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钢铁冶金工业不仅有着很高的能量消耗,同时有着很高的污染,对环境有着很大的负面影响,因此在钢铁冶金的工业之中,应该对清洁生产的技术加以良好的应用与优化。随着当今钢铁冶金行业的不断发展,越来越多的新技术在其清洁生产之中得到广泛的应用,进而实现了清洁生产技术的进一步优化。本文对钢铁冶金的清洁生产技术优化加以研究,希望通过本次的研究,为钢铁冶金企业之中清洁生产技术的进一步优化提供有力的参考。  相似文献   

朱斌 《江苏冶金》2005,33(4):24-26
叙述了清洁生产理念运用于钢铁生产企业,指出了在钢铁生产企业推行清洁生产的现实意义。  相似文献   

通过首钢长治钢铁有限公司200m2烧结机烟气余热利用改造设计方案讨论,达到清洁生产,节能增效,环保生产目标.  相似文献   

罗亚林 《山西冶金》2013,36(2):54-54,60
通过首钢长治钢铁有限公司200In2烧结机烟气余热利用改造设计方案讨论,达到清洁生产,节能增效,环保生产目标。  相似文献   

苏航  潘涛  李灏 《钢铁》2021,56(12):103-108
 传统钢铁产品评价体系是“合格”与“不合格”的二值评价,“合格”门槛之上产品的质量差异长期被忽略,是造成近年来低价中标、劣币驱逐良币等质量困局的重要因素。钢铁材料产线质量能力分级评价方法,是变标准门槛评价为分级评价,使得优秀的钢铁企业在追求产品合格率100%以后有新的质量目标,满足用户行业采购原材料的差异化需求。钢铁材料产线质量能力分级采用质量全要素量化评价与产品大数据结合的方法,在专家经验的支持下,通过建立包括价值函数、工序评价和质量遗传模型的分级评价模型,将产品在合格线以上的差异加以量化区分,可真实全面地反映不同企业、不同产线的产品质量能力。其关键技术包括3组模型,价值函数模型将传统的依据标准的二值评价变为连续评价,工序评价模型将传统的产品样品考核扩展到对应的生产工序的能力考核,质量遗传模型引入了传统评价中缺失的对原材料质量和产线组合的考核。该评价方法的模型全部采用客观数据。目前,已经结合用户需求对中厚板等多类钢铁产品开展了质量能力分级评价,并发布了国内首批质量能力分级评价T/CISA团体标准。质量分级评价首先在钢铁材料领域提出并走向应用,对于以原材料、配套生产工艺为要素产出产品的典型生产流程具有很好的适用性,该评价方法可进一步扩展至钢铁材料以外的原材料行业和装备制造行业。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,我国钢铁企业的发展规模逐渐扩大,为了促进钢铁企业的健康发展,提高能源的利用率,钢铁冶金行业的清洁工作逐渐引起了人们的广泛关注,在科学技术飞速发展的今天,在钢铁冶金清洁生产不断开发新技术和新工艺,从而有效的提高企业的经济效益,实现经济效益、社会效益、环境效益的相统一。基于此,本文首先以钢铁冶金清洁生产为切入点,对能源结构调整进行了分析,然后对钢铁冶金清洁生产中的新工艺进行探讨,最后提出一些具体的清洁生产技术,希望为相关人士带来有价值的参考。  相似文献   

开展全方位矿山清洁生产评价对于传统矿山向绿色矿山的转型具有重要现实意义。以湖南某黄金矿山为研究实例,从矿山采选行业特点出发,构建以采矿厂、选矿厂和尾矿库为主要评价对象的黄金矿山清洁生产评价指标体系。将基于熵权-AHP的组合赋权法引入到权重分析评价过程中,以确定各体系综合权重赋值,最终采用AHP-欧氏距离理论完善各体系权重分配结果。评价结果表明,矿山综合水平得分为81.9528,属于清洁生产基本水平,评价结果与矿山实际情况相符。同时,熵权-AHP组合赋权法的成功应用也为矿山清洁生产评价提供了一种新方法,可为其他矿山企业开展清洁生产评价与审核提供借鉴。  相似文献   

钢铁冶金呈现高能耗与高污染特点,为钢铁冶金行业的发展带来限制因素,降低行业经济效益。因此为促使钢铁企业实现可持续发展,需要不断开发新工艺技术,实现行业的清洁生产,调整能源结构,本文从钢铁冶金清洁生产中能源结构入手,深入进行分析,结合实际情况探索新工艺技术,以供参考。  相似文献   

国家环保总局颁布钢铁清洁生产标准近日从国家环保总局了解到,为贯彻实施《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》,提高企业清洁生产水平,国家环保总局近日批准并发布了啤酒制造业、食用植物油工业(豆油和豆粕)、纺织业(棉印染)、甘蔗制糖业、电解铝业、氮肥制造业、钢铁行业、基本化学原料制造业(环氧乙烷/乙二醇)8个行业清洁生产标准,这8个标准将自2006年10月1日起实施。(摘自中国冶金信息网)世界两大钢铁巨头将合并全球第一大钢铁企业米塔尔集团宣布,已购得全球第二大钢铁企业阿赛洛集团50%的股份。这意味着两大钢铁巨人的合并已成定局,双方有…  相似文献   

为了有效推进清洁生产,促进锌冶炼企业的可持续发展,在冶炼工艺和数学方法的基础之上,提出了基于博弈论和模糊综合评判的评价模型。首先利用层次分析法和熵权法分别计算得到权重值,再利用博弈论的思想对其进行最优化处理后确定最终权重,最后利用模糊综合评价方法得到评价结果。应用实例分析结果表明:该企业的清洁生产等级处于第二等级,具有较大的清洁生产潜力,该指标体系中的6个一级指标中,有2个指标处于第三等级,3个指标处于第二等级,1个指标处于第一等级。说明基于博弈论和模糊综合评判的评价模型在锌冶炼企业的清洁生产评价方面具有很强的适用性,能够有效促进清洁生产的发展。  相似文献   

粉末颗粒线性堆积密度模型的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评价了线性堆积密度模型的优缺点,并对该模型进行了改进,使它更符合现有的实验数据,应用现有的实验数据对改进前后的模型进行了比较。同时,概述了现有的几个粉末颗粒堆积模型。  相似文献   

An analytical model to predict the behavior of concrete confined with fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) composites subjected to axial compressive loads was developed. First, a constitutive model for plain concrete was formulated from past experimental results obtained from triaxial compression tests of concrete, in which concrete specimens were maintained under constant confining stresses. This was an orthotropic constitutive model based on the concept of equivalent uniaxial strain. Subsequently, in the analytical model for FRP confined concrete, the proposed constitutive model for concrete materials was incorporated. The FRP was assumed to be a linear elastic material. Force equilibrium and strain compatibility between the concrete and the FRP as well were satisfied. When the proposed model was applied to FRP confined concrete, the model overestimated the axial stress. To rectify this, a subsequent maximum strength criterion was introduced to control the maximum strength in the postpeak region when confining stress was continuously increased. The proposed analytical model with the addition of the subsequent maximum strength criterion is in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

The vegetation-erosion model was applied in three typical watersheds of hilly and gully area in the Loess Plateau in northwestern China to study the dynamic relations between vegetation coverage and soil erosion rate and various stresses. The model was improved by introducing rainfall and runoff factors. Then the modified model was applied in the Luergou and Luoyugou watersheds. The calculation results with the modified model were compared with the results of the original model. The precisioos of simulated vegetation coverage and soil erosion rate with the modified model were greatly improved compared with the original model. Soil erosion rate reduced with increasing vegetation coverage and the human disturbance caused high soil erosion.  相似文献   

推动模型在棒线材轧制过程模拟中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
原思宇  张立文  齐民  甄玉  郭书奇 《钢铁》2005,40(12):50-54
基于三维热一机耦合有限元分析方法建立了刚性体推动模型,模拟棒线材多道次连轧过程。刚性体推动模型与常规有限元模型的比较结果说明刚性体推动模型可以在获得相同的精度前提下,显著地提高运算效率。将所建立的有限元模型应用于304不锈钢粗轧过程的数值模拟,得到了轧件6道次连轧过程的温度场、应变场和轧件的变形过程,并比较了各道次的轧制力模拟结果和轧机许用轧制力。温度场的模拟结果与测量结果的比较证明了模型的可靠性。  相似文献   

针对钨碱煮过程WO_3浸出率预测困难的问题,建立了动态机理模型与最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)相结合的并联混合模型,在该混合模型的基础上,构建了碱煮过程优化模型,将动态浸出问题转化为带约束的优化问题,并以粒子群优化(PSO)算法对优化模型进行求解。仿真结果表明,混合模型预测精度高,优化模型效果好,提高了WO_3浸出率,降低了浸出成本。  相似文献   

When melting processes are associated with an exothermic heat of mixing, unique coupled transport phenomena take place. In this article, a mathematical model has been developed to simulate these unique coupled heat and mass transfer events. The model was based on the control-volume finite difference approach and on an enthalpy method. In order to verify the mathematical model, a low-temperature physical model was established consisting of ice and sulfuric acid solutions. In this physical model, both temperature and velocity measurements were carried out. The model predictions were compared with experimental measurements, and they were found to be in good agreement. The model was also applied to a high-temperature system, namely, the melting of silicon metal in liquid high carbon iron. The predictions distinguished two periods present in the entire melting process. In the first period, the silicon was heated up. The second period, i.e., free melting period, occurred in tandem with the exothermic reaction, and consequently, the melting process was greatly accelerated. As was the case with the low-temperature physical model, as with the high-temperature system, good agreement was obtained between the predicted results and the experimental measurements.  相似文献   

The mixing processes of a buoyant jet discharged from a submerged single port were analyzed using a three-dimensional hybrid model. In the proposed hybrid model, the initial mixing was simulated by a jet integral method, and the advection-diffusion process was simulated using a particle tracking method. Laboratory experiments were conducted for various flow conditions in order to verify the proposed model. The simulated horizontal concentration distributions and minimum dilutions at the water surface were generally in agreement with the observations. The vertical concentration distributions for coflowing jets were well simulated by both the jet integral and the particle tracking methods of the hybrid model. Trajectories simulated by the jet integral module of the hybrid model were in agreement with the measured trajectories when the velocity ratio was low. For cases where the velocity ratio was high, the hybrid model in which the vortex-pair distribution was used gave better results than the hybrid model with only Gaussian velocity distribution.  相似文献   

When solving the complex radiative heat transfer problems in reheating furnaces,there are a number of difficulties with the traditional zonal methods.To circumvent these difficulties,a new simplified method was proposed,which employed imaginary planes,referred to as the imaginary plane model.With the new model,crown wall reduction process was simplified.Therefore,every model zone could be treated as a closed square cavity.It could also solve the problem of radiative blocking in industrial furnaces more effectively.Besides,the new imaginary plane based model may lead to a problem that the denominator was zero.This problem was solved by transforming the expressions of reflex heat flux in the model.The model was capable of dealing with the systems that included black surfaces.The model was validated by considering the heat transfer in a reheating furnace where the temperature fields in the furnace chamber(including the steel,wall and gas)were obtained.A detailed comparison was made between the simulation and the black box experiment.The results show that the new model developed was valid and accurate.  相似文献   

刘艳  孙一康  管克智  黄四清  戴平  胡超 《钢铁》2004,39(3):34-37
对武钢1700mm热连轧计算机控制系统中现有的精轧机组温降模型进行分析,并且根据长期的实践经验及大量实测数据,用传热理论经优化带钢热连轧精轧机组温降模型。将模型的预报值与实测结果进行了比较,表明该温降模型可以用于带钢热连轧生产过程的温度预报中。该温降模型的现场应用证明预报值与实测值吻合良好。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a kinetic model that links O3 decomposition reactions from the TFG ozone decay model with recognized Br? oxidation reactions, secondary ?OH reactions, and H2O2 reactions in order to improve O3 decay and bromate formation prediction capabilities under multiple water quality conditions. The model was compared with experimentally measured ozone decomposition and final bromate concentration data sets provided by two researchers. The data sets included varying pH (6.5–8.5), initial hydrogen peroxide (0–1 mM), and initial bromide concentration (0.1–1 mM). Model verification was carried out by sensitivity analysis of the rate constants and then optimization of the most sensitive rate constants using the method of least squares. Model predicted ozone decay data was analyzed and compared with measured ozone decay data using R-squared statistic for linear regression model. The model predicted final bromate concentration is analyzed by comparing it with the residual Δ(%) between experimental and model results. The TFG model was effectively tested for multiple data sets and it was found that model prediction was a success both for ozone decay (regression coefficients >0.95 for all experimental conditions but one) and bromate prediction with residual of less than 100% for all experimental conditions except low peroxide dose (<20 μm).  相似文献   

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