金属材料微观结构的变化.  相似文献   

铁基非晶合金由于成本低较、易制备、较好的温度稳定性等优点,并具优异的机械性能、磁性能和耐腐蚀性能而被广泛研究.并且其固有的无序结构有助于抵抗辐照导致的损伤,使得铁基非晶合金可作为抗辐照材料使用.辐照既可以试验铁基非晶合金的性能也是优化铁基非晶合金结构和性能的有效方法.本文综述了铁基非晶合金中子辐照、离子辐照和电子辐照性能的研究进展,探讨了铁基非晶合金的结构和性能与非晶合金的成分以及辐照粒子的类型、能量、注量之间的关系,以及辐照晶化的机制,为进一步促进高性能铁基非晶合金的研究提供了有价值的参考.   相似文献   

综述了核聚变用结构材料V-Cr-Ti系合金的低活化特性、高温强度、耐液态金属腐蚀、抗中子辐照肿胀等性能的研究现状。概括了H,O与中子辐照对合金力学性能的影响,同时介绍了目前V-Cr-Ti合金的研究热点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

难熔金属钼具有熔点高、高温力学性能优异、导热性良好等特点,加之其良好的抗辐照肿胀能力及与液态金属的相容性,使其成为第四代高温核裂变反应堆、聚变堆等先进核反应堆重要的候选材料,用以满足高温、强腐蚀、大剂量辐照等苛刻环境下结构件的制备需求。但金属钼具有本征室温脆性、加工难和焊接性能差等缺点,严重限制了其应用推广。在金属钼中加入铼元素,形成“铼效应”,不仅可以显著改善钼的室温塑性和加工性能,降低塑-脆转变温度,而且还能提升材料焊接性能和抗蠕变性能,已经成为先进核反应堆结构材料的研究热点。本文从钼铼合金的成分设计、材料制备、焊接性能及核环境应用评价研究四个方面总结了国内外近年来的研究进展,分析了钼铼合金在先进反应堆工程应用中存在的问题,以期为高性能钼铼合金结构材料的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

以V?(4?5)Cr?(4?5)Ti合金为代表的钒合金具有高温性能优异、抗辐照肿胀性能好、中子辐照活化性低等诸多优点,被视为先进核聚变反应堆最有潜力的候选包层结构材料之一。然而,钒合金在较高温度下的氧化腐蚀及吸氧脆化问题仍是目前制约其实际应用和长寿命服役的重要因素。因此,提升钒合金的抗高温氧化腐蚀性能,对于提高其服役温度、延长其服役寿命以及拓宽其应用领域均具有重要意义。本文综述了国内外有关提升钒合金抗高温氧化腐蚀性能的三种主要方案,即添加抗氧化性元素、应用扩散型涂层和包覆型涂层,并对这些方案的主要特点、应用实例以及存在的问题进行了分析和讨论。上述三种方案中,包覆型涂层由于可以将钒合金基体和服役环境完全隔离,因而具备更大的应用潜力。根据钒合金的应用特点,对先进包覆型抗氧化腐蚀涂层的发展趋势和技术需求进行了展望,以期为钒合金抗高温氧化腐蚀研究工作的深入开展提供借鉴。   相似文献   

在室温(20℃)和高温(450℃)下,使用1 m V-高压透射电子显微镜(TEM)原位观察了V-4Cr-4Ti合金微观组织结构的演化和点缺陷团簇行为。原位电子辐照诱导Ti-C-O析出物发生分解,并引入缺陷团簇。这些缺陷团簇捕获电子辐照引入的点缺陷,随着辐照剂量的增加而单调长大。分析这些缺陷团簇平均尺寸与辐照剂量的依赖关系发现:当辐照剂量高于1 dpa时,缺陷团簇的长大速率小于辐照剂量低于0.5 dpa时的速率,说明V-4Cr-4Ti合金中缺陷团簇的长大速率随着辐照剂量的增加而减小。167℃下,运用电子加速器对V-4Cr-4Ti合金进行了离位电子辐照实验,采用小冲杆实验法(SPT)对电子辐照前后V-4Cr-4Ti合金样品进行了力学性能测试。发现相比于未经电子辐照的钒合金样品,经过电子辐照的钒合金样品开始发生塑性形变的位移减少了0.04 mm,说明经过电子辐照后,合金发生了延性损失,塑性降低。随着电子辐照剂量的增加,钒合金样品的最大断裂载荷和断裂韧性均单调增加。  相似文献   

阐述了在核辐照条件下用“ZFW”系列高密度合金做较大直径(大于220mm)的惯性工件。此系列合金不含钴、密度17.5~18.0g/cm3、抗拉强度≥850MPa、延伸率13 %~21 %、抗辐照剂量1~3×105Gy。“ZFW”高密度合金的性能优于含钴的同类合金。  相似文献   

为了确保未来核聚变反应堆的氘氚自持燃烧必需采用中子增殖材料来得到合适的氚增值比。金属铍被认为是最有前途的核聚变反应堆固态中子倍增材料,但其熔点低,高温抗辐照肿胀性能差,因此需要寻找和研发具有更高熔点和更耐辐照肿胀的新型中子增殖材料以满足更先进的聚变堆要求。本研究尝试提出并制备了一种更高熔点的铍钨合金(Be12W),通过X射线和扫描电子显微镜对它的相组成和表面结构进行分析。对新型铍钨合金进行高剂量的氦离子辐照,发现合金表面一次起泡的平均尺寸约为0.8 μm,面密度约为2.4×107 cm?2,而二次起泡的平均尺寸约为80 nm,面密度约为1.28×108 cm?2。分析氦辐照引起的表面起泡及其机制,并与纯铍和铍钛合金表面起泡的情况进行了对比。   相似文献   

从加工方法、微观结构以及各类性能三方面介绍了难熔高熵合金(Refractory high-entropy alloys,RHEAs),最后对难熔高熵合金的发展和未来进行了展望。以MoNbTaVW为代表的难熔高熵合金在高温下表现出优于传统镍基高温合金的压缩屈服强度,且屈服强度随温度的变化更加缓慢,高温力学性能优异;以MoNbTaVW、MoNbTaTiZr、HfNbTiZr等为代表的难熔高熵合金,与商用高温合金、难熔金属、难熔合金以及工具钢相比,展现出更优的耐磨性能。以W38Ta36Cr15V11合金为代表的难熔高熵合金在辐照后,除了析出小颗粒第二相外,不存在位错环缺陷结构,抗辐照性能优异。提出了难熔高熵合金未来发展的两大方向:建立高通量的实验和计算方法继续探索更多的难熔高熵合金组成和结构模型;探索多场耦合环境下难熔高熵合金的服役行为。   相似文献   

Recent Development of Air-Cooled Bainitic Steels Containing Manganese   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The superiorities of air-cooled bainitic steels were described. A series of air-cooled bainitic steels containing manganese were developed and presented, which include low carbon granular bainitic steels, low carbon grain-boundary allotriomorphic ferrite/granular bainite dual phase steels, medium and medium high carbon bainite/martensite dual phase steel, low carbon carbide free bainite/martensite dual phase steels and casting bainitic steels.The development of ultra-low carbon bainitic steels in China was also introduced.  相似文献   

Embrittlement of pressure vessel steels and welds during irradiation at service temperatures around 290°C is known to be related to the presence of residual elements such as copper but the mechanism of embrittlement has not been clear. Pressure vessel steels and welds with high and low copper content and binary iron alloys with 0.3 at. pct of Cu, V, Ni, and P and 0.1 at. pct C were irradiated to fluences of 2.5 x 1019 and 4.5 x 1020 n per sq cm > 1 MeV and compression tested to determine the radiation strengthening. Alloys containing copper had more rapid and greater radiation strengthening. It is concluded that the embrittlement is due to this radiation strengthening which in turn results from a higher density of defect aggregates. Vacancy trapping by the copper atoms which modifies the kinetics of defect aggregate nucleation is shown to be the most likely cause for the differences in microstructure.  相似文献   

The alloying design idea,strengthening-toughening mechanism,microstructure,mechanical performances,development and application in China of new type Mn-series bainitic steels are introduced.Mn-series air-cooling bainitic steels including granular bainitic steels,FGBA /BG duplex steels,CFB/M duplex steels,medium carbon bainite/martensite steels,cast bainitic steels are presented.The invented idea mechanical performances,development and application of second generation of Mn-series bainitic steels,i.e.water quenching Mn-series bainitic steels invented by the authors newly are introduced.The water quenching Mn-series bainitic steels cover severe series steels containing ultra-low carbon,low-low carbon,medium-low carbon,and high-low carbon content etc,which can reduce the amount of alloying content,increase hardening capability and improve weldability.It should be pointed out that the application of both air cooling and water quenching Mn-series bainitic steels are complementary and mutually reinforcing,and the new type Mn-series bainitic steels can meet the performance requirements of most steels used in engineering structure.Some newest technologies of Mn-series bainitic steels in China are discussed in this paper.It is suggested that the significance of the development of the Mn-series bainitic steels can be summarized as:significantly reducing costs of both raw materials and production;good combination of strength and toughness;excellent weldability;simple procedure;large savings in energy resources and reduced environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Creation of Air-Cooled Mn Series Bainitic Steels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The development and mechanical performances of new type air-cooled Mn series bainitic steels including granular bainitic steels, FGBA/BG duplex steels, CFB/M duplex steels, medium carbon bainite/martensite steels, cast bainitic steels invented by the authors are summarized. The novel series of bainitic steels are alloyed with Mn, and several series bainitic duplex microstructures can be easily obtained under the condition of air cooling through unique composition design. The invented idea, the principle of alloying design, the strengthening mechanism, and the evolution of the microstructure of new type air cooled Mn series bainitic steels are presented. Furthermore, the applications in different fields of these Mn series air cooled bainitic steels with different strength level are also introduced. It is suggested that the significance of the development of the air cooled Mn series bainitic steel can be summarized as follows: reducing costs of both raw materials and production; good combination of strength and toughness; self-hardening with high bainitic hardenahility by air cooling from hot working without additional quenching-tempering treatment or quenching procedure; large savings in energy resources; and reduced environmental pollution.  相似文献   

The influence of annealing temperature and time on solute carbon levels was investigated in four ultralow-carbon (ULC) bake-hardenable steels; two Ti-V ULC steels with different V/C levels and two Ti-Nb ULC steels with different Nb/C levels. Internal-friction and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) techniques were used to understand the precipitation/dissolution behavior in the various steels. An effect of annealing time on the carbon Snoek-peak height was observed in both Ti-V steels and in the Ti-Nb steel having a lower Nb/C ratio. Despite differences between these steels resulting from their composition (and, thus, carbide solubility) differences, after cold rolling and annealing at different temperatures, the maximum Snoek-peak height was achieved after annealing for shorter times in each instance, on the order of 1 minute. The highly stabilized Ti-Nb ULC steel with a higher Nb/C ratio did not show the effect because of the absence of solute carbon. For the Ti-V steels, most of the precipitates examined using STEM contained both Ti and V. The energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis indicated that both the Ti-V steels annealed at 845 °C for 1 minute have greater Ti/V ratios compared to their corresponding Ti-V steels in the as-received (hot-rolled) condition. This behavior is consistent with dissolution of carbides causing the carbon in solution to increase, as indicated by a greater carbon Snoek-peak height for both Ti-V steels in the annealed condition. The reduction in Snoek-peak height at longer annealing times is believed to be associated with segregation to lower-energy defect sites.  相似文献   

The role of vanadium on the structure-property relations of dual phase Fe/Mn/Si/0.1C steels has been investigated. After intercritical annealing at 800 °C, the steels with and without V were either iced brine quenched or air cooled. The steels were also solution treated at 900 °C and subsequently air cooled. Although V modified the resultant microstructure, especially the morphology of carbides, the corresponding mechanical properties are not significantly affected by the modified microstructures. It is concluded that V is not beneficial to these dual phase low carbon steels when they are rapidly quenched (1000 °C/s) or air cooled (3 °C/s) after intercritical annealing.  相似文献   

低活化铁素体/马氏体钢的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 介绍了国内外低活化铁素体/马氏体(RAFM)钢的研究进展及发展趋势;分析了RAFM钢中可能出现的合金元素的作用以及辐照前后RAFM钢的组织结构、辐照硬化及辐照脆性现象。认为通过沉淀强化与弥散强化手段可以提高现有RAFM钢的高温力学性能;12Cr3W RAFM钢与氧化物弥散强化RAFM钢是很有希望的超临界水堆包壳管用候选结构材料。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the effects of silicon and nickel additions on the mechanical properties of a 0.4 carbon low alloy steel. The four experimental steels used in the study were obtained by making additions of 1.5 wt pct nickel and 2 wt pct silicon, both separately and in combination, to a 0.4C/1.5Ni/1.0Cr/0.5Mn base steel. The base + Ni + Si steel, resulting from combined nickel and silicon additions, has a yield strength of 1682 MN/m2 and impact and fracture toughnesses of 65 J and 115 MN/m3/2, respectively. The other three steels have comparable strength levels but more typical impact and fracture toughnesses of about 30 J and 75 MN/m3/2, respectively. The microstructures of the four steels are almost identical. The only significant observed difference among the four steels is that the sulfides in the base + Ni + Si steel are almost three times as large as those in the other three steels. As the four steels have similar sulfide volume fractions, there is a similar difference in sulfide spacings. The improved toughness of the base + Ni + Si steel is attributed to the increased sulfide spacing due to the influence of combined nickel and silicon additions on the average sulfide size.  相似文献   

李闯  王学敏  尚成嘉  贺信莱 《钢铁》2011,46(8):73-77
 研究了一系列含铜钢在连续冷却过程中的析出行为。采用1℃/s的冷却速度以及中间淬火取样方法获得铁素体组织。利用金相显微镜和透射电镜研究不同铜含量对析出的影响。结果表明:当铜的质量分数高于1.5%时,随着铁素体的产生,在铁素体内产生第二相析出颗粒。当铜的质量分数低于1%时,并未观察到第二相析出。第二相析出物为富铜颗粒,以相间沉淀方式析出。  相似文献   

Conclusions The processes of diffusion interaction of vanadium carbides with cast and powdered steels are largely analogous. Differences are mainly due to unequal diffusional mobility of the components in cast and powdered materials.In cast and powdered steels equal boundary concentration of vanadium are established on the boundary with the carbides, and these concentrations are determined by the carbon content of the steel and by the temperature.The interdiffusion coefficient in ferrite does not depend on the carbon content, and it is the same for cast and powdered steels. The interdiffusion coefficient in austenite increases with increasing carbon content, and it is noticeably larger in powdered steels than in cast steels.The activation energy of interdiffusion in the austenite of powdered steels (220–230 kJ/mole) is noticeably lower than in cast steels (260–270 kJ/mole); this is due to the substantial contribution of the processes of surface diffusion to the overall mass transfer in porous materials.Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 11(323), pp. 40–45, November, 1989.  相似文献   

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