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采用等离子喷涂制备了铝硅-聚苯酯复合涂层, 研究喷涂电流对复合涂层组织和沉积率的影响。 结果表明: 随着喷涂电流的增加, 等离子喷涂功率增加, 传导为喷涂粒子的热能和动能, 粒子的温度和速度提高, 伴随着高 分子聚苯酯的高温烧蚀和高速铝硅液滴的飞溅, 复合涂层的沉积率逐渐降低。  相似文献   

采用团聚复合工艺制备铜铝聚苯酯复合粉末,采用大气等离子喷涂工艺制备铜铝聚苯酯涂层,并对涂层开展了 600 ℃下长达 1000 h 的等温氧化试验,表征了涂层的相结构、微观组织、孔隙率、高温硬度及摩擦磨损性能。结果表明,喷涂态涂层中聚苯酯及孔隙分布均匀;涂层的相组成主要是 α 相和 β'' 相,涂层表现出优异的抗氧化性能;孔隙率越高,硬度越低。磨损 2 min 基本达到稳定磨损阶段,氧化 5 h~100 h 涂层的摩擦系数在 0.8 ~ 1.1,体积磨损率在 0.00116 ~ 0.00199 mm3·N-1·m -1 ;氧化 500 h 和 1000 h 涂层的摩擦系数分别为 1.0 和 0.7,体积磨损率分别为 8.42 × 10 -4 mm3 ·N -1 ·m -1和 7.78×10-4 mm3 ·N-1·m-1 ,长时间氧化形成的氧化膜起到了减磨润滑作用。氧化 5 ~100 h 涂层的磨损机制是磨粒磨损和疲劳磨损;氧化 500 h、1000 h 涂层的磨损机制是磨粒磨损、氧化磨损和疲劳磨损。  相似文献   

本文以铝基合金粉末和聚苯酯为原材料,通过固相混合、喷雾造粒、胶粘团聚三种制粉方法制备了铝基聚苯酯复合粉末,通过等离子喷涂方法制备了封严涂层,并对粉末及涂层性能进行了对比研究。实验结果表明,胶粘团聚型粉末粒度、松装密度、流动性等性能配合良好,喷涂后涂层可磨耗组分存留完整,硬度、结合强度的匹配性最好。  相似文献   

本文采用大气等离子喷涂工艺在典型零件支承环上制备了铝青铜 - 聚苯酯耐磨涂层, 测试了涂层硬度、 结合强度、 微观组织等性能, 重点考核了在转速 20000 r/min, 输入扭矩 800 N?m, 滑油温度 90~100℃, 滑油压 力 0.2~0.3 MPa, 运行时间 50 h 条件下的支撑环涂层整机台架试验后的耐磨性能; 试验结果表明, 制备的铝青铜 - 聚苯酯耐磨涂层硬度 89.6 HR15Y, 结合强度 25.5 MPa, 涂层组织均匀、 孔隙率为 15.18%, 采用目视和体视显微 镜检查台架试验后的典型件涂层外观状态, 通过高精度三坐标测量方法计算涂层的磨损量, 台架考核试验结果表 明, 典型件铝青铜 - 聚苯酯涂层完整、 光滑, 无开裂、 剥离、 剥落, 涂层磨损最严重位置的磨损量为 0.006 mm, 涂层耐磨性能优异。  相似文献   

铜铝/ 聚苯酯( CuAl/PHB ) 涂层是一种用于发动机气路封严的可磨耗涂层。以铜铝合金与铜铝/ 聚苯酯涂 层为研究对象,采用试验与基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算相结合的方法,研究了不同Al 元素含量、不同 氧化温度和不同氧化时间对铜铝/ 聚苯酯涂层的影响,并表征不同温度下最高氧化时间达1000h 的氧化产物,系 统研究了合金与涂层的抗氧化性。结果表明, Cu7Al/PHB 可磨耗封严涂层在620 ℃工况温度下可以达到抗氧 化级( HB 5258-2000 标准 ),但当温度达到650 ℃后抗氧化性已存在不足,建议应用于620 ℃以下的服役工况。  相似文献   

大气等离子喷涂铝硅-聚苯酯涂层的工艺及性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用大气等离子喷涂国产化铝硅-聚苯酯粉末,针对喷涂工艺对铝硅-聚苯酯粉末喷涂涂层的金相组织、硬度、热稳定性、结合强度等性能的影响进行了研究。结果表明:国产化铝硅-聚苯酯粉末可满足喷涂工艺要求,通过调节工艺参数可实现涂层较好的组织分布及力学性能状态,保温50h后涂层硬度有所降低,后期趋于稳定。  相似文献   

采用等离子喷涂工艺制备了铜铝聚苯酯封严涂层,完成了 96 h 中性盐雾试验、72 h 酸性大气试验、24 d周期浸润试验以及 450 ℃、线速度 300 m/s、进给速率 5~480 μm/s 的高温高速可磨耗试验,研究了涂层的耐蚀性能和可磨耗性能。结果表明:铜铝聚苯酯封严涂层在 72h 酸性大气腐蚀后,涂层表面光滑平整,未观察到腐蚀产物和点蚀坑;24 d 周期的浸润腐蚀后,涂层颜色未发生明显改变,涂层表面结构完整,未观察到腐蚀产物和点蚀坑;96 h 中性盐雾腐蚀后,涂层表面未观察到腐蚀坑,但涂层表面出现大片褐色斑块;不同进给速率下,叶片进给深度比 IDR 值不大于 9.79 %;检测及分析结果表明,涂层拥有优异的耐腐蚀性能和可磨耗性能。  相似文献   

采用大气等离子喷涂技术制备了铜铝聚苯酯 (CuAl/PHB) 涂层, 对涂层进行了组织、 硬度、 结合强度、 高 温抗氧化、 抗热震、 高温硬度以及微动磨损和可磨耗性能测试和分析研究。 结果表明, CuAl/PHB 涂层孔隙和聚 苯酯占比为 17.5%, 硬度平均值 90.4 HR15Y, 结合强度 ≥25.4 MPa, 在 620 ℃下涂层具备良好的高温抗氧化性能, 700 ℃下水淬抗热震性能达到 135 次, 在 450 ℃ ~700 ℃温度范围内涂层高温硬度由 HR15Y 76.6 降低到 66.8。 在 高载荷 100 N、 高频率 100 Hz, 高温 700 ℃条件下的微动磨损结果表明, 涂层在 620℃下摩擦系数小于 0.5, 具 有良好且稳定的耐微动磨损特性; 涂层在 400 ℃ ~600 ℃模拟工况条件下具有良好的可磨耗性, 叶片进给磨损比 IDR 值小于 14.02%, 且随温度增加可磨耗性提高; 制备的铜铝聚苯酯涂层可实现耐微动磨损和可磨耗的良好结合。  相似文献   

等离子喷涂NiCrAlYSi基封严涂层的性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用大气等离子喷涂方法制备NiCrAlYSi基封严涂层,涂层采用聚苯酯为造孔剂,氟化物为自润滑相。研究发现,随着聚苯酯的含量增加,涂层孔隙率增加,硬度下降。喷涂参数(喷涂距离,喷涂功率)对涂层的硬度亦有较大影响,随着喷涂参数的改变,喷涂过程中聚苯酯的氧化程度各异,从而影响了涂层中的孔隙率,进而导致涂层硬度的变化。因此,通过调控喷涂参数和聚苯酯含量,可以达到对涂层孔隙率及硬度的控制。1000℃至室温热震试验结果表明:涂层具有良好的抗热冲击性能,且气孔率高的涂层抗热冲击性能更加优异。  相似文献   

本文以铝硅合金粉和六方氮化硼为原材料,添加粘结剂,采用机械包覆工艺制备了铝硅氮化硼复合粉末;采用大气等离子喷涂工艺制备了可磨耗封严涂层,并对涂层的显微组织、表面硬度、结合强度和抗热震性能进行了研究.研究表明,该复合粉末材料具有良好的喷涂工艺适应性,能有效避免氮化硼组分在喷涂过程中的烧损,喷涂后涂层的各项性能良好,可以满足发动机对工作温度≤450℃的封严涂层的使用要求.  相似文献   

用金红石型纳米TiO2改善粉末涂料耐光老化性能   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
曹建军  郭刚  汪斌华  涂铭旌 《钢铁钒钛》2005,26(1):34-39,44
以金红石型纳米TiO2为抗紫外光老化添加剂改性聚酯粉末涂料,采用TEM、XRD等测试手段表征纳米TiO2的性能特征,并用UV-Vis分析金红石型纳米TiO2、锐钛型纳米TiO2以及普通金红石型钛白粉的紫外-可见光特征谱。探讨了纳米TiO2屏蔽紫外线的机理,并用高压紫外汞灯人工加速聚酯粉末涂料的光老化降解,对比分析了未改性聚酯粉末涂料、金红石型纳米TiO2改性聚酯粉末涂料以及有机紫外吸收剂改性聚酯粉末涂料的光泽度变化和色差变化。研究结果表明,纳米TiO2能够使聚酯粉末涂料的抗紫外光老化性能得到较大幅度改善,并能赋予聚酯粉末涂料优异的耐候性能和延长产品的户外使用寿命。  相似文献   

Sm2O3 and TiB2 were used as codeposited particles in electrodeposition Ni-TiB2-Sm2O3 composite coatings to improve its performance. Ni-TiB2-Sm2O3 composite coatings were electrodeposited in the nickel sulfate,hexadecylpyridinium bromide and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide solution containing TiB2 and Sm2O3 particles. The content of codeposited Sm2O3 in the composite coating was controlled by changing the concentrations of Sm2O3 particles in the solution. The composite coatings were characterized with X-ray diffraction(XRD) and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer(ICP-AES) . The effects of Sm2O3 content on microhardness,wear weight loss and friction coefficient of composite coatings were investigated,respectively. The microhardness of the Ni-TiB2-Sm2O3 composite coatings was 19.35%,16.58%,2.03% higher than that of the Ni coating,Ni-Sm2O3 and Ni-TiB2 composite coatings,respectively. The wear weight loss of the Ni-TiB2-Sm2O3 composite coatings was 7,2.33,1.22 times lower than that of the Ni coating,Ni-Sm2O3 and Ni-TiB2 composite coatings,respectively. The friction coefficient of the Ni coating,Ni-Sm2O3,Ni-TiB2 and Ni-TiB2-Sm2O3 composite coatings were 0.712,0.649,0.850 and 0.788,respectively. The loading-bearing capacity and the wear-reducing effect of the Sm2O3 particles were closely related to the content of Sm2O3 particles in the composite coatings.  相似文献   

TiB2 and Dy2O3 were used as codeposited particles in the preparation of Ni-TiB2-Dy2O3 composite coatings to improve its per-formance. Ni-TiB2-Dy2O3 composite coatings were prepared by electrodeposition method with a nickel cetyltrimethylanunonium bromide and hexadecylpyridinium bromide solution containing TiB2 and Dy2O3 particles. The content of codeposited TiB2 and Dy2O3 in the compos-ite coatings was controlled by adding TiB2 and Dy2O3 particles of different concentrations into the solution, respectively. The effects of TiB2 and Dy2O3 content on microhardness, wear mass loss and friction coefficients of composite coatings were investigated. The composite coat-ings were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Ni-TiB2-Dy2O3 composite coatings showed higher microhardness, lower wear mass loss and friction coefficient compared with those of the pure Ni coating and Ni-TiB2 composite coatings. The wear mass loss of Ni-TiB2-Dy2O3 composite coatings was 9 and 1.57 times lower than that of the pure Ni coating and Ni-TiB2 composite coatings, respectively. The friction coefficient of pure Ni coating, Ni-TiB2 and Ni-TiB2-Dy2O3 composite coatings were 0.723, 0.815 and 0.619, respectively. Ni-TiB2-Dy2O3 composite coat-ings displayed the least friction coefficient among the three coatings. DY2O3 particles in composite coatings might serve as a solid lubricant between contact surfaces to decrease the friction coefficient and abate the wear of the composite coatings. The loading-bearing capacity and the wear-reducing effect of the Dy2O3 particles were closely related to the content of Dy2O3 particles in the composite coatings.  相似文献   

利用超声-脉冲复合电沉积法,在三价铬镀液体系中,添加羧酸盐-尿素配合剂和SiC纳米颗粒,制备了Fe-Ni-Cr/SiC纳米复合镀层.研究了超声-脉冲工艺参数与SiC纳米粒子复合量、Cr含量及镀层厚度的关系;利用稳态极化曲线和循环伏安法分析了超声波对阴极电化学行为的影响.结果表明,超声-脉冲作用均有利于基质金属Fe、Ni和Cr的电沉积,提高了镀层中SiC和Cr的含量以及镀层的厚度.利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪和能谱仪对Fe-Ni-Cr/SiC纳米复合镀层的表面形貌、微观结构和组成等进行表征,发现采用该技术可制备厚度为23.56μm,SiC和Cr质量分数分别为4.1%和25.1%的Fe-Ni-Cr/SiC纳米复合镀层.磨损量和腐蚀曲线测试结果表明,SiC含量高的复合镀层,其耐磨性和耐蚀性更好.   相似文献   

In the current investigation, hydroxyapatite (HA) powder was mixed with titania (TiO2) in 50:50?wt?pct for depositing composite coatings on a Ti-alloy substrate using a thermal-spray coating technique. The coatings were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analyses. The corrosion behavior of the coatings was studied by electrochemical corrosion testing in simulated human body fluid. After the corrosion testing, the samples were analyzed by XRD and SEM/EDS analyses. HA and TiO2 (rutile) were the main phases observed in the developed coatings. Bulk HA coating was amorphous; however, the addition of TiO2 effectively improved the crystallinity of HA in HA-TiO2 coating. The SEM analysis confirmed the formation of a well-formed HA-TiO2 composite coating. HA coating exhibited higher bond strength (67.8?MPa) compared with HA-TiO2 composite coating (37.6?MPa). The electrochemical study showed a significant improvement in the corrosion resistance of the Ti alloy after the deposition of the coatings.  相似文献   

The CeO2/epoxy resin composite coating was deposited on NdFeB substrate by cathode electrophoresis method for enhancing the anticorrosion and anti-wear performances. The morphologies and structures were characterized by a scanning electron microscope and an X-ray diffractometer. The micro hardness of the composite coating was evaluated by a microhardness tester. The corrosive behaviors of the coatings were studied by potentiodynamic polarization curve, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and neutral salt spray tests. The concentration of CeO2 nanoparticles (NPs) in the electrophoresis bath was optimized according to the coating structures and anticorrosion performances. The results show that CeO2 NPs can enhance the microhardness of the composite coatings. Moreover, the nanoparticles disperse uniformly in the matrix when the concentration is lower than 30 g/L. The microhardness of CeO2/epoxy resin (30 g/L) composite coating is about 63% higher than that of the blank epoxy resin coating. And the NSS time of the CeO2/epoxy resin (30 g/L) composite coated sample can reach 1248 h. Meanwhile, the composite coatings possess no deteriorate influence on the magnetic properties of NdFeB substrates. The anticorrosion mechanisms of the composite coatings on the NdFeB substrate are deeply discussed.  相似文献   

采用前驱体碳化复合技术制备了Ti-Fe-C和Ti-Ni-C两种体系的反应热喷涂复合粉末,通过氧乙炔火焰喷涂原位合成并沉积了TiC增强Fe基和Ni基复合涂层.利用XRD、SEM和EDS研究了复合粉末、涂层的相组成和组织结构,考察了TiC/Fe、TiC/Ni复合涂层的硬度和耐磨性.结果表明: 复合粉末在喷涂过程中反应充分,可分别生成以Fe和Ni为粘结相的TiC增强涂层;两种涂层都是由TiC颗粒均匀分布的复合强化片层和TiC聚集片层叠加而成,TiC/Fe复合涂层的片层较薄,而TiC/Ni涂层中TiC的聚集片层较少;TiC/Fe涂层的硬度高于TiC/Ni涂层,两者的耐磨性能分别约为Ni60涂层的11倍和6倍.  相似文献   

The optimum chemical passivation process of the rare earth metal (REM) conversion coating on the Cf/6061Al composite surface was introduced in this paper and its polarization curves properties were investigated. Ridge-like coatings were found by scanning electro microscope (SEM) observations, and the Al matrix and carbon fibre reinforcement were both coated with Ce conversion coatings, with some minor cracks. The energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) plane scan analysis indicates that the major elements in the coating are Ce, O, Si, Al and the Ce content reaches 47.48%(mass fraction). The Ce conversion coatings increase the corrosion resisting properties of Cf/6061Al composite, with a higher free corrosion potential (Ecorr) and a lower free corrosion current density (icorr) for the coated composite than those of the bare composite. And the Boehmite-treatment would enhance the corrosion resistance of the REM conversion coating. The cathodic polarization and anodic polarization were retarded by REM conversion coating, resulting in an improved corrosion resistance.  相似文献   

可磨耗封严涂层粉料,喷涂工艺及基本性能的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了几种中温可磨耗封严涂料层粉料的特性,并改变喷涂工艺制得不同硬度的涂层,分析了涂层的组织和相结构,探讨了粉料和喷涂工艺对组织结构和基本性能的影响。研究结果表明,国产307涂层粉料颗粒较粗,包覆不理想,涂层组织疏松,硬度偏低。国产310粉料细小,使硬度高出Metco所要求的硬度范围;从硬度方面考核,国产313、601涂层粉料尚可。对试验的几种封严涂层,火焰喷涂通过改变工艺参数容易调整涂层硬度,等  相似文献   

抗冲蚀性能是可磨耗封严涂层的重要性能之一。本文采用氧-乙炔火焰喷涂技术,在45#钢基体上分别制备了CuAl复合涂层、NiCr-Al复合涂层和NiCrFe/Al(基)复合涂层。利用自制的冲蚀试验机,研究了三种涂层在不同角度下的冲蚀行为,对冲蚀后涂层的表面形貌以及截面形貌进行了SEM观察,结果表明:相同工艺参数制备的三种涂层,CuAl复合涂层抗冲蚀性能最好,NiCr-Al复合涂层次之,NiCrFe/Al基复合涂层性能最差,软性材质hBN的加入不利于涂层抗冲蚀性。冲蚀角度对涂层的冲蚀磨损行为特征有显著影响。低冲蚀角度涂层的磨损行为主要表现为显微切削和疲劳剥落;高冲蚀角度时涂层的磨损行为主要表现为片状剥落。  相似文献   

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