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合流制溢流污水污染控制技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合流制溢流污水未经处理进入城市河湖水系,造成水体严重污染, 合流制溢流污染控制是我国许多城市面临的水环境综合整治的重大课题之一.分析了合流制溢流污水水质特征、污染的影响因素,概述了合流制溢流污水污染控制技术进展,以期为我国城市排水系统的改造和水环境治理提供借鉴.  相似文献   

合流制溢流污染控制系统决策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
唐磊  车伍  赵杨  宫永伟 《给水排水》2012,38(7):28-34
合流制溢流(CSO)污染控制以削减溢流进入受纳水体的污染物总量为目标。由于合流制排水系统的复杂性以及污染物传输、溢流过程的随机性和多变性,CSO污染控制涉及一系列错综复杂的理论与工程实际问题,因而需要进行科学的系统决策,以降低投资、提高效益。首先分析我国城市CSO污染控制存在的主要问题;再从解析合流制及其溢流污染控制系统的组成关系入手,从宏观、系统的角度分析CSO污染的产生与传输过程,构建CSO污染控制系统,并对几个主要子系统进行分析;最后提出CSO污染的系统控制原理,探讨子系统的合理衔接、匹配和控制方案的优化选择问题,为我国城市CSO污染控制提供一个清晰的思路。  相似文献   

合流制溢流初期冲刷及其控制策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对影响合流制溢流(CSO)水质水量变化及初期冲刷的主要因素进行了深入、系统的分析。结果表明,由于受降雨条件、管道系统特征、管道沉积物及截流设施等因素的综合影响,CSO水质水量变化随机且复杂,每个管道系统在不同降雨事件中所表现出的冲刷规律都可能不同;合流制系统汇水面积较大、管网拓扑结构复杂、管道沉积物较多、设置截流设施等特点都在一定程度上削弱了CSO的初期冲刷;在不少情况下,甚至不存在初期冲刷现象。因此,CSO污染控制不能简单基于初期冲刷存在的假设,而应基于对本区域CSO的监测与研究,或通过科学地把握CSO冲刷规律的本质及特点有针对性地制定控制策略。  相似文献   

合流制排水系统对受纳水体的污染已经成为面源污染的重要来源。研究采用PROMETHEE分析等方法对常州市合流制溢流口进行了现场采样监测分析。结果表明,溢流污水的水质受到降雨历时、降雨强度、干旱期等降雨特征的影响,大雨强降雨对颗粒态污染物如COD和SS影响显著且污染物浓度变化幅度最大,小雨强降雨则与溶解性污染物NH3-N相关性较强,中雨强降雨水质介于大雨强和小雨强之间。此外,溢流水质的变化对降雨强度的响应有一定的滞后。  相似文献   

中美合流制溢流污染控制概要比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合流制溢流(CSO)污染长期以来严重制约我国水环境质量改善,已成为现阶段海绵城市建设与黑臭水体整治中不可回避且亟待解决的重大难题。美国在世界范围内较早地开展CSO污染控制,整体上在CSO污染物削减、受损水体恢复等方面取得了良好成效。简要梳理中美两国合流制排水系统及溢流污染控制概况,对两国CSO污染控制的法律法规及政策、管控方法、标准规范、相关规划等方面进行比较分析,以期为我国CSO污染控制有序推进提供参考。  相似文献   

针对地形坡度、土壤渗透性能、不透水面积率、年径流总量控制率、截流倍数、截流井上游管段设计重现期六类合流制区域特征参数及降雨因素对合流制溢流总量及溢流频次的影响,利用S WMM模型模拟研究了合流制区域特征参数对溢流结果的影响权重、合流制区域特征参数组合正交方案的差异性及降雨因素与引入的溢流比概念的响应关系.结果表明,合流制区域特征参数针对不同的溢流评价指标,在场次降雨与雨季连续降雨边界条件下对溢流结果的影响权重排序不同;不同合流制区域特征参数组合工况条件下,源头体积控制可对溢流总量削减12.01%~100%,对溢流频次可削减0~6次;年溢流比与年降雨量关联性较强,年溢流比高的年份为特丰水年或偏丰水年;对于场次降雨来说,当降雨等级为大到暴雨及以上等级易产生溢流,场次溢流比随降雨等级增加而增加.  相似文献   

雨水径流污染与城镇排水系统规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生活污水污染逐步得到控制,城镇雨水径流污染问题日益受到关注。对城镇雨水径流的污染特征进行了分析,并将其污染效应与截流式合流制溢流水污染进行了对比,提出了城镇雨水径流污染控制的必要性。指出城镇排水系统是随着环境、生态、社会、经济条件和需要的变化而不断演化的,未来城镇排水系统规划应将雨水径流污染控制与排水系统方案整合考虑,并对相应的控制措施和设施及其对排水系统的影响做出适应性的安排。  相似文献   

针对合流制管网系统在雨天溢流污染严重,造成城市水体黑臭现象的问题,以银川市某高密度城区合流制管网系统为例,基于SWMM模型,在短历时设计降雨和长历时设计降雨两种条件下,模拟分析了合流制溢流(CSO)调蓄池、雨污管道混错接改造、绿化带海绵化改造等“灰绿”协同措施对CSO污染的影响。结果表明:CSO调蓄池、雨污管道混错接改造、绿化带海绵化改造及“灰绿”措施结合4种方案在短历时、长历时设计降雨条件下,随着降水量的增加,溢流水量及溢流污染物负荷均增加,溢流削减率均逐渐减小,其中“灰绿”措施结合方案对溢流污染的削减效果最为显著;重现期小于5 a时,溢流水量削减率与溢流污染物负荷削减率基本达到80%;降雨条件为中雨时,污染物负荷削减率基本达到75%;重现期为20 a时,溢流水量削减率及TSS、COD、TP、NH^(+)_(4)-N负荷削减率分别达到64%、70%、70%、70%、70%;降雨条件为大雨时,溢流水量削减率及TSS、COD、TP、NH^(+)_(4)-N负荷削减率分别达到28%、32%、26%、31%、33%。  相似文献   

我国正面临着城市水环境管理的重大战略转折期,滇池流域以其特殊的环境问题及历经三十年的治污经历,超前地进入了转折期,尤其是在城市面源和合流制溢流污染控制上取得了巨大突破.本文系统梳理了滇池流域的城市面源和合流制溢流污染控制措施及成效,针对存在的调蓄体量不足,雨天超量雨污水处理能力不足,污染削减效能低,基于现有城镇污水处理...  相似文献   

基于SWMM截流式合流制管网溢流水质水量模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用暴雨管理模型(Storm Water Management Model,SWMM)对柳州市竹鹅溪片区截流式合流制管网溢流进行了水质水量模拟,并将模拟结果与实测数据进行了比较分析。结果表明,虽然TSS模拟结果与实测值偏差较大,但模型的水量模拟具有较高的可靠性与准确性,TN、TP、COD三种污染物模拟结果也与实测数据偏差较小。SWMM模型可以成为城市面源污染研究的有效工具,并为合流制溢流污染控制提供科学参考。  相似文献   

丹汉江流域位于汉江中上游,是丹江口水库的主要水源区,其水质的优劣直接关系着国家南水北调中线工程的成败,因此对该流域的非点源污染研究显的尤为重要。通过查阅文献,总结了该流域泥沙和养分在不同空间尺度下的输移特征,归纳了多种负荷估算方法和模型应用进展,从源头、过程和末端3个方面阐述了水土以及养分流失的控制措施和生态补偿研究进展。并指出当前非点源污染源及污染过程和输移特征尚不清晰、应用模型较少且自主建立模型鲜见、污染控制与管理措施零散等问题。未来需要不断加强资料的系统监测,探明该流域非点源污染种类、来源及负荷,提高应用模型种类和精度,建立流域土地、水域最优开发和管理模式,逐步完善定量化研究与控制体系。  相似文献   

Increasing concern about bathing water quality in Scotland has led to renewed interest in diffuse sources, as well as the already closely monitored municipal sewage effluents and combined sewer overflows (CSOs) that have been the subject of multi-million pound capital expenditure schemes for several years. Early investigations of diffuse sources focused on rural land uses. This paper is an initial effort to consider the possible significance of urban diffuse sources. A review of the potential for diffuse urban sources includes consideration of sewage pollution in surface water sewers, as well as non-human sources such as pigeon and other bird roosts, and faecal material from pets such as dogs and cats. Portobello beach in Edinburgh is the case study selected, because of earlier work done by Scottish Water and SEPA. The Figgate Burn crosses Edinburgh to discharge onto the beach at Portabello, and pollution sources in its catchment are described. Additional information is reported from Dunfermline, where the sewer network has provided examples of three ways in which sewage pollution can occur in urban streams, and also Scottish examples of measures to control some non-human sources (e.g. SUDS).  相似文献   

Rosin  T. R.  Romano  M.  Keedwell  E.  Kapelan  Z. 《Water Resources Management》2021,35(4):1273-1289
Water Resources Management - Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) are a major source of pollution and urban flooding, spilling untreated wastewater directly into water bodies and the surrounding...  相似文献   

当前地表水体污染问题严重,准确掌握污染物的来源并从源头上对污染物实施总量控制是实现污染源有效监管的技术依据,也是我国流域污染防治工作的重要技术支撑。在对国内外已有的水环境污染源解析技术归纳的基础上,着重对地表水污染物源解析受体模型中的成分/比值法、指纹图谱法、化学质量平衡模型和多元统计法等方法的研究和应用进展进行了详细阐述,并对国内外地表水污染物源解析技术存在的问题和应用前景进行了评述和展望,指出当前水环境源解析技术存在的主要问题为:现有源解析技术的局限性和约束条件难于满足,使得分析结果存在较大误差;污染源指纹谱不完整等现状制约了源解析的研究深度;特定区域污染源指纹谱的修订存在较多困难;现有模型仅反映过去时段对受体的贡献;源解析研究的目标污染物相对有限。对现有技术的完善与优化,各模型间的综合分析、耦合应用为当前研究的热点与发展趋势。  相似文献   

Elevated levels of indicator bacteria within a river system represent a significant impairment to surface water quality in many urban areas within the Great Lakes watershed. Outfalls from combined sewer systems are assumed to be the major source of bacteria to streams in many of these urban areas, including the Rouge River of southeastern Michigan. Current remediation strategies largely disregard other potential sources, including water entering the river from its headwaters region, rural runoff, and contaminated groundwater. These other potential sources of bacterial pollution to the Rouge River were assessed and compared with bacteria contributed from combined sewer outfalls (CSOs). Fecal coliform (FC) and fecal streptococci (FS) densities were determined at 28 locations in the Rouge River Watershed during the spring and summer of 1997, 1998, and 1999. The mean levels of both indicator groups vary considerably along each branch of the river and show no correlation to CSO locations. The magnitude of both FC and FS levels are, in fact, frequently greater at sites upstream of the part of the river influenced by discharges from CSOs. The highest FC levels coincided with rainfall events, but FC levels at various sites along each branch of the Rouge River violated acceptable water quality standards (200 colonies/100 mL) at nearly 50% of the sites even during dry weather. Total suspended solids were moderately correlated with FC (r = 0.79) throughout the watershed, suggesting that solids may play a role in transporting bacteria into the Rouge River. The data depict a strong influence of upstream water and rural runoff on the water quality of the Rouge River. FC to FS ratios (FC/FS) suggest the primary source of bacteria throughout the watershed is from domesticated animals and wildlife and not from sewage derived from CSOs.  相似文献   

An Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) has been initiated to evaluate what water-quality standards can be achieved in the Chicago Waterway System (CWS). There are nearly 200 combined sewer overflow (CSO) locations discharging to the CWS by gravity. Three CSO pumping stations also drain approximately 140 km2. Because of the dynamic nature of the CWS the DUFLOW model that is capable of simulating hydraulics and water-quality processes under unsteady-flow conditions was used to evaluate the effectiveness of water-quality improvement techniques identified by the UAA including CSO treatment. Several CSO treatment levels were applied at gravity flow CSOs to evaluate improvement in dissolved oxygen (DO). The results show that pollutant removal at CSOs improves DO to a certain degree, but it still was not sufficient to bring DO concentrations to 5 mg/L or higher for 90% of the time during wet weather at most locations on the CWS. Flow from the pumping stations results in substantial stress on DO since a huge amount of un-treated water with a high pollution load is discharged into the CWS in a short period of time at a certain location. The simulation results indicate that CSO treatment does not effectively improve DO during wet-weather periods on the CWS.  相似文献   

黄河流域非点源污染负荷定量化与控制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过文献分析,总结了黄河流域非点源污染负荷定量化与污染控制两方面的研究进展,分析了黄河流域非点源污染研究现阶段存在的问题,即农业、城市非点源污染研究总体不多,自主研发模型少见、控制管理措施单一、新型污染物研究不足等。未来黄河流域地区需加大基础数据的监测,加强部门之间数据共享,建立非点源污染数据库;进一步对非点源污染机理进行探究,研发适合该流域的水文-水质-水动力非点源污染和水库水动力-水质耦合模型;深入非点源污染防控研究,制定全过程综合控制模式与管理体系。  相似文献   

In this paper the measure of increased river base flow is developed and evaluated. Aim is the temporal increase of flow in manmade low flow stretches for sufficient dilution of downstream acute pollution introduced by combined sewer overflows (CSOs). The increase of flow is done by operating upstream located retaining structures such as hydropower intakes. For implementation both energy producers and municipalities are required to cooperate. Thus the measure fits into a core aim of the Water Framework Directive of having basin wide approaches for improvements. Technically the focus of the measure is clearly on the mitigation of acute pollution, not addressing delayed or accumulate pollutants. The framework and implications are discussed for having an appropriate real time control (RTC) concept based on model based predictive control (MBPC). A specially development algorithm for the operation is presented and subsequently tested off-line with a semi-virtual catchment. The boundary conditions of the catchment are varied with regard to the connected catchment size, the river connected and the pollutant concentration originating from the catchment. Based on these scenarios and a review on uncertainties in rain forecasts, limits for the measure are derived. Costs for the measure were estimated as equivalent cost due to losses in energy production. It is shown that not only the costs for annual spilled water are to be considered but as well peak flows generated in the river system. The increase of CSO volume as an alternative measure was not found to be a suitable measure, leading to unrealistic high volumes and consequently to exorbitant costs.  相似文献   

水足迹理论研究综述   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
水足迹概念的提出,有别于传统的"取水"指标,创新性地将人们的生产和消费与水资源的消耗和污染联系起来,让人们意识到水资源的总体消耗和污染最终是与生产、消费产品的类型和数量密不可分的。水足迹理论应用研究为水安全战略研究提供了重要基础,成为了水资源管理领域的研究热点之一。本研究从水足迹核算的时空尺度(A级、B级和C级尺度)、水足迹核算范围(蓝水足迹、绿水足迹和灰水足迹)、水足迹可持续性评价及其国内实证研究四个方面对国内外水足迹的研究现状展开评述,并对其研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

In river stretches being subjected to flow regulation, usually for the purpose of energy production (e.g. Hydropower) or flood protection (river barrage), a special measure can be taken against the effect of combined sewer overflows (CSOs). The basic idea is the temporal increase of the river base flow (during storm weather) as an in-stream measure for mitigation of CSO spilling. The focus is the mitigation of the negative effect of acute pollution of substances. The measure developed can be seen as an application of the classic real time control (RTC) concept onto the river system. Upstream gate operation is to be based on real time monitoring and forecasting of precipitation. The main objective is the development of a model based predictive control system for the gate operation, by modelling of the overall wastewater system (incl. the receiving water). The main emphasis is put on the operational strategy and the appropriate short-term forecast of spilling events. The potential of the measure is tested for the application of the operational strategy and its ecological and economic feasibility. The implementation of such an in-stream measure into the hydropower's operational scheme is unique. Advantages are (a) the additional in-stream dilution of acute pollutants entering the receiving water and (b) the resulting minimization of the required CSO storage volume.  相似文献   

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