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本文介绍了近些年中国铅锌工业发展现状及运行特点,产业发展分析及政策环境等分析,对准确把握并积极应对新常态下铅锌工业面临的挑战和机遇,加快推进铅锌产业转变发展方式和转型升级提出意见建议。  相似文献   

正"十三五"时期,烟台黄金产业转型升级之路怎么走?近日,《烟台市黄金产业"十三五"转型发展实施方案》出台(下称《方案》)。《方案》提出,烟台市将全力拉长产业链,发展科技含量高、附加值高的贵金属新产品,减少产业发展对自然资源的依赖。如何优化拉长黄金产业链条?以招远为例,该市专门设立黄金产业转型基金,招金集团、中矿集团等骨干企业的转型项目已经达十几个。招远正全力推进国家级黄金资源综合利用示范基地、国际黄金创意产业园两大园区建设,加快突破工业用金、医药,,  相似文献   

李文龙  张田华 《稀土》2014,(6):110-115
在WTO最终裁定中国限制稀土出口违规和下游市场需求低迷的现实背景下,中国稀土产业要走出困境而持续健康发展,产业升级和结构转型是必然选择。本文尝试从熵理论的视阈,来分析稀土产业转型升级的熵机理,按照转型总熵控制与调适的机制,针对稀土产业转型熵与转型负熵的主要影响因素,提出稀土产业转型升级应以减少产业内部转型熵,增加产业外部转型负熵为基本策略。  相似文献   

央企升级资金不能超过项目总投资额的30% 为支持中央企业重点产业转型升级与发展,规范资金管理,财政部制定了《中央国有资本经营预算重点产业转型升级与发展资金管理办法》。根据《办法》,产业升级资金采取资本投入方式,资本投入额度原则上不超过项目总投资额的30%。  相似文献   

2015年,莱芜市科技局紧紧围绕全市中心工作,以促进转调发展、创新发展为主线,以深入开展"三严三实"专题教育为抓手,着力在推进产业振兴提升、"三个高于"、深化改革等方面务实创新作为,全市科技事业实现新发展.紧紧围绕全市10大重点产业振兴提升,以牵头推进的电子信息产业和高新技术产业发展为重点,充分发挥项目、企业对产业的支撑带动作用,全力服务推进产业转型升级.预计全市高新技术产业产值325亿元,占规模以上工业总产值19.7%,比年初提高1%以上.  相似文献   

技术创新对稀土资源环境、产业结构、管理体系等方面的发展具有强大的推动力。稀土产业链上下游先进工艺与高端技术装备的研发应用,促进了稀土上游产业的绿色转型和下游产业的应用升级;信息技术的发展及两化融合的深入,驱动稀土产业生产和管理方式向技术化、规范化转变,提升了产业效率。要发挥技术创新驱动稀土产业转型升级的强大内生动力作用,应重点支持稀土开采冶炼端转型和稀土高端应用拓展,加强企业、高校和科研院所的高效合作。  相似文献   

智能制造既是钢铁行业转型升级的需要,又是钢铁行业高质量发展的保障。本文结合钢铁行业智能制造现状,提出钢铁行业智能制造发展过程中存在的问题,并指出建立完善的钢铁行业智能制造标准体系,加强智能制造基础建设推进工业互联网发展应用,建设融入钢铁全流程的智能制造平台,建设钢铁行业智能制造公共服务平台、推进产业协同应用是助力钢铁行业智能化、数字化、绿色化水平提升,推动钢铁行业实现智能转型与升级的重要途径。  相似文献   

(上接2012年第1期第82页)有序推进与城市发展不协调的钢厂转型或搬迁。对于经济支撑作用下降和资源环境矛盾突出的钢铁企业,实施转型或搬迁改造。综合实力弱、技术水平低的企业应实行转型,发展钢铁服务业或其他产业。有实力、有技术、有特色的城市钢厂,要结合区域钢铁企业兼并重组、淘汰落后和产业升级,  相似文献   

分析了湖南有色金属产业近几年来转型升级的现状与取得的成果,提出了目前转型升级中依然存在的问题,并对如何加快转型升级进行了具体的、全面的的探索,认为准确的定位、发达的生产性服务业、合理的产业链、行业的正确引领作用是湖南有色金属产业转型升级成功的关键因素。  相似文献   

本次会议的主题是“发展多元产业助力转型升级”。中国钢铁企业从长远战略的高度出发,在做强做精主业的同时,谋划优势多元产业的发展,是实现钢铁企业转型升级的重要途径。大会将进一步深入探讨钢铁行业多元产业的发展重点和途径,以期为钢铁企业结构战略性调整提供新思路和新方法。  相似文献   

Ss "were first given the F Scale and a measure of anti-Negro prejudice… . Four weeks later they read a case history of a person who was prejudiced and authoritarian. Half of the subjects were told that the person in the case history was similar to themselves in background and objective personal characteristics. The other half… that the person was dissimilar to them. Three weeks later the F Scale and the anti-Negro prejudice scale were readministered. It was found that those low in prejudice at the first administration became more prejudiced but only if they were told the case history was about someone like themselves… . These results were interpreted in terms of the social support for suppressed 'wrong' feelings and in terms of the pressures to achieve cognitive consistency in one's self-concept." From Psyc Abstracts 36:04:4GD65S. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Bending of 15 to 24 degrees is observed within crystal structures of B-DNA duplexes, is strongly sequence-dependent, and exhibits no correlation with the concentration of MPD (2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol) in the crystallizing solution. Two types of bends are observed: facultative bends or flexible hinges at junctions between regions of G.C and A.T base-pairs, and a persistent and almost obligatory bend at the center of the sequence R-G-C-Y. Only A-tracts are characteristically straight and unbent in every crystal structure examined to date. A detailed examination of normal vector plots for individual strands of a double helix provides an explanation, in terms of the stacking properties of guanine and adenine bases. The effect of high MPD concentrations, in both solution and crystal, is to decrease local bending somewhat without removing it altogether. MPD gel retardation experiments provide no basis for choosing among the three models that seek to explain macroscopic curvature of DNA by means of microscopic bending: junction being, bent A-tracts, or bent general -sequence DNA. Crystallographic data on the straightness of A-tracts, the bendability of non-A sequences, and the identity of inclination angles in A-tract and non-A-tracts B-DNA support only the general-sequence bending model. The pre-melting transition observed in A-tract DNA probably represents a relaxation of stiff adenine stacks to a flexible conformation more typical of general-sequence DNA.  相似文献   

Both public health and social and preventive medicine are characterised by the common goal of promoting, maintaining and improving health and preventing disease, and both are concerned with a population-related, preventive and environmental perspective. But whereas public health is interdisciplinary and goes far beyond the medical focus, social and preventive medicine is medically based and forms a bridge between public health and medical practice. Research in a department of social and preventive medicine serves to support preventive and medico-social activities in medical practice as well as in public health. This is illustrated by results from research conducted at the author's department during the last twenty years. Examples are research in support of smoking cessation activities, and research used for the planning of care for the elderly. Both the research and the teaching activities of the department take into account the population focus of public health as well as the focus on individual medicine in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The fluorescent cholesterol analogues, cholesta-5,7,9(11)triene-3-beta-ol (I) and ergosta-5,7,9(11)-22-tetraene-3-beta-ol (II), have been shown to be readily incorporated by various tissues and lipoproteins in rabbits maintained on diets supplemented with these fluorophores. Human erythrocytes and lipoproteins were also found to incorporate I and II in vitro under physiological conditions. The thermotropic behavior of the lipoproteins and erythrocyte membranes labeled with sterols I and II was evaluated using temperature-dependent fluorescence polarization and/or fluorescence intensity spectra. Erythrocyte ghosts, fluorescently labeled in vivo (rabbit) or in vitro (rabbit and human), were found to undergo a reversible thermally induced transition at 24 +/- 2 degrees C. A similar transition occurring at higher temperatures was also observed in fluorescently labeled human and rabbit LDL particles. Furthermore, the transition temperatures and relative microviscosities of the in vivo labeled rabbit LDL particles were found to be dependent upon the amount of sterol present in the rabbits' diet. No evidence of a similar thermotropic transition was observed in any of the HDL particles. These results are discussed in terms of a thermotropic reordering of cholesterol clusters existing in the erythrocyte membrane and of the cholesteryl ester core present within the low density lipoprotein particle.  相似文献   

Taurine is known to be involved in many important physiological functions. Here we report that both in vivo and in vitro the taurine-synthesizing enzyme in the brain, namely cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase (CSAD), is activated when phosphorylated and inhibited when dephosphorylated. Furthermore, protein kinase C and protein phosphatase 2C have been identified as the enzymes responsible for phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of CSAD, respectively. In addition, the effect of neuronal depolarization on CSAD activity and 32P incorporation into CSAD in neuronal cultures is also included. A model to link neuronal excitation and CSAD activation by a Ca2+-dependent protein kinase is proposed.  相似文献   

Supernatants obtained after incubation of tumor patient lymphocytes with the homologous tumor-associated antigen (TAA) elicit adherence inhibition in normal guinea pig peritoneal cells. From 37 tested patients with different carcinomas, the supernatants of 30 caused more than 10 per cent adherence inhibition (breast cancer 11/11, lung cancer 7/8, colon cancer 6/7, stomach cancer 6/11). Besides 40 healthy blood donors were tested to a panel of TAA. There was a reactivity more than 10 per cent only in 2 cases. The supernatants of 14 patients with nonmalignant disorders produced adherence inhibition more than 10 per cent in 2 cases. By incubation of tumor patient lymphocytes with the human encephalitogenic protein the supernatants of 19/27 patients elicited a positive reaction. The results suggest that anti-tumor immunity can be detected in an indirect heterologous adherence inhibition system.  相似文献   

Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 5(317), pp. 77–80, May, 1989.  相似文献   

To determine sleep effects on baro- and ventilatory responses to transient chemo- and barostimulation in African-Americans and Caucasians, 26 nonobese normotensive young subjects (13 African-Americans and 13 Caucasians) were studied awake and in non-rapid-eye movement (NREM) and rapid-eye-movement sleep during induced transient hypoxemia (N2), hypertension (phenylephrine, PE), and concomitant hypoxemia and hypertension (N2 + PE). Arterial blood pressure was recorded by plethysmographic volume clamp, minute ventilation by pneumotachograph, and arterial O2 saturation by pulse oximeter. For all subjects, chronotropic baroresponse (Deltapulse interval/Deltasystolic blood pressure, where Delta is change) increased with NREM sleep (P = 0.007). Baroresponse slope was greater in Caucasians than in African-Americans (ANOVA, P = 0.02). Hypoxemic ventilatory response (Deltaminute ventilation/Deltaarterial O2 saturation) was greater in African-Americans than in Caucasians in NREM sleep (P = 0.01), as was hypoxemic attenuation of baroresponse (N2 + PE, P = 0.03). These data suggest sleep-related differences in arterial chemo- and baroreceptor responses in normal young African-Americans and Caucasians, which may have implications concerning development of systemic hypertension.  相似文献   

In many procaryotic and eucaryotic cells, photoreactivating enzyme mediates light-dependent repair of UV-induced damage: the enzyme binds to a pyrimidine dimer in DNA, and, on absorption of a photon (300-600 nm), specifically monomerizes the dimer, thus repairing the DNA. Photoreactivating enzyme has been found in human tissues and human cells in culture; human cells in culture can photoreactivate cellular dimers, and can mediate photoreactivation of Herpes (human fibroblasts) and Epstein-Barr virus (human leukocytes). Measurements of pyrimidine dimer formation and repair in human skin indicate that detectable numbers of dimers are formed at 1 minimal erythemal dose, that the dimers are rapidly removed in skin kept in the absence of light, and they are more rapidly removed when the skin is exposed to visible light.  相似文献   

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