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结合西南大学的实际情况,以橘园宿舍区为例,分析了西南大学宿舍区中水回用的可行性,对校园中水回用方案进行了选择;同时分析比较了中水回用系统工艺,提出适合高校校园的中水回用工艺,并对所选工艺进行了技术和经济可行性分析.  相似文献   

分析了高校校园中水回用的必要性,对位于市区和郊区新建高校提出了有针对性的校园中水回用工艺,并对中水回用项目的效益进行了探讨.  相似文献   

高校中水回用系统技术经济分析实例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据高校用水的特点,进行了校园中水回用的可行性论证,对湖南工业大学文化路校区中水回用系统进行了技术经济分析.从推广中水回用系统出发,分析了政策、观念等方面存在的问题,展望了可行的解决方法和今后努力的方向.  相似文献   

综述了我国中水深度处理工艺的发展历程、相关工艺在国内电厂的主要研究与应用情况及其主要问题与控制策略。石灰混凝法是热电厂中水回用的第二代处理工艺,应用广泛;双膜法及全膜法具有更高的污染物去除效率,已成为目前热电厂中水回用的主流深度处理工艺。膜污染是膜法深度处理工艺的限制因素,膜污染形成机制与控制策略研究成为中水回用领域的研究热点和难点。随着水处理技术及设备的发展,一些新型的材料、技术和设备也逐渐推广应用于热电厂的中水深度处理;未来城市中水将成为热电厂的第一水源,膜法将成为中水深度处理与回用的最关键工艺,其预处理和深度处理工艺将实现多样化与高效化的发展。  相似文献   

在我国城市化推进的过程中,城市用水紧缺、水污染等问题越发突出,而高校作为城市集中用水大户,其产生的污水量大,故研究高校中水回用问题具有重要的现实意义。高校中水回用既能节约大量清洁水,又促进了淡水资源的循环使用,是水资源可持续发展的有力措施。中水回用已经成为非常规水资源中不可或缺的组成部分。本文在梳理高校用水构成和特点的基础上,对高校中水回用现状及与城市用水进行了比较,为高校水资源高效利用提供参考。  相似文献   

论述国内外中水回用的现状和意义,介绍中水的分类和用途,提出中水回用的系统处理工艺,并进行了技术经济分析,认为中水回用技术符合水资源循环使用和可持续发展思想,必将在我国拥有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

程卓  王海红  王海超  游波 《水资源保护》2009,25(S1):148-150
对一种简易中水回用装置在高校中使用的情况进行调研。结果表明:此装置简单有效,具有不占洗手间使用面积、无能耗、投资少、运行成本低等优点,为解决校园中水系统高效、经 济、稳定运行提供了很好的思路和方法。  相似文献   

郑州市五龙口污水处理厂中水回用工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着水资源的供需矛盾日益尖锐,积极开展城市污水的深度处理及回用,是解决水资源短缺和水污染治理的一项良策,也是一种必然趋势.介绍了郑州市五龙口污水处理厂中水回用工程,其采用混凝-沉淀-过滤-消毒的深度处理工艺,出水水质达到设计要求.并对中水回用所产生的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益进行了分析.  相似文献   

火电厂节水主要指循环冷却水系统和除灰系统的节约用水,利用中水回用技术不但可以节水,而且可使电厂的生产成本显著降低,并减少废水排放。火电厂的中水回用技术的关键是利用合理的处理工艺,采取切实可行的方案,最终实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一。  相似文献   

水资源短缺和水环境污染已经成为城市和小城镇可持续发展的制约因素,中水回用则是解决这两个问题的重要举措。在调查分析了石家庄市水资源、污水处理和中水回用情况的基础上,回顾了污水处理和中水回用的发展历程,分析了中水回用的不同方法,以石家庄为例进行中水回用的经济效益分析。分析表明大力推行小型污水处理设施并进行中水回用是城市和小城镇水资源可持续发展的重要举措。  相似文献   

水的再生利用是破解我国水资源短缺问题的重要途径之一,但是再生水利用对人体健康和环境的影响也是生活污水处理必须面对的挑战,从而受到人们普遍关注。根据我国再生水回用途径和天津市纪庄子再生水厂的出水水质情况,构建了再生水利用风险评价指标体系(包括健康风险指标和生态环境风险指标),并对纪庄子再生水厂的出水与景观用水和地表水分别进行了风险评价,得出再生水用在不同用途时存在的不同环境风险。  相似文献   

通过对校区的排水分析计算,设计了中水回用系统,方案考虑了校区的地势及环境,用超厚养殖塑料膜作为水处理池池壁,土建用地少,大大减少了初投资,且对学校的景观不造成改变.主要讨论内容包括回水、供水管路计算、设备选型等,同时也给出了系统的概算.  相似文献   

Research on wastewater reuse planning in Beijing central region.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The need to implement wastewater reuse in Beijing is discussed. Based on the investigation of the built wastewater reuse projects in Beijing, the differences between small wastewater reuse system and large systems were analyzed according to the technical, economical and social issues. The advantages and disadvantages of the small system and the large system were then given. In wastewater reuse planning in Beijing urban region, the large system was adopted. The rations of reclaimed water for difference land use type, including industrial reuse, municipal reuse, grass irrigation, and scenes water reuse were determined. Then according to the land use information in every block in central Beijing, using GIS techniques, the amounts of the reclaimed water needed in every block were calculated, and the main pipe system of reclaimed water was planned.  相似文献   

Takashi Asano 《国际水》2013,38(1):36-42

Fundamental concepts of reusing urban wastewater as an alternative and a reliable source of water supply are discussed, along with the categories for water reuse, planning methodologies, wastewater reclamation technologies, and economics. The rational basis for integration of urban reclaimed water into water resources planning is proposed and the safe use of reclaimed water is evaluated. Special attention is paid to tertiary or advanced wastewater treatment systems that are capable of producing essentially pathogen-free effluent for a variety of uses such as irrigation of urban landscape, flushing of toilets served by dual plumbing systems in large commercial buildings, and groundwater recharge for eventual potable reuse. The motivating factors for wastewater reclamation and reuse are summarized and the costs of water reclamation projects are discussed with several examples. The integration of this alternative water supply into water resources planning is proposed and the safe use of reclaimed water is emphasized.  相似文献   

再生水灌溉是解决水资源短缺的有效途径之一。结合目前再生水回用的必要性和紧迫性,对 再生水处理和灌溉工艺的确定进行了简要的分析,从建设目的、水质标准、工艺流程方面进行了阐述 和研究。最后,就污水处理相关技术与工艺、再生水灌溉的技术要求与标准以及再生水灌溉的管理和 监测等方面,对再生水灌溉提出了相应的新型再生水处理工艺和技术要求。  相似文献   

在分析合肥市水资源开发利用、水环境质量状况与水资源供需形势的基础上,探讨了合肥市开展再生水利用的必要性与意义,提出发展再生水回用是解决城市水资源短缺问题的有效途径之一。初步确定合肥市再生水利用的主要方式,同时对再生水可供水量规模进行预测,并对再生水的利用前景进行分析,根据合肥市污水回用存在的问题提出污水资源化利用的建议性对策,为合肥市水资源综合规划及节水型社会建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   

In an arid and water deficient urban area, such as Xi'an in the northwest region of China, gardening and forestation often use large amounts of tap water. Therefore, there is a need for treated wastewater reuse for such purpose to mitigate urban water shortage, especially in the newly developed housing area, where a high green coverage is often required for both commercial value and living condition improvement. Supply of the treated wastewater through a centralized system which has been planned and partially constructed is one measure to meet such need, but it may require an extension of the distribution system for a full coverage of the whole city area. A supplementary measure is to construct decentralized wastewater treatment and reuse (DESAR) systems in areas that are distant from the planned centralized system. In order to optimize the plan of wastewater reuse for housing development in the urban area, the authors analyzed the existing plan of centralized wastewater reuse and the envisaged plan of housing development in Xi'an urban area. A method was proposed for selection of a feasible way of reclaimed water reuse from two options, namely centralized and decentralized ones, by introducing a critical distance L0 which depends on the relationship between the cost for DESAR system installation and that for water delivery pipeline construction. If the distance from the project site to the nearest access point of the centralized system L is shorter than L0 then using reclaim water from the centralized system becomes more feasible, and otherwise DESAR system installation becomes more feasible. A distribution map was thus obtained to show an optimized plan of centralized and decentralized wastewater reuse systems for housing development in Xi'an city. An example was also given to show the advantage of a DESAR system installed.  相似文献   

北京市区再生水循环利用设想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对北京市区再生水量的分析,提出再生水循环利用的总体思路、利用方案和对策措施,为加快实施再生水循环利用工程,推进城市污水资源化提供参考.  相似文献   

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