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Ti-6Al-4V合金作为一种重要的钛合金,其使用量占到了钛合金总使用量的75%~85%,但其耐磨性差、阻燃性差、疏水疏冰性能差、生物相容性不理想等性能缺陷在一定程度上限制了其在某些领域中的应用。首先对Ti-6Al-4V合金在各个领域应用时,其性能缺陷的表现形式及危害进行了概述,然后介绍了目前改善Ti-6Al-4V合金性能缺陷所普遍采用的以及具有创新性的表面改性技术,评述了部分表面改性技术的优缺点,最后提出了需对Ti-6Al-4V合金表面改性技术进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Ti-6Al-4V合金的热加工性能好,但冷加工性能差,没有机械加工就难以制成高精度产品.而卢钛合金在固溶态的户单相具有优良的冷加工性,通过时效处理拆出。相,可得到比Ti-6Al-4V更高的强度,如Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Ai(Ti-15-3)合金经轧制、锻造已用于航空部件、高尔夫球  相似文献   

β型Ti-6Cr-5Mo-5V-4Al合金具有强度高、断裂韧性好等优异性能,在飞机起落架和机舱等方面具有应用潜力,但其切削加工性能较Ti-6Al-4V合金差,为此,澳大利亚学者研究了该合金的激光辅助切削加工(LAM)技术。LAM技术是利用激光束将被切削工件局部进行加热,降低工件屈服强度的加工方法。本研究在较宽的进给量和切削速度的范围内,分析了Ti-6Cr-5Mo-5V-4Al合金在激光辅助切削加工时激光束对切削力和切削温度的影响,并与传统加工(CM)技术进行了比较。  相似文献   

表面机械处理对Ti-54M合金高周疲劳性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ti-54M合金是美国由TIMET(Ti-5A14V-0.6Mo-0.4Fe)合金发展而来的一种α+β两相钛合金,其切削加工性(切割速度和切割工具寿命)可与Ti-6A14V合金相媲美。该合金用电子束冷床炉单次熔炼制得,可以混合少量的Ti-6A1-4V合金或其他含有元素Mo、V和Fe的合金。除了原材料的弹性性能之外,Ti-54M合金的切削加工性能优于Ti-6Al-4V合金。  相似文献   

金属注射成形钛合金   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
钛和钛合金具有一系列优异性能,但其机加工性差。金属注射成形(MIM)已成为生产钛合金复杂形状零件的合适工艺。本文综述了MIM Ti,TiAl,Ti-6Al-4V,TiMo等合金的生产工艺和性能。  相似文献   

钛合金发动机阀门上有一层由硬质陶瓷或金属化合物弥散于钛中而涂于阀门表面上的硬质涂层。本工艺的特殊之处在于其硬质陶瓷是碳化物、氧化物或氮化物,例如碳化钛、碳化硅、碳化铬或碳化钨。用于阀门的钛合金有Ti-6Al-4V、Ti-6Al-6V-2 Sn、Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo、Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr--6Mo、Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al、Ti-5Al-2.5Sn、Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V、Ti-13V-11Cr-3Al、Ti-8Mo-8V-2Fe-  相似文献   

Super—TIX系列钛合金的性能和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪 90年代日本开发了低成本民用钛合金 ,合金不用高价的β元素 ,仅使用廉价的 Fe,O,N(一部分合金加 Al)。设计的Super- TIX系列分两大类 ,一类是 Ti- Fe- Al系合金 ,另一类是 Ti- Fe- O- N系合金。下面主要介绍 Ti- 5.5Al- 1 Fe,Ti- 3.5Al- 1 Fe,Ti-1 Fe- 0 .35O- 0 .0 1 N ( Super- TIX80 0 ) ,Ti- 1 Fe-0 .3O- 0 .0 4 N( Super- TIX80 0 N)的主要特性、应用及注意事项。1 Ti- 3.5Al- 1Fe及 Ti- 5.5Al- 1Fe( 1 )拉伸性能  Ti- 3.5Al- 1 Fe以及 Ti-5.5Al- 1 Fe是为了代替 Ti- 3Al- 2 .5V及 Ti-6 Al- 4V而提出…  相似文献   

宝鸡有色金属加工厂和航空工业总公司621所、601所、112厂、3007厂共同承担的《添加返回料TC4钛合金在航空结构件上的应用》研究,于1993年9月6日在宝鸡通过鉴定。 TC4(Ti-6Al-4V)合金是典型α+β合金,它具有优良的综合性能,已获得广泛的应用。据报道,在国外Ti-6Al-4V合金用量占全部  相似文献   

电子束熔化成型技术(electron beam melting,EBM)是3D打印的代表性技术之一,特别适合传统工艺不易加工的Ti-6Al-4V合金(TC4钛合金)的快速成型,目前在航空航天、化工、生物医疗等领域展示出巨大的应用前景。从EBM的原理出发,综述了EBM制备TC4钛合金的显微组织、缺陷以及力学性能。分析了受成型工艺参数和成型件位置等因素影响的冷却速度的变化所导致的TC4钛合金的显微组织发生变化;并指出了导致TC4钛合金出现缺陷的主要原因。EBM成型TC4钛合金的拉伸性能已与锻造TC4钛合金相当,其较低的疲劳强度可以通过热等静压处理提高。  相似文献   

Ti-6Al-4V合金具有优异的力学性能、抗腐蚀性能及生物相容性,可被用于众多领域。该合金是典型的两相钛合金,其相尺寸、体积分数和分布情况均会对其失效行为产生影响,S.Katani等人采用有限元方法模拟了微观组织形态对Ti-6Al-4V合金(含55%的α相和45%的β相)力学性能和失效机制的影响。实验选用厚度为0.7 mm、经退火处理的Ti-6Al-4V合金轧制板材,其化学成分(质量分数)为0.016 C、  相似文献   

Ti-5553(Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr-0.5Fe)合金具有优异的综合力学性能,正逐步替代TC4(Ti-6Al-4V)钛合金成为高强度航空用工件的制备材料。然而,由于Ti-5553合金机械加工效率低,一定程度上制约了其在航空领域的大规模应用。为此,对Ti-5553合金与TC4钛合金的车削加工性能参数进行了探索,发现在相同的切削速度下,Ti-5553合金的主切削力和吃刀抗力均高于TC4钛合金,且最高切削速度仅为50 m/min。此外,两种合金在切削过程中均会与车刀发生扩散反应,而Ti-5553合金对刀具的磨损更为严重。相信本研究将为后期优化Ti-5553合金的车削加工参数、提高其加工效率提供有利的实验数据支持。  相似文献   

Mechanical property data of a low-cost titanium alloy derived directly from synthetic rutile is reported. A small-scale testing approach comprising consolidation via field-assisted sintering technology, followed by axisymmetric compression testing, has been designed to yield mechanical property data from small quantities of titanium alloy powder. To validate this approach and provide a benchmark, Ti-6Al-4V powder has been processed using the same methodology and compared with material property data generated from thermo-physical simulation software. Compressive yield strength and strain to failure of the synthetic rutile-derived titanium alloy were revealed to be similar to that of Ti-6Al-4V.  相似文献   

The effect of alloy composition on hydrogen activity was measured for seven titanium alloys as a means to determine the tendency for hydrogen migration within dissimilar metal welds. The alloys were: Ti-CP, Ti-3A1-2.5V, Ti-3Al-2.5V-3Zr, Ti-3Al-2Nb-lTa, Ti-6A1, Ti-6A1-4V, and Ti-6Al-2Nb-lTa-0.8Mo. Hydrogen pressure—hydrogen concentration relationships were determined for temperatures from 600 °C to 800 °C and hydrogen concentrations up to approximately 3.5 at. pct (750 wppm). Fusion welds were made between Ti-CP and Ti-CP and between Ti-CP and Ti-6A1-4V to observe directly the hydrogen redistribution in similar and dissimilar metal couples. Hydrogen activity was found to be significantly affected by alloying elements, particularly Al in solid solution. At a constant Al content and temperature, an increase in the volume fraction of β reduced the activity of hydrogen in α-β alloys. Activity was also found to be strongly affected by temperature. The effect of temperature differences on hydrogen activity was much greater than the effects resulting from alloy composition differences at a given temperature. Thus, hydrogen redistribution should be expected within similar metal couples subjected to extreme temperature gradients, such as those peculiar to fusion welding. Significant hydrogen redistribution in dissimilar alloy weldments also can be expected for many of the compositions in this study. Hydride formation stemming from these driving forces was observed in the dissimilar couple fusion welds. In addition, a basis for estimating hydrogen migration in titanium welds, based on hydrogen activity data, is described.  相似文献   

The effect of alloy composition on hydrogen activity was measured for seven titanium alloys as a means to determine the tendency for hydrogen migration within dissimilar metal welds. The alloys were: Ti-CP, Ti-3A1-2.5V, Ti-3Al-2.5V-3Zr, Ti-3Al-2Nb-lTa, Ti-6A1, Ti-6A1-4V, and Ti-6Al-2Nb-lTa-0.8Mo. Hydrogen pressure-hydrogen concentration relationships were determined for temperatures from 600 ‡C to 800 ‡C and hydrogen concentrations up to approximately 3.5 at. pct (750 wppm). Fusion welds were made between Ti-CP and Ti-CP and between Ti-CP and Ti-6A1-4V to observe directly the hydrogen redistribution in similar and dissimilar metal couples. Hydrogen activity was found to be significantly affected by alloying elements, particularly Al in solid solution. At a constant Al content and temperature, an increase in the volume fraction ofΒ reduced the activity of hydrogen in α-@#@ Β alloys. Activity was also found to be strongly affected by temperature. The effect of temperature differences on hydrogen activity was much greater than the effects resulting from alloy composition differences at a given temperature. Thus, hydrogen redistribution should be expected within similar metal couples subjected to extreme temperature gradients, such as those peculiar to fusion welding. Significant hydrogen redistribution in dissimilar alloy weldments also can be expected for many of the compositions in this study. Hydride formation stemming from these driving forces was observed in the dissimilar couple fusion welds. In addition, a basis for estimating hydrogen migration in titanium welds, based on hydrogen activity data, is described.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Finding an optimal soldering system for a titanium prosthesis has become increasingly important with the successful introduction of titanium and titanium alloys to dentistry. This study examined the effect of corrosion on the strength of the soldered joints of pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloys joined using various solders. METHODS: Commercially pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy rods (2 mm in diameter; 25 mm long) were soldered in an argon atmosphere using four solders: two kinds of titanium-based solder, a gold-based solder, and a silver-based solder. Tensile strengths were examined before or after immersion treatments. Specimens were immersed in either a 0.9% NaCl or 1.0% lactic acid solution held at 35 degrees C for 3 and 8 wk. The amounts of various metal elements released were determined by atomic absorption photospectroscopy. The natural potentials and potentiodynamic polarization behavior of the soldered specimens in 0.9% NaCl or 1.0% lactic acid were determined by a computer-assisted corrosion measurement system. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and Student's t-test. RESULTS: The cp-titanium and Ti-6Al-4V samples soldered with titanium-based solders exhibited tensile strengths of 300-400 MPa and were not significantly affected by immersion in either solution (no significant difference at p < 0.05). The strengths of both the cp-titanium and titanium alloy specimens soldered with gold-based solder were significantly lower than for any of the other specimens and were affected by immersion in the 0.9% NaCl solution (p < 0.01). The cp-titanium and Ti-6Al-4V specimens that were soldered with titanium-based solders did not show any transpassive regions or breakdown in the natural electrode potential range. On the contrary, the specimens soldered with gold-based and silver-based solders showed transpassive regions or breakdown potentials at less than 0 mV in 0.9% NaCl solution. SIGNIFICANCE: It is recommended that titanium-based solder be employed for titanium and titanium alloys.  相似文献   

Low density, excellent corrosion resistance, moderate strengths at high temperatures make titanium based alloys candidate materials for advanced aerospace structures. Advanced joining techniques are emulating for fabrication of complex aerospace structures. Roll bonding is one such solid state joining technique where bonding between two rough and clean surfaces is obtained under high temperature and pressure. The work horse dual phase titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V finds extensive structural application in aerospace and space industries. In the present study, two Ti-6Al-4V sheets are stacked together and encapsulated in a mild steel can followed by evacuation and hot crimping. The pack is extensively deformed to ∼84% reduction in thickness employing conventional hot rolling mill. Partially roll bonded 0.74mm thick sheets were obtained and microstructural evolution was studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The incompletely bonded interface was analyzed through elemental mappings by Electron Probe Micro Analyzer and compared with completely bonded region. The partially bonded region revealed the presence of aluminium oxide at the interface which possibly could have hindered complete bonding at that region. The room temperature tensile properties of as- roll bonded Ti-6Al-4V nearly approaches the base material properties.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of the inherent microstructural defects of inclusions and pores on the fracture toughness of powder-processed, blended elemental Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo, Ti-6A1-4V, Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn, and Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al. These materials had been processed to contain either chloride inclusions or pores or a combination of both types of defects. The fracture toughness values for all of the samples were inversely dependent on the volume fraction of defects. These values also depended on defect type, with toughness values that were significantly higher in material containing only pores than in material containing inclusions or inclusions and pores. In all samples, fracture occurred by microvoid coalescence which initiated at these defects. Quantitative fractography and a ductile fracture toughness model were then combined to further define the relationship between defects, fracture mode, and fracture toughness. This approach showed that the smallest inclusions did not participate in the fracture process. Of the defects that did participate, the approach showed that both chloride inclusions and pores control fracture toughness in all alloys studied through their effects on defect spacing and the amount of void growth to failure. Furthermore, it demonstrated that the only alloy in which the pores and chloride inclusions combined to control fracture toughness was Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al.  相似文献   

热处理对Ti-6Al-4V棒材固溶时效性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了对飞机转动件叶片用Ti-6Al-4V(TC4)钛合金棒材通过采用不同固溶时效热处理制度的实验,以研究TC4用钛合金棒材不同热处理制度与组织、固溶时效性能之间的关系,通过对比试验得出工业化生产满足宇航结构件和转动部件用TC4棒材制定合理的固溶时效热处理制度。  相似文献   

The present study is concerned with the fabrication and microstructural analysis of boride/Ti-6Al-4V surface-alloyed materials using the irradiation of a high-energy electron beam. Mixtures of TiB2 or MoB powders and CaF2 flux were placed on a Ti-6Al-4V alloy substrate and subsequently irradiated using a high-energy electron beam. Specimens processed with a flux mixing ratio of 40 wt pct showed that the melted region of 1.1 to 1.5 mm in thickness was homogeneously formed without defects and contained a large amount of titanium borides (TiB). The formation of TiB in the melted region greatly improved the Vickers hardness, high-temperature Vickers hardness, and wear resistance to levels 2 or 3 three times higher than the those for the Ti alloy substrate. Also, the addition of MoB powders into the mixtures made possible the fabrication of surface-alloyed materials with various properties by controlling the kind, size, and volume fraction of TiB and the characteristics of the matrix. These findings suggested that surface alloying using high-energy electron-beam irradiation was economical and useful for the development of boride/Ti-6Al-4V surface-alloyed materials with improved properties.  相似文献   

The approaches to production of titanium powder injection molded parts are reviewed. Historically, oxygen levels have been too high for structural use (particularly with the Ti-6Al-4V alloy). However, recent advances in starting powders, binders and sintering facilities now allow oxygen levels in the Ti-6Al-4V alloy to be controlled to about 0.2 wt.% oxygen. This should result in significant expansion of the titanium PIM market place into aerospace, automobiles, surgical instruments, dentistry, communication devices (such as computers and cell phones), knives and guns. __________ Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, Vol. 46, No. 5–6 (455), pp. 118–125, 2007.  相似文献   

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