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正编号:2015075获奖等级:贰等完成单位:北京科技大学完成人:李晓刚、肖葵、杜翠薇、董超芳、程学群、刘智勇、吴俊升、汪崧、高瑾、卢琳项目简介:本项目属于材料科学中的材料腐蚀与防护技术领域。本项目所述的"钢铁材料环境腐蚀评价技术体系"包括野外暴晒试验技术体系和室内加速腐蚀技术体系两部分。前者是基础部分,后者是重点部分。  相似文献   

海水全浸区为海底泥土之上海水低潮线以下的常年海水覆盖区,海水的平均NaCl质量分数为3.5%,是一种天然的具有强腐蚀性的介质,很多海洋工程及装备由于海水的腐蚀而被损坏,严重影响海洋工程及装备的服役寿命,海洋工程用钢防腐蚀技术的研究一直备受腐蚀工作者的广泛关注。分析了海水全浸区钢铁腐蚀的腐蚀机理和影响因素,针对目前海水全浸区钢铁腐蚀常用的涂层防护技术、海洋生物防污技术、牺牲阳极阴极保护技术、外加电流阴极保护技术和选用耐海水腐蚀钢5种技术进行了总结概括,阐述了各类防腐蚀技术的创新性研究成果,包括采用了合成材料、纳米填料和超疏水表面的新型涂层防护技术,实现了仿生功能和超光滑表面的海洋生物防污技术,具有高耐蚀性能的牺牲阳极材料,选用经过表面氧化处理和表面激光蚀刻的耐海水腐蚀钢等。分析了5种防腐蚀技术在海水全浸区使用的优缺点,提出单一防腐蚀技术在海水全浸区对钢铁材料难以实现长期保护。最后,基于当前各类防腐蚀技术的研究现状,对未来关于海水全浸区钢铁防腐蚀技术的研究方向进行了展望,整合各类防腐蚀技术,优势互补,实施联合防护,实现海水全浸区钢铁的长效防腐,开发新型防腐材料和新型防腐蚀技术,以期为海洋环...  相似文献   

1.《钢铁研究》(季刊)系综合性科技刊物,由武汉钢铁公司钢铁研究所编辑出版。本刊主要刊载有关钢铁科研论文、试验总结、技术报告、基础理论、试验研究方法、综述与评介等。涉及的主要专业有:炼铁、炼钢、轧钢、品种质量、电工钢、岩相、耐火、金相、物理测试、化学分析、材料检验、热工、热能、腐蚀、镀层、焊接、热处理、电气、实验技术、  相似文献   

1.《钢铁研究》(季刊)系综合性科技刊物,由武汉钢铁公司钢铁研究所编辑出版。本刊主要刊载有关钢铁科研论文、试验总结、技术报告、基础理论、试验研究方法、综述与评介等。涉及的主要专业有:炼铁、炼钢、轧钢、品种质量、电工钢、岩相、耐火、金相、物理测试、化学分析、材料检验、热工、热能、腐蚀、镀层、焊接、热处理、电气、实验技术、  相似文献   

中联先进钢铁材料技术有限责任公司是中国钢研科技集团公司下属以研制和生产各种环境使用的高性能合金材料的科技型企业,国防建设用高性能钢铁材料研发基地,钢铁冶金行业的先进钢铁材料技术研发基地,  相似文献   

通过对铝合金材料进行SCC应力腐蚀开裂试验来模拟铝合金材料在特定的腐蚀溶液环境中的整个腐蚀过程,在SCC试验中通过计算机仪器采集的应变片和各传感器数据的变化来反映铝合金材料腐蚀失效的变化过程与程度,对采集到的实验数据进行处理和分析并绘制应变~时间曲线,得出铝合金材料在特殊的腐蚀环境之下的抗腐蚀能力。  相似文献   

宝钢湛江钢铁基地位于广东省湛江市东海岛,属于湿热海洋大气环境,在这种环境下的空气潮湿且含有氯离子,钢铁表面很容易产生锈蚀。探讨湿度、氯离子、二氧化硫等对钢铁在大气腐蚀过程中的作用。经研究发现,二氧化硫对钢铁在大气腐蚀初期影响较大,氯离子是钢铁长期受大气腐蚀影响的主要因素,干湿交替则会加速腐蚀过程。  相似文献   

新一代钢铁材料的研究开发现状和发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了国内外新一代钢铁材料开发的现状,指出了新一代钢铁材料的发展趋势.即:继续坚持细晶化的技术路线,加强复相化的研究,重视材料的使用性能的开发和纳米析出的利用,努力开发与环境协调、友好的新一代钢铁材料,促进钢铁工业和国民经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

随着洁净煤技术在中国的快速发展,高温H2S环境下的除尘技术及材料得到越来越高的重视。测试并分析了Fe3Al及不锈钢多孔材料在H2S环境下的腐蚀增重及孔隙渗透性的变化,并采用扫描电镜观察腐蚀后的微观形貌,从而评价材料的耐蚀性能。结果表明:经过1 500 h试验,Fe3Al多孔材料在2%H2S(体积分数)浓度下具有优良的耐蚀性能;不锈钢材料耐蚀性较差,其产生的腐蚀产物容易堵塞孔隙,导致孔径与渗透性的大幅度下降。能谱分析与X射线衍射结果表明,Fe3Al表面基本未形成含S的腐蚀产物,而316L不锈钢表面形成了以Fe S为主的含S腐蚀产物。  相似文献   

周乃鹏  佘昌莲  柴锋  罗小兵  李健 《钢铁》2022,57(7):137-145
 21世纪是海洋的世纪,发展海洋工程材料、建设海洋工程强国是推进和实施国家海洋战略的重要内容。南海是中国海上战略要地,也是建设“海上丝绸之路”十分突出的战略支点,具有重要的战略意义。南海海洋环境是一个复杂多变的环境,不同的海域、不同的腐蚀区域、不同的材料所对应的腐蚀行为与机理都不尽相同。而南海高温、高湿的极端环境相较其他海域更为恶劣,对材料的腐蚀行为具有较大的影响,对低合金结构用钢的寿命和可靠性提出了更高要求,对于高湿热海洋环境下低合金船体结构用钢研究的重要性日益凸显。主要介绍了南海高湿热环境下船体结构用钢的耐蚀性评价方法与耐蚀性改进方法。耐蚀性评价方法包括以周浸试验为主的模拟腐蚀加速试验与相关性分析,提出了目前针对南海高湿热环境的模拟腐蚀加速试验在腐蚀介质、温度、湿度、试样尺寸等试验参数设置不统一的问题,阐述了灰关联度分析法、秩相关系数法及神经网络模型等相关性分析方法。耐蚀性改进方法包括合金成分优化、夹杂物改性与组织调控等,总结了Ni、Cr、Cu、Sb、Sn等耐蚀合金元素在高湿热环境下对材料腐蚀行为的影响及作用效果,提出了夹杂物改性方法与微观组织调控在南海环境应用的可能性。为高湿热海洋环境船体结构用钢的后续研究和实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The similarities and differences in the stress corrosion cracking response of ferritic and austenitic stainless steels in chloride solutions will be examined. Both classes of materials exhibit a cracking potential: similar transient response (to loading) of the potential in open circuit tests or the current in potentiostatic tests and similar enrichment of chromium and depletion of iron in the film associated with localized corrosion processes. The ferritic steels are more resistant to localized corrosion than are the austenitic steels, which is responsible for the difference in the influence of prior thermal and mechanical history on cracking susceptibility of the two types of steel. Similarities in the fractography of stress corrosion cracks and those produced by brittle delayed failure during cathodic charging of the ferritic steels indicate that hydrogen embrittlement is involved in the failure process.  相似文献   

为了冶炼不同氧含量的碳素船体钢,通过机械性能试验和周浸试验研究了钢中氧含量对钢材腐蚀性能和机械性能的影响。结果表明,在连铸生产许可的氧范围内,随着钢水脱氧程度的减弱,钢中氧质量分数增加,钢材的平均腐蚀率略有下降,而耐点蚀性能有较明显增强,变化曲线的高氧端比低氧端平均点蚀深度下降约22.7%。弱脱氧钢的机械性能符合规范要求,可达到D级钢水平。分析认为,氧提高钢材耐蚀性的原因主要是固溶氧可提高铁的热力学稳定性,提高了蚀孔内铁的腐蚀电位,降低了蚀坑扩展速度。氧作为耐蚀元素应用可以显著降低耐蚀钢的成本,提高经济性。   相似文献   

Manganese is an essential alloying element in advanced austenitic stainless steels with specific properties such as high resistance to harsh corrosive environments, high strength or low material costs. These materials are often used for welded constructions which have to be highly corrosion resistant. Hence it has to be ensured that the heat input during welding does not initiate the precipitation of chromium carbide resulting in a susceptibility to intergranular corrosion. This leads to the question whether the sensitization behaviour of manganese‐alloyed austenitic stainless steels is comparable to that of the well‐known conventional chromium nickel austenites. In the present work the effect of heat‐input on the susceptibility of the CrNi‐steel 1.4301 and the CrNiMn‐steel 1.4376 to intergranular corrosion (IGC) was considered. Investigations were carried out by corrosion testing in the so‐called Strauss‐Test to elucidate the effect of the annealing temperatures on the microstructure. Furthermore, the influence of heat treatment on the mechanical properties was evaluated by tensile testing. As a result, it could be demonstrated that manganese‐alloyed austenitic stainless steels like grade 1.4376 exhibit a sensitization behaviour very similar to the conventional austenitic steel grades. The same kinds of tests on intergranular corrosion resistance can be applied for both types of materials.  相似文献   

The corrosion resistance of laboratory press‐hardened components in aluminized, galvanized or galvannealed boron steels was evaluated through VDA 621‐415 cyclic test for the automotive industry. 22MnB5 uncoated steel for hot stamping and standard galvanized steel for cold forming were also included as references. Corrosion resistance after painting (cosmetic corrosion) was quantified by measuring the delamination of electro‐deposited paint from scribed panels. The rusting on their edges was used for determining the cut‐edge corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance on unpainted deformed panels (perforating corrosion) was quantified by mass losses and pit depth measurements. Zinc‐coated boron steels were found to be more resistant to cosmetic corrosion than the other materials, and slightly more resistant to cut‐edge corrosion than the aluminized one. Red rust apparition could not be avoided due to the high iron content in all these hot‐stamped coatings. The three coated boron steels showed similar performances in terms of resistance to perforation. Aluminized boron steel presents the advantage of being less sensitive to hot‐stamping process deviation. Its robustness has been proved for many years on cars.  相似文献   

吴年强  李志章 《钢铁》1996,31(8):45-49
对不同成分的含铬铸钢进行了与电化学试验,利用恒电位仪、扫描电镜和XPS手段,研究了试验材料在混合盐(0.1%NaCl+0.5%N2SO4+H2SO4,pH=6)中的抗蚀行为,试验表明铬含量对铸钢耐蚀性有显著的影响。当含理达到8%以上,铸钢表面形成了氧化膜。氧化膜富氧、富铬而贫铁,膜中的Cr/Fe比远大于基体中的值;膜的表层含有铬与铁的氢氧化物和氧化物。这种氧化对含铬约8%的铸钢起到了保护作用。  相似文献   

采用动电位极化测试和扫描电子显微镜/能谱仪表征, 通过理想动电位极化曲线分析方法和微观腐蚀形貌观察研究了静水压与溶解氧耦合作用对低合金高强钢在质量分数为3.5% NaCl溶液中腐蚀电化学行为的影响. 结果表明: 随着静水压和溶解氧溶度的同时增大, 腐蚀电位先增高而后逐渐降低, 腐蚀电流呈非线性增长; 静水压与溶解氧在腐蚀过程中存在相互竞争抑制关系, 在静水压与溶解氧同时增长过程中, 溶解氧首先促进阴极反应过程并抑制阳极反应过程, 而后静水压逐渐加速阳极过程并对阴极反应过程有一定的抑制作用; 静水压与溶解氧耦合作用加速了腐蚀产物膜的生长, 增加了低合金高强钢表面点蚀坑的数量和生长尺寸.   相似文献   

电化学手段可以实现对不锈钢材料的快速评价和腐蚀机理研究,因而受到广泛应用。在不锈钢耐蚀性评价方面,最常采用的电化学手段主要有腐蚀电位测试、交流阻抗测试、恒电位极化测试以及循环动电位极化测试。本文分别针对上述四种电化学方法在不锈钢耐蚀性评价上的应用情况进行了介绍,明确了各种检测方法的特点。腐蚀电位及交流阻抗测试是无损检测手段,可以满足长周期腐蚀监测需求;恒电位极化和循环动电位极化测试可以获得材料的极化特征参数,有利于对材料的腐蚀机理及耐蚀性进行评价。结合当前的不锈钢腐蚀研究现状,展望了电化学方法在腐蚀研究领域的发展趋势:未来电化学方法将更多作为腐蚀调控手段,需要结合其他检测技术实现对不锈钢腐蚀过程的精细分析。   相似文献   

The weathering steels are prone to pitting corrosion in an environment containing chloride ions.The pitting behavior of Cu-P-RE weathering steels and its effect on the corrosion resistance of steels were investigated by multifarious analytical techniques,such as field emission-scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM),electron probe microanalysis(EPMA),scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy(SKPFM),electrochemical workstation and a series of immersion tests.The results show that the original stripshap...  相似文献   

Conclusions The change of electrical resistivity and the amount of dissolved iron was employed for studying the behavior of porous sintered steels in different media. Specimens of austenitic steel Kh23N18 proved to have the highest corrosion resistance.A method of determining the life expectancy of porous materials in corrosive media is proposed.  相似文献   

Multiphase TRIP (Transformation Induced Plasticity) steels are known to combine higher strength with higher ductility.In this paper,the corrosion resistance of this steel has been has been investigated by accelerated corrosion tests,such as wet/dry cyclic corrosion and the weight loss in laboratory.The morphologies of their rust layers were observed by using scanning electron microscopy,and the corrosion performance of these steels was discussed by analyzing the protective mechanism.The results show that the corrosion rate of steel A is significantly greater than that of steels B and C in wet/dry cyclic corrosion and weight loss tests.The corrosion performance of conventional C-Mn-Si TRIP steel is deteriorated in both NaHSO 3 and 3.5 wt.% NaCl aqueous solutions.And superior corrosion performance is exhibited for TRIP steel with low alloying contents due to its high thermodynamic stability.The enhancement of corrosion performance of TRIP steel is attributed to the additions of alloying elements,such as Al,Cu,Cr,Mo,Ni,etc.The alloying elements increase the compactness of rust layers,so electrochemical characteristic of TRIP steel is improved.  相似文献   

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