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洞头南塘围塘堵漏施工法陈时胜(洞头县水利水电勘测设计室)一、工程概况南塘围塘工程是洞头县骨干工程,围垦面积1400亩,塘顶总长1040m.塘高8m余.是我省海塘围垦中较高的海塘,该工程系1958年大跃进期间上马,由于种种原因,工程四上四下,直到198...  相似文献   

塘系统的发展与应用介绍   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
曹蓉  王宝贞  高光军  刘硕 《给水排水》2004,30(12):18-20
塘系统是一种结构简单,基建及运行费用低廉,效果可靠的污水处理工艺。简述了塘系统在国内外的发展情况。介绍了齐齐哈尔生态塘、东营生态塘处理系统的工艺及流程、运行情况,同时介绍了苏伊士塘系统、德国Hattingen污水处理厂以生态塘系统与其他工艺相结合用于处理城市污水及回用于农业灌溉的情况。当缺乏资金及专业人员或具有适宜用地条件时,该系统不失为一种解决水污染问题的有效措施。  相似文献   

面源污染是湖泊水库重要的污染源,也是治理的难点,村落径流污水则是面源污染的主要形式。在于桥水库周边村落的面源径流治理中,根据氧化塘原理,利用村落原有沟塘,并与排污沟渠和路边沟相互沟通,组成具有截留、净化的沟塘系统。该系统与传统的氧化塘技术相比,具有工程投资低、管理简便、对周围环境干扰少等优点。  相似文献   

高效藻类塘系统处理太湖地区农村生活污水的中试研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用二级串联高效藻类塘系统处理太湖地区农村生活污水的试验结果表明,水力停留时间为8 d条件下,该系统对CODCr、TN、TP的平均去除率分别为69.4%、41.7%、45.6%,该工艺对 NH3-N的处理效果很好,平均去除率达到了90.8%。高效藻类塘系统对CODCr、TN、TP的削减量分别为16.182 g/(m2·d)、1.904 g/(m2·d)、0.154 g/(m2·d)。与传统氧化塘相比,高效藻类塘具有占地面积小、停留时间短、对污染物处理效率高等特点,而且高效藻类塘系统设备简单,建设成本低,运行能耗低,系统启动快,基本无需专人管理,因此该工艺适合在气候温暖、阳光充沛的农村地区推广应用。  相似文献   

以某260m高坝的30000m^3/s大泄量挑流水垫塘工程为背景,采用1:100水工模型.使用肋形溢流坝概念研究表、中、底孔消能工的合理形式和配置,大大减轻了挑流水垫塘的负荷,从而充分发挥水垫塘消能和调整流态的作用.同时,采用各种测试手段和方法弄清了挑流水垫塘的工作机理和底板稳定因素,从而提出了底板设计建议以及优化途径.  相似文献   

合理有序的生态空间结构是生态系统可持续发展的保障,通过建设河流生态廊道,构建生态安全格局,有利于提高河流生态系统结构稳定,保护水质,提高生态系统的环境承载力,促进社会经济与生态环境的可持续发展。以南水北调东线工程沿线为研究区域,将工程利用天然河道段作为生态廊道背景,研究新建渠道周边生态廊道建设的可能性,分析河流生态廊道对维护河流生态系统健康,增强河流生境整体性及连通性的作用,提出建设沿河生态廊道措施。通过对河流生态廊道的生态作用、工作目标和技术方法进行归纳梳理和分析,总结河流生态廊道工程的设计方法和工作内容,以期应用于跨区域调水工程生态廊道建设,建设生态水利工程。  相似文献   

长潭岗反拱形水垫塘衬砌结构的非线性静动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反拱形底板的稳定主要靠拱座和锚固钢筋维持.利用接触问题处理底板与基岩、拱端与拱座、边坡与基岩的接缝,用杆单元模拟底板与基岩之间的锚固钢筋,对长潭岗反拱形水垫塘衬砌结构进行了非线性静动力计算,得出了水垫塘衬砌结构在接触状态下的位移、应力和拱端推力等.该计算方法对其他大型水垫塘设计计算可提供一些参考。  相似文献   

简介稳定塘生态治污系统特点。分析绛水河生态治污稳定塘系统设计要点,并通过系统运行后绛水河口各项指标与地表水Ⅲ类水质标准、以及稳定塘和污水处理厂的处理效果指标对比,得出:系统基本实现污水零排放,实现恢复滨河流域的目标。  相似文献   

刘沛清  李福田  王颖 《水利学报》2003,34(3):0025-0028
为了探求更简单合理的水垫塘设计控制参数,本文通过实验研究,系统观测了不同来流条件和水垫深度条件下,水垫塘内的流态特征和冲击压力的变化规律,提出了表征挑跌流水垫塘内淹没冲击射流流态结构的控制参数,揭示了影响淹没冲击射流对水垫塘底板冲击压力的主要因素,并建立了经验关系式,可为水垫塘消能防护设计提供实验依据。  相似文献   

CSG技术研究及其在道塘水库的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
CSG是一种源于日本的筑坝技新术,贵州省道塘水库应用了该技术,充分利用了河床里的天然砂砾石,加快了施工速度,取得良好的效果。通过室内试验研究,初步了解了CSG的材料性能,通过现场试验和围堰施工,初步掌握了CSG施工的关键控制环节。文中介绍了该技术在道塘水库应用的研究、设计成果的应用经验。  相似文献   

Treatment of oilfield produced water by waste stabilization ponds.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Produced water (PW) from oil wells can serve as an alternative water resource for agriculture if the main pollutants (hydrocarbons and heavy metals) can be removed to below irrigation standards. Waste stabilization ponds seem like a promising solution for PW treatment, especially in the Middle East where solar radiation is high and land is available. In this work, hydrocarbon removal from PW in a biological waste stabilization pond was examined at lab-scale followed by an intermittent slow sand filter. The system was run for 300 days and removed around 90% of the oil in the pond, and 95% after the sand filter. COD removal was about 80% in the pond effluent, and 85% after the filter. The system was tested under various operational modes and found to be stable to shock loads. Installation of oil booms and decantation of surface oil seem to be important in order to maintain good system performance over time.  相似文献   

用氧化塘—浮石床湿地系统处理暖寒季低污染河水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在滇池流域构建氧化塘-浮石床湿地复合系统对暖季与寒季的城市低污染河水开展了净化效能研究。结果表明:该系统可通过小幅调节流量来有效净化暖季与寒季低污染河水。塘与湿地的水力负荷分别为0.22、0.37m3/(m2.d)时系统对暖季低污染河水具有较高的处理效率,各污染物的平均去除率分别为CODCr75%、TP 93%、TN 64%、NH4+-N 87%。塘与湿地的水力负荷分别为0.17、0.29 m3/(m2.d)时系统对寒季低污染河水具有较优的处理效果:各污染物的平均去除率分别为CODCr72%、TP 89%、TN 53%、NH4+-N 73%。系统出水均符合GB18918-2002的一级A排放标准。系统在暖季对低污染河水中污染物的去除速率明显高于寒季。  相似文献   

从城市雨水径流产生的问题出发,分析对城市雨水径流进行生态处理的必要性。对包括植被缓冲带、植被浅沟、生物滞留系统、滞留塘和人工湿地等在内的多项雨水径流管理与利用生态技术的优缺点、净化机理、适用条件等进行了综合比较。并对我国城市雨水径流生态处理技术的应用前景进行了展望,为生态城市建设和城市水环境改善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

针对渠系建筑物涵闸下游水流特点,采用一种适合于低佛氏数消能的新型消能结构一拱网消力池,并对通辽西辽河灌区洪淤渠、孟家段干渠和八一水库泻洪洞采用拱网消能的工程实例进行了分析。结果表明,与普通消力池相比.拱网消力池的池长可缩短50%以上,池深可减少约30%,且消能率可提高20%以上,一般比普通消能措施可节省工程造价30%以上。  相似文献   

The performance of a pond-constructed wetland system in the treatment of municipal wastewater in Kiaochow city was studied; and comparison with oxidation ponds system was conducted. In the post-constructed wetland, the removal of COD, TN and TP is 24%, 58.5% and 24.8% respectively. The treated effluent from the constructed wetland can meet the Chinese National Agricultural and Irrigation Standard. The comparison between pond-constructed wetland system and oxidation pond system shows that total nitrogen removal in a constructed wetland is better than that in an oxidation pond and the TP removal is inferior. A possible reason is the low dissolved oxygen concentration in the wetland. Constructed wetlands can restrain the growth of algae effectively, and can produce obvious ecological and economical benefits.  相似文献   

尾矿库排洪系统通常由进水构筑物和排水构筑物组成。文章介绍尾矿库排洪系统类型、工作方式及其特点与适用条件。尾矿库的排洪系统具有进水口多,水流流态复杂等特点,其水流形态与常见的水利工程泄水建筑物过流有较大的差别,如何选择尾矿库排洪系统,涉及尾矿库的安全及经济性。  相似文献   

Stormwater retention ponds are one of the principal methods to treat stormwater runoff. Analysis of residence time distribution (RTD) curves can be used to evaluate the capability of these ponds for sediment removal. Deflector islands have been suggested as a means of improving the performance of retention ponds, due to their diffusing the inlet jet. In this study, the effect of an island on retention pond performance was investigated using a physical model of an existing stormwater retention pond. The physical model is a trapezoidal pond having top dimensions 4.1 x 1.5 x 0.23 m and side slopes of 2:1 (h:v). Three different arrangements were studied. The results show that placing an island to deflect the influent to a stormwater retention pond does not improve pond performance, rather it stimulates short-circuiting. This unexpected behaviour, in relation to previous studies, is considered to be a consequence of the model pond incorporating sloping walls; which is a novel aspect of this paper.  相似文献   

人工填料强化生态浮床是近年来发展起来的一种新兴生态工程修复技术。选取3种不同类型的人工填料与挺水植物组合,分析其对高磷浓度养殖水体和上海市养殖池塘水体的净化效果。结果表明,在高磷浓度(2.36~3.42 mg/L)养殖水体中,人工填料强化生态浮床对TN、TP、COD的平均去除率分别为34.9%,12.2%,26.1%,且3组系统之间差异不明显。在上海市养殖水体平均浓度条件下,3组系统对TN和TP的去除能力为:立体弹性填料强化生态浮床>组合填料强化生态浮床>生物绳填料强化生态浮床,立体弹性填料强化生态浮床对TN和TP的去除率分别为83.9%和69.3%;3组系统对COD和NH4+-N的去除率均在70%以上。因此,立体弹性填料强化生态浮床可以考虑应用于上海市淡水养殖池塘水体的生态修复工程。  相似文献   

尾矿库坝体溃决演进规律的模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合实际工程,在自主研发的尾矿库模型试验平台上完成了尾矿库模型的搭建,进行了由于坝体排渗系统失效致使浸润线持续升高而诱发的尾矿库溃坝模型试验。利用坝体位移跟踪测量系统对尾矿库坝体溃决的演进过程进行了观测,总结了整个试验过程中的溃决模式及破坏形式。结果表明,坝体整体呈逆流牵引型溃决模式,溃决破坏形式大致经历三个阶段:坝面沼泽化诱发张拉裂缝、流土与局部塌落、较大范围崩塌与滑坡,其中前两个阶段是崩塌与滑坡的诱发阶段。在流土破坏出现前会出现堆积坝局部渗水、坝体裂缝等现象,此时若采取有效措施迅速降低浸润线,可避免发生大范围流土破坏。崩塌与滑坡过程溃决量大、持续时间短,一般难以防范。将模型试验结果与数值模拟结果和尾矿库溃坝原型资料对比,三者吻合良好。本文提出的模型试验方法可以预测尾矿库溃坝过程以及对尾矿库溃坝事故进行反演分析。  相似文献   

On-Farm Ponds (OFPs) are an important irrigation facility in rice-based irrigation systems. An OFP water reuse system in paddy field districts is composed of upstream commanded paddy fields, irrigation and drainage ditches, cascaded OFPs and downstream irrigated paddy fields. This study assesses the performance of an OFP water reuse system and explores potential water management strategies to enhance return flow reuse for rice production. A cascaded model including a modified two-tank module and a pond water balance module is developed to describe hydrologic characteristics of the water reuse system. Model calibration and validation show that the measured and simulated data are in a good agreement and the proposed model can be used to hydrologic analyses of OFP water reuse systems. The water reuse system has high water reuse efficiency as the return flow regulated by OFPs was reused several times from the upstream to downstream of the paddy fields. Return flow and actual reuse water increase with the maximum ponded depth of paddy fields. As the water level in a drainage ditch decreases, the available return flow increases and local water shortage can be alleviated. The supply-and-demand gap between seasons becomes more harmonized when the regulated water level in pond increases, resulting in a decrease in water shortage. The reuse of return flow is a quick-response water supply solution to meet the rice water demand during peak demand periods.  相似文献   

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