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以活性炭为载体,采用沉淀法制备纳米铁/活性炭新型材料,对活性炭的结构变化进行BET和TEM表征分析,研究纳米铁负载前后活性炭对水中铜离子的吸附能力以及p H值、起始浓度、吸附时间等因素对吸附性能的影响,同时考察其再生性能。结果表明:纳米铁成功负载于活性炭上,随着p H值的增加,吸附容量逐渐增大,当p H=6时,纳米铁/活性炭的最大吸附量为18.73 mg/g,与活性炭相比提高了150%。新型材料对铜离子的吸附过程符合Langmuir和Freundlich吸附模型,对铜离子的吸附量随时间变化的规律符合准二级动力学模型,由于负载的纳米铁阻碍了铜离子向材料表面扩散,其吸附速率仅为0.002 g/(mg·min),与活性炭相比下降了60%左右。新型材料再生效率高,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

采用颗粒活性炭、粉末活性炭和活性炭负载壳聚糖对高锰地下水进行静态吸附试验,利用颗粒活性炭进行动态吸附试验,研究了静态条件吸附剂投加量、pH值、温度对吸附效果的影响,以及动态条件下浓度和流速对吸附效果的影响。结果表明,三种吸附剂吸附效果相差不大,相对而言粉末活性炭效果最好,颗粒活性炭效果与粉末活性炭较接近;静态试验中,当水中Mn2+的浓度为5mg/L时,水温25℃,pH值为6.8~7.0状态下颗粒活性碳的处理效果最好,最佳投加量为0.02g/L,即0.4g(GAC)/mg(Mn2+);动态条件下,锰离子浓度的增加、流速增大都会使初始穿透点提前。  相似文献   

针对河北省清河县高氟地下水的高p H值(8.3)、高氟浓度(3.6 mg/L)的水质特点,以新型高效Fe-Al-Ce除氟吸附剂为核心,设计了含预处理、活性炭吸附和超滤单元的小型吸附装置用于家庭终端高氟水的处理。在清河高氟原水现场,对不同空间流速(SV)和不同运行方式条件下的Fe-Al-Ce吸附剂除氟性能和装置出水安全性进行了研究评价。结果表明,在SV=1 h-1条件下,装置运行效果良好,Fe-Al-Ce吸附剂除氟穿透吸附容量为活性氧化铝的3倍以上,装置出水的金属浓度符合标准要求,超滤单元对微生物有截留作用,但其微生物安全性还需进一步提高。  相似文献   

涂铁砂过滤去除水中磷的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验制备一种涂铁砂(IOCS)滤料用于对水中磷的去除,与石英砂相比IOCS表面粗糙,空隙多,比表面积大,且附有α-Fe_2O_3晶体,吸附能力增强。通过过滤试验研究了IOCS滤料在不同的试验条件下(pH、空床接触时间、进水磷浓度、滤床深度等)对水中磷的去除效果。结果表明:中性条件下磷的去除效果最佳,pH太高和太低都不利于磷的去除;中性条件下,当空床接触时间为13min,进水磷浓度为1.0 mg/L,滤床深度为50 cm时,去除效果较好,平均去除率可达82%;空床接触时间、进水磷浓度、滤床深度等是影响过滤运行周期的主要因素。  相似文献   

活性炭纤维处理含苯胺废水的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用活性炭纤维(ACF)对含苯胺废水进行了静态和动态吸附试验,研究了pH值、盐效应对吸附效果的影响,对动态条件下苯胺浓度和流速对吸附效果的影响进行了试验研究,绘制了吸附等温线、动力学曲线和动态吸附穿透曲线。结果表明:活性炭纤维对苯胺吸附效果良好,当溶液pH值接近中性时吸附率较高,溶液中的含盐量会影响吸附效果,在苯胺浓度一定的情况下,100 mL废水最佳吸附时间为4min;动态条件下,苯胺浓度增加、流速增大都会使初始穿透点提前。  相似文献   

本文主要研究纳米零价铁/活性炭材料对水中六氯苯(HCB)的去除能力和影响因素。吸附等温研究结果表明该材料对六氯苯的去除符合Langmuir吸附即化学吸附机理。对水中六氯苯和脱氯产物的分析证明纳米零价铁/活性炭对六氯苯的去除包括吸附和脱氯。溶液p H,水中常见阴阳离子的存在等因素都会影响六氯苯去除。低p H对去除有利,这主要是由于低p H对纳米零价铁的氧化过程有利,导致脱氯反应加快。低浓度的HCO-3、Cl-和SO42-能促进六氯苯的去除。这些离子在低浓度时能加快零价铁的腐蚀,对六氯苯的去除有利。而高浓度时则由于铁氧化物沉积会产生抑制作用。NO-3则与六氯苯发生竞争反应,导致六氯苯的去除随硝酸盐的浓度增加而降低。常见的阳离子如Mg2+对六氯苯的去除没有影响。Cu2+和Fe2+的存在不仅改变了溶液的p H,还对纳米零价铁的氧化还原特性有影响。但总体而言,Cu2+和Fe2+的存在对六氯苯的去除是有利的。  相似文献   

本文研究了活性氧化铝的预处理措施及机理,并通过静态和动态吸附试验研究了经不同预处理后活性氧化铝的吸附性能。结果表明,硫酸铝溶液浸泡可显著改善活性氧化铝的吸附性能,即:活性氧化铝经2%硫酸铝溶液浸泡后,用于氟含量为3.7 mg/L的高氟水处理,其初始出水氟浓度降低至1.0 mg/L以下,穿透吸附容量1.532 mg/g,穿透BV值可达342。  相似文献   

引温济潮工程运行以来受水河道水质变化过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对引温济潮工程受水河道(潮白河向阳闸—苏庄闸)2008—2013年连续6年的水质及其变化过程进行了分析,结果表明:受水河道的水质受来水(引温济潮工程出水)水质影响较大;工程运行以来受水的河道溶解性总固体、总硬度、氯离子和总氮较为稳定,硫酸根离子浓度则在高低变化中呈显著的上升趋势,河道的叶绿素a浓度也呈逐步升高趋势;叶绿素a、生化需氧量和p H值均明显高于进水,说明这些水质指标在河道中易发生变化。  相似文献   

将纳米零价铁通过液态还原法负载于膨润土上,目的是为了比较负载对提高纳米零价铁去除重金属铅的能力的影响。从负载后扫描电镜图像中可以看出,负载后的纳米零价铁分散度更好。在相同投加量下,负载了纳米零价铁的膨润土对重金属铅的去除能力要远高于膨润土和纳米零价铁。铅的起始浓度为200mg/L,膨润土+纳米零价铁的复合材料在0.4g/L的投加量下,去除率就达到90%以上。对材料的动力学研究结果则表明:纳米零价铁的反应速度较快,大部分的铅的去除都在1h以内完成。将吸附动力学实验结果进行一级和二级动力学反应拟合。二级拟和的线性相关系数明显高于一级。说明纳米零价铁和膨润土+纳米零价铁复合材料与铅的反应更符合二级动力学反应假设。另外,纳米零价铁对铅的去除受到起始浓度的影响较大,而膨润土+纳米零价铁则基本不受起始浓度的影响。  相似文献   

以单宁酸和腐殖酸吸附值作为活性炭吸附性能新指标进行生产性试验的验证,在建立生物活性炭吸附作用模型的基础上,对工艺运行60 d内活性炭的有机物吸附值(UV254和CODMn)进行了曲线拟合,结果较好地符合吸附模型,相关系数R2为0.606 4~0.786 1。对工艺中选取的5种活性炭进行有机物吸附试验,将吸附容量与传统选炭指标碘吸附值和亚甲基蓝吸附值,以及新指标单宁酸和腐殖酸吸附值进行相关性分析。结果表明传统指标与5种活性炭生产试验中的吸附容量之间不存在明显的相关性,而新指标与5种活性炭的吸附容量之间有较好的相关性:以UV254的变化值表示活性炭的吸附容量时,单宁酸及腐殖酸吸附值与其的相关系数R2分别为0.705 4和0.816 9;以CODMn的变化值表示活性炭的吸附容量时,单宁酸及腐殖酸吸附值与其的相关系数R2分别为0.632 5和0.701 3。  相似文献   

介绍活性炭吸附工艺设计的基本步骤和方法,说明如何建立高效低耗的活性炭水处理工艺,并通过吸附容量实验与连续流穿透实验获得工艺设计的基本参数。以吸附性能指标选炭法、微型快速穿透实验及生物活性炭系统的案例,论述活性炭塔中生物活性炭现象、活性炭催化/降解功能以及再生炭应用等高效低耗的功效,以达到进一步降低活性炭水处理成本的目的。  相似文献   

A novel adsorbent, which had been developed for phosphate adsorption, was adopted for arsenic removal from groundwater. Adsorption isotherm, pH dependence of the isotherm and adsorption rate were studied by batch method. Furthermore, by using a granular adsorbent of 1.8 mm diameter which is commercially available, lab-scale experiments of continuous adsorption treatment of actual groundwater containing arsenic at 50 mg m(-3) were conducted to examine the performance of the adsorbent. A large amount of arsenic, i.e., 10 g As kg(-1), was adsorbed at pH 7.0 and 10 mg As m(-3) in equilibrium concentration. It was only a 5% higher amount compared to conventional activated alumina. However, twice the bed volume, i.e., total volume of effluent divided by empty column volume, was achieved till breakthrough by using this novel adsorbent. This may be because the pH decrease, which enlarges apparent adsorption capacity of the adsorbent, is caused by a self-pH decrease function of the adsorbent. The self-pH decrease function must be delivered by dissociation of Al (III) aquoion. The proton release was clearly observed in batch experiments.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compound adsorption in a gas-solid fluidized bed.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluidization finds many process applications in the areas of catalytic reactions, drying, coating, combustion, gasification and microbial culturing. This work aims to compare the dynamic adsorption characteristics and adsorption rates in a bubbling fluidized bed and a fixed bed at the same gas flow-rate, gas residence time and bed height. Adsorption with 520 ppm methanol and 489 ppm isobutane by the ZSM-5 zeolite of different particle size in the two beds enabled the differentiation of the adsorption characteristics and rates due to bed type, intraparticle mass transfer and adsorbate-adsorbent interaction. Adsorption of isobutane by the more commonly used activated carbon provided the comparison of adsorption between the two adsorbent types. With the same gas residence time of 0.79 seconds in both the bubbling bed and fixed bed of the same bed size of 40 mm diameter and 48 mm height, the experimental results showed a higher rate of adsorption in the bubbling bed as compared to the fixed bed. Intraparticle mass transfer and adsorbent-adsorbate interaction played significant roles in affecting the rate of adsorption, with intraparticle mass transfer being more dominant. The bubbling bed was observed to have a steeper decline in adsorption rate with respect to increasing outlet concentration compared to the fixed bed. The adsorption capacities of zeolite for the adsorbates studied were comparatively similar in both beds; fluidizing, and using smaller particles in the bubbling bed did not increase the adsorption capacity of the ZSM-5 zeolite. The adsorption capacity of activated carbon for isobutane was much higher than the ZSM-5 zeolite for isobutane, although at a lower adsorption rate. Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy was used as an analytical tool for the quantification of gas concentration. Calibration was done using a series of standards prepared by in situ dilution with nitrogen gas, based on the ideal gas law and relating partial pressure to gas concentration. Concentrations up to 220 ppm for methanol and 75 ppm for isobutane were prepared using this method.  相似文献   

The present work highlights the preparation of activated carbons (ACs) using spent coffee grounds, an agricultural residue, as carbon precursor and two different activating agents: water vapor (ACW) and K(2)CO(3) (ACK). These ACs presented the microporous nature and high surface area (620-950 m(2) g(-1)). The carbons, as well as a commercial activated carbon (CAC) used as reference, were evaluated as phenol adsorbent showing high adsorption capacity (≈150 mg g(-1)). The investigation of the pH solution in the phenol adsorption was also performed. The different activating agents led to AC with distinct morphological properties, surface area and chemical composition, although similar phenol adsorption capacity was verified for both prepared carbons. The production of activated carbons from spent coffee grounds resulted in promising adsorbents for phenol removal while giving a noble destination to the residue.  相似文献   

Seven major water treatment plants in Seoul Metropolitan Area, which are under Korea Water Resources Corporation (KOWACO)'s management, take water from the Paldang Reservoir in the Han River System for drinking water supply. There are taste and odour (T&O) problems in the finished water because the conventional treatment processes do not efficiently remove the T&O compounds. This study evaluated T&O removal by ozonation, granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment, powder activated carbon (PAC) and an advanced oxidation process in a pilot-scale treatment plant and bench-scale laboratory experiments. During T&O episodes, PAC alone was not adequate, but as a pretreatment together with GAC it could be a useful option. The optimal range of ozone dose was 1 to 2 mg/L at a contact time of 10 min. However, with ozone alone it was difficult to meet the T&O target of 3 TON and 15 ng/L of MIB or geosmin. The GAC adsorption capacity for DOC in the three GAC systems (F/A, GAC and O3 + GAC) at an EBCT of 14 min is mostly exhausted after 9 months. However, substantial TON removal continued for more than 2 years (>90,000 bed volumes). GAC was found to be effective for T&O control and the main removal mechanisms were adsorption capacity and biodegradation.  相似文献   

降氟措施对高氟地下水地区居民饮用水安全具有重要意义。吸附法除氟技术被广泛应用,但仍存在适宜于偏酸性环境等难点。以提高适应高氟地下水pH值的能力为目标,通过控制反应过程中pH值制备无定形氢氧化铝吸附材料,开展吸附等温线试验、吸附动力学试验、pH值适应性试验、竞争离子试验、可重复利用性能试验和吸附机理试验。试验结果表明无定形氢氧化铝对氟离子的吸附属于优惠型吸附,Langmuir最大吸附容量为166.67 mg/g。与传统Al_2O_3吸附材料相比,在pH值为7.0~9.0时,无定形氢氧化铝吸附材料可减缓除氟效果下降速率,提高了适应地下水pH值的能力。氟去除率随着溶液中HCO_3~-、CO_2-3、PO_4~(3-)等离子浓度升高而降低。在初始氟浓度为5.00 mg/L时,可重复利用5个周期。因此,改进铝型吸附材料制备过程可显著提高吸附性能和适应高氟地下水的能力,是今后研制和改进吸附材料的重要方向。  相似文献   

Removal property of nine pharmaceuticals (clofibric acid, diclofenac, fenoprofen, gemfibrozil, ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, naproxen and propyphenazone) by chlorination, coagulation-sedimentation and powdered activated carbon treatment was examined by laboratory-scale experiments under the conditions close to actual drinking water treatment processes. Indomethacin and propyphenazone were completely degraded by chlorination within 30 minutes, but others remained around 30% (naproxen and diclofenac) or more than 80% of the initial concentration after 24 hours. A couple of unidentified peaks in a chromatogram of the chlorinated samples suggested the formation of unknown chlorination by-products. Competitive adsorption was observed when the mixed solution of the target pharmaceuticals was subjected to batch adsorption test with powdered activated carbon. Clofibric acid and ibuprofen, which were relatively less hydrophobic among the nine compounds, persisted around 60% of the initial concentration after 3 hours of contact time. Removal performance in actual drinking water treatment would become lower due to existence of other competitive substances in raw water (e.g. natural organic matter). Coagulation-sedimentation using polyaluminium chloride hardly removed most of the pharmaceuticals even under its optimal dose for turbidity removal. It is suggested that the most part of pharmaceuticals in raw water might persist in the course of conventional drinking water treatments.  相似文献   

This study investigated the feasibility of using granular activated carbon (GAC) to remove bromate ion (BrO3-) and assimilable organic carbon (AOC) from drinking water through a rapid small-scale column test (RSSCT) method and a pilot-scale study. Results from RSSCT indicated that the GAC capacity for BrO3- removal was dependent on the GAC type, empty bed contact time (EBCT), and source water quality. The GAC with a high number of basic groups and higher pHpzc values showed an increased BrO3- removal capacity. BrO3- removal was improved by increasing EBCT. The high EBCT provides a greater opportunity for BrO3- to be adsorbed and reduced to Br- on the GAC surface. On the other hand, the presence of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and anions, such as chloride, bromide, and sulfate, resulted in poor BrO3- reduction. In the GAC pilot plant, a GAC column preloaded for 12 months achieved a BrO3- and AOC removal range from 79-96% and 41-75%, respectively. The BrO3- amount removed was found to be proportional to the influent BrO3- concentration. However, the BrO3- removal rate apparently decreased with increasing operation time. In contrast, the AOC apparently increased during the long-term operation period. This may be a result of the contribution due to new GAC being gradually transformed into biological activated carbon (BAC), and the bacterial biomass adsorbed on GAC surface hindering BrO3- reduction by GAC either by blocking pores or adsorbing at the activated sites for BrO3- reduction.  相似文献   

不同吸附材料对水中高氯酸盐的去除效果比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
首先通过高氯酸盐的吸附平衡实验,比较8种不同吸附材料的吸附能力。实验结果表明:对高氯酸盐吸附,Langmuir模型拟合效果要优于Freundlich模型,吸附类型主要为单层吸附。对不同吸附材料的高氯酸盐吸附自由能计算也得出,高氯酸盐的吸附主要为化学吸附。8种材料吸附能力由大到小依次为:阴离子交换树脂>木质活性炭>椰壳活性炭>煤质活性炭>壳聚糖>沸石>膨润土>颗粒氢氧化铁。研究中还对高氯酸盐的吸附动力学进行探讨。并对吸附动力结果进行了一级和二级动力学方程拟合。二级拟和的线性相关系数明显高于一级。说明不同材料对本研究中所使用的高氯酸盐的吸附更符合二级动力学方程。对吸附速率的比较则得出,阴离子交换树脂和活性炭的吸附速率要明显高于其他吸附材料。  相似文献   

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