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Ecological classifications of stream ecosystems have been used to develop monitoring programs, identify reference and impacted systems, and focus conservation efforts. One of the most influential, but highly variable, components of stream ecosystems is water temperature but few geographically broad-scale and long-term programs exist to assess and monitor temperatures. This study evaluated if existing ecological classifications could be used to categorize the similarities and differences in stream temperatures across the Ontario portion of the Great Lakes Basin. Concordance between the spatial variability in temperatures and an existing ecological classification would support the use of that classification to define areas with similar temperatures, guide the development of a monitoring program, and inform management programs. The five classifications evaluated were the ecoregions and ecodistricts defined in the National Ecological Framework for Canada, the ecoregions and ecodistricts defined in the Ecological Land Classification of Ontario, and the aquatic ecosystem units defined in the Aquatic Ecosystem Classification (AEC) for the Ontario portion of the Great Lakes Basin. Hierarchical linear modelling and corrected Akaike Information Criterion indicated that the ecodistrict classifications characterized more of the spatial variability in temperatures than the ecoregion and AEC classification but temperatures were more variable among sites within classes than between classes. Therefore, none of the existing ecological classifications could be used to characterize thermal variability. Future research should examine if the inability of the existing classifications to capture the thermal variability translates into inaccurate classification of other ecosystem components such as water quality, and macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages.  相似文献   

We describe recent trends in phytoplankton composition and abundance in the Laurentian Great Lakes using synoptic spring (April) and summer (August) sampling events from 2001 through 2011, a period of rapid shifts in pelagic food webs and water quality. Data analysis identified qualitative and quantitative changes in algal densities, biovolume, and taxonomic composition of assemblages. Since 2001, Lake Superior has changed subtly with an increase in small-celled blue-green algae in spring and a recent decline in summer centric diatoms, possibly a result of lake warming and changes in water quality. Spring phytoplankton declines mainly attributed to diatoms occurred in Lakes Huron and Michigan, a probable result of invasions by non-native dreissenids that have reduced pelagic nutrients and selectively consumed certain taxa. The decline in Lake Huron's spring phytoplankton biovolume was earlier and more severe than that in Lake Michigan, despite a faster and more abundant dreissenid invasion in Lake Michigan. Lake Erie's central basin had a notable increase in spring centric diatoms (largely Aulacoseira), while the whole of Lake Erie shows a summer increase in cyanobacteria, complementing that found in coastal regions. The composition of Lake Ontario's species assemblage shifted, but little overall change in algal abundance was observed with the exception of higher summer densities of cyanophytes. Additional mechanisms for shifts in the pelagic primary producers are described or hypothesized in the context of concurrent shifts in water quality and invertebrate populations. Tracking these trends and explaining driving factors will be critical to the management of lake conditions.  相似文献   

Extinction of four deepwater ciscoe species (Coregonus spp.) in the Great Lakes occurred during a period of heavy exploitation, but during the same period there were several introduced and invading species and there also was widespread deterioration in the quality of the environment. The cause of the extinctions is uncertain, but extinction is a threat in multiple species fisheries harvested with a common gear. The possibility that the ciscoe extinctions resulted from harvesting was investigated using a general form of the surplus production model and computer simulation. In the simulations extinctions occurred even with a moderate fishing effort when a large number of different species were caught with the same gear. In the Great Lakes 4 out of 8 ciscoe species caught with the same gear apparently went extinct. In the simulations 4 extinctions out of 8 species was a common event, and the fishery alone was all that was necessary to cause the extinctions.  相似文献   


Water scarcity in Jordan is a significant constraint to development, with limited available water and financial resources. As population and economic activity increase, it will be necessary to implement national strategies that seek to balance the present needs and those of future generations. Multiple variables associated with agricultural crops, industries, and the impact of climate change, were incorporated into a Decision Support System (DSS). The DSS utilized Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which resulted in the prioritization of sustainable water policies for management in the Azraq Basin. The inputs to the DSS were generated through application of Modflow (groundwater), stochastic, and Penman Montieth models and through calculations of water productivity for agricultural and industrial sectors. The results of the DSS make recommendations as to how to enhance long-term sustainability of water resources in Azraq, while allowing for water utilization and economic growth. It is recommended for future planning that further research of the impacts to water resources must be conducted at local and national levels and linked to regional and global climate change prediction. It can be concluded that the DSS tool and AHP are potentially positive contributions to the process of decision- making for selection and ranking of alternatives and policies and for help in solving problems that include conflicting criteria.  相似文献   

The European cladoceran, Bythotrephes cederstroemi (Schödler), recently invaded the Laurentian Great Lakes. Based on recent zooplankton records, it most likely appeared first in 1984 in Lakes Ontario, Erie, and Huron, and in 1985 in Lake Michigan. It has yet to be reported from Lake Superior. This species is a relatively large-bodied predatory form that possesses a long, caudal, latterally barbed spine. B. cederstroemi spines and spine fragments were found in the upper fractions (predominantly 0–4 cm) of 35 sediment cores collected from seven areas of deposition in the eastern basin of Lake Erie. All remains were well preserved and easy to identify. Very few to 0 spines were found in core depths greater than 4 cm suggesting that the invasion of this species has resulted in a new, readily distinguishable time horizon marker.  相似文献   

With the large Diporeia declines in lakes Michigan, Huron, and Ontario, there is concern that a similar decline of Mysis diluviana related to oligotrophication and increased fish predation may occur. Mysis density and biomass were assessed from 2006 to 2016 using samples collected by the Great Lakes National Program Office's biomonitoring program in April and August in all five Great Lakes. Summer densities and biomasses were generally greater than spring values and both increased with bottom depth. There were no significant time trends during these 10–11 years in lakes Ontario, Michigan, or Huron, but there was a significant increase in Lake Superior. Density and biomass were highest in lakes Ontario and Superior, somewhat lower in Lake Michigan, and substantially lower in Lake Huron. A few Mysis were collected in eastern Lake Erie, indicating a small population in the deep basin of that lake. On average, mysids contributed 12–18% (spring-summer, Michigan), 18–14% (spring-summer, Superior), 30–13% (spring-summer, Ontario), and 3% (Huron) of the total open-water crustacean biomass. Size distributions consisted of two peaks, indicating a 2-year life cycle in all four of the deep lakes. Mysis were larger in Lake Ontario than in lakes Michigan, Superior, and Huron. Comparisons with available historic data indicated that mysid densities were higher in the 1960s–1990s (5 times higher in Huron, 2 times higher in Ontario, and around 40% higher in Michigan and Superior) than in 2006–2016.  相似文献   

The Gnangara groundwater system (Gnangara system) is an important source of groundwater for Perth, Western Australia: in the order of 350 GL of groundwater is abstracted annually. The Gnangara system also sustains groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs), mostly wetlands and native vegetation. Declining groundwater levels across the system have led to impacts on a number of key GDEs. Western Australia’s Department of Water recently prepared a Water Management Plan for the Gnangara system. Allocation limits were reviewed as part of the plan preparation. To assist in reviewing allocation limits, an adaptive Groundwater Level Response Management (GWLRM) methodology was developed and implemented. This paper describes the methodology and its application to the Gnangara system. The methodology was developed to be used as a corrective tool for the short- and medium-term, to assist in achieving long-term sustainability of groundwater management in the context of changing climate and declining groundwater levels. The GWLRM methodology is based on groundwater storage depletion and can be applied to existing allocation limits as an interim tool to assist in making management decisions aimed at recovering groundwater resources. The key to the GWRLM correction is that it will direct water allocation towards sustainable levels on the basis of measured trends. Allocations corrected through application of the GWRLM would therefore represent interim and improved water allocation figures. GWLRM can also identify potential problem areas where the principles or calculations used for long-term sustainable groundwater allocation would need to be reviewed. For the Gnangara system, the calculated storage changes or GWLRM corrections were considered together with results of predictive modelling as part of an expert panel process to derive a more sustainable interim groundwater allocation regime while further research is being completed.  相似文献   

The species identities, scientific names, and relationships of Eurasian gobies that invaded the Laurentian Great Lakes – and other species that are predicted to invade in the future – are evaluated here using recently resolved DNA characters. The Round Goby and the Freshwater Tubenose Goby entered the Great Lakes ca. 1990 via ballast water originating from Black Sea ports. The Round Goby spread extensively throughout the Great Lakes and adjacent rivers, whereas the Freshwater Tubenose Goby recently began to expand its range. Both species also are widely invasive in Eurasia, dispersing via canals and shipping. Several of their relatives – the Monkey, Racer, and Bighead gobies – also are invasive in Eurasia, and are predicted to invade the Great Lakes. We discuss results from phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from 4 mitochondrial and nuclear gene regions, and provide a revision of their scientific nomenclature. The Freshwater Tubenose Goby was redefined as Proterorhinus semilunaris, which is markedly different and distinctive from the Marine Tubenose Goby Proterorhinus marmoratus. The genus Neogobius, as formerly defined, contained multiple evolutionary lineages and incorrect scientific names. We thus restricted Neogobius to just 4 species—including the Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus and the Black Sea Monkey Goby Neogobius fluviatilis. Several previously recognized subgenera, which were incorrectly grouped in Neogobius, were elevated to the level of genera. Notably, the Racer Goby became Babka gymnocephalus and the Bighead Goby now is Ponticola kessleri. These changes made the names consistent with their true relationships and species characters, which are essential for identifying and characterizing these gobies in invasive and native habitats.  相似文献   

In May 2017, the African Great Lakes community convened for a region-wide conference in Entebbe, Uganda. The African Great Lakes Conference (AGLC) focused on 6 regionally-important themes, and 300+ attendees presented over 100 talks and posters. The AGLC culminated in the adoption of a set of Conference Resolutions designed to direct the future of African Great Lakes conservation and management. As an Introduction to this Journal of Great Lakes Research special section on African Great Lakes, we report on the impetus for the African Great Lakes Conference as well as discuss three major advances and investments that were a direct result of conference resolutions adopted at the meeting. First, we present the AGLC Resolutions, a set of management issues and solutions developed at the conference. Second, we discuss the African Great Lakes Conference Fund, a conservation fund that has awarded $500,000 USD to launch four new initiatives. Finally, we describe African Great Lakes Inform, a knowledge management platform designed to promote collaboration in the region. The AGLC in general, and these three major conference outcomes specifically, provide a set of basic building blocks to advance partnerships, research and capacity in the African Great Lakes region.  相似文献   

Jordan is one of the countries with the scarcest water resources in the world. The aquifers of the Lower Jordan River Basin, a region of prime importance for the country, are exploited well beyond their sustainable rate. In 1997, Jordan’s officials designed a new water strategy, with emphasis on demand-management instruments. Water pricing policies, and notably the bylaw no. 85 of 2002, were deemed to assist in controlling agricultural groundwater abstraction with the ambitious task of taking the abstraction rate close to the annual recharge. While much hope has been placed in such strategies, this paper argues that substantial increases in volumetric charges would not result in major water savings but would further decrease the income from low-value or extensive crops. A shift towards high-value crops would raise water productivity but would also entail a transfer of wealth to the government and to wealthier entrepreneurs. It is therefore essential that negative incentives be accompanied by positive measures offering attractive alternatives (market opportunities, subsidies for modernization, technical advice, etc.) and exit options with compensation. Prices are unlikely to enable regulation of groundwater abstraction and significant reduction will only be achieved through policies that reduce the number of wells in use, such as buying out of wells.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact (the Compact) was created to protect future water supplies and aquatic ecosystems in the Great Lakes. The Compact requires the eight Great Lakes state to regulate, among other things, large withdrawals of groundwater and surface water so that they do not negatively affect stream flows and ecosystems within the Great Lakes Basin. Thus, the Compact raises the possibility of increased restrictions on groundwater withdrawals in many locations throughout the Great Lakes region. However, restricting withdrawals is likely to encounter opposition from water users when such restrictions are viewed as an infringement on existing water use rights and/or as negatively impacting local economic development. Such conflicts could hinder effective implementation of state and regional water policy. This paper explores the application of a market-based environmental management tool called “Conservation Credit Offsets Trading (CCOT)” that could facilitate allocation of groundwater withdrawals, and develops a framework for guiding the implementation of CCOT within the context of a groundwater permitting system. Using a watershed in southwestern Michigan, this study demonstrates how bio-physical information and input from various local stakeholders were combined to aid groundwater policy designed to achieve the objective of no net (adverse) impact on stream ecosystems. By allowing flexibility through trading of conservation credit offsets, this groundwater policy tool appears to be more politically acceptable than traditional, less flexible, regulations. The results and discussion provide useful lessons learned with relevance to other areas in the Great Lakes Basin.  相似文献   

The contribution of septic systems to watershed nutrient loads is poorly quantified although they are often cited as potentially important nutrient sources. The study used a geospatial model to estimate P loads from septic systems to the tributaries of the Canadian Lake Erie Basin to inform Lake Erie nutrient management initiatives. There is currently no inventory of septic systems in the Lake Erie Basin (e.g., numbers and locations of septic systems). Therefore a geospatial model was developed to automatically locate individual septic systems and to use these locations to estimate P load contributions to tributaries. The model was first tested on three subwatersheds in the Canadian Lake Erie Basin before being applied across the Basin. Present-day basin-wide P load estimates reveal that: (i) only a fraction of septic effluent is currently reaching the tributaries due to slow transport and other delays, as well as (ii) P attenuation in the subsurface, range from 23 ± 11 to 68 ± 32 MT/yr. Based on these estimates, septic systems may currently contribute 1.7 ± 0.8–5 ± 2.3% of the P loads to Lake Erie from Canada. However, maximum P load estimates and transient model results show that the contribution of septic systems to P loads will increase over time as slow moving septic-derived groundwater P plumes reach tributaries if aging septic systems are not maintained. This study provides widely applicable new knowledge and methodology; as well as specific findings needed to inform nutrient and septic system management in the Lake Erie Basin.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns, compositions and textures of plastic debris along the Lake Erie and St. Clair shorelines were studied in order to determine the roles of potential source locations, surface currents, and shoreline types in the accumulation of plastic litter. The results were compared with those previously determined from Lake Huron, where abundant plastic pellets characterize the southeastern shoreline. Lake Erie and St. Clair shorelines contained some pellets, but were mainly characterized by plastic fragments and intact products, respectively. The potential sources for the pellets include spillage within factories or during transport and off-loading; whereas intact products were derived from urban waste. Once entering the lake environment, low density floating polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene were degraded by UVB radiation at either the water surface or once deposited on shorelines. Mechanical degradation by wave action and/or sand abrasion fragmented intact products into cm-size particles. Certain textures identified on the surfaces of plastic particles could be related to the nature of the depositional environment. Plastics sampled from infrequently visited muddy, organic-rich shorelines were characterized by more adhering particles and less mechanical pits than those from sandy shorelines. In terms of relative distribution, the Lake St. Clair shoreline contained the least amount of plastic debris of the three lakes. This is a function of the breakwaters and retaining walls built along Lake St. Clair, which replace natural sandy or muddy sinks for floating polymers. This study represents the first detailed record of plastics distribution along multiple, but related fresh water shorelines.  相似文献   

Jun Xia  Guo H. Huang 《国际水》2013,38(2):151-152

Web Sites are becoming mainstream, necessary components of every organization's mandate, whether that organization is governmental, academic or commercially based. With this popularity comes an increasing demand for intelligent web design: simple, attractive, easy-to-navigate style that balances well-written content with useful web technologies and freshness that will keep people coming back. The Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN) has been employing these principles of Web design since its beginnings in 1993, focusing first on supplying useful content and secondly, ensuring that the useful content is well-organized and easy-to-navigate. By forming online partnerships with hundreds of groups involved in management of the Great Lakes ecosystem, GLIN represents a united Web presence for the entire region.  相似文献   

Several species of non-indigenous planktonic invertebrates have historically been introduced to the Laurentian Great Lakes. Previous introductions of non-indigenous planktonic invertebrates to the Great Lakes have been crustacean zooplankton, specifically Cladocera and Copepoda. This report documents the first known occurrence of Brachionus leydigii var. tridentatus (Zernov, 1901) in Lake Erie and possibly the first detection of a non-indigenous rotifer species in the Laurentian Great Lakes. The specimen was collected from a U.S. EPA monitoring station in the western basin of Lake Erie on April 4, 2016.  相似文献   

In Ontario, there is limited comprehensive research regarding the contribution of chloride in groundwater to surface water systems. The delivery of chloride via groundwater can contribute to the degradation of the Great Lakes and their tributaries. Thus, this review intends to fill or identify knowledge gaps regarding assessing groundwater as a potential source of road salt, the single largest use of salt in urban cold region environments, contamination to surface water by synthesizing existing groundwater chloride research in the Lake Ontario Basin. Knowledge regarding source characterization, properties, pathways, and impacts of chloride in the environment is essential to evaluate the contribution of chloride via groundwater. Past groundwater chloride research in the basin is primarily concentrated in highly urbanized areas and has identified localized trends of increasing groundwater chloride concentrations in these regions; however, few investigations have been conducted in varying land uses (e.g., rural or less urbanized watersheds) or at sufficient temporal and/or spatial scales. Significant chloride accumulation is occurring in watersheds and aquifers within the basin. Concentrations are expected to increase until equilibrium is obtained, thus resulting in sustained yearlong elevated concentrations in tributaries. Recently, chloride loading to Lake Ontario has increased significantly, with groundwater inputs having the potential to support long-term increases in chloride concentrations in the lake. However, few studies have evaluated the explicit contribution via groundwater to Lake Ontario, and therefore a knowledge gap continues to exist. We provide a synthesis of additional research priorities to better understand the magnitude of groundwater chloride issues in the basin.  相似文献   

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