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水资源短缺是制约中国经济发展的主要障碍,再生水回用是解决该问题的有效途径,亟需明确中国再生水行业发展现状与现存问题,以实现城市生态化与可持续发展。研究综述了中国再生水回用的政策、法规和标准,总结了国内外再生水回用的主要途径,介绍了再生水处理技术发展现状和应用实例,并对未来发展进行展望。综上,针对中国再生水回用提出4点建议:(1)健全再生水回用标准规范;(2)加强污水处理厂再生水处理工艺改造;(3)建立再生水风险评价体系;(4)增加城市再生水回用建设规划。  相似文献   

介绍了阳泉市城市污水处理现状,在综合分析全市城市污水再生利用技术和经济可行性的基础上,对城市污水排放量和污水的可回用量进行了预测,阐述了再生水利用的经济和环境效益,针对全市污水再生利用存在的问题,提出了扩大再生水回用、实现水资源可持续利用的措施。  相似文献   

创新服务社会理念开创再生水事业新局面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为缓解北京市水资源紧缺状况,改善水环境质量,实现水资源的可持续利用,保障城市经济社会和环境的可持续发展,北京市自20世纪80年代开始了污水再生利用.经过近20的实践,污水再生利用取得了一定进展,从简单的污水灌溉、工业废水厂内回用、单栋建筑中水回用系统,发展到区域性城市污水处理厂污水再生利用系统,并成立专业公司--北京京城中水有限责任公司(以下简称中水公司),负责北京市再生水回用项目的投融资建设、经营,再生水工程项目建设与管理、再生水设施运行与管理、再生水经营与销售、再生水处理技术咨询及相关污水处理厂、泵站运营管理.  相似文献   

再生水作为城市第二水源,对缓解水资源危机、推动污水资源化利用具有重要意义。当前,各大城市加快对污水处理厂的改建或新建再生水厂,充分挖掘污水资源化利用的潜能。从再生水回用现状入手,介绍了再生水运营方式、回用水质要求,围绕再生水深度处理技术,系统梳理了各项技术的去除对象、水质净化原理、工程案例和发展方向,旨在剖析再生水深度处理技术应用的经验和存在的不足,并提出发展思路。未来再生水的工艺选取应围绕回用目标,综合考虑当地自然条件、经济发展状况、基础设施建设情况等因素;同时,加大自主研发力度,推动具有自主知识产权的再生水处理设备落地。  相似文献   

通过对北京市延庆区的水资源、供水及污水排放与再生水利用情况进行系统的分析,指出目前延庆区再生水利用存在的问题;以安全、生态、高效为宗旨,对延庆2020年再生水的供水量与需求量进行分析,得出在满足工业、绿化、农业以及市政杂用等不同行业利用再生水的需求基础上,富余的再生水全部回补河道,达到供需平衡;同时从统筹规划合理配置再生水、加快再生水设施建设、严格再生水水质水量管理等方面提出提高再生水利用效率的对策和措施,通过合理利用再生水可节约大量地表水和地下水,促进了循环经济发展和资源节约型社会的构建;同时为世园会、冬奥会举办创造优美水环境提供了水源保障。  相似文献   

刘华 《山西水利》2012,(3):19-20
随着农村工业化、城镇化深入发展,水资源问题成为制约吉县农村经济发展的主要问题,介绍了吉县水资源开发利用现状及面临的形势,对全县水资源供需情况进行分析,提出加强污水和再生水利用,加强水资源配置及水平衡测试项目建设,以及加强水资源管理信息化建设等一系列可持续利用的对策和建议。  相似文献   

北京市再生水利用现状及发展思路探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首先分析了再生水在北京市水资源战略中的重要地位、意义及再生水的利用现状,在总结现状存在问题的基础上,提出北京市再生水发展总体思路:"中心城污水处理厂升级改造为再生水厂,郊区污水处理厂按高品质再生水标准一步建成,变污水为资源。"从中心城、郊区、农村3个层次大规模开发利用再生水。对北京市再生水发展战略乃至全国再生水发展思路提出重要参考。  相似文献   

由于人口增长和全球气候变暖,世界水资源供需矛盾愈发严重。近些年,再生水的利用作为一种缓解水资源短缺的方法在全球范围内得到广泛的关注。与自然水资源相比,再生水具有量大稳定、取水便利、不受气候条件约束等优点,若将城市污水经过适当处理回用,能够在很大程度上缓解全球水资源短缺的情况。日本作为使用再生水较早的国家之一,在污水回用方面具有一定的经验。本文系统梳理日本再生水相关政策、处理技术、应用实例和相关国际标准制定情况,并概述日本再生水措施及其相关政策目的和基本理念,特别是再生水处理技术的性能评价标准,以期对中国再生水利用和推广提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

浅析我国再生水的开发与利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着水资源的日益短缺,非常规水资源的开发和利用越来越受到世界各国的重视,“再生水”作为非常规水资源,按照优水优用、高水低用、一水多用和重复使用的原则,如果利用合理,可以有效缓解水资源短缺的矛盾。各地应统筹规划、协调发展、推动我国再生水回用和污水资源化进程,逐步形成和完善与我国国情相适应的水资源良性循环体系,实现水资源开发利用的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文研究了城市污水再生利用的处理工艺和利用方式,分析了再生水利用的效益。基于目前再生水企业盈利能力差,结合南阳实际,建议由政府投资建设集中式的污水再生利用工程及配套管网,以工业用水大户为接纳用户;鼓励建设分散的中水回用示范工程,总结经验,逐步推进南阳市城区的再生水利用;提出了扩大再生水利用的措施。  相似文献   

随着城市水资源供需矛盾的日益尖锐,中水回用为城市用水提供了新水源的可能.在系统分析了高校校园建设中水回用系统的必要性和可行性基础上,以云南某高校新校区为案例,从中水的工艺流程、技术特征和经济指标等方面对校园中水回用系统的三个典型处理工艺方案进行比选,提出了适合高校校园中水回用系统的处理工艺.  相似文献   

Takashi Asano 《国际水》2013,38(1):36-42

Fundamental concepts of reusing urban wastewater as an alternative and a reliable source of water supply are discussed, along with the categories for water reuse, planning methodologies, wastewater reclamation technologies, and economics. The rational basis for integration of urban reclaimed water into water resources planning is proposed and the safe use of reclaimed water is evaluated. Special attention is paid to tertiary or advanced wastewater treatment systems that are capable of producing essentially pathogen-free effluent for a variety of uses such as irrigation of urban landscape, flushing of toilets served by dual plumbing systems in large commercial buildings, and groundwater recharge for eventual potable reuse. The motivating factors for wastewater reclamation and reuse are summarized and the costs of water reclamation projects are discussed with several examples. The integration of this alternative water supply into water resources planning is proposed and the safe use of reclaimed water is emphasized.  相似文献   

以合肥市水资源与开发利用状况为研究基础,系统地分析了合肥市水资源的开发利用潜力。运用水资源供需平衡基本理论,定性与定量相结合,依据不同水平年合肥市社会经济发展规模,对合肥市水资源供需进行预测并进行水资源承载力分析。客观评价合肥市不同水平年水资源配置,确保水资源的开发利用在资源和环境承载能力允许范围之内;从宏观的角度对有限的水资源进行科学规划、优化配置、高效利用和节约保护,最后提出保障合肥市供水安全的保障措施与建议,确保区域协调可持续发展。  相似文献   

北京市再生水回灌必要性及关键问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源短缺及水污染制约经济发展,影响了公众的健康。另一方面,北京市再生水资源十分丰富,如何合理安全利用再生水资源,是北京市重要的水资源战略举措。再生水通过人工回灌补给地下水增加供水资源、节省高质量的水资源、保护环境和具有经济方面的优越性。但是,将再生水补给地下水,这样的工程会遇到技术条件和卫生要求的双重挑战,所有的问题都必须在项目开展前仔细做好评估。笔者重点分析了北京市再生水回灌地下水的必要性及关键问题。  相似文献   

水资源短缺和水环境污染已经成为城市和小城镇可持续发展的制约因素,中水回用则是解决这两个问题的重要举措。在调查分析了石家庄市水资源、污水处理和中水回用情况的基础上,回顾了污水处理和中水回用的发展历程,分析了中水回用的不同方法,以石家庄为例进行中水回用的经济效益分析。分析表明大力推行小型污水处理设施并进行中水回用是城市和小城镇水资源可持续发展的重要举措。  相似文献   

The Water Resources Agency (WRA), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has predicted that the annual water demand in Taiwan will reach approximately 20 billion m3 by 2021. However, the present water supply is only 18 billion m3 per year. This means that an additional 2 billion m3 have to be developed in the next 17 years. The reuse of treated wastewater effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants could be one target for the development of new water resources. The responsible government departments already have plans to construct public sewerage systems in order to improve the quality of life of the populace and protect the environment. The treated wastewater effluent from such municipal wastewater treatment plants could be a very stable and readily available secondary type of water resource, different from the traditional types of water resources. The major areas where reclaimed municipal wastewater can be used to replace traditional fresh water resources include agricultural and landscape irrigation, street cleaning, toilet flushing, secondary industrial reuse and environmental uses. However, necessary wastewater reclamation and reuse systems have not yet been established. The requirements for their establishment include water reuse guidelines and criteria, the elimination of health risks ensuring safe use, the determination of the wastewater treatment level appropriate for the reuse category, as well as the development and application of management systems reuse. An integrated system for water reuse would be of great benefit to us all by providing more efficient ways to utilise the water resources.  相似文献   

从我国水资源现状和北京郊区城镇生态环境建设出发,阐述了国内外再生水利用技术的产生和发展趋势,以北京市大兴区南红门灌区为例论述了再生水用于城镇景观生态建设的必要性,分析了再生水利用的技术经济可行性,并强调了再生水用水的安全性.  相似文献   

企业开展污水再生回用工作存在的主要问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张玉祥 《给水排水》2004,30(6):23-25
我国水资源相当贫乏 ,污水再生回用是一项既缓解供水紧张状况 ,又可获得经济效益、减轻环境污染的良好措施。除市政府外 ,大型企业也可以开展此项工作。从目前情况看 ,企业开展污水再生回用工作实例较少 ,并在实施过程中存在资金、技术、认识水平、效益、配套设施等主要问题。通过分析指出 :发挥政府职能 ,转变用水观念 ,拓宽筹资渠道 ,开发回用水市场 ,降低成本等是企业解决此问题的有效对策和措施。同时对秦皇岛港务集团公司污水再生回用工作的成功实践进行了分析介绍。  相似文献   

One of the most important resources for socioeconomic development in arid and semi-arid countries is water, and its scarcity in the Middle East has been a key factor in war and peace-making.As water shortages occur and full utilization is reached, water policies tend to be framed more and more in zero-sum terms, adding to the probability of discord. The aim of this study is to provide some innovative technological answers to the fundamental questions of how to sustain the water supply without causing diverse effects on the ecosystem both now and for the 21st century. This paper evaluates several non-conventional approaches highlighting the economic and environmental gains of co-generation applications that would have the potential to resolve this persistent problem, and thus contribute towards peace among the water users in the Middle East. Priority of development projects including viability of (1) the strategic use of such resources as brackish water, seawater and reclaimed wastewater, and (2) the transboundary transport of water is preliminarily evaluated by taking into account the four feasibility elements 'technical', 'environment', 'economy' and 'politics'. Water conservation and management including water pricing scenarios are essential confidence-building measures to manage the water resources in the region. In this circumstance, non-conventional strategic alternatives including desalination and reuse of treated wastewater will become significantly important in water resources development to supply new additional fresh waters in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Water reclamation and reuse have become essential components of water resources management in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, by helping to develop additional water resources in the lower Llobregat River, one of its main sources of water supply. By generating a reliable flow of 300,000 m3/day of high quality reclaimed water, the options available for integrated water resources management have widely expanded to allow in-stream river water substitution, restoration of natural wetland areas, agricultural irrigation, and supply to a seawater intrusion barrier. Those management options have been possible thanks to the implementation of an extensive water distribution system that allows distribution of reclaimed water to a point 15 km upstream of the reclamation facility, and to a seawater intrusion barrier within a few kilometres of the plant. The cost of producing reclaimed water using a physico-chemical process (0.05 euro/m3) and the investment required for such a facility (0.21 euro/m3 annual capacity) are very close to those of similar large scale projects in Spain. However, higher degrees of treatment, such as demineralization for agricultural irrigation and for injection into a seawater intrusion barrier, result in considerable increases of both water reclamation cost and investment costs.  相似文献   

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