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深圳河是深圳和香港的界河,基于解决两岸严重的洪涝灾害为基础,进一步拓展双方就深圳河的治理建设、管理维护为目的,迄今为止,深港双方展开了长达29年的谈判和合作历程,共同克服了不同社会制度,不同法律观念,不同工作方式等多重困难,携手共建了一套行之有效、特色鲜明并获得多项殊荣的合作模式和运行机制,成为两地政府在跨境重大基础设施建设合作方面的成功范例。  相似文献   

本文通过对深圳河的背景、治理情况的介绍,对深圳河治理工程的管理架构、前期工作、建造合同管理等内容进行总结,阐明深圳河工程创造了界河治理工程的新模式、对深港两地建造业及其他领域融合的推动作用,以及对水利现代化建设的启示。研究成果可供城市河道治理提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

周立 《人民长江》1999,30(9):18-20
深圳河是深圳市与香港特别行政区之间的界河。深汇联合治理深圳河工程由深圳市政府与香港特区政府共同兴建,工程东起文锦渡上游的平原河口,西至深圳河入海口,治理河道总长17km。工程的规划设计始于1982年,为满足深港双方政府不同的技术标准和规范,设立了联合技术小组和设计小组,专门对此工程的规划设计问题进行谈判协商。因涉及当时中港边界划分和工程范围适应法律及技术标准等复杂而敏感的问题,使工程规划方案的确定  相似文献   

港口经济与靖江长江岸线的开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文简述了港口在现代经济建设中的作用和地位,着重分析了靖江发展港口经济的有利条件,从理论和技术的角度论证了靖江开发利用长江岸线的重要性、必要性和可行性,并对开发利用长江岸线的几个值得注意的问题提出了意见和建议  相似文献   

肖文 《人民珠江》1998,(4):38-40
探讨,归纳了深圳市水的特点和灾减灾要求,指出防灾的不同层次,提出行业民的概念,认为在一个高度发达的现代化城市进行减灾活动当面临着大范围,共同的灾害时,各行业既要在市三防指挥部的统一指挥下共同抗灾,防灾,以满足全社会的大局要求,又必要根据本行业的特点分别展开行业内部防灾,实现把灾害造成的损失减到最低限度的三防总体目标。  相似文献   

我国海岸线长达18 400km,40多年来,我国除对原有港口进行了改造和扩建外,新开辟了石臼、张家港、深圳、湛江、防城等深水港,并在大连、营口等15个港口开辟了新的深水港区,使港口的面貌发生了重大变化.然而,港口建设在我们发展经济带来机遇的同时,也为港口带来了日趋严重的环境污染.  相似文献   

火电厂冷却水量很大,而实际热效率却很低。在燃料总热量中50%以上的余热随温排水注入受纳水域,造成热污染。如何利用这部分度热,已成为日益关注的重要课题。本项研究旨在将电厂温排水注入毗邻的港池,使该港池变成不冻港。这在国内外尚无先例,属首次尝试。为在非负气温的试验室条件下能模拟和预报冰冻问题,提出了能反映冰冻问题的冷却水运动模型相似准则,并在试验室内得到实施,开辟了水力物理模型试验的新途径。本研究既解决了电厂废热利用问题,又解决了试验技术的理论和实际问题。所提的各项技术措施均被工程设计单位采纳,经济和社会效益巨大。  相似文献   

深圳河防洪能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深圳河为深港两地的界河,其防洪能力对于深港两地的经济社会发展具有重要意义。建立了基于深圳河流域的MIKE 11水文/水力学模型,并对模型进行了校验。采用建立的模型,对深圳河现状条件下的防洪能力进行了分析,得出了由于河道淤积及集水区的快速城市化,深圳河现状防洪能力已不能达到设计防洪标准的结论。同时,对干流河道清淤、修建分洪道、建设落马洲滞洪区、干流堤防加高等提高深圳河防洪能力的各种工程方案进行了分析,并提出开展深圳河流域综合治理专题研究等有关建议。  相似文献   

分析深圳电站蓄电池组的容量损失原因。为了适应瞬间大电流合闸的要求,选用纤维镍镉电池,对其原理和特性进行了叙述。介绍了直流镍镉充电装置硬件结构方框图、系统原理和在水电站中的实际应用效果。  相似文献   

吴杰  黄强平  周立 《中国水利》2009,(12):19-22
深港联合治理深圳河工程在国内水利行业率先实行工程环境监察与审核制度。结合香港和内地相关法规及制度要求,在水利工程建设各个环节实施环境监察,对我国水利环境监察工作有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   


Hong Kong, now a Special Administrative Region of China, is a very special and unique place in the world. Although the territory is located in the humid subtropics, local water resources are very limited because of its geographical setting and physical environment. Hong Kong's urban water supply has its uniqueness and has gone through a history of developing local resources and transferring water from the East River (Dongjiang) basin in mainland China over the past half century. This paper aims to present the experience and challenges in developing water supplies and managing water resources in Hong Kong. First, the availability of local water resources is evaluated in the context of the territory's geographical setting. Second, the approaches adopted for developing urban water supply from local resources and more importantly, by making use of water imported from the Dongjiang, are presented and reviewed. Finally, a number of sustainability issues in Hong Kong's urban water supply are addressed with an emphasis on the problems and prospect of the Dongjiang water resources in the future  相似文献   

近年来,香港地区对于水质模型研究极为活跃,包括在数学模型和物理模型方面,本文综述香港在水质模型研究方面的一些成果,及其在城市污水治理,港口与机场建设、海洋渔业养殖等方面的应用。  相似文献   

Hong Kong streams serve as indirect catchments for storage reservoirs to which they are connected by a network of undergound tunnels. Water transfer to reservoirs reduces stream flow downstream of the extraction point, and surface flows may disappear in affected reaches during the dry season. The ecological effects of periodic dewatering on aquatic insects were investigated in Tai Po Kau Forest Stream, Hong Kong, where water extraction at a weir gives rise to intermittent flow immediately downstream of a well studied perennial stream section. Benthic samples were taken from the intermittent reach on 48 occasions over a two year period encompassing two dry seasons. Trends in total population densities were unclear, with considerable fluctuations over the study period. In contrast, species richness declined markedly after surface flow disappeared, reaching the lowest values at the end of both dry seasons. A rapid increase accompanied flow resumption on the onset of the summer monsoon, and maximum wet season values were up to five times greater than species richness during the dry season. Dry season declines in Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera were accompanied by a dramatic increase in Coleoptera (Elmidae and especially Helodidae). The situation was reversed during the wet season when Trichoptera (especially Cheumatopsyche and Chimarra) and Ephemeroptera (Leptophlebiidae, Baetidae and Heptageniidae) were numerous. Community structure in the intermittent reach recovered quickly from the dewatering disturbance, due largely to recolonization by drifting animals. At the scale investigated, the community was resilient to disturbance because a source of mobile colonists was available upstream. However, if dewatering affects reaches far downstream, the presence of suitable colonists in upstream reaches cannot be guaranteed, and recovery from disturbance will be delayed. Lowland streams in Hong Kong are often polluted and host to exotic species; in such circumstances the effects of water transfers are exacerbated and recolonization is hindered.  相似文献   

This study compares stormwater management in two coastal cities: Hong Kong and Singapore. Hong Kong adopted conventional urban stormwater management for flood control and embraced hard-engineering infrastructure in the scheme. In contrast, Singapore has put in place a series of holistic management practices to manage urban runoff. By comparing the stormwater management practices in these two cities, the differences in approaches to non-structural and structural practices were elucidated. Life cycle costing and environmental benefit analysis indicate that holistic urban stormwater management can lead to higher economic efficiency, sustainability and environmental friendliness, compared to conventional urban stormwater management.  相似文献   

Based on the water quality monitoring data of 8 main estuary sections in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Great Bay Area (GBA) from 2015 to 2019, 5 conventional water quality indexes of BOD5, NH3-N, COD, TP, TN and 6 heavy metal indexes of Hg, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr6 + and Cd are selected. According to GB 3838—2002 < the environmental quality standard for surface water >, the pollution index method and seasonal Kendall test method were applied, and the water quality evaluation and change trend analysis of estuaries in the GBA were carried out. The results show that the pollution type of the estuary in the GBA is mainly nitrogen and phosphorus pollution, and the main pollutant is TN. The pollution degree of the estuary in the Dongjiang River Basin is greater than that in the Northwest River Delta Basin. Organic pollution and heavy metal pollution are relatively light, and the pollution index of heavy metal Hg shows a rapid upward trend in 2019. From 2015 to 2019, the concentration of water quality index BOD5 in the GBA decreased most significantly, NH3-N and COD decreased significantly, and TP and TN pollution did not improve. The pollution of Dongjiang River Basin is improving, and that of Northwest River Delta is aggravating. © 2021, Editorial Board of Water Resources Protection. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

周兴波  张梁  姚虞 《水力发电》2020,46(4):89-96
加拿大水电开发已有120年历史,大坝安全管理技术实践经验丰富。在系统阐述加拿大水力资源基本概况和开发建设最新进展的基础上,详细梳理了加拿大大坝安全管理体系,分析了加拿大大坝安全导则和加拿大大坝公共安全导则的理念与技术方法。结合我国大坝安全管理的实际情况,建议我国完善大坝安全管理法律法规,明确各方职责,提升技术水平,确保多方联动应急管理科学有效,建设全生命周期风险管理体系,加强科普宣传以提升公众认识。  相似文献   

基于1970—2018年珠江口潮位站历史潮位资料,结合风暴潮数值模拟结果,统计分析了粤港澳大湾区风暴潮的时空分布特征并探讨了风暴潮增水影响机理。结果表明:在空间分布上,伶仃洋、狮子洋、前航道等区域出现较大增水的频率较高,与该区域特殊的地理位置及伶仃洋河口湾漏斗状形态产生的能量辐聚有关,增水极值与台风登陆地点和台风强度均有关系;风暴潮发生时间主要集中在7—9月,占全年总次数的74.4%;影响粤港澳大湾区的强台风以上级别的台风频次增加趋势明显,各站点历年最高潮位呈增加趋势,平均速率为0.02~0.03m/a;台风路径对风暴潮增水的空间分布有较大影响,当台风在大湾区西岸登陆,距离台风登陆点约2.5倍最大风速半径的位置可产生较大的增水值;最大增水随着台风中心压强的降低而升高,中心压强每下降10hPa,最大增水值上升0.4~1.1m;当台风移动速度接近8.3m/s,珠江口形成较为稳定的风暴潮水位梯度,产生较大的风暴潮增水。  相似文献   

基于近 100 多年来的均一化气温数据,从趋势变化、季节差异、突变特征、周期振荡方面诊断香港和澳门的气温变化特征。结果表明: ( 1) 港澳年平均气温和不同季节气温在近 100 多年来均呈显著增加趋势,其中春冬季节增加速率较大,夏秋季节增加速率较小。除秋冬季节外,其它时间上的香港气温增加趋势均大于澳门。港澳夏冬季节气温差异均呈减少趋势。( 2) 香港和澳门年平均气温分别于 1963 年和 1991 年发生突变。在季节上,港澳地区的气温突变均在秋季发生年份最晚,冬季次之,夏季再次之,春季最早。( 3) 香港年平均气温分别存在 3 a、7 a、15 a 和 30 a、60 a 和 120 a 的周期振荡特征。澳门年平均气温存在 3 a、6 a、12 a、24 a 和 48 a 左右的周期振荡特征。( 4) ENSO 与香港年平均气温在 4 a 以下尺度以同位相或提前 1 a 位相变化关系为主,在 4 a 以上尺度以同位相变化关系为主。ENSO 与澳门年平均气温在不同时频域均以同位相变化关系为主。  相似文献   

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