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城市河流影响着城市的发展与未来,对河流的水质监测已成为重要的环保工作。为了了解城市河流的水质变化情况及荧光技术在河流水体监测中的应用效果,采用三维荧光光谱技术(3DEEM),对某一城市河流进行实验分析。结果表明:实验河流水体共有3个典型荧光特征峰,即类腐殖质荧光峰A1λexem=275 nm/360 nm)、类蛋白质荧光峰A2λexem=230 nm/350 nm)和类蛋白质荧光峰A3λexem=275 nm/310 nm);河流从上游至下游方向,水体所含蛋白质类荧光物质逐渐增加,推断沿河有少量生活污水汇入。此外,河流水质荧光峰强度与氨氮间表现为极显著线性关系,与COD及总磷无明显相关性。  相似文献   

介绍了使用原子荧光光度计对地表水中砷、硒2种元素进行同时测定的方法。测定结果表明:方法的相关系数为0.9995和0.9993,线性关系良好;砷检测限为0.122 ug/L,硒检测限为0.133 ug/L,检测限较低;砷相对标准偏差0.80%,硒相对标准偏差1.52%,精密度较好;砷、硒加标回收率为90.0%-110%之间,准确度较高。  相似文献   

本文探讨了遗传算法在水质模型参数率定过程中的应用,以堆龙河(西藏羊八井电厂尾水注入)为例,说明了遗传算法在数值优化中具有简单易行、高效性及普遍适用性的优势。实际应用表明,用遗传算法率定的水质模型参数的结果比较令人满意。  相似文献   

水质常规监测采样频率确定方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对安徽省淮河蚌埠闸以上干流2个水质监测断面的水质监测资料用偏差分析的方法,研究确定水质常规监测采样频率的方法。对1998年以来淮河蚌埠闸以上干流和颍河干流安徽段7个监测断面的水质常规监测数据进行了正态性检验,并对1998年以来的12个监测断面水质常规监测数据用统计学的方法,研究确定水质常规监测采样频率的方法。  相似文献   

确定河流水质参数的抛物方程近似拟和法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种新的分析瞬时投放示踪剂条件下的一维河流水团示踪试验数据,进而确定河流水质参数的方法.该方法利用抛物方程拟和t1/2c t曲线的峰部区域,推导出利用曲线上3点坐标值计算该抛物方程的极大值和对应时间的公式,利用该时间公式建立计算河流断面平均流速的公式.在此基础上,对浓度时间数据进行转换,推导出计算河流纵向弥散系数和综合排放参数的计算公式.理论推导和算例表明,抛物方程近似拟和法具有对试验数据组数的要求不高、计算过程比较简单和同时能够计算3个水质参数等优点.  相似文献   

剖析河流水质模型1号(RWQM1)的建模背景、设计思路、基本框架与建模方法,认为RWQM1从技术层面和建模方法上对当前水质模型进行了重大调整,提供了全新的水质模型框架,作为未来水质建模的科学标准,RWQM1的标准化设计思路包括:1较全面地划分水质组分,统一水质组分的表述方式;2基于严格的化学计量方程实现对水质转化过程及其动力学的数学描述,确保反应物、产物的物质守恒;3将各种水质过程通过化学计量矩阵的形式实现模型的结构化表达。结构化的思路使得RWQM1水质模型具有灵活、适用性广等特点,但过于复杂的状态变量、缺乏强大的软件平台等问题,在一定程度上限制了RWQM1水质模型的推广。  相似文献   

The Thames Water recycling plant at the Millennium Dome, London, reclaimed three sources of water: greywater from the washbasins, rainwater from the Dome roof and groundwater from a borehole on site. These were pre-treated separately, and the mixed stream filtered using ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membranes. Monitoring for indicator microorganisms was undertaken throughout the plant and in the reclaimed water distribution system, as well as ad-hoc monitoring for the presence of pathogens in the raw waters. Treatment to the level of ultrafiltration was more than adequate to produce a water quality meeting existing worldwide reclaimed water guidelines for toilet flushing. Owing to the excellent quality of the water leaving the plant, no significant microbiological growth was observed in the reclaimed water distribution system during the year. The raw greywater exhibited a higher faecal bacterial load than the rainwater and groundwater, as predicted from more human contact (i.e. hand washing). Environmental strains of Legionella were observed in the three raw greywater samples analysed for pathogens, as was Cryptosporidium, Giardia and faecal enterococci. The rainwater had relatively high levels of faecal bacteria, probably of avian origin. Giardia was detected in one rainwater sample confirming the potential for this water source to contain pathogens.  相似文献   

粒子群优化算法在确定河流水质参数中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
将粒子群优化(PSO)算法应用于求解分析瞬时投放示踪剂情况下的一维河流水团示踪试验数据,以及确定河流水质参数的函数优化问题。分别就粒子数目和待估水质参数的初始取值范围对算法运算过程的影响进行了数值实验。结果表明:①PSO算法能够有效地应用于求解分析河流水质试验数据,确定水质参数的函数优化问题;②粒子数目的多少对迭代次数、运算时间和算法是否收敛有一定的影响,在粒子数目较大的情况下,可以保证运算过程收敛;③待估参数初始猜测值的选取范围对迭代次数也有一定的影响,选取范围越大,需要的迭代次数越多。最后,指出了需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

Within the last years a trend towards in-situ monitoring can be observed, i.e. most new sensors for water quality monitoring are designed for direct installation in the medium, compact in size and use measurement principles which minimise maintenance demand. Ion-sensitive sensors (Ion-Sensitive-Electrode--ISE) are based on a well known measurement principle and recently some manufacturers have released probe types which are specially adapted for application in water quality monitoring. The function principle of ISE-sensors, their advantages, limitations and the different methods for sensor calibration are described. Experiences with ISE-sensors from applications in sewer networks, at different sampling points within wastewater treatment plants and for surface water monitoring are reported. An estimation of investment and operation costs in comparison to other sensor types is given.  相似文献   

延河水质评价及个别水质指标预测分析对延河流域水污染防治具有重要意义.本文基于延河流域近3年水质的月监测数据,选取单因子指数法和水质综合污染指数法对延河水质进行评价,对比不同的评价方法对延河水质评价结果的异同.并通过建立BP(Back Propagation)人工神经网络首次对延河水质指标溶解氧(DO)进行预测.结果表明...  相似文献   

The authors propose a new intake control system for water purification plants based on river water quality. In this system the intake flow rate of a plant will decrease while the river water is polluted, whereas it will increase after the water quality of the river has recovered. The purpose of this system is to reduce the operational costs of water purification while securing an adequate water supply. Simulation studies on the proposed system were conducted to investigate the reduced amount of coagulant dosage and waste sludge generated. Simulation results with 2-year, on-line turbidity data revealed that the reduction percentages of waste sludge for the first and second years were 5.8% and 8.5%, respectively. This remarkable effect suggests that the proposed system could also contribute to enlarging the capacity of landfill sites for incinerated sludge and to preserving the environment.  相似文献   

Continuous monitoring of water quality creates huge amounts of data and therefore requires new concepts to guarantee high data quality and to prevent data graveyards. Monitoring stations commonly used in practice today suffer from insufficient flexibility and a lack of standardization. That is, although a lot of monitoring tasks are comparable and should lead to robust and powerful platforms, most monitoring stations are case specific developments.In this paper the underlying ideas of a new generation of monitoring networks is described. First a problem analysis of monitoring stations typically seen in current river monitoring practice is outlined, then the monEAU vision on monitoring networks will be discussed together with an overview of a planned system set-up with innovative data evaluation concept.  相似文献   

Recent work has found evidence of deterioration in water quality in the Elbow River upstream from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. We sampled this basin to describe spatial and temporal trends and factors that could be contributing to this deterioration. Sources near Calgary generally contributed most of the total phosphorus (TP) entering the river, and most total suspended solids (TSS) during low to average flows. During high flows, a large influx of TSS occurred further upstream. Sources of TP could include runoff from residential developments and agriculture, and groundwater, while re-suspension of bed material, erosion, and storm sewers may contribute TSS. Increasing trends in dissolved phosphorus (TDP) and ammonia suggest that sources in this reach are also contributing dissolved nutrients. Appreciable loading of nitrate + nitrite also occurred near Calgary, with a significant increasing trend in nitrate + nitrite occurring at every Elbow River site and several tributaries. Fecal coliforms have increased significantly over time at a downstream site. Runoff from residential developments, agriculture, or contributions from groundwater could account for this trend. In the 2003 bacterial source tracking study, DNA markers from ruminant animals were found in samples from most locations sampled in this basin, even at some headwaters sites, but no human markers were found.  相似文献   

An ecosystem modelling approach for deriving water quality criteria.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecological effects of chemicals on ecosystems are the result of direct effects of the chemical, determined in single-species toxicity testing, and indirect effects due to ecological interactions between species. Current experimental methods to account for such interactions are expensive. Hence, mathematical models of ecosystems have been proposed as an alternative. The use of these models often requires extensive calibration, which hampers their use as a general tool in ecological effect assessments. Here we present a novel ecosystem modelling approach which assesses effects of chemicals on ecosystems by integrating single-species toxicity test results and ecological interactions, without the need for calibration on case-specific data. The methodology is validated by comparing predicted ecological effects of copper in a freshwater planktonic ecosystem with an experimental ecosystem data set. Two main effects reflected by this data set (a decrease of cladocerans and an increase of small phytoplankton) which were unpredictable from single-species toxicity test results alone, were predicted accurately by the developed model. Effects on populations which don't interact directly with other populations, were predicted equally well by single-species toxicity test results as by the ecosystem model. The small amount of required data and the high predictive capacity can make this ecosystem modelling approach an efficient tool in water quality criteria derivation for chemicals.  相似文献   

Identifiability analysis of the CSTR river water quality model.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conceptual river water quality models are widely known to lack identifiability. The causes for that can be due to model structure errors, observational errors and less frequent samplings. Although significant efforts have been directed towards better identification of river water quality models, it is not clear whether a given model is structurally identifiable. Information is also limited regarding the contribution of different unidentifiability sources. Taking the widely applied CSTR river water quality model as an example, this paper presents a theoretical proof that the CSTR model is indeed structurally identifiable. Its uncertainty is thus dominantly from observational errors and less frequent samplings. Given the current monitoring accuracy and sampling frequency, the unidentifiability from sampling frequency is found to be more significant than that from observational errors. It is also noted that there is a crucial sampling frequency between 0.1 and 1 day, over which the simulated river system could be represented by different illusions and the model application could be far less reliable.  相似文献   

This paper aims to demonstrate that the regulation of drinking water quality in England and Wales has been successful in securing the improvements to drinking water quality resulting in better performance against EU and national standards. The water industry in England and Wales went through a major change in 1989 when suppliers were privatised and the government set up a robust regulatory regime. The regime was necessary as the industry was, as a result of privatisation, a monopoly with customers having no choice of supplier, unlike what was later available with other utilities such as gas or electricity. The regime would protect the interests of the consumer, the environment and public health through the quality of the product. The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), as established in 1990, had to ensure the implementation of the European Drinking Water Directive (DWD) that had been transposed into national legislation. The aim of the DWD is to ensure that all EU Member States provide drinking water of a prescribed quality. In England and Wales, a body was required to oversee the performance of the industry against those standards, reporting to the Government and the European Commission. Through acts and legislation, the set up of the industry, the duties of the suppliers and regulators and the powers available to the regulators were established. The improvements to drinking water quality since privatisation were achieved by massive investment of the privatised water industry overseen by an independent regulator with clear duties and the powers to inspect, enforce and prosecute. The DWI's achievements show that to improve quality performance with the ability to report in detail how the improvements were made with extensive data evidence, a special regulator is required. The DWI advises policy departments and Ministers and when there are serious concerns regarding a threat to human health through drinking water, the highest level of regulatory power is the creation of new legislation, for example, the Cryptosporidium regulations that are unique to the UK. The DWI is more than what is traditionally thought of as a regulator because it has a single remit--drinking water quality--and its style of regulation has been key to improved drinking water quality in England and Wales.  相似文献   

Microbial quality of reclaimed water can be adequately interpreted by graphical adjustment of experimental results to a lognormal probability distribution; the method serves to verify the degree of conformity to the proposed distribution and to visualize the time variability of the results. A conventional physico-chemical treatment can inactivate up to 1.0 microlog of common bacterial indicators, while maintaining time variability below 1.0 (microlog/100 ml). Dissolved organic matter in the influent will significantly alter the performance and the reliability of disinfection process, highlighting the need for improved adjustments of disinfectant dose to actual quality of treated water. Although those process may reach inactivation rates as high as 6.0 microlog for common bacterial indicators, their reliability may be considerably affected, forcing standard deviations beyond 3.0 (microlog/100 ml). Natural processes can provide inactivation rates from 3.0 to 3.5 for common microbial indicators, under the weather conditions studied. Although those values are lower than those of physical and chemical disinfectants, the reliability of natural processes is more stable, with standard deviations ranging from 0.65 to 1.1 (microlog/100 ml). Natural processes are particularly sensible to external inputs of microbial indicators, due to the presence of wildlife.  相似文献   

为了解亚热带水源型水库——茜坑水库水质状况,基于2016年1月至2020年12月对水库pH值、高锰酸盐指数、五日生化需氧量、粪大肠菌群、氨氮、硝酸盐氮、总氮、总磷、硫酸盐、氯化物、氟化物、铁和锰等13个主要水质指标每月1次的监测数据,通过计算水质综合指数评价了水质状况,并通过多元线性回归优化水质综合指数模型。结果表明:水库水质整体较好,pH值和高锰酸盐指数受浮游植物繁殖影响,部分时段超标,总氮质量浓度偏高,总磷质量浓度和粪大肠菌群数部分时段较高,铁质量浓度的上升趋势应重点关注;表层监测难以全面体现分层对水质的影响,应增加垂向监测,全面掌握水库水质风险;利用由总磷、铁、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮和硝酸盐氮组成的主要污染指标水质综合指数模型可有效进行水质评价和管理。  相似文献   

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