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The round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) is increasingly being reported in tributaries of the Laurentian Great Lakes where these fish have been shown to adversely impact native stream biota. Determining the characteristics and distribution of invaded streams are the first steps toward effective round goby management. We sampled 30 tributaries in the Great Lakes basin and characterized each in terms of nine physical reach-scale attributes. Round goby were detected in 14 streams where abundances ranged from 4% to 53% of the fish sampled in each stream. Round goby was the single most abundant fish species sampled, constituting 14% of all fish encountered across all sites, and 30% of individuals in round goby-present sites. Round goby-present sites were larger, had lower channel slopes, less large wood, and less canopy cover than round goby-absent sites, suggesting that these attributes may promote round goby establishment. Mottled sculpin, cyprinids, brook stickleback, white sucker and rainbow trout were associated with goby absence while centrarchids, percids, yellow bullhead, and mud minnow were associated round goby presence. Collectively these results demonstrate that round goby are widespread in eastern Michigan tributaries to the Great Lakes, present in streams with a range of physical habitat characteristics, and that round goby presence is associated with certain fish species.  相似文献   

Pheromone trapping is an increasingly viable strategy to reduce invasive fish populations, largely due to the pheromones' function of evoking behavioral responses among conspecifics. Prior to attempting such population control techniques, the pheromones must be identified and their possible influences on non-target species addressed. The round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) is a species invasive to the Great Lakes region, and negatively impacts the ecosystem by interfering with local fish populations. At least two 5β-reduced 3α-hydroxyl steroids released by reproductive N. melanostomus (11-O-ETIO and 11-O-ETIO-3s) evoke olfactory sensory responses from the olfactory epithelium of conspecifics, and water conditioned by reproductive males (containing these steroids) attracts female round gobies. In this study, we examined whether these putative pheromones, along with simultaneously-released 11-O-ETIO-17s, stimulate olfactory sensory responses from alternative fish species sharing the same ecosystem as N. melanostomus in the Great Lakes region. Rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris), bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus), smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were the targets of an electro-olfactogram experiment designed to record responses to odors. When compared to round goby responses from previous studies, amino acids and the bile acid consistently elicited electro-olfactogram responses across all species, but only round gobies showed a response to the putative pheromones. This study supports the concept of conducting a pheromone trapping trial in the field without adversely affecting the olfactory responses of non-target fish in the area.  相似文献   

Freshwater organisms synthesize a wide variety of fatty acids (FAs); however, the ability to synthesize and/or subsequently modify a particular FA is not universal, making it possible to use certain FAs as biomarkers. Herein we document the occurrence of unusual FAs (polymethylene-interrupted fatty acids; PMI-FAs) in select freshwater organisms in the Laurentian Great Lakes. We did not detect PMI-FAs in: (a) natural seston from Lake Erie and Hamilton Harbor (Lake Ontario), (b) various species of laboratory-cultured algae including a green alga (Scenedesmus obliquus), two cyanobacteria (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Synechococystis sp.), two diatoms (Asterionella formosa, Diatoma elongatum) and a chrysophyte (Dinobryon cylindricum) or, (c) zooplankton (Daphnia spp., calanoid or cyclopoid copepods) from Lake Ontario, suggesting that PMI-FAs are not substantively incorporated into consumers at the phytoplankton-zooplankton interface. However, these unusual FAs comprised 4-6% of total fatty acids (on a dry tissue weight basis) of native fat mucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea) and plain pocketbook (L. cardium) mussels and in invasive zebra (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga (D. bugensis) mussels. We were able to clearly partition Great Lakes' mussels into three separate groups (zebra, quagga, and native mussels) based solely on their PMI-FA profiles. We also provide evidence for the trophic transfer of PMI-FAs from mussels to various fishes in Lakes Ontario and Michigan, further underlining the potential usefulness of PMI-FAs for tracking the dietary contribution of mollusks in food web and contaminant-fate studies.  相似文献   

We assessed round goby (Apollonia melanostoma) density and size structure in two sections of the Bay of Quinte (Lake Ontario) that had been invaded by this species two years apart. Round goby density was assessed with 50 m linear transects, recorded with an underwater video recording apparatus developed for this study that included a depth sounder for maintaining a fixed distance above the substrate. The highest mean round goby densities were observed in the shallowest depth zone (1.5–3 m) at both sites, but there were differences between the sites in the habitat types where the highest densities occurred and there were no significant density differences among habitat types at either site (rock with sparse vegetation, mud with sparse vegetation, sand/mud with moderate vegetation cover). In the upper bay, mean body length of round gobies declined with depth, whereas in the lower bay, mean round goby length was greatest in the deepest zone. Mean body length of round gobies did not differ significantly by habitat type in either section of the bay.  相似文献   

There is concern of economic and environmental damage occuring if any of the four major aquacultured carp species of China, black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus, bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, silver carp H. molitrix, or grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella, were to establish in the Laurentian Great Lakes. All four are reproducing in the Mississippi River Basin. We review the status of these fishes in relation to the Great Lakes and their proximity to pathways into the Great Lakes, based on captures and collections of eggs and larvae. No black carp have been captured in the Great Lakes Basin. One silver carp and one bighead carp were captured within the Chicago Area Waterway System, on the Great Lakes side of electric barriers designed to keep carp from entering the Great Lakes from the greater Mississippi River Basin. Three bighead carp were captured in Lake Erie, none later than the year 2000. By December 2019, at least 650 grass carps had been captured in the Great Lakes Basin, most in western Lake Erie, but none in Lake Superior. Grass carp reproduction has been documented in the Sandusky and Maumee rivers in Ohio, tributaries of Lake Erie. We also discuss environmental DNA (eDNA) results as an early detection and monitoring tool for bighead and silver carps. Detection of eDNA does not necessarily indicate presence of live fish, but bigheaded carp eDNA has been detected on the Great Lakes side of the barriers and in a small proportion of samples from the western basin of Lake Erie.  相似文献   

Despite increasing recognition of the importance of invertebrates, and specifically crayfish, to nearshore food webs in the Laurentian Great Lakes, past and present ecological studies in the Great Lakes have predominantly focused on fishes. Using data from many sources, we provide a summary of crayfish diversity and distribution throughout the Great Lakes from 1882 to 2008 for 1456 locations where crayfish have been surveyed. Sampling effort was greatest in Lake Michigan, followed by lakes Huron, Erie, Superior, and Ontario. A total of 13 crayfish species occur in the lakes, with Lake Erie having the greatest diversity (n = 11) and Lake Superior having the least (n = 5). Five crayfish species are non-native to one or more lakes. Because Orconectes rusticus was the most widely distributed non-native species and is associated with known negative impacts, we assessed its spread throughout the Great Lakes. Although O. rusticus has been found for over 100 years in Lake Erie, its spread there has been relatively slow compared to that in lakes Michigan and Huron, where it has spread most rapidly since the 1990s and 2000, respectively. O. rusticus has been found in both lakes Superior and Ontario for 22 and 37 years, respectively, and has expanded little in either lake. Our broad spatial and temporal assessment of crayfish diversity and distribution provides a baseline for future nearshore ecological studies, and for future management efforts to restore native crayfish and limit non-native introductions and their impact on food web interactions.  相似文献   

Majority of invasive species discovered in the Great Lakes since 1985 are native to the Ponto-Caspian region, including species that have had strong negative impacts in the Great Lakes (for example, dreissenid mussels and the round goby). The rich biota of the Ponto-Caspian region coupled with a high volume of commercial shipping traffic strongly suggests that this region will continue to be a major source of invasive species to the Great Lakes. To assess invasion risk by Ponto-Caspian fishes that have not been included in previous studies, we reviewed English-language publications and untranslated European literature (published primarily in Russian), focusing on physiological and ecological traits that have proven useful in previous risk assessments. We then used discriminant analysis to identify fishes that had a high probability of becoming established, spreading, and having significant negative impacts in the Great Lakes. Our updated listing of high-risk Ponto-Caspian fishes includes five species identified previously (the Black and Caspian Sea sprat, Eurasian minnow, big-scale sand smelt, European perch, and monkey goby) and five additional species (the Black sea shad, Caspian tyulka, Volga dwarf goby, Caspian bighead goby, and black-striped pipefish). Of these ten species, four (the monkey goby, big-scale sand smelt, Caspian tyulka, and black-striped pipefish) are likely to survive ballast water exchange as eggs, larvae, or adults based on salinity tolerances. Our results can be used to focus ongoing surveillance and rapid response efforts by highlighting Ponto-Caspian fishes that pose the greatest risk of becoming established and having significant negative impacts in the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

A detailed review of historical literature and museum data revealed that flathead catfish were not historically native in the Great Lakes Basin, with the possible exception of a relict population in Lake Erie. The species has invaded Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, Lake Huron, nearly all drainages in Michigan, and the Fox/Wolf and Milwaukee drainages in Wisconsin. They have not been collected from Lake Superior yet, and the temperature suitability of that lake is questionable. Flathead catfish have been stocked sparingly in the Great Lakes and is not the mechanism responsible for their spread. A stocking in 1968 in Ohio may be one exception to this. Dispersal resulted from both natural range expansions and unauthorized introductions. The invasion is ongoing, with the species invading both from the east and the west to meet in northern Lake Michigan. Much of this invasion has likely taken place since the 1990s. This species has been documented to have significant impacts on native fishes in other areas where it has been introduced; therefore, educating the public not to release them into new waters is important. Frequent monitoring of rivers and lakes for the presence of this species would detect new populations early so that management actions could be utilized on new populations if desired.  相似文献   

The ongoing threat of introduction of invasive species, including crayfish, to the Laurentian Great Lakes has motivated the development of predictive models to inform where these invaders are likely to establish. Our study is among the first to apply regional freshwater-specific GIS layers to species occurrence data to predict ecosystem suitability to invasions, specifically for the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, in the Great Lakes. We combined a database of crayfish species occurrences with the Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Framework (GLAHF) GIS layers to model habitats suitable to invasion by P. clarkii using boosted regression trees and physiological information for this species. We developed a model of all suitable crayfish habitat across the Great Lakes, then constrained this habitat to areas anticipated to be suitable for P. clarkii based on known physiological limitations of this species. Specifically, P. clarkii requires a minimum temperature of 15?°C for copulation and oviposition, with peak reproduction occurring at temperatures of 20–23?°C. We identified 2% of the Great Lakes as suitable for P. clarkii establishment and 0.88% as optimal for this crayfish, primarily located on the southern coastlines of lakes Michigan and Erie and shallow bays including Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron), Green Bay (Lake Michigan), and Henderson Bay (Lake Ontario). These predictions of where P. clarkii is likely to establish populations can be used to identify areas where education, outreach, compliance, and law enforcement efforts should seek to prevent new introductions of this crayfish and help prioritize locations for surveillance to detect newly established populations.  相似文献   

Plant-to-plant facilitation is important in structuring communities, particularly in ecosystems with high levels of natural disturbance, where a species may ameliorate an environmental stressor, allowing colonization by another species. Increasingly, facilitation is recognized as an important factor in invasion biology. In coastal wetlands, non-native emergent macrophytes reduce wind and wave action, potentially facilitating invasion by floating plants. We tested this hypothesis with the aquatic invasive species European frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae; EFB), a small floating plant, and invasive cattail (Typha spp.), a dominant emergent, by comparing logistic models of Great Lakes-wide plant community data to determine which plant and environmental variables exerted the greatest influence on EFB distribution at multiple scales. Second, we conducted a large-scale field experiment to evaluate the effects of invasive Typha removal treatments on an extant EFB population. Invasive Typha was a significant predictor variable in all AIC-selected models, with wetland zone as the other most common predictive factor of EFB occurrence. In the field experiment, we found a significant reduction of EFB in plots where invasive Typha was removed. Our results support the hypothesis that invasive Typha facilitates EFB persistence in Great Lakes coastal wetlands, likely by ameliorating wave action and wind energy. The potential future distribution of EFB in North America is vast due in part to the widespread and expanding distribution of invasive Typha and other invading macrophytes, and their capacity to facilitate EFB's expansion, posing significant risk to native species diversity in Great Lakes coastal wetlands.  相似文献   

Great Lakes coastal wetlands provide critical habitat and food resources for more species than any other Great Lakes ecosystem. Due to past and current anthropogenic disturbances, coastal wetland area has been reduced by >50% while remaining habitat is frequently degraded. Invasive mute swans have contributed to the degradation of coastal wetlands by removing submergent vegetation and competitively excluding native species from breeding areas and food resources. Despite current control practices, mute swan population estimates in Michigan are ~8000, comparable to population estimates in the entire Atlantic Flyway of North America. We collected local abiotic data and adjacent land cover data at 3 scales from 51 sites during 2010 and 2011 and conducted 2 mute swan detection surveys each year during the summer and fall. We developed a single-species, single-season occupancy-based habitat suitability model to determine current and potential mute swan habitat among Great Lakes coastal wetlands. We found mute swans occupied heterotrophic coastal wetlands adjacent to urban areas, which were high in ammonium and oxidation-reduction potential and low in nitrates, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. Our model provides managers with a valuable tool for rapidly identifying mute swan habitat areas for control efforts, particularly the need for targeting mute swan populations in or near urbanized areas. Our model will also aid managers in monitoring areas that mute swans may invade and prioritizing coastal wetland areas for restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Basin-scale assessment of fish habitat in Great Lakes coastal ecosystems would increase our ability to prioritize fish habitat management and restoration actions. As a first step in this direction, we identified key habitat factors associated with highest probability of occurrence for several societally and ecologically important coastal fish species as well as community metrics, using data from the Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Framework (GLAHF), Great Lakes Environmental Indicators (GLEI) and Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program (CWMP). Secondly, we assessed whether species-specific habitat was threatened by watershed-level anthropogenic stressors. In the southern Great Lakes, key habitat factors for determining presence/absence of several species of coastal fish were chlorophyll concentrations, turbidity, and wave height, whereas in the northern ecoprovince temperature was the major habitat driver for most of the species modeled. Habitat factors best explaining fish richness and diversity were bottom slope and chlorophyll a. These models could likely be further improved with addition of high-resolution submerged macrophyte complexity data which are currently unavailable at the basin-wide scale. Proportion of invasive species was correlated primarily with increasing maximum observed inorganic turbidity and chlorophyll a. We also demonstrate that preferred habitat for several coastal species and high-diversity areas overlap with areas of high watershed stress. Great Lakes coastal wetland fish are a large contributor to ecosystem services as well as commercial and recreational fishery harvest, and scalable basin-wide habitat models developed in this study may be useful for informing management actions targeting specific species or overall coastal fish biodiversity.  相似文献   

Optical data collected between 1973 and 1979 are utilized to study spectral attenuation and irradiance in the midlake waters of four Laurentian Great Lakes. Particular attention is given to the photosynthetic available radiation (PAR), its incident spectral distribution, its spectral attenuation, and its qualitative change with depth. Curves are shown illustrating these spectral properties as well as the relationships between PAR and the photosynthetic usable radiation (PUR) for each of the lakes. These curves, along with the included mathematical relationships, enable quantitative estimates to be obtained of incident PAR, subsurface PAR, and subsurface PUR, and qualitative information to be obtained on subsurface irradiance levels for the Laurentian Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Fisheries are selective, capturing fish based on their body size, behaviour, life stage, or location. Over time, if harvest pressure is strong enough and variation in traits heritable, evolution can occur that affects key aspects of the ecology of fish stocks. Most compelling examples of rapid evolution in response to harvest have come from marine systems. Here, we review the state of knowledge on fisheries-induced evolution (FIE) in the Laurentian Great Lakes where subsistence, commercial, and recreational fisheries have operated for centuries. We conclude that stocks experienced harvest rates high enough and for long enough to undergo evolution. While historical fisheries exploited more juveniles, some contemporary Great Lakes fisheries target primarily adult size-classes thus reducing current selection for earlier maturation; however, other traits and behaviours could evolve (e.g., growth, timing of spawning, boldness). While commercial harvest previously dominated, recreational fishing is now expected to be a strong contributor to harvest selection in the Great Lakes. Environmental variation, density-dependence, invasive species, and the genetic legacy of population bottlenecks and stocking interact with, and make it more challenging to detect, FIE in the Great Lakes than in marine systems. Case studies are presented for Great Lakes stocks of yellow perch Perca flavescens and lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis for which FIE has been investigated. The evidence for FIE in the Great Lakes is currently sparse, potentially because of the low research focus on this topic or because of the interacting influence of environmental variation and anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   

Alternative male reproductive tactics are taxonomically widespread. In such species, parental, or conventional, males express secondary sexual characteristics, court females and guard offspring, while smaller parasitic or sneaker males avoid the costs of courtship and parental care by performing sneak fertilizations. Theory predicts that sneakers will invest more in testes mass and produce more competitive ejaculates than parentals because sneakers always experience sperm competition while parental males experience sperm competition only when a sneaker is present. Here we present convergent lines of evidence supporting the existence of alternative male reproductive tactics in round gobies (Apollonia melanostoma, formerly Neogobius melanostomus), a recent invader in the Great Lakes. Dark morph males exhibited secondary sexual characteristics, were larger and had higher plasma 11-ketotestosterone concentrations than light morphs, while light morph males invested more in ejaculates (both testes mass and sperm density). Both male morphs had enlarged urogenital papillae, but papillae were relatively longer in light morph males. Sperm tail length did not differ between morphs, and sperm from dark morphs swam faster than sperm from light morphs. Our data strongly argue for the presence of alternative tactics in round gobies, support some predictions from sperm competition theory and align with empirical observations in other taxa. For species of concern like the invasive round goby, it is critical to consider such evidence of alternative male mating tactics when constructing population growth models and assessment of invasion success and impacts.  相似文献   

Bioenergetics and food web models are tools available for understanding and projecting the impacts of aquatic species invasions on food web structure and energy allocation of an ecosystem. However, uncertainty is inherent in modeling the impact of invasive species in novel ecosystems as assumptions must be made about physiological responses to novel environments and interactions with existing (native and non-native) species. Here we use the four major Chinese carps (FMCC) in the Laurentian Great Lakes as a case study to categorize and describe the suite of uncertainties inherent in projecting the impact of invasive species with bioenergetics and food web models. We approach this case study in a decision analytic framework, describing structural uncertainties, environmental variation, partial observability, partial controllability, and linguistic uncertainty. Finally, we review and give suggestions for how the use of methods including adaptive management, scenario planning, sensitivity analyses, and value of information as well as efforts to ensure clarity in language and model structure can enable modelers and managers to reduce and account for key uncertainties and make better decisions for the control of invasive species.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation (NFix) is an important, yet understudied, microbial process in aquatic ecosystems, especially in the Laurentian Great Lakes (LGL). To date, a dearth of nitrogen fixation rate measurements exists in the LGL, are from temporally isolated studies, and were collected primarily from near-shore and surface water environments. Evidence of nitrogen accumulation across the Laurentian Great Lakes suggest that we do not have a firm grasp on nitrogen cycling in large lakes. Thus, we sought to quantify the spatial variability of NFix in the LGL. We found lakes are significantly different in NFix rates from one another and that rates are depth dependent. Overall mean surface NFix rates of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario were 0.024, 0.020, 0.069, 0.145, and 0.078 (nmol N2/L/hr), respectively. Likewise, we found the Western, Central and Eastern basins of Lake Erie are significantly different in NFix rates (0.1540, 0.1032, 0.0738 nmol N2/L/hr). However, we found no significant difference in NFix rates between near and offshore sites in Lake Erie, which may have been biased due to a cyanobacterial bloom containing a nitrogen-fixing Dolichospermum sp. Linear regression models indicate NFix is generally positively correlated with chlorophyll-a concentration and negatively correlated with oxidized nitrogen species concentrations. However, Lakes Erie and Huron exhibited a positive linear relationship with oxidized nitrogen, suggesting that NFix may persist to meet cellular and community nitrogen demands. Together, our data highlight NFix is important despite the presence of abundant nitrogen in all LGL.  相似文献   

The zooplankton communities of several Laurentian Great Lakes have shifted toward greater biomass of calanoid copepods, particularly Limnocalanus macrurus, since the 1990s. Limnocalanus is an omnivore that feeds on large phytoplankton cells, ciliates, rotifers, and small crustacean zooplankton, especially copepod nauplii, and it may be an increasingly important zooplanktivore in these systems. Although there is previous research examining Limnocalanus predation rates on nauplii, we do not know if the presence of phytoplankton affects predation rates. Our initial experiments confirmed Limnocalanus preference for nauplii over small copepodites. Additional experiments showed that Limnocalanus feeding rates on nauplii decreased by 50% at the highest phytoplankton concentrations tested. Limnocalanus fed more on the larger algae tested (Cryptomonas, Cryptophyta, 40 µm) than on the smaller taxa (Scenedesmus, Chlorophyta, 10 µm). We used stable isotope analysis to infer Limnocalanus trophic position in the five Laurentian Great Lakes by comparing Limnocalanus with simultaneously captured Leptodiaptomus sicilis, another calanoid copepod known to feed on phytoplankton and microzooplankton. This analysis showed Limnocalanus at higher trophic positions in the more oligotrophic lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior than in lakes Ontario and Erie. Summer Limnocalanus trophic position was inversely related to both the site-specific concentration of algae in the deep chlorophyll layer and a trophic state index based on spring chlorophyll and total phosphorus. Our results indicate that predation by Limnocalanus on zooplankton depends on lake algal abundance, and that feeding rates on nauplii by an individual Limnocalanus adult are likely higher in the more oligotrophic lakes.  相似文献   

A mass balance modelling approach was used to help understand the movement and impacts of tritium discharged from Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) reactor facilities into Lake Ontario. A concentration-time model, previously developed, is updated in this study. Historical and projected tritium concentrations for Lake Ontario waters are presented. A model calculated accident scenario (10 times highest accidental release) indicates the importance of dilution to the dispersion of tritium; a “modelled” release in 2016 has tritium levels declining by the year 2030 to “previous 2016 levels”. As part of the mass balance approach, lake-bottom sediments were considered as potential radionuclide “sinks”. Tritium porewater results were noted as perturbations at depth in both short (30–50 cm cores) and long sediment core profiles (to 300 cm). These change in tritium concentrations with depth may have been due to CANDU emissions (as the most likely source) over time, based on records of accidental releases of tritiated coolant water. However, the exact process (advection and/or diffusion) responsible for the penetration of tritium into the lake bottom requires additional physical and hydrogeological characterization of the lake bottom sediments.  相似文献   

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