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摘要:评判海床土体能否液化大多采用有效应力法或液化势法,这些方法无法计算液化的概率,为解决这个问题,本文首先根据波浪荷载在海床内产生的循环应力比和海床土体的循环阻抗比,采用可靠性分析法,建立土体抗液化安全余量的表达式。根据一次二阶矩法,考虑波浪和土体参数的变异性,计算黄河水下三角洲埕岛海域某石油平台附近场地在6、8和10级风浪下的液化概率。风浪等级越大,抗液化安全系数越小,液化概率越大。如果该场地要求液化概率控制在5%以内,安全系数需大于1.8,可靠指标需大于1.6。然后分析了参数变异性对可靠指标的影响,得出波高比波长和土体标贯击数比粘粒含量对液化可靠指标的影响大的结论。最后研究参数之间的互相关性对液化可靠指标的影响,对可靠指标大于零的情况,忽略参数之间的互相关性会得到偏大的可靠指标,高估海床土体的抗液化性能。  相似文献   

为研究加速度不对称波浪作用下的海床响应特征,基于Biot多孔弹性介质理论建立了波浪作用下海床响应数学模型,采用水槽实验数据对模型进行了验证。通过引入加速度不对称波浪压力边界条件的计算方法,模拟分析了波浪加速度不对称性对海床内部孔隙水压力、有效应力以及土体液化的影响。结果表明,波浪加速度不对称性会引起海床表层正向孔压幅值的显著衰减,使孔压的空间分布变得偏斜,减小了液化深度和宽度,使海床液化区域变得窄而浅。  相似文献   

较大的风浪会使海床发生液化,波浪引起的海床液化问题是海岸及近海工程必须要考虑的关键问题之一。当海床内部土骨架的有效应力转移给孔隙水压力进而变为零时,土体将丧失剪切强度出现液化现象。基于Biot固结理论,利用软件FLAC,分析波浪作用下海床的动力响应,可推出波浪作用下海床最大液化深度,同时也可以得出波浪作用下海床液化的过程,即孔隙水压力上升、土层液化、液化后土层下沉压缩以及孔隙水压力消散,所得结果较好地反映了波浪作用下海床液化的规律。  相似文献   

考虑土骨架-孔隙流体两相介质动力耦合效应,采用由Masing法则构造的Davidenkov本构模型描述土骨架的非线性滞回特性;在FLAC3D中将Byrne提出的循环荷载作用下土体塑性体积应变增量公式引入到Biot动力固结方程中用以描述海床累积孔压的增长和液化进程。建立可液化海床-沉管非线性动力相互作用二维分析模型,分析结果表明:土的非线性对波浪作用下沉管-海床系统的动力响应有重要影响。沉管周围海床的渐进液化特征不同于远场,远场海床液化仅沿深度发展,呈一维特征。近场海床的液化首先发生在沉管的顶部和底部,随后液化区域沿沉管周边发展,呈明显的二维特征;埋置于海床中的沉管结构改变了海床内的初始应力状态,波浪作用下沉管和海床之间的相互作用导致近场海床产生复杂的应力路径。因此沉管周围海床的循环剪应力比Ccssr明显大于远场海床,较好地解释了沉管周围海床不同于远场的渐进液化特征。  相似文献   

波浪引起海床土体液化的概率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先根据波浪荷载在海床内产生的循环应力比和海床土体的循环阻抗比,采用可靠性分析法,建立土体抗液化安全余量的表达式。根据一次二阶矩法,考虑波浪和土体参数的变异性,计算了黄河口水下三角洲埕岛海域某石油平台附近场地在6、8和10级风浪下的液化概率。风浪等级越大,抗液化安全系数越小,液化概率越大。如果该场地要求液化概率控制在5%以内,安全系数需大于1.8,可靠指标需大于1.6。然后分析了参数变异性对可靠指标的影响,得出波高比波长和土体标贯击数比黏粒含量对液化可靠指标的影响大的结论。最后研究了参数之间的互相关性对液化可靠指标的影响,对可靠指标大于零的情况,忽略参数之间的互相关性会得到偏大的可靠指标,高估海床土体的抗液化性能。  相似文献   

由于波浪和海洋土的特殊性,使得波浪诱发海床土体的动态响应机理非常复杂。本文采用有限元软件建立了三维波浪作用下的海床动态响应计算模型。波浪是以Navier-Stokes方程作为控制方程,并采用VOF法进行自由表面追踪来准确模拟海洋表面波浪运动。土体部分基于Biot动力方程,考虑土体骨架的加速度,以及孔隙水位移的速度场(u-p模型)来研究海床的孔隙水压力和有效应力的变化情况。通过与文献中的结果比较验证本文方法的有效性,并对渗透系数、饱和度和波高参数进行研究。研究结果发现:土体参数对海床的孔隙水压力和有效应力有显著影响。  相似文献   

波浪作用下黏性土海床的动力响应对于海洋建筑物的稳定性具有重要的影响。在大型有限元软件ABAQUS平台上进行二次开发,根据重复性原理(repeatability principle)在有限元模型中设置侧向边界条件,采用Carter等(1982)提出的改进剑桥动力本构模型模拟海床土体。首先通过与有关弹性海床在波浪荷载作用下力学响应的解析解的对比,在一定程度上验证了有限元模型的合理性。进而通过参数对比研究,探讨了波高、波浪周期、海床土体的渗透系数等因素对于弹塑性黏性土海床力学响应的影响。计算结果表明,在波高较大、周期较短、土的渗透系数较低情况下,容易导致黏性土海床丧失稳定性。  相似文献   

波浪作用下海床孔隙水压力发展过程与液化的数值分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
栾茂田  张晨明  王栋  郭莹 《水利学报》2004,35(2):0094-0100
为了探讨波浪作用下海床的液化特性与孔隙水压力发展过程,本文在海床动力响应弹性分析的基础上,将不排水条件下孔压增长模式与动力固结方程相结合,对波浪作用下海床中瞬态与残余孔隙水压力的发展过程与变化规律进行了有限元模拟与分析;对善功企与山崎浩之所提出的海床液化评判准则进行了修正,根据所估算的总孔隙水压力,对波浪作用下海床的液化势进行了评价。  相似文献   

为确保重力锚在工程中的安全使用,基于弹塑性增量有限元方法,分析了波浪荷载作用下重力锚周围海床动力响应规律以及重力锚水平承载力的变化规律。通过分析发现:波浪荷载作用下,锚底土体超孔隙水压力呈波动式上升,累积超孔压比最高可达0.9左右,从而使土体有效应力减小导致重力锚的水平承载力下降;且锚前沿土体塑性应变随循环周次的增加而逐渐累积是重力锚的水平承载力下降的另一主要原因。并得出随着土体弹性模量、黏聚力和内摩擦角的增大,土体累积超孔压逐渐减小;弹性模量越大,重力锚前沿土体的累积塑性应变数值也越大;然而随着黏聚力和内摩擦角的增大,重力锚前沿土体的累积塑性应变数值在减小。  相似文献   

砂土堤基的动力反应计算与模型试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于动力弹塑性模型的有效应力数值方法和模型试验,在幅值为0.1g和0.2g正弦波动荷载下,利用足立—岗循环弹塑性模型,进行了饱和砂土堤坝的固液两相介质耦合的动力反应数值计算。计算结果与振动模型试验进行了比较,表明该动力反应的数值分析方法能够合理求得土体中孔隙水压力、有效应力、加速度变化过程以及堤坝的沉降变形。  相似文献   

The principal stress rotation is one of the most important features of the stress state in a seabed subjected to wave loading. Most prior investigations focused their attention on the cyclic behaviour of soil deposits under the circular rotation stress path based on the analytical solutions for a seabed of infinite thickness. In this paper, the nonstandard elliptical, i.e., non-circular, rotation stress path is shown to be a more common state in the soil sediments of a finite seabed with an alternating changeover in stress due to a travelling regular wave. Then an experimental investigation in a hollow cylinder triaxial-torsional apparatus is conducted into the effect of the nonstandard elliptical stress path on the cyclic strength. A special attention is placed on the difference between the circular rotation stress path and the elliptical rotation stress path. The results and observations show that the shear characteristics for the circular rotation stress path in the literature are not applicable for analyzing the cyclic strength of sand in a finite seabed, and also indicate that due to the influence of three parameters about the size and the shape of a nonstandard ellipse, the cyclic strength under a nonstandard elliptical rotation stress path is evidently more complex and diversified as compared with that under a circular rotation stress path. Especially the influence of the initial phase difference on the cyclic strength is significant.  相似文献   

Pile foundations have been widely used in offshore engineering.In this study,a three-dimensional numerical model was used to investigate the seabed response around a mono-pile under wave-current loading.Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations were used to simulate the flow field,and Biot's consolidation equations were used for simulating the response of a porous seabed.The pore water pressure within soil and the effective stress along the depth of the seabed were simulated for various current velocities,with currents traveling either along or against the wave.Results indicate that the current has a significant effect on the effective stress and the pore water pressure distributions,which increases with the current velocity,and that the current traveling against the wave increases the liquefaction depth of the porous seabed.  相似文献   

地震动力特性对于粉煤灰堆场、填筑体的安全至关重要。根据Seed-Idriss公式计算粉煤灰地基地震应力,通过动三轴试验研究50~200 kPa固结应力和3种不同动应力水平下的特性,得出地震下粉煤灰的动变形、动孔压、破坏形式和动模量弱化等特性。研究结果表明:地震循环应力较大时,破坏形式为双幅动应变达到限值;中等循环应力条件下,固结应力为50 kPa时,破坏形式为累积轴向应变达到限值,固结应力>50 kPa时,破坏形式为双幅动应变达到限值;地震循环应力较小时,粉煤灰不发生变形破坏。相同循环周数下,孔压比随着固结应力的增大而降低;达到变形破坏时,孔压远小于液化值。地震循环应力较大时,在10周循环荷载后,粉煤灰动模量迅速弱化;中等循环应力条件下,循环周数大于临界值后模量弱化指数迅速降低;地震循环应力较小时,粉煤灰的模量弱化不明显。研究成果可为粉煤灰堆场、地基、坝体等的动力计算提供依据。  相似文献   

The seabed instability induced by the transient liquefaction when exposed to wave-current may threaten the safety of offshore structures. In this study, the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations with the kε turbulence model were used to imitate the fluid dynamics, and Biot's poro-elastic theory was used to simulate the transient seabed response. An in-house solver (porous-fluid–seabed–structure interactions–field operation and manipulation) integrating the flow model and seabed model with the finite volume method was developed. The present model was confirmed with published experimental results and then used to analyze the dynamic process of the fluid–seabed–structure interactions as well as seafloor liquefaction around the jacket foundation under wave-current loading. The simulated results showed that the depth and range for the liquefaction area around the jacket foundation tended to increase at first and then declined as the wave propagated forward in the absence of current. In addition, the results demonstrated that the liquefaction depth under current and wave in the same orientation was greater than that without current. It is worth mentioning that the downstream piles were more prone to liquefaction than the upstream piles when the forward current existed.  相似文献   

The interaction between waves and currents in the ocean often complicates the flow field around structures. In this study, a three-dimensional integrated numerical model was established to investigate the seabed response and liquefaction around a mono-pile under different wave–current interaction angles. In the present model, the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations were used to simulate the flow field, and the Biot's poro-elastic theory was adopted to calculate the seabed response caused by crossing wave-current loading. Unlike previous studies, the load on the mono-pile was considered, and the wave–current interaction angle was extended to 180°, which was more in line with practical engineering problems. The numerical results were in a good agreement with the experimental measurements. The results indicated that waves interacted with currents in a large angle could result in a large momentary liquefaction depth of the seabed. The parametric studies proved that the position of the front and two sides of the pile was relatively safer compared with that of the leeside of the pile, and the surface of the seabed downstream of the pile was liable to liquefy.  相似文献   

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