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Kinetics of chlorination and carbochlorination of pure Nb2O5 and Ta2O5 were studied by thermogravimetric analysis between 385 °C and 1000 °C using Cl2-N2 and Cl2-CO-N2 gas mixtures. Standard free energy changes of the reactions and phase stability diagrams of Nb-O-Cl and Ta-O-Cl systems were calculated. The chlorination reaction order, for both oxides, with respect to Cl2 in the Cl2-N2 gas mixture was 0.82. The apparent activation energies (E a ) for Nb2O5 chlorination were 208 and 86 kJ/mole for temperatures lower and higher than 850 °C, respectively. The experimental data could be described by a shrinking sphere model between 700 °C and 1000 °C. The chlorination mechanism, between 700 °C and 850 °C, was likely controlled by the chemical reaction. For T > 850 °C, the overall Nb2O5 chlorination rate was affected by the allotropic transformation of the Nb2O5 T form to M form. Between 925 °C and 1000 °C, E a for Ta2O5 chlorination was 246 kJ/mole. In this case, the most appropriate model was also that of shrinking sphere suggesting that the chlorination of Ta2O5 was controlled by the chemical reaction. For both oxides, the carbochlorination reaction order with respect to Cl2+CO partial pressure, in the gas mixture, was about 2. The mathematical analysis of carbochlorination data indicates that Nb2O5 and Ta2O5 reactions could be described by shrinking sphere or cylinder, respectively. Below 600 °C, the E a values of Nb2O5 and Ta2O5 carbochlorination were 74 and 110 kJ/mole, respectively. Chemical reaction was probably the rate controlling step in both cases. An anomaly characterized by a decrease of the reaction rates occurs in the Arrhenius plots between 600 °C and 800 °C. This anomaly could be attributed to the thermal decomposition of COCl2 formed in situ during the carbochlorination.  相似文献   

Separation of niobium from ferroniobium by chlorination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Separation of niobium from ferroniobium by chlorine metallurgy has been investigated in order to effect a new process for the mass production of niobium due to the increasing demand for this element. From thermodynamical considerations, the chlorination of ferroniobium by chlorine gas was con-ducted under several conditions, and the most effective conditions were determined. Ferroniobium chlorides obtained were shown to be ferric chloride and niobium pentachloride. Preliminary separation of niobium pentachloride from ferric chloride is possible by selective condensation with temperature gradient techniques. Selective reduction of ferric chloride to ferrous chloride by iron powder was conducted to separate niobium pentachloride from ferrous chloride by their volatility difference. Separation of niobium from ferroniobium by chlorine metallurgy is summarized in a flowsheet, and a new dry methods process, which is simplified compared with the current process, is obtained.  相似文献   

Kinetics of chlorination of MoO3 with Cl2-air, Cl2-N2, and Cl2-CO-N2 gas mixtures have been studied by nonisothermal and isothermal thermogravimetric measurements, between ambient temperature and 900 °C. Between 500 °C and 700 °C, the chlorination reaction of MoO3 with Cl2-N2 gas mixture has an apparent activation energy of about 165 kJ/mole, reflecting that a chemical reaction is the rate-controlling step. The reaction order with respect to Cl2 partial pressure is about 0.75. The apparent activation energy for carbochlorination with Cl2-CO-N2 gas mixture is about 83 kJ/mole, between 400 °C and 650 °C. The carbochlorination of MoO3 was controlled by the chemical reaction, probably affected by the pore diffusion regime. The maximum reaction rate is obtained by using a Cl2-CO-N2 gas mixture, having a Cl2/CO volume ratio equal to about 1. The total apparent reaction order with respect to Cl2 + CO in Cl2-CO-N2 gas mixture is about 1.5 for a Cl2/CO ratio equal to 1. Laboratoire Environnement et Minéralurgie, associated with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Mineral Processing and Environmental Engineering team.  相似文献   

Kinetics of chlorination of V2O5 with Cl2-air, C12-N2, and C12-CO-N2 gas mixtures have been studied by nonisothermal and isothermal thermogravimetric measurements. In the temperature range of 500 °C to 570 °C, the chlorination of V2O5 with C12-N2 gas mixture is characterized by an apparent activation energy of about 235 kJ/mole. This could be attributed to chemical reaction. Between 570°C and 650 °C, the apparent activation energy is equal to 77 kJ/mole, indicating that the overall reaction rate is controlled by chemical reaction and pore diffusion. The reaction order with respect to chlorine is 0.78. The apparent activation energy of the carbochlorination of V2O5 by C12-CO-N2 gas mixture is about 100 kJ/mole in the temperature range of 400 °C to 620 °C. In this case, the chemical reaction is the limiting step. At temperatures higher than 620 °C, an anomaly is observed in the Arrhenius plot, probably due to thermal decomposition of COC12 formedin situ and/or transformation of the vanadium oxide physical state. The maximum reaction rate is obtained by using a C12-CO-N2 gas mixture having a C12/CO volume ratio equal to about 1. Formerly Graduate Student, Mineral Processing and Environmental Engineering Team. Formerly Graduate Student, Mineral Processing and Engineering Team, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre, France.  相似文献   


A high tin content in steel has detrimental effects during processing, fabrication and application of the steel. Removal of tin from the steel is therefore necessary if the scrap has to be recycled. The thermodynamics and kinetics of the removal of tin from steel scrap have been studied. Removal of tin has been demonstrated in air-chlorine gas mixtures (with a 10 : 1 volume ratio of dry air/chlorine) at relatively low temperatures of 403-473 K. Owing to its high vapour pressure, SnCl4 is readily removed as a vapour from tin coated steel scrap. While tin is preferentially chlorinated, iron is not, but forms a protective layer of iron oxide on its surface. In a laboratory packed bed reactor operating at 403 K, the tin level of baled steel scrap has been shown to reduce from 0·25 to 0·039 wt-% in the presence of air-chlorine mixtures.  相似文献   

采用HCl-HNO3-HF-HClO4溶解地球化学样品,以50 mg/L酒石酸-1% HCl为测定介质克服了铌、钽、钨、锡易水解的特性,选择93 Nb、181 Ta、182W、118Sn为分析同位素及50 ng/mL185Re为内标,建立了电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)同时测定地球化学样品中微量铌、钽、钨、锡的...  相似文献   

Kinetics of the chlorination of Nb2O5 powder by CCl4 vapor in mixture with N2 in a static bed in the temperature range of 698 to 853 K were carried out at different partial pressures of CCl4 (p CCl 4), varying from 0.10 to 0.75 atm. The fraction of Nb2O5 chlorinated R at p CCl 4 of 0.6 atm in the temperature range of 698 to 773 K was found to be proportional to time t, and the activation energy E is calculated to be 112 kJ/mole. Results on the effect of p CCl 4 (0.4, 0.6, and 0.75 atm) at 723 K suggest that the rate v (R/min) is proportional to p CCl 4 1.5. However, at p CCl 4 of 0.2 atm, R is not linear with t, rather, R 1/2 is linear with t. Based on these results, two mechanisms, one at low p CCl 4 (0.2 atm) and another at higher p CCl 4 values, in the temperature range of 698 to 773 K have been suggested. Similar studies in the higher temperature range (793 to 853 K), where p CCl 4 used to decompose to elemental chlorine and carbon, were also carried out. At all temperatures and p CCl 4 values, R is found to be directly proportional to t. At two higher p CCl 4 (0.4 and 0.6 atm), v is proportional to p CCl 4 1.5, whereas at two lower p CCl 4 (0.1 and 0.2 atm) it is proportional to p CCl 4 1.5. The E values obtained in the temperature range of 793 to 853 K at p CCl 4 of 0.6 and 0.2 atm are found to be 57 and 115 kJ/mole, respectively. In this higher temperature range, two different reaction mechanisms have been proposed.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made of the reaction of metallic niobium and tantalum powders with hydrogen sulfide; niobium sulfide, NbS1.6, was obtained at 1000–1300°C and tantalum disulfide at 1400°C.The lattice parameters and pycnometric density of the sulfides were determined, and their stability in different media and oxidation resistance were studied.  相似文献   

A New process for the separation of tantalum from niobium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new process for the separation of tantalum from niobium (Cb) has been developed. This process consists of repeatedly reacting the mixed pentachloride vapors of niobium and tantalum with an alkali-metal chloride powder to form complex compounds of the type, AMCI6, where A is an alkali metal, and M is Nb of Ta. Tantalum tends to concentrate in the condensed AMCl6 phase leaving a vapor enriched in niobium. The results of tests conducted with NaCl, KC1, RbCl, and CsCl are presented along with a discussion of the thermodynamics of the process. The best separation was achieved with KC1, where the molar ratio of pentachloride to KC1 was 2:1, the pentachlorides were heated to 229°°C, and the KC1 was heated to 342°°C. Under these conditions the concentration of tantalum was reduced by a factor of almost three in one separation step.  相似文献   

The survey deals with methods of raising the heat resistance of niobium, tantalum, and alloys, based on them, and the main lines of development are distinguished for protective coatings that increase the working life of refractory-metal specimens. Ternopol Pedagogic Institute. Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, Nos. 1–2, pp. 85–93, January–February, 1997.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the homogeneous gas phase reaction between niobium oxychloride and phosgene was studied between 380° and 450°C in a constant volume reactor. The reaction was found to be essentially irreversible with the only detected reaction products being niobium pentachloride and carbon dioxide. The data obtained were fit by an elementary second-order rate equation. Values of the Arrhenius frequency factor and activation energy were found to be 1.33 × 106 liter per g mol sec and 21.9 kcal per g mol with standard deviations of 0.05 × 106 and 1.4, respectively.  相似文献   

Solid-gas reactions of niobium and tantalum with molecular nitrogen driven by mechanical alloying (MA) have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and differential thermal analysis. It was found that the phase transition followed a sequence of Nb2N → Nb3N4 → NbN when Nb was milled with N2. However, Ta2N and an amorphous phase were formed when Ta was milled with N2. The chemosorption of nitrogen onto the clean metal surfaces created by ball milling is believed to be the fundamental process governing solid-gas reactions, and the defects generated during MA can promote the diffusion of adsorbed nitrogen, and consequently the formation of metal nitrides. The difference in phase transition between the two systems is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of oxygen on the corrosion of niobium and tantalum by liquid lithium at 600°C was studied with static capsules. An increase in the oxygen concentration of the lithium from 100 to 2000 ppm had no measurable effect on the dissolution of either refractory metal. Exposure to lithium reduced the oxygen content of niobium and tantalum to less than or equal to 20 ppm regardless of the oxygen concentration of the lithium, results that agree with thermodynamic calculations. When the initial oxygen concentration of niobium and tantalum exceeded a threshold level, lithium (with no oxygen added) penetrated the refractory metal. Penetration resulted from the formation of a ternary oxide on grain boundaries or preferred crystallographic planes and proceeded by a wedging mechanism, which is caused by stresses generated by the corrosion product. Penetration was along grain boundaries at low oxygen concentrations, the attack depth and number of affected boundaries increasing with increasing oxygen concentration. At higher oxygen concentrations, transgranular attack also occurred. The threshold oxygen concentrations for attack were 400 and 100 ppm for niobium and tantalum, respectively.  相似文献   

As X-ray, neutron scattering, and vibrational spectroscopy are not useful for amorphous solids characterization, microprobe analysis is used in determining the composition of these materials. The correlation coefficient matrix between the slag’s elements is obtained by a simple computer program which is commercially available. This matrix is employed for the constitution of the neighborhood of an element, which may be called the “pseudo-structure” (PS). The proposed method is a statistical view of the probable associations between the elements. It gives an insight into the amorphous solids' structure. The lixiviation of tin slags in order to recover the refractory metals they contain is used to illustrate the importance of the PS. A multistage acid-basic (AB) leaching leads to the dissolution of the matrix composed of Ca, Al, Fe, Mn, Si, ... oxides and the concentration of refractory metal oxides in the residues. The optimum tantalum and niobium recovery rates are 93 and 78 pct, respectively. The results of this research indicate that the leaching of the amorphous tin slag is a structure-sensitive operation. However, one may emphasize that the PS of amorphous solids is a simplification of the real neighborhood of ele-ments. It may be considered as a complement to other methods of investigation of the amorphous solids and may facilitate the hydrometallurgical process planning. K. MALAU, formerly Researcher Mineral Processing and Environmental Engineering, INPL. M.-CH. MEYER-JOLY, formerly Researcher, Mineral Processing and Environmental Engineering.  相似文献   

The chlorination kinetics of a niobium (Cb) pyrochlore has been studied between 1873 and 2223 K, the chlorine concentration in helium varying between 0 and 20 pct. The pyrochlore was subjected to a preliminary thermal treatment at 1473 K in order to remove fluorine which escaped under the form of niobium oxyfluorides. This left NaNbO3, CaNb2O6 and residual refractory oxides. The large chlorination reaction rate difference between NaNbO3 and CaNb2O6 made possible the definition of distinct chlorination reaction rates for these constituents. It was found that the decomposition of CaNb2O6 is the controlling step in the chlorination of this constituent, while Nb2O5 (NbO2 + NbO2 at the prevailing temperatures) chlorination is very fast. The reaction is second order with respect to CaNb2O6 concentration and first order with respect to chlorine partial pressure between 1873 and 2023 K, a distinct reaction rate equation being obtained at 2223 K. Reaction rate constants have been calculated and vary between 3 and 10 moleJ.kg ·min for the temperature range considered. The NaNbO3 reaction rate is first order with respect to total Nb2O5 concentration and 2.5 order with respect to chlorine partial pressure for the temperature range covered (1973 to 2223 K). Reaction rate constants are much higher than in the former case, being respectively 148 (1873 K), 214 (2023 K) and 518 (2223 K) mole/kg-min. Reaction orders may be affected by an error varying between 16 and 40 pct. The reaction rate constants are found accurate within 40 pct for CaNb2O6 and 25 pct for NaNbO3.  相似文献   

An emf technique with a ThO2-Y2O3 electrolyte has been used to measure oxygen activity and diffusivity in Nb-V, Nb-Mo, Ta-W, Ta-Re, and Ta-N alloys between 850 and 1130 °C. Oxygen activity is decreased by V additions to Nb and increased in the other alloys. Oxygen diffusivity is mostly lower in comparison with the base metal; however, for Re and W at low contents in Ta it was shown unambiguously by a difference technique that diffusivity is higher at higher temperatures and lower at lower temperatures. The results are discussed within the framework of a two-level system assuming different potential energies for oxygen atoms being either in octahedral sites far away from substitutionally dissolved foreign atoms or in the neighborhood of these atoms. Formerly Ph. D. Student at the Max-Planck-Institut  相似文献   

The deformability of Cu–14.5 wt % Sn–0.25 wt % Ti bronze and pure niobium (99.84%) is studied during compression tests. It is found that an increase in the strain rate or a decrease in the test temperature can improve the strength characteristics of both materials. The strength properties of bronze are more sensitive to a change in the temperature–rate deformation conditions.  相似文献   

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