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富营养化湖泊营养盐的来源及治理   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
王鹏 《水资源保护》2004,20(2):9-12
分析富营养化湖泊营养盐的主要来源:流域内农田径流、畜禽养殖、水产养殖等产生的面源污染,以及湖底沉积物中液态营养盐向上覆水中释放、再悬浮造成的内源污染。综述多途径控制面源污染的措施,介绍底泥疏浚治理内源污染的方法,以及恢复水生高等植被、建设水生植物净化区、建造人工湿地等生态性治理措施。指出应结合当地的自然条件和湖泊富营养化状况,利用多种治理手段,逐步恢复富营养化湖泊生态系统的结构和功能,进而解决湖泊富营养化问题。  相似文献   

我国应用生态技术修复富营养化湖泊的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
我国湖泊、水库的营养化非常严重,且呈发展之势。在众多的治理方法中,生态方法以其效果好,费用低等优点,越来越受到人们的重视,成为国内外富营养化湖泊治理与研究的热点。本文将富营养化湖泊治理的生态技术分为控制营养盐的技术和直接控制藻类的技术,并分析了各种技术的生态原理、技术应用条件、实例应用情况以及技术优点和缺点等。湖泊富营养化是一个典型的生态问题,应综合各项技术的优点,科学地运用各项技术.宴旌富营养化湖泊的治殚。  相似文献   

于桥水库富营养化成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文从湖泊富营养化发生的三级因素入手,根据于桥水库生态特征、营养盐负荷、流域特性、湖流等多方面的调查结果及初级生产力结构和制约因素分析,对于桥水库富营养化发生机制及原因做出了综合剖析,为其治理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

湖、库富营养化机理研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了湖、库富营养化机理研究现状,内容包括水体富营养化过程各主要因素间的相互关系及其表现:藻类增长限制因子,叶绿素a与总氮、总磷浓度的关系,"水华"发生的水文气象条件;富营养化过程的藻类表现:典型污染指示种、群落多样性及藻类生长潜力;湖泊生态系统健康概念与湖泊生态系统的物质循环理论。指出富营养化实质是生态失衡。  相似文献   

富营养化湖泊生态恢复关键技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖泊富营养化已经成为一个日趋严重的全球性环境问题,引起了社会各界的广泛关注与重视。目前,富营养化湖泊生态系统恢复采用的技术主要有:底泥疏浚、引流冲污、人工曝气复氧、微生物修复技术、水生植被修复技术、生物操纵修复技术等。其中生物治理技术将在富营养化湖泊生态系统恢复中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着南湖荡日趋严重的富营养化问题,常熟市自2009年决定对其实施生态保护。通过对造成水体富营养化原因的分析,提出应采取恢复湖泊生态系统、控制内外污染源以及强化流域环境管理的对策措施。  相似文献   

1 水体富营养化现状市政及工业点源污染、农业面源污染中氮磷营养盐进入相对封闭的水域后, 在阳光照射下, 极易导致水体富营养化。纵观全球, 几乎所有湖泊和其他娱乐水体都存在着不同程度的富营养化问题, 藻类水华爆发 (algal blooms) 则是许多富营养化湖泊和水体面临的挑战, 世界各大洲自然水域、河流、湖泊 (水库) 及沿海水域均存在不同程度的富营养化问题, 而且大部分地区还相当严重。根据金相灿的研究成果, 我国主要的淡水湖除处于人烟稀少地区的原始状态的部分湖泊外, 其营养盐水平基本上达到了富营养化发生的标准浓度,水体的富营养化…  相似文献   

湖北省湖泊污染现状及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖北是千湖之省,近年随着经济社会的不断发展,湖泊生态健康日益恶化。分析了当前湖北省湖泊健康的总体情况。当前湖北省湖泊健康呈现出部分改善、总体恶化,反复治理、反复污染的特点,富营养化是湖泊健康恶化的主要表现形式。农业面源污染是湖泊污染的主因,工业生产的不达标排放加快了湖泊的富营养化,加上湖泊水体交换受阻,减弱湖泊自净能力,最终导致湖泊生态健康的恶化。湖泊与流域是一个密不可分的完整生态系统,对于湖泊生态系统的保护和管理必须要考虑生态系统的完整性和紧密联系。对湖泊及其源头发生过程及程度进行有效监测,及时掌握湖泊和流域状况及变化趋势,是湖泊水环境治理最为迫切的关键工作。  相似文献   

富营养化浅水湖泊治理方法初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
娄云 《吉林水利》2005,(9):34-37
湖泊富营养化是指氮、磷等营养物质大量进入水体所引起的二次污染现象。主要表现为水体的溶解氧下降、透明度降低、水质恶化、鱼类及其它大量生物死亡。湖泊富营养化的治理走过了从控制营养盐、生物调控到生态修复的艰难历程。纵观全球富营养化治理的成功经验和失败教训后,不难看出,在全湖性富营养化难以快速根治的情况下,当务之急是结合当地的自然务件和湖泊富营养化状况,制定综合治理方案,优先解决对人类生产生活影响较大的局部水域富营养化问题,然后再逐步实现全湖乃至全流域的生态修复。  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化综合防治的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于人类生活和生产活动的影响给湖泊带来了日益严峻的富营养化问题,为了使湖泊恢复其应有的功能,必须对其进行综合治理.根据污染源的不同,采取相应的防治对策.按照湖泊富营养化与污染控制理论,富营养化防治埘策主要有控制污染源、生态修复和管理对策.  相似文献   

Despite significant declines in external phosphorus loads, Lake of the Woods continues to experience severe recurring cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cHABs) covering as much as 80% of the lake surface area. Satellite-derived bloom indices were used to assess the status, trends, and drivers of cHAB conditions for the period 2002 to 2021 in support of developing ecosystem objectives and response indicators for the lake. Areas of greatest potential concern, with the most prolonged bloom occurrences, were in the southeast of the lake. Significant decreases in bloom indices suggest the lake may now be responding to historical nutrient reductions. The greatest rates of decrease were within the main water flow paths, with little change in the more isolated embayments, suggesting flushing plays a key role in regulating regional bloom severity. Significant inter-annual variability in bloom phenology was observed, with blooms peaking later in recent years, which may be in response to climate-induced changes in the lake and watershed. The absence of a direct relationship between external phosphorus loads and annual bloom severity reflects the complexity of the lake’s response to eutrophication and the potential roles of other drivers including climate and a strong legacy effect of sedimentary nutrients. A case study of the 2017 bloom season captures the compounding interaction of meteorological variability and seasonal nutrient delivery in regulating the bloom response. Results highlight the need for greater understanding of seasonal and regional variability of bloom drivers to aid in forecasting the lake’s recovery under both nutrient management and climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Eutrophication has degraded ecosystem, cultural and recreational values in Lake Forsyth, a small, shallow, coastal lake in New Zealand. To inform catchment management decisions designed to prevent algal blooms and improve water quality, a sub-catchment scale, mass-balance approach to understanding the behaviour of the critical nutrient, phosphorous (P), has been taken. To determine a P budget for the lake, and identify key P reservoirs, hydrological inflows and outflows were measured over a 15 month period. These were combined with total (TP) and dissolved reactive P (DRP) concentrations in these flows, to determine the external load of P transported to the lake. Lake water was also analysed for TP and DRP concentrations, and chemical extractions were used to determine the mass and mobility of P in the lake sediments. Biomass surveys and chemical digestions were used to quantify the mass of P contained in lake macrophytes. Changes in the lake water P reservoirs were then used to assess the contribution of external P loading relative to fluxes of P from the sediment to the lake water column (internal P loading). More than 7000 kg P per year was delivered to the lake, 68% of which came from a single sub-catchment. P associated with suspended particulate material accounted for 80% of the external P load transported into the lake and 61% of the load delivered over the study period was transported during a single flood event. A reduction of 53% in the external P load is necessary to achieve a recommended areal loading guideline. As the lake has no permanent outflow, this external load and the low flushing rates have created a large legacy reservoir of P in the lake sediments with 70% of external P loads retained in the lake. It is the release of P from these lake sediments rather than fluctuations in external loading that control P concentrations in the lake water column during the blooms of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. The results indicate the importance of targeting both external and internal loading processes in the catchment. The sub-catchment scale, mass-balance approach to determining a P budget and quantifying P reservoirs enable critical source areas for external P loads to be identified, and the potential efficacy of targeted interventions to reduce P sources and minimise P transport, such as wetlands and sediment retention basins, to be assessed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic-ecological model for Lake of the Woods (LoW) to assess the impact of nutrient inputs on the lake’s ecological processes. LoW is a large bi-national water body with complex geometry and topography and receives significant nutrients mainly from the Rainy River, with additional inputs from a few other smaller tributaries, and suffers from degraded water quality with seasonal cyanobacterial and harmful algal blooms. A high-resolution model developed here has a horizontal grid resolution of 250 m with a variable vertical grid resolution and can simulate hydrodynamics, in-lake nutrients dynamics, and phytoplankton biomass. Our model reproduced observed temporal and spatial distribution of nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations reasonably well. The calibrated model is used to explore simulating the spatial and temporal variability of ecological conditions of the lake and its response to nutrient load reductions. Based on a range of potential nutrient loadings, the model results suggest that different areas within LoW may respond differently to decreased phosphorus loadings. The model simulations predict that as nutrient loads into LoW decrease, water quality conditions will improve in most of the segments. In addition to naturally reducing internal load, external load reductions of 160 MTA from the baseline conditions (877 MTA) are necessary to reduce late summer average TP concentrations to 0.03 mg/L and total chlorophyll-a concentrations in the range of 7–12 μg/L.  相似文献   

Many large lake ecosystems are experiencing increasing eutrophication and persistent cyanobacteria‐dominated algal blooms affecting their water quality and ecosystem productivity because of widespread non‐point and point nutrient sources. Accordingly, the present study utilized data of July 2003 and January–February 2004, as well as previous measurements of nutrients and physico‐chemical variables (electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, turbidity and chlorophyll‐a), to characterize the spatial and temporal trends, as a means of better understanding the factors influencing lake environmental conditions, as support tools for long‐term ecosystem management and for better understanding the long‐term trends and effects. Inshore gulf areas were found to represent zones of maximum nutrient concentrations, compared to the deep main lake zones, with significant inter‐parameter correlations. Phosphorus, silicon and chlorophyll‐a concentrations were significantly correlated. Water electrical conductivity was also significantly and positively correlated with soluble reactive silicon (SRSi), alkalinity hardness DO, while exhibiting a negative association with water transparency. Water turbidity and transparency, electrical conductivity, and SRSi concentrations clearly describe a gradient from the gulf into the main lake. For such a shallow gulf, these findings suggest primary productivity is influenced mainly by the availability of nutrients, light transparency and the extent of availability of resuspended nutrients. The increasing eutrophic state of Lake Victoria is a serious concern since it contributes to an increased potential of more frequent occurrences of cyanobacterial blooms, a potential public health risk to both humans and wildlife. Improved understanding of influences from previous fish species introductions and concomitant changes in indigenous fish species, increased lake basin population and anthropogenic activities, water hyacinth resurgences, sustainability of biodiversity, and current interests in cage farming, are among the major concerns and challenges facing the contemporary Lake Victoria. The trends regarding nutrients and physico‐chemical characteristics are intended to support better monitoring efforts and data to promote the lake's ecosystem services and the sustainable management of the lake ecosystem.  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾水源地通过生态修复净化水质的试验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过在太湖实施的试验研究,发现富营养化水体营养盐浓度的增加会导致附着在水生植物上的附着生物增加,对水生植物(主要是沉水植物)的光合作用造成胁迫,从而说明草型湖泊生态系统的恢复,首先必须降低营养盐浓度,因此,通过恢复水生植物来净化水质是不现实的。与营养盐浓度相比,风浪、光照、鱼的牧食等都不是根本的影响因素。根据调查,示范区夏季盛行偏南风,吹程长,风浪较大,导致沉积物悬浮,影响水环境质量,而蓝藻水华易于在此堆积,这些都是影响该水域水质的主要因素。为此,在生态净化方面,以恢复漂浮植物和浮叶植物为主来净化水质,在工程净化措施方面,提出了消浪和控藻等工程措施,以及布设人工介质(渔网)富集附着生物来净化水质等措施。经过3年的实施,示范区的水质改善已经取得初步成效。  相似文献   

Climatic change is recognized as an important factor capable of influencing the structural properties of aquatic ecosystems. Lake ecosystems are particularly sensitive to climate change. Several long time-series studies have shown close coupling between climate, lake thermal properties and individual organism physiology, population abundance, community structure, and food-web structure. Understanding the complex interplay between climate, hydrological variability, and ecosystem structure and functioning is essential to inform water resources risk assessment and fisheries management. The purpose of this paper is to present the current understanding of climate-induced changes on lake ecosystem phenology. We first review the ability of climate to modulate the interactions among lake hydrodynamics, chemical factors, and food-web structure in several north temperate deep lakes (e.g., Lake Washington, Lake Tahoe, Lake Constance, Lake Geneva, Lake Baikal, and Lake Zurich). Our aim is to assess long-term trends in the physical (e.g., temperature, timing of stratification, and duration of ice cover), chemical (e.g., nutrient concentrations), and biological (e.g., timing of the spring bloom, phytoplankton composition, and zooplankton abundance) characteristics of the lakes and to examine the signature of local weather conditions (e.g., air temperature and rainfall) and large-scale climatic variability (e.g., ENSO and PDO) on the lake physics, chemistry and biology. We also conducted modeling experiments to quantify the relative effect of climate change and nutrient loading on lake phenology. These modeling experiments focused on the relative changes to the major causal associations underlying plankton dynamics during the spring bloom and the summer stratified period. To further understand the importance of climate change on lakes, we propose two complementary directions of future research. First, additional research is needed to elucidate the wide array of in-lake processes that are likely to be affected by the climate change. Second, it is essential to examine the heterogeneity in responses among different water bodies. The rationale of this approach and its significance for dealing with the uncertainty that the climate signals cascade through lake ecosystems and shape abiotic variability and/or biotic responses have been recently advocated by several other synthesis papers.  相似文献   

本研究以连云港市徐圩新区海绵城市建设为背景,通过云湖水生态系统构建、云湖调水排盐,构建自我调节能力较强的水生态系统,有效提升云湖水质,解决快速城市化导致的城市内涝灾害、生态环境恶化等问题,实现了片区水环境改善的生态、经济和社会效应。本研究可为类似区域的海绵城市水生态系统建设实践提供参考。  相似文献   

Tonle Sap Lake (TSL) in Cambodia is the largest freshwater body in South‐East Asia and one of the most productive ecosystems in the world. The lake and its ecosystems are widely under threat, however, due to anthropogenic activities occurring inside and outside its basin (e.g., water infrastructure development; land use change), being poorly understood in most aspects. This study provides an updated review of the state of knowledge of the TSL ecosystem, as well as important research directions for sustainable lake environmental management of Tonle Sap Lake by focusing on four major topics, including climate change and hydrology, sediment dynamics, nutrient dynamics and primary and secondary production. The findings of this study suggest anthropogenic activities in the TSL basin, as well as the Mekong, in combination together with climate changes, are key contributing factors in the degradation of the TSL ecosystem. Insufficient accurate data, however, precludes quantitative assessment of such impacts, making it difficult to quantitatively assess and accurately understand the ecosystem process in the lake ecosystem. More efforts are recommended in regard to environmental monitoring in all sub‐basins around TSL, assessing seasonal changes in nutrient and sediment inputs corresponding to water level and flow changes, assessing cumulative impacts of water infrastructure and climate change on the ecosystem dynamics, and elucidation of ecosystem processes within the lake's internal system.  相似文献   

In order to set ecological goals and determine measures for the European Water Framework Directive, the effects of climate change on lake ecosystems should be estimated. It is thought that the complexity of lake ecosystems makes this effect inherently unpredictable. However, models that deal with this complexity are available and well calibrated and tested. In this study we use the ecosystem model PCLake to demonstrate how climate change might affect the ecological status of a shallow peaty lake in 2050. With the model PCLake, combined with a long-term water and nutrient balance, it is possible to describe adequately the present status of the lake. Simulations of future scenarios with increasing precipitation, evaporation and temperature, showed that climate change will lead to higher nutrient loadings. At the same time, it will lead to lower critical loadings. Together this might cause the lake to shift easier from a clear water to a turbid state. The amount of algae, expressed as the concentration Chl-a, will increase, as a consequence turbidity will increase. The outcome of this study; increasing stability of the turbid state of the lake, and thus the need for more drastic measures, is consistent with some earlier studies.  相似文献   

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