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近年来,阴极溶出伏安法得到很快的发展。本文共收集了52篇参考文献,对于用此法所测定的铝、钒、铬、锰、铁、钴、镍、铜、锌、锗、砷、硒、钼、锝、镉、铟、锑、铈、钨、金、铊、碲、铅、镨、铀、镧、硫、氯、溴、碘、氰离子、硫氰离子、硫酸根和—些有机化合物作了简单的论述。  相似文献   

评述了1997年世界钼的需求、供给和价格。特别概述了钼的新产品、新技术,诸如低合金钢、不锈钢、工具钢、轧辊、铸钢铸铁、涂膜、催化剂、润滑剂、颜料、缓蚀剂和镍氢电池等的研究与开发进展。  相似文献   

1刊登范围和要求 本刊主要刊登钼及其共(伴)生金属(钨、铼、金、银、铂、镍、钯、铱、铜、铁、锌、钙、铅、铀、锡等)的地质、采矿、选矿、冶炼、合金、加工、化工、有价金属回收与利用、设备、分析检测等领域内的“四新”(新产品、新工艺、新技术、新材料)科技与成果,还报道钼市场动态、行业信息、专利技术等。  相似文献   

从近年的情况看,由于经济的快速发展,我国已经成为世界上最主要的矿产和金属的消费国之一。有人认为,到2020年我国铁矿石的消费将占到世界的35.7l%,而消费比例超过20%的矿产由高到低有:煤、锡、锌、铅、氧化铝、铝、铅、铜等。近年来,中国矿产品产量的迅速提高并不能满足国内高涨的需求。根据中国矿业联合会的研究,到2020年中国所需的45种主要矿产可以基本划分为:可以保证、基本保证、短缺、严重短缺四类;可以保证的矿产共24种:煤、天然气、钨、钼、银、稀土、菱镁矿、萤石、耐火黏土、磷、重晶石、水泥灰岩、玻璃硅质原料、石膏、高岭土、石材、硅藻土、钠盐、芒硝、膨润土、石墨、石棉、滑石、硅灰石。基本保证的矿产两种:钛、硫。  相似文献   

1996年钼业年评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
评介了1996年世界钼的需求、供给和价格。重点概述了钼的新产品,如合金钢、不锈钢、工具钢、铸铁、钼金属、催化剂、润滑剂、颜料、缓蚀剂、消烟阻燃剂和陶瓷等的研究与开发现状  相似文献   

正冶金、钢铁、玻璃、水泥、煤化工、石油化工中国变压吸附气体分离技术的专家国内外气体公司合格供应商成立于2000年的亚联高科,以工业气体(H_2、N_2、O_2、CO、CO_2、CH_4等)的制备、分离、提纯的技术开发、工程设计、工程建设、工程服务为主导,以生产工业催化剂、阀门、污水处理技术等为辅业的专业气体工程技术公司。除自己配套的实验室外,还分别与中科院成都分院、同济大学、华南理工大学建立联合实验室。亚联高科在工业气体制取、气体分离净化等技术方面已获25项国家专利。  相似文献   

运营能力是指企业通过对其自身所拥的有限资源的合理配置和经营进行社会财富创造的能力.其实质就是要运用尽可能少的资产,在尽可能短的周转时间内,来生产尽可能多的产品,从而创造出尽可能多的销售收入.本文对沪深两市24家钢铁上市公司(安阳钢铁、鞍钢股份、八一钢铁、包钢股份、宝钢股份、本钢板材、杭钢股份、河北钢铁、华菱钢铁、山东钢铁、酒钢宏兴、凌钢股份、柳钢股份、马钢股份、南钢股份、三钢闽光、沙钢股份、韶钢松山、首钢股份、太钢不锈、武钢股份、新钢股份、新兴铸管、重庆钢铁)的运营情况进行分类分析.这24家钢铁上市公司具备炼铁、炼钢、轧钢等完备工艺流程,且粗钢年产量均在400万吨以上,是中国钢铁工业的骨干企业,其运营水平及效果可基本反映出中国钢铁工业的基本概貌.  相似文献   

1刊登范围和要求 本刊主要刊登钼及其共(伴)生金属(钨、铼、金、银、铂、镍、钯、铱、铜、铁、、锌、钙、铅、铀、锡等)的地质、采矿、选矿、冶炼、合金、加工、化工、有价金属回收与利用、设备、分析检测等领域内的"四新"(新产品、  相似文献   

《化学分析计量》是中国兵器工业集团第五三研究所(国防科技工业应用化学一级计量站)主办的全国性分析测试、化学计量专业技术刊物。主要报道分析测试、化学计量行业的技术、学术论文;标准物质的研制与应用;分析、计量仪器的研制、开发、检定、维修经验;相关专业的法规、政策、标准,管理经验,技术发展动态,综述和技术经济信息等。主要栏目有分析测试、仪器设备、标准物质、计量管理、不确定度、经验交流、综述、讲座、企业风采、市场动态、简讯、广告等。  相似文献   

河南省沁阳市沁龙化学防腐有限公司是从事研制生产多功能新型螺旋溜槽、摇床、旋流分级机、磁选机、淳选机、搅拌槽、打砂机、玻璃钢冷却塔、风机、管道、防腐贮罐等多种产品的专业公司,已有近三十年的生产历史,通过了ISO9001;2000质量体系认证,主导产品为多功能新型螺旋溜糟,擂床,是选别有色金属、黑色金属、非金属、贵重金属的理想选矿设备,如金矿、银矿、沙金矿、锡矿、钛铁矿、硫铁矿、赤铁矿、福铁矿、铬铁矿、钨矿、钽泥矿、煤矿、独居石、蓝宝石、重晶石、金红石、锆英石、硅砂等。现有8000多台设备在全国各地矿山使用,在鞍钢、马钢、首钢、包钢、唐钢、安钢、武钢、柳钢、邯钢等地应用于氧化赤铁矿选矿工业,在拳钢、成钢  相似文献   

The Milwaukee City Hall was built between 1893 and 1898 and is located in downtown Milwaukee, one block east of the Milwaukee River. The 300?ft (91.4?m) long building, nine stories high over its main portion, is a trapezoid in plan. On the south side, there is a 393?ft (119.8?m) tall South Tower located above the main entrance to the building. On three sides, the South Tower rises from the street level to the 13th level and the roof above, and on the north side, it is connected to the rest of the building up to the ninth floor. The South Tower is a hybrid steel and masonry structure consisting of masonry perimeter walls and a central core, four-sided steel truss supporting the floors and roof. The building is a perimeter-load-bearing masonry structure supported on wood piles. The city of Milwaukee had been aware of distress, in the form of cracks and loose masonry, in the South Tower for a number of decades. In 2002, the city took action to investigate the causes and significance of distress, and to develop a repair program. The scope of our work included review of the available structural drawings and documents, inspection of the tower, measurement and monitoring of movements, monitoring of thermal response, structural analyses of the hybrid steel and masonry structure, and development of repair recommendations. The repair program presently is under construction. This paper describes the monitoring program, analyses of the causes for distress, and the implemented repair concepts for the observed distress in the South Tower of the Milwaukee City Hall.  相似文献   

数据集成管理与共享是矿山信息化建设的基础。针对湖山铀矿目前数据流转、管理、共享以及利用等方面存在的问题,全面梳理了矿山地质、采矿和水冶专业的生产业务流程规范和数据管理规范,研发了工作流程规范化、业务数据标准化、数据加工自动化的生产技术协同平台,实现了矿山数据的集中存储与协同共享,为矿山生产管理提供统一的数字化工作平台。通过两级部署,实现了国外矿山现场与国内公司总部的数据共享。应用结果表明:该平台将各业务产生的数据通过流程串联起来并按照标准通过中心数据库统一存储,实现了地质、采矿和水冶各业务间数据的高效流转和指标报表数据的自动加工,极大地减少了数据处理时间,降低了出错率,大幅提升了团队协作效率。湖山铀矿生产技术协同平台的研发与应用为跨部门、跨区域的数据协同和共享提供了参考。  相似文献   

选矿厂设计过程涉及大量数据计算、图形绘制以及设计规范和设计经验的应用,计算机辅助设计的应用无疑能显著提高设计效率和质量。通过对选矿厂计算机辅助设计研究现状进行总结和分析,指出存在的问题和不足,即设计过程模块化、设计规范和经验处理不成熟、设备配置自主化和可视化程度低以及沉浸感缺乏等。计算机虚拟现实技术(VR)的出现,为解决这些问题和不足提供了新的技术途径,将VR技术应用于选矿厂设计中,可有效提升设计过程的自主化、可视化、沉浸感以及人机交互性与设计员的想象创造力,是未来选矿厂计算机辅助设计的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

郭帅  朱航宇  周杰  董帅  梁印 《钢铁》2022,57(7):63-72
 非金属夹杂物在加工过程中往往容易引起裂纹的萌生和扩展,为了明确典型非金属夹杂物对低密度钢性能的影响,采用Abaqus有限元软件分析了低密度钢中典型Al2O3、MnS、AlN、TiN单一夹杂和Al2O3-AlN、AlN-MnS复合夹杂及附近钢基体的应力场,研究了非金属夹杂物类型、尺寸、方向、分布等因素对低密度钢应力场的影响。结果表明,非金属夹杂物的变形能力、形状和尺寸显著影响低密度钢中应力场分布,夹杂物及其附近钢基体的最大应力值由大到小依次为TiN、AlN、Al2O3和MnS。夹杂物尺寸越大,应力场范围和最大应力值也越大。夹杂物长轴与载荷的夹角会造成裂纹萌生位置和传播方向发生变化,TiN和AlN夹杂物尖角位于载荷方向时可缓解夹杂物引起的应力集中。此外,团聚状的夹杂物易引起应力集中,夹杂物间距越小,引起的应力富集越大。对于复合夹杂物而言,Al2O3-AlN内部的Al2O3夹杂会阻碍复合夹杂物变形,引起应力值升高,增加AlN夹杂的危害性;而AlN-MnS复合夹杂物外部的MnS可以适度缓解内部AlN尖角处引起的应力集中,降低AlN夹杂的危害性。因此,在冶炼过程中应尽量控制脆性夹杂物数量和尺寸、避免聚集状AlN夹杂物的生成,通过工艺调控实现硫化物对AlN夹杂的完全包裹等措施可降低夹杂物对低密度钢的危害性。  相似文献   

张立峰 《钢铁》2023,58(1):1-12
首先讨论了科技进步为推动力的铁水预处理技术、转炉冶炼技术、炉外精炼技术和连铸技术的进步。传统的KR铁水预处理技术采用了载气枪喷入脱硫剂粒子之后,增大了脱硫剂粒子进入铁液的深度并降低了粒子之间聚合的发生,既节省了脱硫剂的使用又提高了脱硫的效率;使用铬矿粉为原料通过转炉冶炼不锈钢过程中,采用副枪燃气燃烧送料技术,既实现了温度达标,也降低了铬的氧化烧损;钢液炉外精炼技术是在吹氩技术、真空技术和电磁技术等多项技术支撑下逐渐发展的;连铸技术也是在电磁技术、机械压下、数字技术的支撑下实现了无缺陷连铸坯的制造和近终形薄带连铸的产业化。然后,从钢洁净度的极限、未来的炼钢工艺展望和连续炼钢工艺3个方面讨论了炼钢技术的未来。目前钢中氧、碳、氮、磷、硫、氢6大元素总和已经能达到0.006 0%以下,特别是钢中总氧质量分数可以达到0.000 5%以下,但是关于钢中金属杂质元素包括锌、锡、铅、锑、铋、砷等去除的研究还需要加强;在信息化和自动化技术充分发展的条件下,无喷溅、无人工操作、无人工维护的“全智能转炉”是有可能实现的;连铸的大数据技术、软件技术和信息物理系统已经在一些先进钢厂得到应用;欧盟已经开始尝试铁矿...  相似文献   

张福成  康杰 《钢铁》2022,57(9):26-41
 钢中界面的化学成分、晶体结构、电子结构及其在变形、加热等外部环境作用下的演变行为等都深刻影响着钢的力学和化学行为,主导控制钢的力学、化学和加工性能。钢中界面往往是钢中新相的核点、变形的结点、裂纹的起点、腐蚀的源点。在一定程度上讲,弄清钢中界面科学问题,也就知道了钢失效的本质和提高钢质量的方向。在钢中界面科学研究(Ⅰ)的基础上,以钢中界面为研究对象,详细综述了界面对钢相变行为和服役使用性能的影响。分析了相界及相界成分或析出物偏聚对奥氏体向铁素体转变、奥氏体向贝氏体转变和逆转奥氏体相变的影响;探讨了界面以及界面成分偏聚对强度、塑性和韧性的影响;阐述了孪晶界、相界以及夹杂物/基体之间的界面在疲劳裂纹萌生和扩展方面起到的作用;重点关注了晶界、孪晶界调控以及晶界偏聚调控提高耐腐蚀性能的机理以及应用;分析了各种界面类型对抗氢脆性能的影响并简述了界面在蠕变性能劣化中起到的作用。同时简单介绍了机器学习在界面研究方面的应用,并指出了钢在服役性能中面临的界面科学问题以及今后重点研究方向的建议。  相似文献   

Reviews the books, Asian American education: Acculturation, literacy development, and learning: Volume 4. Research on the education of Asian and Pacific Americans by C. Park, R. Endo, and X. L. Rong (2007) and New perspectives on Asian American parents, students, and teacher recruitment: Volume 5. Research on the education of Asian and Pacific Americans by C. Park, R. Endo, S. Lee, and X. L. Rong (2009). These two books challenge the still pervasive model minority myth that the school experiences of Asian American students are homogenous and result in one outcome—success. Asian American Education (AAE) and New Perspectives (NP) do an excellent job conveying the diversity and complexity (yes, there are of course successes, but also many challenges) of education-related issues for Asian Americans. The two books dispel the notion of a one-size-fits-all view of academic achievement in this population. One strength of the two books is that the chapters (nine in each book) cover quite a bit of ground and examine a wide range of topics. The chapters are inclusive in terms of methodology (the use of quantitative and qualitative approaches), age range of students (from elementary school to graduate school), type of student (ESL, special education, and mainstream), key players (focusing on students, parents, teachers, and school professionals), and ethnicity (pan- Asian American, Chinese, Korean, and less studied groups such as Vietnamese, Laotian, Hmong, and Burmese). Overall, the two books offer a comprehensive overview on a number of important topics—some that have been heavily researched and others breaking new ground. In summary, these two books will be useful to teachers, parents, administrators, and school professionals who want a detailed and culturally sensitive overview of important educational issues that Asian American students face. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This work discusses the numerical and physical models developed for the design of a membrane roof for the Baptist Church of Fortaleza as well as the fabrication and construction of the actual membrane, comparing results of the models with those of the real structure. The roof area amounts to about 2,900?m2, a national record for flexible border membranes and, to the writers’ knowledge, the first case of a fully computer-assisted design process within Brazil. The paper initially outlines procedures to form finding, stress analysis, and patterning, and then focuses on the physical models developed to validate them. Finally, construction of the actual membrane is described, and comparison is made with the previous numerical and physical models. Determination of the mechanical properties of the fabrics used to construct the membrane is also briefly discussed. Additionally, analyses of the geometric configuration and definition of the structural response of typical connectors of such a tension structure, collecting and distributing stresses coming from sails and anchoring cables and elements acting to transfer loads to the foundations, are developed. Unilateral contact is considered to develop among the aforementioned connector and the cable/rings welded to the slabs and the redance, imposing localized directional variations to the cable; furthermore, geometric (large strains) and material nonlinearities are accounted for.  相似文献   

通过对船板表面粗糙缺陷的识别检验及判定的难点进行分析,结合多年的判定经验,针对提高表面粗糙的识别与判定的准确性,开展了一系列工作。通过近千块钢板抛丸前后对比试验,对钢板表面的颜色和刮蹭表面进行识别,在保证有效辨别情况下,推动了检验判定标准由产品标准向客户标准的转变。同时根据缺陷深度、使用位置以及分布面积的不同等,结合不同客户质量需求的不同,做到钢板质量的精准识别判定,保证钢板检验的准确性、有效性,减少了经济损失,增强了产品市场竞争力。  相似文献   

Our era is witnessing an increasing impact of globalization on self and identity and at the same time a growing uncertainty. The experience of uncertainty motivates individuals and groups to find local niches for identity construction. This article's central tenet is that the processes of globalization and localization, as globalization's counterforce, require a dialogical conceptualization of self and identity in which global and local voices are involved in continuous interchanges and negotiations. This tenet is elaborated along 2 lines of argument. First, 3 factors are described as crucial to understanding the processes of globalization and localization on the individual level: the increasing number of voices and countervoices, the role of social power, and the role of emotions. Second, the authors argue that the apparent tension between the widening horizons of globalization and the need for local niches requires acknowledgment of the pervasive influence of biologically based needs for stability, safety, and security. Finally, the authors propose studying self and identity on 3 levels--individual, local, and global--and some lines of research at the interface of these levels. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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