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张咏梅  陈旋  周东锋 《冶金丛刊》2011,(3):32-34,50
介绍了安钢烧结料场球团、块矿筛分系统的工艺改进情况。通过优化工艺,进厂原、燃料在现有场地上实现了受卸、筛分、贮存、运输等,工艺互为备用,主体筛分设备改进后满足了球团、块矿的筛分要求。  相似文献   

广西钢铁原料场采用集中布局,一次规划的方式建设,建成后年处理原料能力可达5 000万t,将成为国内冶金行业占地面积最大、功能最全的集中性综合原料场.本文重点介绍了该原料场在总体工艺布局、设备能力选择以及集中运输工艺等设计中采用的新思路与新方法,以期为同行提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

袁斌 《钢铁技术》1997,(3):15-21
以重钢二期工程混匀设施为例,分析混匀设施的组成及主要设备,混匀工艺的主要计算方法,混匀系统计算机控制功能及混匀矿的评价指标。  相似文献   

鲜红 《烧结球团》1993,18(5):4-9
本文针对破碎筛分系统发展趋势,建立了适合于系统实现计算机控制的系统设计优化软件,以及若干系统及元件的优化目标,以期能使系统设计达到迅速、先进、优化的目的。  相似文献   

凤琦玲 《安徽冶金》2008,(1):2-5,13
根据马钢综合原料场的生产实践,指出了老区工艺设计上存在的问题,提出了相应的技术改进措施,并将成功的技术改进经验用于新区的工艺设计优化上,使新区能够顺利地完成混匀矿生产和各种原燃料的运输保供任务。  相似文献   

福建罗源闽光钢铁有限公司新建的2#综合原料场是2台烧结机和2座高炉的配套工程,主要是为烧结、高炉提供各种原、燃料.详细介绍了综合原料场输储工艺在生态化、智能化、现代化方面的特点和功能.料场在保证向烧结、高炉持续供料的同时,总体实现了智能、环保和全封闭等功能要求,对保证钢铁厂安全生产具有重要意义.  相似文献   

胡海 《莱钢科技》2003,(2):33-35
阐述了充分利用烧结厂每天外排的1900多吨烧结废水作为原料场喷洒水源,通过对现有的喷淋系统进行恢复改造,达到减少工业排污,节约水资源,抑制料场扬尘,防止矿粉流失,保护环境的目的。  相似文献   

为了应对原材料涨价,企业利润空间大幅度缩减的局面,济钢从自身的实际情况出发,调整了原料进厂的物流结构。通过改造火车受卸系统作业流程,分离火车受卸与烧结供料共用的PLC,在翻车机重车线上搭建简易解冻室,实施配料料仓电振自动控制等,使济钢生产原料的火车运输比例从原来的60%提高到75%,每年可节约运输成本1659万元左右。  相似文献   

刘景忠 《四川冶金》1991,13(1):11-14
重钢综合原料场是重钢铁系统改造工程项目之一,属国内大型综合原料场。它的工艺主要由受料和供料输送系统、受料系统、料场、加工整粒和自动取样和缩分、化验等五个部分组成。综合原料场设备和操作的特点是大型化、自动化和集中控制,并对输送系统的生产安全装置了许多保护设施。两年来,综合原料场边生产、边整改,保障了烧结生产用料。  相似文献   

贺军 《山东冶金》2009,31(3):54-56
圆盘配料计算模型结合生产工艺、实际作业状况及现场经验,根据所需混匀料的要求,完成一系列复杂运算,最终计算出各圆盘的流量给定值,达到混匀配料的目的。采用直接在组态软件中加入计算模型函数,将工艺模型作为整个控制系统的一部分的方式实现模型的功能,更好地实现整个系统的控制功能,在通讯速度、操作的易用性等方面有明显优势。  相似文献   

为了实现对吸附反应的平衡吸附量的预测,建立了平衡吸附量预测模型.以高岭土、蒙脱土这两种黏土矿物吸附Ca2+为例,验证其等温吸附曲线符合Langmuir吸附方程.在Langmuir吸附等温式的基础上,建立了平衡吸附量预测模型,该模型应用于单组分吸附反应的平衡吸附量的预测.通过实验对该模型进行了验证,模型的计算结果与实验结果可以较好地吻合,证明该模型的可靠性较高.  相似文献   

在图像格式转换的过程中,为将不同格式的图元关联起来,借鉴具有统计特征的加权信息论,构造出基于盒维数和自然测度的加权信息熵模型(WEMFBCDNM:Weighted Entropy Model Based on Fractal Box Counting Dimension and Natural Measure).该模型在结构上更加符合矢量图片间格式转换的要求.实验表明,相比于传统算法,WEMFBCDNM在性能上比传统的等长码时间性能提高20%以上.  相似文献   

Optimization Model for Aggregate Blending   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An optimization model of aggregate blending is presented that considers gradation, cost, and design requirements and is applicable to the blending of any number of aggregates. The model is formulated as a quadratic programming problem that minimizes the mean deviation from midpoint specification limits, subject to constraints on the preceding requirements. The model is applied to a numerical aggregate blending problem. Sensitivity analysis is performed to show how the model can also be used to minimize cost or to provide a trade‐off between mean deviation and cost. Extensions of the model to accommodate special practical cases are examined.  相似文献   

Stochastic Priority Model for Aggregate Blending   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aggregate blending models that incorporate the optimization of two objectives with their priority levels are presented. The two objectives include the minimization of the mean deviation (or mean absolute deviation) from the midpoint of specification limits and the minimization of the unit cost of the blend. The models are applicable to any number of aggregates and can be used to provide the optimum proportions corresponding to a given priority level or to establish trade‐off curves between mean deviation and cost. The stochastic elements of aggregate gradations are formulated and incorporated into the models. Both the deterministic and stochastic models are applied to a numerical aggregate blending problem, and extensions of the models to accommodate some practical cases are presented.  相似文献   

基于灰色模型的转炉炼钢终点预报研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
准确预报转炉炼钢的终点钢温度及碳含量,对于提高终点命中率具有重要意义,作者采用灰色系统模型及线性回归补偿模型建立了转炉炼钢终点钢水温度及碳含量预报模型,并对一座180t转炉的实测数据进行了仿真,其结果与实际值接近,这表明该方法切实可行并有效的。  相似文献   

A study to evaluate corrosion rates was conducted using pile foundations abandoned during the reconstruction of I-15 through Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Corrosion rates were measured for 20 piles extracted from five sites after service lives of 34–38 years. Measurements were made of soil index properties, resistivity, pH, cation/anion concentrations, and water table elevation. The critical zone for corrosion was typically located within the groundwater fluctuation zone; but correlations with soil properties were generally poor. Despite low resistivity, average corrosion rates for pile caps in native soil were typically between 2 and 9?μm/year with a maximum of 19?μm/year and did not pose any structural integrity problems. Nevertheless, for abutment piles where chloride concentration was very high, the average pile corrosion rate increased to 13?μm/year within the embankment and the maximum corrosion rate was 48?μm/year in the underlying native soil. Based on data from this and previous studies, equations were developed to predict maximum corrosion loss for piles in nonaggressive soil as a function of time.  相似文献   

3-D numerical models are being used more commonly to predict changes in coastal water quality associated with point discharges such as sewage outfalls. Because these “far field” models use grid sizes which are orders of magnitude larger than the scale of near field entrainment processes, it is of interest to compare their predictive capability with that of initial mixing models and to identify ways in which the two model types can be coupled. Comparisons between the 3-D circulation model ECOMsi and the Environmental Protection Agency's mixing model RSB suggest that the former does a reasonable job predicting plume trap height and volumetric dilution but often overpredicts plume width. Results are sensitive to source representation and parameterization of horizontal and vertical diffusion. The success results from the fact that initial dilution is governed in part by gravitational exchange flow (a large-scale phenomenon that can be resolved in a far field model) in addition to plume entrainment (which is clearly subgrid scale), as well as the self-regulating relationship between plume trap height and initial dilution. Overprediction of plume width is attributed to numerical diffusive effects. Several procedures for improving predictions by coupling near and far field models are explored, ranging from the use of the near field model to dynamically adjust far field mixing parameters, so that the far field model simulates the correct trap height, to simply using the near field model to assign source location and dimension for the far field.  相似文献   

针对目前岩爆倾向性中预测模型权重确定存在不足导致模型精度不高的现状,为更准确地预测岩爆倾向性,提出综合运用粗糙集理论中的代数观和信息观,确定属性最优权重,并修正岩爆倾向性与评价指标之间的关系,建立岩爆等级理想点矩阵。根据岩爆发生条件,选取岩石脆性指数、切应力指标和弹性应变能指数3项指标作为岩爆判别指标,以国内外20组典型岩爆数据为样本,建立改进的粗糙集—理想点法(RS-TOPSIS)岩爆倾向性预测模型,并应用该模型对玲珑金矿等工程实际进行了岩爆倾向性预测。结果表明:改进后样本预测精度相比于改进前有了显著提高,所建立的模型对实际工程的岩爆倾向性预测效果良好,预测结果更准确。  相似文献   

分别采用线性加权平均、线性拟合、BP神经网络和Elman神经网络方法建立煤质特性预测模型,对混煤煤质特性进行预测.将四种方法的预测结果进行分析比较,辨别混煤煤质特性与各单煤煤质特性间的线性与非线性关系.分析表明:混煤的发热量、水分、灰分和硫分与各单煤相应煤质特性具有简单的线性关系.其中,发热量、水分和硫分的线性拟合预测结果优于线性加权平均预测结果;混煤挥发分与各单煤挥发分之间呈非线性关系,Elman神经网络预测效果最佳.  相似文献   

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