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采用电阻测量和透射电镜观察研究了外加应力对Al-3.88Cu和Al-4.80Cu-0.56Mg合金时效动力学及析出相形态的影响,结果表明:外加应力延缓了Al-Cu二元合金时效过程中电阻率的降低,即阻碍了θ″和θ′相的析出,但是却加速了α+θ相区Al-Cu-Mg三元合金时效过程中电阻率的降低,即促进了合金中第二相的析出,出现这种现象的原因与Al-Cu-Mg合金中相θ′和S′相的竞争析出有关。Al-Cu-Mg合金中θ′相和S′相的析出过程受应力的影响不同,外加应力通过改变竞争析出过程中θ′相和S′相的力量对比,阻碍了θ′相的析出,从而促进了S′相的析出,导致应力时效态合金电阻率降低的速度和程度大于无应力时效合金。  相似文献   

通过膨胀法、扫描电镜(SEM)和电子背散射衍射(EBSD)等方法和技术手段研究了压应力下Ti-1300合金在等温时效过程中β_m→α+β相变动力学和组织演化规律。结果表明:压应力作用下Ti-1300合金在等温时效过程中β_m→α+β相变动力学方程可用Johnson-Mehl-Avrami(JMA)方程表示,并拟合出来Avrami指数,用于表征相变机制;Ti-1300合金在40 MPa压应力的β_m→α+β相变机制与无应力状态下的相似;当合金在600℃时效时的相变机制为开始是在位错线上进行形核,随后形核率迅速衰减为零,随着次生α相的析出,转而在α/β界面上形核,并且形核位置很迅速又饱和,形核率再次衰减为零;而当合金在700℃时效时的相变机制主要为界面形核。但Ti-1300合金在40 MPa压应力下进行等温时效时,组织演变表现出明显的α相择优取向效应。通过分析Ti-1300合金进行双级时效的显微组织发现, Ti-1300合金在等温时效过程中引入外加压应力后,外加压应力对合金中α相应力取向效应的影响主要在α相的形核阶段,对α相的长大阶段影响不明显。  相似文献   

对Ti-3.5Al-5Mo-6V-3Cr-2Sn-0.5Fe钛合金进行双级时效热处理,对比研究双级时效对高强β钛合金组织与性能的影响。时效温度选取650℃+450℃,研究结果表明双级时效处理对合金力学性能提升明显,650℃预时效时基体先析出较大尺寸的α相,后续的低温再时效将继续析出尺寸较小的次生α相,两种尺寸的α相共同作用下,使得双级时效的合金获得强度1 504 MPa,延伸率10.3%的优良力学性能。  相似文献   

通过TEM、HAADF-STEM和室温拉伸实验开展Al-2.8%Cu-1.35%Li-0.3%Mn-0.11%Zr合金在人工时效和蠕变时效状态下的析出相演化规律和力学性能研究。结果表明,160 ℃时效条件下,人工时效和160 MPa应力时效过程中合金中析出相数量均随时效时间的延长而增多,相同时效时间条件下应力时效状态合金T1相数量较多,但其平均直径减小了约5~15 nm。这主要是因为外加应力增加了合金中的位错密度从而促进析出相析出。T1相在时效析出过程中并未受外加应力的影响而沿某个方向择优析出,无明显的应力位向效应,这可能与T1相具有更大的惯习平面变体上的形核与临界应力值有关。相比于人工时效,应力时效后合金的室温屈服强度和抗拉强度均增加,且在时效初期对屈服强度效果更为显著。   相似文献   

采用室温力学性能测试、透射电镜分析和腐蚀实验等方法,研究了双级时效对含钪Al-Cu-Li-Zr合金的力学性能与抗腐蚀性的影响.结果表明,经双级时效处理的合金可获得较佳的强塑性组合,与T8峰时效态合金相比,双级时效态合金可在不降低强度的情况下提高延伸率;T1相是合金的主要沉淀强化相,合金经双级时效处理后,晶内析出的T1相细小弥散且分布均匀,从而改善合金的抗腐蚀性.  相似文献   

研究了Cu-Ni-Co-Si合金固溶后时效处理工艺对其导电率的影响,通过导电率与析出的第二相体积分数的关系推导了该合金的相变动力学方程.结果表明:随着时效时间的延长,导电率开始增加较快,4h时效后增速减慢;时效温度越高,时效初期导电率的升高速率越快,最终导电率也越高;时效过程中,导电率的升高率与第二相的析出量存在一定的线性关系.推导了该合金在500℃内不同温度下时效时的相变动力学方程和导电率方程,由该导电率方程所得的计算值与试验值相符.  相似文献   

时效处理对GH648合金析出相和力学性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过分析GH648合金时效处理后的相组成,研究不同时效处理温度对GH648合金组织和力学性能的影响,探讨了γ',及α-Cr相对合金性能的影响.结果表明,随着时效温度的提高,α-Cr相的析出量增加,γ'相的析出量减少,大多数α-Cr相呈针状分布在晶内,而且合金的室温拉伸塑性和冲击韧性随α-Cr相析出量的增加明显降低.  相似文献   

对固溶处理的近β型Ti-5Al-10Cr合金进行了不同温度和时间的时效处理,观察了时效处理后合金的显微组织,分析了合金的相组成,并对硬度及拉伸性能进行了测试分析。结果表明,随着时效温度的提高,析出α相的体积分数先增多后减少,合金的抗拉强度与α相体积分数有着同样的变化趋势;合金在低温长时间时效或高温时效时,会析出Ti Cr2相,时效温度较低时该相对合金硬度有一定贡献,随着时效温度升高,该析出相长大,对硬度的贡献下降。  相似文献   

对7075铝合金进行了单级时效处理和双级时效处理,表征了微观组织,测试了显微硬度。利用电化学工作站测试了腐蚀性能。实验结果表明:7075铝合金经120℃时效24h后,平均硬度为196HV;二级时效温度为160℃时,随时效时间的延长,硬度值基本呈现逐渐降低的趋势。7075铝合金经一级时效处理后,第二相析出产生时效硬化效果;在较高温度下进行二级时效,随保温时间的延长,时效析出相发生聚集、粗化和长大,降低了合金的硬度。随着二级时效时间的增长,合金的腐蚀电流先升高后降低,在二级时效16h、24h时合金的腐蚀电流最小,腐蚀性能最优。  相似文献   

以Ni-Al-Fe系合金中B2型金属间化合物NiAl(Fe)和α-Fe(Ni,Al)固溶体互为基体和析出相,主要研究了时效处理对其强度的影响及其时效组织特征.结果表明,以NiAl(Fe)作为基体并经时效处理后,α-Fe(Ni,Al)析出相对NiAl(Fe)有时效硬化作用,含有α-Fe(Ni,Al)析出相的NiAl(Fe)在所有实验温度区域内.其屈服强度均远高于单相NiAl的屈服强度.透射电镜的观察揭示出α-Fe(Ni,Al)析出相为体心立方结构,时效初期是球状,相邻析出相合并变成板条状,平行于有序基体的{100}晶面析出.当以α-Fe(Ni,Al)相为基体进行时效处理后,NiAl(Fe)析出相对α-Fe(Ni,Al)也起到了析出强化的作用.通过透射电镜的观察可知,NiAl(Fe)析出相的形态在时效初期时呈球状,随着时效时间的延长,析出相会长大并呈四方六面体,但相邻析出相之间不会合并.  相似文献   

 The coarsening and ageing-hardening behaviors of γ′ particles in a nickel base superalloy have been investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) observation, coarsening kinetics calculation and microhardness testing when ageing at 1050, 950 and 900℃ for different time. The cube of γ′ particle size and ageing time follows a linear law as predicted by LSW theory. The particle size distributions give better fit with the LSW theoretical distribution. The activation energy for γ′ coarsening is accurately determined to be 245.06±14.42 kJ/mol when considering the effect of temperature on the solution concentrations in matrix. Based on the activation energy, the coarsening kinetics of γ′ particle is predicted as . The microhardness studies indicate microhardness decreases rapidly with ageing temperature increase and when ageing at different temperature for long time, the microhardness has a maximum value which corresponding a critical particles size beyond which the microhardness increase stalls.  相似文献   

分析了焊接电流70A、80A、90A对40CrNiMoA钢焊缝接头组织和力学性能的影响。随着焊接电流的增大,焊缝外观质量较好。随着焊接电流的增大,熔池区温度升高,奥氏体晶粒尺寸增大,导致马氏体组织粗大。焊缝的显微组织为马氏体及少量残余奥氏体。焊缝的硬度远高于母材的硬度,且波动较大。热影响区的硬度从母材向沿焊缝方向逐渐升高。焊接接头纵向应力在焊缝中心为压应力,向外压应力减小。焊接颜色区边界处纵向应力为拉应力,且该点拉应力最大。焊接接头横向应力在焊缝中心为拉应力,向外逐渐增大,焊接颜色区边界处变横向拉应力达到最大。焊接电流和热输入增大,降低了材料的韧性,组织中铁素体增多及焊接残余应力是诱发脆性断裂的原因。焊接电流80A是40CrNiMoA同质焊条平板对接焊接工艺的最佳的焊接电流。  相似文献   

The coarsening and ageing hardening behaviors of γ' particles in superalloy GH742 have been investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), coarsening kinetics calculation and microhardness testing when ageing at 1 050, 950 and 900 ℃ for different time. The cube of γ particle size and ageing time follows a linear law as predicted by LSW theory. The particle size distributions give better fit to the LSW theoretical distribution. The activation energy for γ' coarsening is accurately determined to have 245. 06±14. 42 kJ/mol when considering the effect of temperature on the solution concentrations in matrix. Based on the activation energy, the coarsening kinetics of γ' particle is predicted as r3t=7.35×1015Ce/Texp-(245 060±14 420)/RT t. The microhardness studies indicate that microhardness decreases rapidly with increasing the ageing temperature and it has a maximum value corresponding to a critical particle size beyond which the microhardness increase stalls with increasing the ageing time.  相似文献   

In this work, we have studied the effects of solution heat treatment followed by ageing on the corrosion behavior of AA2014 aluminum alloy welded by AA5554 aluminum alloy. Two samples are then analyzed, in the first case the solution heat treatment is followed by quenching and natural ageing of 90 days (sample 1), and in the second one, the solution heat treatment is followed by quenching and artificial ageing of twelve hours at 190°C (sample 2). The principal observations can be summarized as: evaporation of magnesium in fusion zone, and diffusion of magnesium and copper from the heat affected zone to the fusion zone were identified. Solution heat treatment, quenching and 90 days of natural ageing leads to a uniform corrosion in the heat affected zone and in the fusion one, when the material is immersed for ten seconds in Keller reagent solution. After immersion in 0.3% NaCl chloride solution, and after solution treatment and quenching, we observed that applied artificial ageing at 190°C causes localized corrosion surrounding precipitates and then develops uniform corrosion in all zones, particularly in the fusion one. Finally, it is noted that the surface of different zones became nobler after applying solution heat treatment followed by natural ageing.  相似文献   

Q345E大H型钢-40℃冲击韧性偏低原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对Q345E大规格H型钢时效方式研究后发现,时效对-40℃冲击韧性影响较小,并用能量法确定了该钢的低温脆性曲线,其脆性转变温度范围为-30~-40℃。冲击断口的金相组织分析、断口的宏观和微观形貌观察、夹杂物微观形貌及电子探针能谱分析表明,低温冲击韧性偏低的主要原因是严重的带状组织和钢中的非金属夹杂物。  相似文献   

时效过程中GP区温度的测试与研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍作者在研制时效强化型合金时设计使用的测定时效过程中GP区温度的一种简易方法。且将所测GP(Ⅱ)区的温度选作分级时效中的预时效温度,先短时预时效后,能加速正式时效时的脱溶析出过程,使母相脱溶更彻底,并能增加时效析出相的弥散度,从而提高时效效果,确保合金的传导和强、硬等综合性能。  相似文献   

The influence of prestrain and ageing on near-threshold fatigue-crack propagation (FCP) in as-rolled and heat-treated dual-phase steels (DPS) was investigated over a wide range of 10?10 to 10?7 mm/cycle in laboratory air under a load ratio of R = 0. It was found that the fatigue-crack propagation threshold value increases with increasing grain size and decreasing yield stress, and that a combination of 10% prestraining with 175°C/30 min ageing showed almost no effect on the threshold level of as-rolled dual-phase steel, but decreased that of heat-treated dual-phase steels more than 37%. This different behaviour was suggested to result from the remarkable differences in grain size and volume fraction of martensite (Vm) in these two kinds of dual-phase steels. An estimation of the plastic zone size of fatigue-crack tip supported this suggestion.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Increased oxidative stress during ageing and the neurodegenerative disorders associated with this has been described. The central nervous system is particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage because of its high energy requirements, high oxygen consumption, high tissue concentration of iron and relatively low levels of some antioxidant systems. Treatment with neurotrophic factors may reverse neurone deterioration and stimulate cholinergic activity in aged rats. It may have a similar neuroprotector effect against damage due to ischaemic reperfusion, hypoglycaemia, inflammation and other pathological conditions involving oxidative stress. In this study we determined some indicators of oxidative stress in rat brains during ageing and evaluated this in response to a plan of treatment with murine nerve growth factor (FCN) for 38 days. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Biochemical techniques were used for determination of oxidative stress indicators. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We found that with age there was a significant increase in phospholipase A2 and superoxide dysmutase activity and concentration of hipoperoxidases, whilst the concentration of reduced glutathion fell. Catalase activity increased in the hippocampal and striate regions and decreased in the cortex and septal area. There was less oxidative stress in rats treated with FCN. In view of our results, we conclude that the level of oxidative stress increases with ageing, with significant differences between areas of the brain. The region most vulnerable to damage from species reactive to oxygen was the hippocampus, and the protective effect of FCN may be related to potentiation of antioxidant defenses.  相似文献   

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