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为了研究边界层涡结构对沟槽壁面摩擦阻力的影响,该文利用FLUENT软件对湍流状态下沟槽壁面进行数值模拟计算,分析了90°、120°和150°三种不同张角下沟槽壁面的减阻效果,获得了不同张角的沟槽结构对减阻效果的影响规律。结果表明:沟槽内形成的旋涡结构可以有效减小沟槽布置区域法向速度梯度,减弱流层间剪切作用,增加条带结构稳定性,湍流猝发频率降低,从而使壁面摩擦阻力降低。当来流速度v=25 m/s,沟槽张角β=90°时,可取得最佳减阻效果。在沟槽结构布置区域,流向涡的涡头上扬角度变大,上扬和下扫强度减弱,有效减小了摩擦阻力;同时,沟槽结构改变近壁区速度分布,使流向涡密度减小,从而减小壁面摩擦阻力。  相似文献   

V型沟槽尖峰形状对减阻效果及流场特性影响的数值分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
采用雷诺平均N-S方程和RNG k-ε湍流模型计算V型沟槽面的湍流边界层流动和黏性阻力,研究了V型沟槽尖峰形状对减阻效果、湍流边界层内的速度分布以及沟槽壁面切应力的影响.计算结果表明,沟槽尖峰处的圆角半径越小其减阻效果越好,最大减阻率可达6.6%;沟槽斜面中下部的壁面应力随着圆角半径的减小而降低,但尖峰处的局部壁面应力会随之而增大.沟槽尖峰处生成的二次涡是产生并影响减阻效果的根本原因.  相似文献   

仿生非光滑沟槽形状对减阻效果的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
利用有限体积法对三角形、扇贝形和刀刃形三种仿生非光滑沟槽表面流场进行了数值计算.近壁面区采用B-L两层模型,远离壁面区采用雷诺应力模型.分析了三种沟槽非光滑表面的流场特性,对计算域中心 Z=3mm平面的速度场和湍流统计量进行了研究,分析了不同沟槽形状对减阻效果的影响,为最佳减阻沟槽设计提供了理论依据.三种沟槽具有相同的特征尺寸,顶点间距 s=0.1mm,沟槽尖顶到谷底高度 h=0.05mm,与光滑表面相比减阻效果分别为 3.2%、9.1%、9.7%,数值计算结果和风洞与油槽实验结果有较好的吻合.  相似文献   

展向周期振动的平板近壁湍流结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过直接数值模拟(DNS)对壁面作展向周期运动的槽道湍流进行研究,建立了槽道湍流数据库.通过改变振幅大小和振动周期,可以使壁面阻力明显减少.根据计算结果分析了减阻率和振动参数的关系.利用减阻后近壁湍流拟序结构的变化,研究了壁面展向周期振动减阻的内在机理,揭示了三种减阻过程中涡结构对近壁流体的上抛、下扫运动以及条带结构的影响规律.  相似文献   

沟槽面管道湍流减阻的数值模拟研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
采用标准κ-ε模型,通过数值计算考察了两种沟槽面管道湍流减阻性能,包括不同的沟槽深度、沟槽间距以及零压梯度和逆压梯度的阻力性能,获得最大11%的减阻效果,并对其进行了实验验证;探讨了沟槽面的减阻机理,分析结果与沟槽面平板湍流减阻的结果较一致。  相似文献   

为了研究回转体的微气泡减阻影响因素,以及回转体形状对减阻的影响,该文基于Open FOAM中两相欧拉模型对两个回转体进行了微气泡减阻数值模拟。考虑了相间作用力与气泡直径的变化,研究了流体速度、通气速率及气泡尺寸等因素对微气泡减阻的影响。数值结果与前人研究得到的结论相一致,验证了模型的可行性。比较了两种不同形状回转体的减阻效果,分析了不同回转体附近气体分布规律及压力云图,探讨了微气泡减阻机理。数值结果表明:相同通气速率下,流体速度较低时,摩擦阻力的减阻率较大;通气速率与回转体边界层附近的气体体积分数对减阻效果有重要影响;微气泡的存在可以增大回转体的压阻力;对于总阻力的减阻效果,存在一个最佳通气速率;一般微气泡直径较小时,减阻率较高;回转体尾部形状可以影响气体体积分数与局部压力分布,进而影响减阻率,尖尾比钝尾更有利于微气泡减阻。  相似文献   

槽道湍流空间变化的展向Lorentz力可以有效干扰湍流拟序结构,抑制壁湍流的产生,达到良好的减阻效果。该文以槽道流形成的充分发展的湍流边界层为基本研究对象,利用Fourier-Chebyshev谱方法,通过直接数值模拟(DNS),对槽道湍流空间变化的展向Lorentz力控制和减阻问题进行了研究。传统方法往往直接对湍流进行研究,但由于湍流结构的复杂性,减阻机理不能完全解释清楚。为解决上述问题,提出了Lorentz力对湍流的控制过程实质上是诱导流场与固有流场相互作用。首先分析了诱导流场展向速度分布特点,然后介绍了固有流场典型特征,进而把调制流场和诱导流场、固有流场进行对比,发现调制流场是通过诱导流场与固有流场相互作用实现的。研究结果表明,在优化参数控制下,诱导流场逐渐主宰壁面边界层,这导致了壁面阻力的下降,平均减阻率最高可达39%。  相似文献   

不同床面下极细沙水流对糙率影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用天然黄河极细沙进行了不同床面、不同流量、不同含沙量情况下极细沙水流对糙率影响的水槽试验.结果表明:光滑水泥床面以及在光滑水泥床面上加糙的床面,均有减阻现象但不明显;在粗糙床面上,糙率系数随含沙量的增大而减小,但当含沙量为60~100 kg/m3时,糙率变化比较平缓,超过100 kg/m3时,糙率随含沙量的增加而减小;对于不同级配的悬沙,当含沙量超过某一临界含沙量时,糙率随含沙量的增大而减小,且细颗粒含量越大,减阻现象越明显.  相似文献   

含沙高速水流的磨蚀机理和掺气抗磨作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
含沙高速水流易引起过流面材料的磨蚀破坏。本文探讨了泥沙磨蚀机理,提出了影响磨蚀的因素;基于紊流猝发理论,建立了混凝土材料壁面磨蚀率的计算公式;根据试验数据导出了掺气水流中混凝土材料壁面磨损率的经验公式。研究表明,含沙水流对固壁材料的磨蚀率随掺气浓度、材料强度的增大而减小,随水流流速、含沙量的提高而增大。利用掺气可有效地降低过流表面的泥沙磨蚀率。  相似文献   

为研究矩形渠道水流的阻力规律,采用了3种不同粗糙度的人工加糙渠道进行试验。研究结果表明在均匀流条件下,对同一粗糙度明渠,水力条件变化时糙率系数不是恒定不变的,它会随着流量的加大而呈对数减小,随着渠道宽深比的增大而呈对数增大,同时随着雷诺数Re和弗汝德数Fr的增加而呈幂函数减小。同时表明,不同的壁面粗糙度对糙率系数影响很大,进而影响水流的水力特性。即流量相同条件下,当壁面粗糙度增大时,断面水深增大,平均流速减小,雷诺数和弗汝德数均减小。并根据试验资料拟合出了糙率系数和等效粗糙度之间的关系式。  相似文献   

We examined the shear rate effect on drag reduction of superhydrophobic surfaces with different slip lengths. For this purpose, turbulent channel flow was considered at the friction Reynolds numbers of Reτ = 180, 395, 500. By using Navier's slip condition it is shown that increasing shear rate leads to the greater reduction in drag force and also more reduction occurs in larger slip length. Based on the results, more than 25% drag reduction happens at a friction Reynolds number of Reτ= 500 for slip length of 1 ×10 5 m. The simulation results suggest that reduction in drag force occurs because slip condition reduces the Reynolds stresses, also weakens vorticity filed and the near-wall coherent structures, and therefore turbulence production is decreased.  相似文献   

边界层网格尺度对泵站流场计算结果影响研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
资丹  王福军  陶然  侯亚康 《水利学报》2016,47(2):139-149
壁面处的y+值是体现壁面边界层网格尺度的主要参数,对泵站流场数值计算结果有重要影响。为明确不同计算目标对y+的依赖性,以一泵站为研究对象,在网格数量无关性检查的基础上,从网格划分难易程度、数值计算精度和效率方面提出3种网格划分方案:全局非结构网格方案,指定边界层高度的全局非结构网格方案,以及指定边界层高度的分块结构网格方案,对应的y+值分别为10~2 000、10~1 000、10~500。方案二与方案三在模拟得到的流速分布均匀度方面几乎没有差别,涡量场的漩涡数量、涡量值和漩涡核心区分布位置也非常接近,而方案一则与之相差较大。研究发现,当只需了解泵站宏观水力性能时,可采用简单易行的方案一所对应的网格方案,y+范围可适当放宽到0~2 000;当要预测进水部分流场的流动特性,特别是漩涡分布特性时,需确保y+位于1 000以内,可采用方案二的网格方案;若对进水流场进行详细研究,或者进行除涡装置的研究时,则需使得整个计算域的y+满足30~500的要求,即采用方案三的网格方案。  相似文献   

Drag reduction experiments of the traveling wavy wall at high Reynolds number, ranging from 1.46×106 to 5.83×106 based on the free-stream velocity and the model length, were conducted. A suit of traveling wavy wall device was developed and its characteristics of drag reduction at high Reynolds number were investigated. The drag forces of the traveling wavy wall with various wave speeds (c) were measured at different wind speeds (U) in the FL-8 low-speed wind tunnel and compared with the drag force of the flat plate. The results show that the mean drag force of the traveling wavy wall decreases as the value of c/U increases, at different wind velocities, the values of c/U corresponding to minimal drag force of the traveling wavy wall are different, when the values of c/U are larger than 0.6, the mean drag forces of the traveling wavy wall are smaller than those of the flat plate, and the drag reduction can be up to 60%. The drag reduction effectiveness of traveling wavy wall is thus achieved. Furthermore, as the value of c/U increases, the traveling wavy wall can restrain the separation and improve the quality of flow field.  相似文献   


Now the increasing attention is given researches to effective methods of drag reduction. It is revealed, that, in particular, in a boundary layer all power exchanges are caused by features of separate kinds of coherent vortical structures. The analysis is carried out and ordering of the basic types of the coherent vortical structures arising at movement of bodies in real conditions is executed. Classification of coherent vortical structures and methods of their control in a boundary layer are developed depending on their intensity. The method of susceptibility is developed by a boundary layer of various disturbances. Some kinds of the combined method of drag reduction are resulted. The executed researches of physical features of resistance of friction control are checked up at an experimental research of integrated characteristics on various models axis symmetric bodies.


We applied species sensitivity distributions (SSDs), commonly used in chemical risk assessment, to quantify the impact of water‐flow velocity on the presence of fish species in a river. SSDs for water‐flow velocity were derived from observational field data (maximal velocity at which species occur, Vmax) and laboratory measurements (critical swimming velocity, Vcrit). By calculating the potentially affected fraction of the fish species of the river Rhine, effects of water‐flow velocity on different life stages and guilds were estimated. Vmax values for adults were significantly higher than those for juveniles and larvae. At water‐flow velocity of 60 cm s−1, half of the adults were affected, while half of the non‐adult life stages were affected at velocities of 25 to 29 cm s−1. There was a positive correlation between body size and fish tolerance to water‐flow. As expected, rheophilic species tolerated higher water‐flow velocities than eurytopic and limnophilic species. Maximal velocities measured in littoral zones of the Rhine were, on average, 10 cm s−1, corresponding to an affected fraction of 2%. An increase in water‐flow velocity up to 120 cm s−1 as a result of passing vessels caused an increase in affected species to 75%. For a successful ecological river management, the SSD method can be used to quantify the trait‐mediated effects of water‐flow alterations on occurring species enabling to compare and rank the effects of chemical and physical stress. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Elevated, more constant flows characterize the current flow regime of the Great Fish River (Eastern Cape province, South Africa) following the completion of an interbasin transfer scheme (IBT) in 1977, where prior to this the winter months were often characterized by zero flows. Changes in aquatic macroinvertebrate communities, and in particular outbreaks of the pest blackfly Simulium chutteri Lewis (Diptera: Simuliidae) have been documented in response to these altered flows. Integrated control measures of pest blackfly have been advocated based on flow reductions during the winter months. In this study, a site‐specific discharge threshold of 2 m3 s?1 was identified as a flow reduction target based on the amount of hydraulic habitat available to S. chutteri larvae within a particular rapid. Hydrological analyses showed that flow conditions have created ideal blackfly larval habitat in this rapid, with prolonged uninterupted periods (>3 months) exceeding this threshold. A model was developed to predict probabilities and severities of blackfly outbreaks, based on flow periods and water temperatures, both of which determine the success and duration respectively of the aquatic phase of S. chutteri. July was identified as the critical month for flow restriction to 2 m3 s?1 for a period of 38 days, in order to reduce the winter populations of S. chutteri in the Great Fish River at the study site and avoid the typical spring outbreaks of blackfly. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通气减阻技术因具有降低能耗和环境污染小等效果,在工程领域内得到广泛关注。为研究重力场中气相在平板湍流边界层内流动演化过程及由此产生的减阻效应,该文耦合连续表面张力(CSF)的VOF多相流模型和标准k-?湍流模型,求解非定常RANS方程,对边界层内气液两相流动进行数值模拟。通过计算结果与实验结果的对比,验证了数值方法的有效性;进而对不同通气流量和来流雷诺数下,气泡当量直径、近壁区空隙率及流动减阻率进行定量分析。结果表明:减阻效应与近壁区空隙率密切相关;来流雷诺数和通气量的提高,均能增强减阻效应。  相似文献   

条纹薄膜减小湍流阻力的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文从湍流边界层的相关结构出发,探讨了条纹薄膜减少湍流边界层阻力的机理,通过平板模型的水洞试验,研究了条纹薄膜的减阻作用。试验结果表明,条纹薄膜具有明显的减阻效果,最大降阻量大约为10%。  相似文献   

Rivers regulated by dams are typically characterized by altered biotic communities and habitat structure in downstream reaches. In the Jackson River (Alleghany Co., VA), a relatively constant flow regime below Gathright Dam and anthropogenic nutrient loading have apparently contributed to nuisance levels of periphyton (>300 mg chlorophyll a m?2). These nuisance growths cause low dissolved oxygen concentrations in the water column and altered benthic habitats in the Jackson River. The use of periodic pulsed flows has been suggested as a restoration practice that could potentially reduce periphyton biomass. We investigated the effects of increased flow on periphyton chlorophyll a (chl a), ash‐free dry mass (AFDM), % organic matter (%OM) using streamside channels in which periphyton‐colonized tiles were subjected to near‐bed velocities ranging from 20 (control) to 240 cm s?1. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression were used to examine periphyton responses to velocity treatments. There was a significant decrease in chl a and AFDM, and significant increase in %OM in velocity treatments of 150, 180 and 240 cm s?1 (p < 0.001), but not in lower velocity channels. Regression analyses showed a significant positive relationship with %OM (r2 = 0.88) and significant negative relationship with chl a (r2 = 0.77) and AFDM (r2 = 0.63). Algal taxa were dominated by Cladophora glomerata, Melosira varians and Pleurosira laevis. There was a significant positive relationship between treatment velocity and % C. glomerata (p = 0.007, r2 = 0.87) as diatoms were differentially removed with increasing treatment velocity. Our results demonstrate that pulsed flows can reduce periphyton standing crops in the Jackson River, but the discharge required to achieve this reduction would probably need to produce near‐bed velocities >100 cm s?1. Further study is needed to establish specific flow targets and evaluate the direct and indirect effects of pulsed flows on ecological conditions in the Jackson River. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to develop technologies of friction drag reduction with a flexible tube to be used for water transport, experimental studies were carried out on the influence of Young's modulus on the turbulent drag reduction. The friction coefficients of flexible tubes with different Young's modulus were examined by using a sleeve-tube structure. The fluctuating vibration of the outer wall and the fluctuating pressure on the inner wall of the tubes were measured with a laser displacement sensor and a pressure sensor. The results are as follows. The smaller the Young's modulus of a flexible tube and the larger the Reynolds number, the larger the turbulent drag reduction rates become. The transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow can be delayed with an appropriate Young's modulus. Non-dimensional amplitude of fluctuating vibration on the outer wall is smaller than that of a viscous sub-layer thickness, and is positively correlated with the friction drag reduction.  相似文献   

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