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流向振荡圆柱绕流中的涡脱落模态分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
本文用有限体积法对平行于均匀来流方向受迫振荡的圆柱绕流问题进行了二维数值模拟。雷诺数选取Re=200、855等几种亚临界雷诺数情况。研究了不同振幅和振动频率下的流场结构、涡脱落模态和一些重要流动参数如升阻力系数、Strouhal数的变化关系。西文计算表明,流向振荡圆柱绕流中涡脱落方式可划分为对称与反对称两种形态,在反对称的涡脱落现象中又观察到了三种基本模态,相互竞争的各种模态间的共同作用对流动特征起决定性作用。同时计算结果还验证了在圆柱绕流实验中观察到的频率锁定现象。  相似文献   

混合对流绕圆柱涡旋脱落及对传热影响的数值研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用本文作者改进的关于流函数一涡量方向的数值求解方法,模拟了混合对流绕圆柱涡旋脱落及对传热的影响,得到了雷诺数Re与格拉肖夫数Gr双重作用下圆柱尾迹涡型转变的规律,并数值研究耻存在小扰动的自由来流、圆柱旋转(γ)及浮力与来流成不同角度(δ)等因素对旋涡脱落,对传热的影响。除Re数处,δ,Gr数对尾涡流型及传热产生较大影响,可利用这些参数来控制绕流流动及强化传热作用。  相似文献   

为研究圆柱绕流流场特性,将大涡模拟与特征线算子分裂有限元相结合,建立了大涡模拟特征线算子分裂有限元模型,对单圆柱和串列双圆柱绕流问题进行了数值模拟,所得结果与现有研究结果吻合较好。模拟结果表明:对单圆柱绕流,随着雷诺数的增大,圆柱近尾流区上下交替的涡旋逐渐靠近通过圆柱几何中心的水平线,且涡脱落位置逐渐靠近圆柱。对Re=1 000的串列双圆柱绕流,临界间距在圆柱直径的2.25~2.5倍之间;当两圆柱间距小于临界间距时,上游圆柱后方无明显涡旋脱落,间隙处压力较稳定;大于临界间距时,有涡旋脱落,上游圆柱尾流区上下表面交替出现强负压区。  相似文献   

本文利用离散涡模型与边界层理论相结合的方法,研究了高雷诺数下,均匀流绕旋转圆柱的分离流动以及有关动力学特性,并验证了Magnus效应,数值模拟过程中,边界层方程用Keller盒式法求解,离散涡采用涡量均匀分布的圆形涡团模型并以涡核半径随时间增长来模拟涡旋的粘性扩散效应。在计算绕旋转圆柱的流动中,无须人为地引进非对称扰动,到一定时候就能自动形成交替脱落的涡街,旋转圆柱周向速度与来流速度比值α的变化范围为0.05-0.3。计算所得升阻系数、分离点的位置以及压力分布与理论和实验结果相符。  相似文献   

绕圆柱非定常周期性涡旋脱落的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用非定常流函数涡量方程数值模拟圆柱突然起动尾流涡旋的形成及周期性脱落过程。对求解的流函数的一阶导数即速度项采用四阶精度的Hermitian公式,而方程的对流项则采用四阶精度的差分格式,并利用ADI方法迭代求解差分方程组。当雷诺数Re不大于40时,圆柱尾流为附体的两个对称涡,为定常解。当Re大于40后流动为非定常及非对称的,圆柱尾流呈现周期性涡旋交替脱落而形成著名的Karman涡街。选择Re=100为例,在初始条件未加任何扰动情况下,成功地模拟了圆柱非定常涡旋形成与脱落的完整过程(无量纲时间算到t=250及以上)。所计算的阻力系数与实验结果及其它数值方法的计算结果一致。约在t=200形成严格的Karman涡街。对涡量方程ADI求解方法的稳定性进行了分析。对流项采用四阶精度差分格式,若应用于定常问题,将极大提高数值求解的精度,若应用于非定常问题的求解,将对求解精度有所改善,其中时间空间两阶混合偏导数的处理是关键,有待进一步的数值实验。  相似文献   

三维圆柱绕流数值模拟湍流方法的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究湍流模拟方法对三维圆柱绕流数值模拟精度的影响,分别采用雷诺平均法(RANS)中的κ-ω模型、SST模型以及大涡模拟法(LES)对亚临界区内雷诺数Re=3 900时的三维圆柱绕流进行数值计算,分析了圆柱体表面的受力、圆柱后流场时均速度特性与瞬时涡量分布情况。结果表明,当流体流过圆柱表面时,圆柱表面出现的与流速方向相反的负压力差区域使流体从圆柱表面分离,引起了不稳定的周期性交替脱落的湍流涡泄,从而在圆柱表面产生周期性波动的升力,同时在圆柱后近流场区域形成回流区。研究还发现,LES法对圆柱体的受力以及流场时均速度特性的模拟效果要优于κ-ω模型与SST模型;相较于前人利用浸入边界法得到的模拟结果,LES法的模拟精度也有了较大提升;同样,通过对瞬时流场涡量等值线图的分析,并与已有的模拟结果进行对比,发现LES法不但可以从整体上表现出漩涡的周期性脱落,而且对流场中不同位置的、复杂的小尺度湍流涡泄也描述得非常细致,得到的自由分离剪切层长度与湍流涡泄的卷曲度更符合湍流涡泄的特征。所以,在亚临界区,LES法对湍流的模拟效果相对较好。  相似文献   

多圆柱绕流旋涡脱落和流场形态概论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当流体绕多个圆柱流动时,圆柱的个数、相对位置和大小都明显影响着绕流流场结构。基于已有研究成果,归纳总结了流场中放置双圆柱、三圆柱、四圆柱和流场中主圆柱附近放置1个或2个附属小圆柱时,随圆柱相对位置变化,流场结构和旋涡脱落状态的演变规律。双圆柱相对位置分串列、并列和错置3种,其绕流流态按间距比和水流攻角对旋涡脱落形态的影响划分,流态在临界间距比上下变化很大;三圆柱呈“品”字布置,当间距比小于临界值时,出现明显的偏流现象,大于临界值后不再出现偏流现象;三圆柱呈倒“品”字布置,在任何间距比下,流动状态相对于来流几乎都是对称分布的;四圆柱绕正方形排列,实验研究发现上游两圆柱后没有旋涡形成和脱落,下游两圆柱旋涡脱落反相同步,而数值模拟得到上下游柱后都有明显的涡脱落;主圆柱尾流中存在附属小圆柱时,调整小圆柱的位置能够有效抑制尾流中的旋涡脱落。  相似文献   

亚临界雷诺数下波浪型圆柱绕流的数值模拟及减阻研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用大涡模拟数值方法对亚临界雷诺数Re=3000下波浪型圆柱的绕流现象进行研究分析。研究结果表明,波浪型圆柱的三维尾迹涡结构能得到很好的控制,它在轴向方向呈现周期性正负涡的交替分布特性。随着幅值的增大,波浪型圆柱表面的自由剪切层得以延展,使得旋涡的脱落发生在波浪型圆柱下游较远处,从而达到减阻的目的。波浪型圆柱与普通直圆柱相比,其幅值对平均阻力系数及脉动升力系数的减少及尾迹控制有着更重要的影响,最大减阻可达16%。  相似文献   

电加热圆柱尾迹涡的流动显示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在低湍流度风洞及水槽中,就低雷诺数范围内对加势圆柱尾迹涡进行流动显示研究,实验表明在水介质中均匀加热圆柱时可促进其尾涡的脱落、而沿展向局部加热时,其局部涡脱落频率增大,导致原准二维卡门涡街三维化;相反空气中加热圆柱对旋涡脱落有扼制作用,本文首次观察到加热诱发的圆柱尾迹不稳定性的展向波,表现为Re^*〈Re(临界涡脱落雷诺数)时双子涡展向断裂成间距为展向波长λ的涡段。圆柱加热增强了尾迹近区的不稳  相似文献   

圆柱尾迹流场中横向振荡翼型绕流的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文数值模拟了静止圆柱尾迹中横向振荡翼型绕流的涡结构、力及频谱特性,揭示前方尾迹流场对振荡翼绕流特性的影响,以了解鱼类游动时自主利用前方流场有利干扰的流体力学机理。研究表明圆柱尾迹的影响可导致翼型前缘涡脱落模态发生变化;翼型尾迹的频谱特性更加复杂;在一定的参数下翼型阻力系数可以整体下降。  相似文献   

Oscillating flow around a circular cylinder in the vicinity of a plane wall was investigated by solving the two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with a finite element Galarkin residual method. The effect of the gap G/D between the cylinder surface and the wall on the flow behavior was studied. For the case of G/D 〈 0.25, the periodicity in the flow is attributed to both the outer shear layer instability and the oscillating frequency. As G/D 〉 0.25, vortex shedding occurs and the periodicity in the flow is mainly due to the competition of the oscillating frcqucncy and the vortex shedding frequency from an isolated stationary cylinder.  相似文献   

The flow behind a three-dimensional rotationally oscillating circular cylinder was studied by a numerical method. The computations were performed at a Reynolds number of 260, which is at a level that the flow wake has developed into a three-dimensional state called Mode-B. The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of various rotational amplitudes (0.1-0.7) on the wake instability of the flow, while the oscillation frequency is fixed to the value of that measured in the wake of a stationary cylinder. The results show that the rotation with sufficiently high amplitude brings the flow back to its nominal two-dimensional state. Moreover, it is found that the value of the time-averaged drag and the RMS value of the lift are larger than those of a stationary circular cylinder.  相似文献   

高雷诺数下圆柱绕流与大振幅比受迫振动的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用CFD方法,研究较高雷诺数下圆柱绕流及圆柱大振幅比横向受迫振动特性。在Navier-Stokes方程和k??湍流模型的基础上,对圆柱绕流分别进行了二维与三维的数值模拟,得到了圆柱绕流的升力系数和漩涡发放频率数等结果。研究结果表明,三维模拟的升力系数均小于二维模拟结果。利用Fluent的动网格技术进行大振幅比圆柱横向受迫振动的研究,得到圆柱在不同振动频率时的升力系数及漩涡发放规律和圆柱在特定振幅及频率下的"锁定"区间。  相似文献   

In this paper,the 3-D turbulent flow around two side-by-side circular cylinders of different diameters,at sub-critical Reynolds number(Re=3 900),is numerically simulated by the large eddy simulation(LES).The spacing ratios(T/D)between the two cylinders are considered in four cases(T/D=1.2,1.5,1.8 and 2.7)to study the vortex shedding and turbulent properties in the flow field.The main results are focused on the drag and lift coefficients,the vortex shedding frequency,the coherent structure,and the scale properties.It is shown that when T/D is equal to 1.2,the vortex shedding of the main cylinder is strongly suppressed by the small cylinder,the drag and lift coefficients of the main cylinder are smaller than those in other three cases.While T/D is equal to 1.5,the vortex shedding of the main cylinder can be improved,the drag and lift coefficients of the main cylinder are larger than those in other three cases.The empirical mode decomposition(EMD)method is applied to decompose the velocity signals traced by the LES.It is shown that there is a linear relationship between the mean period and the mode in the semi-log coordinates.The vortex shedding period of the main cylinder is consistent with the period of the restructured coherent structures quantitatively.  相似文献   

The flow past an in-line forced oscillating square cylinder at Reynolds number of 200 is studied using an in-house code, named constrained interpolation profile method developed in Zhejiang University(CIP-ZJU). The model is established in the Cartesian coordinate system using the CIP method to discretise the Navier-Stokes equations. The fluid-structure interaction is treated as a multiphase flow of the liquid and solid phases to be solved simultaneously. An immersed boundary method is used to deal with the boundary of the solid body. The CFD model is first applied to the computation of the flow past a fixed square cylinder for its validation. Computations are then performed for the flow past a square cylinder oscillating in the streamwise direction. Considerable attention is paid to the symmetric and anti-symmetric modes of the vortex shedding in the oscillating square cylinder wake. Various oscillation amplitudes and frequencies are simulated and their effects on the vortex shedding modes are analyzed via Lissajous patterns of the unsteady lift coefficient. The relationship among the lift coefficient, the drag coefficient and the lock-on range is also investigated quantitatively.  相似文献   

SLOWDRIFTDAMPINGFORCEACTINGONACYLINDERINWAVES¥HuChang-hong(KyushuUniversity,kasuga,Japan)LiuYin-zhong(ShanghaiJiaoTongUnivers...  相似文献   

In order to identify the influence of shape corners on the instantaneous forces in the case of oscillating bodies, the simulated flow field is compared for two kinds of cross sections: diamond prism and circular cylinder. For these two flow configurations, the same Reynolds number and a Keulegan-Carpenter are considered. To compute the dynamic flow field surrounding the body, the Navier-Stokes transport equations in a non-inertial reference frame attached to the body are considered. Hence, a source term is added locally to the momentum equation to take into account the body acceleration. The proposed model is solved using the PHOENICS code. For the oscillating circular cylinder, the simulated results are in good agreement with the experimental data available in the litterature. After validation of this proposed model, flow field for diamond prism is determined. For both bodies, the process of the vortex formation is similar, with the formation of a recirculation zone in the near-wake containing a symmetric pair of vortices of equal strength and opposite rotation. The length of recirculation zone varies approximately linearly with time. However, the in-line force coefficient of the oscillating diamond prism is found to be greatest, since the recirculation zone is longer compared with that of the oscillating circular cylinder.  相似文献   

均匀流中横向振荡圆柱绕流场的数值分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
针对工程中关心的振荡圆柱绕流问题,采用同位网格系统中的SIMPLE算法求解N-S方程,以及动网格技术模拟圆柱的运动边界。对均匀来流中的横向振荡圆柱绕流场进行数值模拟,计算了振荡圆柱升力系数、阻力系数随时间的变化曲线,以及不同相位时的流线矢量图和涡量等值线分布图。为验证模型的可靠性,对静水中的振荡圆柱流场进行模拟。与实验及数值计算结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

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