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井筒与油藏耦合条件下水平井变质量流动规律研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
本文在无限大均质地层弹性不稳定渗流模型解析解的基础上,建立了与地层耦合的水平井筒压降模型。结合具体实例通过对耦合模型的求解得到了水平井筒内的压降与产量分布,从而揭示了井筒与油藏耦合条件下射孔完井水平井的变质量流动特性。  相似文献   

利用水平井开发低渗透气藏过程中,产水使得水平井筒压降规律异于井筒单相压降,因此分析产水水平井井筒压降规律至关重要。该文基于气水两相渗流原理以及水平井周围椭圆形渗流场,考虑启动压力梯度、应力敏感性、滑脱效应以及高速非达西流动等因素的影响,定义气水两相广义拟压力,得到了低渗气藏中气水同产水平井地层渗流模型,并考虑水平井筒变质量流动,建立了地层两相渗流与井筒两相管流的耦合模型。实例分析发现:低渗气藏水平井井筒压降约为0.01 MPa,远远大于气藏单相井筒压降。由敏感性分析可知,随着水气体积比和滑脱因子的逐渐增大,井筒压降不断增大,而随着启动压力梯度和应力敏感指数的增大,井筒压降则不断减小。该文为低渗气藏气水同产水平井井筒压降规律的研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

水平井筒变质量分散泡状流压降的理论与实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于水平井筒和常规水平管道中气液两相流动的相似和差别,可以预知常规水平管流的压降计算方法对于井筒流动来说就需要进行修正或扩展。本文对气、液两相分别应用质量守恒方程和动量守恒方程,考虑管壁存在人流或出流对于分层流流型压降的影响,得到水平井筒气液两相变质量流动分散泡状流流型的压降计算方法。同时,设计并建立了水平井筒流体流动模拟实验装置,在轴向为气液两相流动的前提下分别进行了上管壁单孔眼注入和下管壁单孔眼注入的压降实验研究,获得了大量的实验数据。实验数据和理论计算结果吻合很好,这表明该计算方法具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

分段变密度射孔是目前水平井开发底水油藏非常重要的一类完井方式,而底水脊进模型的分析计算是进行完井优化的理论基础。该文以分段和变密度两类射孔方式下的水平井为研究对象,在稳态产能模型的基础上,结合活塞式驱油原理,建立了精细考虑每个孔眼中的流体流动、井筒压降及避射段影响的底水脊进模型,刻画水脊形态,研究底水突破模式。研究结果表明改变沿井筒方向上射孔密度的分布,可以调节入流剖面形状,跟段密的射孔类型能使入流剖面较均匀,可以用来延长底水突破时间;而水平井筒上布置避射段,单个生产段的底水突破模式与单个水平井类似,并可以进行出水层段的封堵。  相似文献   

压裂水平井裂缝变质量入流与油藏渗流耦合模型研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
综合考虑了水平井筒完井段生产、各条裂缝长度不等、导流能力不同、间距不等、与水平井筒夹角不等以及关于井筒非对称等因素对产量的影响,建立了压裂水平井裂缝分段入流、水平井筒分段入流与油藏渗流的耦合模型.通过实例计算,揭示了水平井筒完井段及裂缝段的入流和压力分布规律,并对各裂缝的产量进行了敏感性分析.结果表明,在裂缝与井筒交点附近,裂缝入流存在局部极大值,且生产压差最大;裂缝之间的水平井筒完井段入流速度存在极大值,在裂缝与井筒交点处压力变化幅度剧增;裂缝半长对外裂缝产量影响程度深,对內裂缝的影响相反.  相似文献   

射孔水平井中地层流体的流动是符合达西定律的,但水平井射孔工艺、完井方式以及井位等因素的影响,比垂直井复杂。本文将射孔后的流动看成线源,根据Newman乘积原理,用Green函数的方法得到井底压力解析解。在此基础上,将射孔时的地层压实和井壁污染用表皮来表示,并考虑井筒存储,得Laplace空间上的表达,最后用Laplace数值反演得到时空间上的解,利用该解可以有效预测水平井的产能。  相似文献   

基于不同倾角的压裂水平井试井解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于源函数理论,采用镜像映射和叠加原理建立了压裂水平井中裂缝呈不同角度时地层中任一点的压力计算公式,并通过Laplace变换和Stehfest数值反演得到了考虑井筒存储和表皮系数影响的水平井井底压力解.对影响水平井井底压力的因素进行研究表明:裂缝倾角对各向同性地层中的压力影响主要表现在线性流到径向流的过渡阶段;而对各向异性地层中的压力影响主要表现在早期,裂缝的倾角越大,定产量生产所需压差越大,压差变化幅度也越大;裂缝对地层的穿透程度只影响水平井各流态出现的时间,穿透程度越大,相应流态出现的时间便越晚;同时,只有当裂缝的间距达到一定距离时才能出现第一径向流,且间距越大,第一径向流持续的时间越长.  相似文献   

阶梯水平井生产段油藏渗流与井筒变质量管流的耦合模型   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
随着油气勘探和开发技术的迅猛发展,阶梯水平井作为水平井的一种特殊井型,日益在国内外油田得到广泛应用。基于势叠加原理和镜像反映原理,推导出了薄互层油藏中阶梯式水平井生产段的空间势分布;采用微元线汇理论和动量守恒定律建立了薄互层油藏阶梯水平井生产段沿程压降计算模型。推导出了裸眼完井方式下阶梯水平井生产段油藏渗流与井简变质量管流耦合的数学流动模型,并提出了相应的数学解法。  相似文献   

水平井筒油水变质量分散流动压降研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对水平井筒中油水两相变质量流动,从理论和室内实验两个方面对分散流型下压降进行了研究,着重考虑壁面流体的流入对壁面摩阻系数的影响与不同流型间的转换。根据质量守恒、动量守恒方程,建立了水平井油水两相分散流型下压降预测模型。采用水、白油为实验介质,测量了水平管不同注入比、不同含水率下油水两相流压降值。实验结果分析表明,当含水率为40%时,油水发生反相,管道中流动压降最大,这和Brinkman/Roscoe混合黏度公式计算出的反相点一致。同时,压降模型预测结果与实验结果相比较平均相对误差为13.6%。  相似文献   

蒸汽沿井筒流动过程数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒸汽沿井筒流动过程中,蒸汽参数(压力、温度及干度等)、径向散热损失和垂向压力能损失,均沿流动过程变化。本文运用传热学、热力学及流体力学等学科知识,建立了井筒数值模拟综合计算模型,给出了求解方法,并进行了模拟计算。本文所建模型,综合考虑了蒸汽流动过程中压力、温度、干度和热损与压降的相互影响,给出了更为精确的无因次时间函数的表达式,通过试验确定了接箍对总传热系数的影响,同时也通过试验修正了隔热管性能变化对隔热性能的影响。  相似文献   

NOMENCLATURE A1———drainage area of the tested well ( Well 1) At———total reservoir drainage area B———two-phase formation volume factor C———wellbore storage coefficient Cf———rock compressibility fator Co———oil compressibility fator Cw———water compressibility fator Ct———compressibility fator K———reservoir permeability m———slope of a semilog straight line m1———slope defined by Eq.(12) p-———average reservoir pressure-pD———di mensionless average drainag…  相似文献   

In the presence of bottom water, a drop in the reservoir pressure due to fluid production causes the aquifer water to expand and to flow into the reservoir. Therefore, hydrocarbon production from a well is limited by the critical flow rate. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the breakthrough time and the critical rate by using a novel 3-D horizontal well model. Based on the hypothesis that the horizontal well is located in any position of a circular reservoir with no-flow boundary on the top of the reservoir and constant pressure boundary at the bottom, the horizontal well has been regarded as an infinite conductivity line sink and then a 3-D steady-state flow model of the horizontal well is set up. A point sink pressure solution can be obtained with the Fourier transform. The result of the pressure distribution of the uniform flux horizontal well can be presented by means of the principle of superposition. According to the stable water cresting theory, this study confirms the stable height of water cresting and the critical rate. Meanwhile, it can re-confirm the breakthrough time at a specific rate. The output of a comparison between this 3-D model and the reservoir numerical simulator (Eclipse) shows the method presented here can be applied to investigate the behavior of a water cresting and to predict the breakthrough time at the bottom water driver reservoir.  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing technologies of horizontal well are important ways to develop oil-gas field with low permeability. Productivity forecast of fractured horizontal wells is a difficult problem of hydraulic fracturing technologies. Basing on non-steady flow of fractures fluid during production, applying potential function principles, superposition principle and mathematical method for solving, coupling of seepage flow in the formation and pipe flow in the well bore, a new model on multi-fracture interference productivity forecast of fractured horizontal well is established in this article. The results indicate the coincidence rate between this model and practice is high. The pressure loss in the horizontal well bore has definite influence on the production status of fractured horizontal wells. The productions of different fractures in horizontal well bore are unequal, the productions of outer fractures are higher than middle fractures; the pressure in the well bore shows an uneven distribution, the pressure declines gradually from finger tip to heel end. Asymmetry of fractures may make productivity of fractured horizontal wells decline. The conclusions are instructive in designing fractured horizontal well for low permeability reservoir.  相似文献   

底水油藏水平井水脊高度的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发底水油藏水平井最大的问题就是底水脊进。底水脊进现象的存在制约了水平井的有效开发.该文利用镜像反映和势的叠加原理,给出底水油藏水平井稳定渗流情况下不同时刻和临界条件下底水脊进高度和水脊面距井轴的侧向距离的解析解,同时结合矿场实例给出实际优化水平井最佳井筒位置,其结果和方法对底水油藏水平井油藏工程设计和理论研究具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Wellbore cleaning is a key technology for the Extended Reach Drilling (ERD). The success of drilling extended reach wells depends directly upon the quality of wellbore cleaning. The rotation of the drillpipe, and hydraulic and rheological parameters, are the key factors for wellbore cleaning. In this study, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is applied to simulate solid-liquid two-phase flows in wellbore annulus. The annual flow field with the presence of drillpipe rotation is described through analyzing various rotation conditions. The results indicate that the quasi-spiral flow is the main flow pattern for liquid-solid transport in the horizontal annulus. The influence of rotation on the cuttings transport is also investigated, as the rotation of drillpipe increases the disturbance of liquid to solid in annulus. As a result, the solid flow becomes favorable and the solid volume is reduced. Comparisons with previously published results are also performed to prove the importance of drillpipe rotation in the wellbore clearing for the ERD.  相似文献   

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