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大坝对长江流域洄游鱼类的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大坝的隔离,使长江与通江湖泊的关系受到威胁,洄游性鱼类失去了原有丰富的栖息地,直接影响到一些江湖洄游性鱼类的生长与繁殖.根据对不同时期的渔获物组成、三口分流水量和分流比、中游及洞庭湖鱼苗产量、四大家鱼产量、四大家鱼在鱼类资源中的比例和监利四大家鱼鱼苗径流量的统计分析,得出了大坝对以四大家鱼为代表的江湖洄游性鱼类资源量的影响.结果表明,大坝对长江中下游鱼类物种组成和丰度有一定影响,优势物种趋于集中,大坝对水文规律的调节对鱼类的产卵量有一定不利影响,江湖关系的连通度决定着洄游性鱼类的生长与繁殖.为降低工程对生态的影响,水库的运行,特别是在产卵期应结合生态的需要,应进行优化调度.  相似文献   

根据鱼类洄游、产卵和越冬等生命周期中的水环境状况、水文情势、水动力特性及地形特征等要素将影响鱼类栖息地的若干指标分成水质指标、水文学指标、水力学指标及河流地形指标。并通过分析各项指标的生态学意义,筛选出其中若干与鱼类生活、繁殖相关的评价指标。最终建立了包含目标层、要素层、特征层和指标层4个层次的鱼类栖息地环境评价指标体系,该体系以保护鱼类栖息地为目标,包含4类要素、13类特征共46项指标,可为河流栖息地评价及鱼类保护提供重要依据。  相似文献   

三峡初期蓄水对典型鱼类栖息地适宜性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
三峡工程是长江中游干流最大的骨干工程,蓄水后下游水文情势发生明显改变。分析水库运行后下游水文情势的改变情况,将为了解大型水利工程对河流健康状况的影响程度和开展生态保护提供有意义的信息和帮助。本文选择宜昌站作为研究对象,并以中华鲟和四大家鱼为典型代表物种,研究三峡工程初期蓄水对下游生态系统的影响。结果表明,三峡工程蓄水运行后,坝下宜昌站生态水文条件发生明显变化,主要表现为多年平均水温上升,多年平均流量、水位和含沙量下降;非汛期的水温以及汛期的流量、水位和含沙量月径流过程明显改变;下游生态水文条件的改变,导致中华鲟鲟卵孵化适宜度和四大家鱼产卵适宜度明显降低;栖息地内生态水文条件的变化是影响中华鲟鲟卵孵化和四大家鱼产卵行为的关键因素,而不是影响中华鲟产卵和四大家鱼鱼卵孵化的关键因素。  相似文献   

三峡初期蓄水对典型鱼类栖息地适宜性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三峡工程是长江中游干流最大的骨干工程,蓄水后下游水文情势发生明显改变。分析水库运行后下游水文情势的改变情况,将为了解大型水利工程对河流健康状况的影响程度和开展生态保护提供有意义的信息和帮助。本文选择宜昌站作为研究对象,并以中华鲟和四大家鱼为典型代表物种,研究三峡工程初期蓄水对下游生态系统的影响。结果表明,三峡工程蓄水运行后,(1) 坝下宜昌站生态水文条件发生明显变化,主要表现为多年平均水温上升,多年平均流量、水位和含沙量下降;(2) 非汛期的水温以及汛期的流量、水位和含沙量月径流过程明显改变;(3) 下游生态水文条件的改变,导致中华鲟鲟卵孵化适宜度和四大家鱼产卵适宜度明显降低;(4) 栖息地内生态水文条件的变化是影响中华鲟鲟卵孵化和四大家鱼产卵行为的关键因素,而不是影响中华鲟产卵和四大家鱼鱼卵孵化的关键因素。  相似文献   

牛栏江—滇池补水工程分布于云南省曲靖市和昆明市,主要涉及牛栏江、盘龙江、滇池和螳螂川等.由于德泽水库水源枢纽工程位于牛栏江干流,对牛栏江的鱼类资源影响相对较大,特别是一些土著鱼类.在总结工程影响区鱼类现状的基础上,重点分析补水工程对牛栏江鱼类资源的影响,并提出了综合的补偿措施,争取尽可能保护和恢复该水系的土著鱼类资源,维持其水生生态系统的稳定.  相似文献   

为分析淮河流域环境流要素的变化趋势及其对洪泽湖鱼类栖息地的生态影响,以淮河中下游河段为研究区,采用IHA法,将蚌埠水文站1950—2015年径流序列划分为2002年蚌埠闸扩建前后两个时期,采用5种流量事件筛选出32种环境流评价指标,分析了水文变异条件下5种环境事件的生态效应;以鳜鱼为洪泽湖指示鱼类,综合考虑栖息地限制因子,运用PHABSIM模型得到栖息地加权可利用面积-流量曲线,计算了鳜鱼产卵期的生态流量。结果表明:淮河中下游环境流组成趋于单一化,大洪水事件减少,枯水流量增大,高脉冲流量持续时间缩短,出现次数增加,对下游生态环境不利;洪泽湖鳜鱼4—6月产卵期的最小生态流量为300 m~3/s,适宜生态流量为550 m~3/s;需合理调控环境流,增加鱼类补充和物质循环,并采取湖泊生态修复等措施,维持洪泽湖的生态平衡。  相似文献   

鱼类保护的最佳措施就是栖息地保护,通过对马马崖一级水电站涉及的北盘江干流及其支流调查,推荐支流西泌河实施栖息地保护.按照鱼类生活习性和天然栖息地特点,电站建设单位与当地政府承诺不对西泌河实施水电开发,并对西泌河采取相应的工程、生态及其它措施,开创了我国河流干流开发和支流保护的典范.  相似文献   

针对水利工程影响下,河道下游天然水文情势改变造成鱼类产卵场面积减小和质量降低等潜在生态问题,通过数值模拟与统计建立拉萨裸裂尻鱼产卵期栖息地适宜度模型,采用栖息地模拟法计算了雅鲁藏布江中游藏木水电站坝下米林—尼洋河汇口处38.9 km河段的环境流量。结果表明:拉萨裸裂尻鱼产卵期适宜水深为0.7~1.0 m,适宜流速为0.4~0.6 m/s;研究河段内拉萨裸裂尻鱼产卵期环境流量为432 m~3/s。  相似文献   

水利水电工程对鱼类的影响及保护措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要介绍水利水电工程建设对鱼类产卵、鱼类栖息地、鱼类洄游、鱼类区系等的影响,及水利水电工程导致的下泄水温、气体过饱和对鱼类的影响,同时介绍过鱼设施、人工增殖放流等保护措施;阐述水电工程对鱼类产卵的影响,提出根据不同鱼类的洄游时间、产卵和孵化条件要求,因时因地选取不同的引水方式组合,如底层取水、表层取水、中下层组合取水、...  相似文献   

风险评估结果报告的重要内容之一是通过对具体大坝风险的描述,判识大坝是否需要采取降低风险措施;而对于系列大坝而言,还需要提出措施实施的优先次序。对大坝风险评估结果的多种描述方法进行了调查;基于风险可容忍度概念,分析了这些描述方法与风险评估导则之间的联系;基于造价-效益分析,建立了潜在风险防范措施的复核判识;基于大坝风险现状,提出了一种可行的英国大坝风险分级方法。  相似文献   

由于水库的建设会对河流产生阻隔,从而影响鱼类洄游、产卵、索饵等,本文以赤峰市东台子水库为例,结合西拉木伦河流域特征、水库特性及鱼类生活习性、繁殖特征等,简要阐述了通过采取水库生态调度、鱼类增殖放流站及鱼道建设等保护措施,对河道内的鱼类生境进行有效保护,可减少水库工程建设对鱼类生境的影响。  相似文献   

Basin-scale assessment of fish habitat in Great Lakes coastal ecosystems would increase our ability to prioritize fish habitat management and restoration actions. As a first step in this direction, we identified key habitat factors associated with highest probability of occurrence for several societally and ecologically important coastal fish species as well as community metrics, using data from the Great Lakes Aquatic Habitat Framework (GLAHF), Great Lakes Environmental Indicators (GLEI) and Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program (CWMP). Secondly, we assessed whether species-specific habitat was threatened by watershed-level anthropogenic stressors. In the southern Great Lakes, key habitat factors for determining presence/absence of several species of coastal fish were chlorophyll concentrations, turbidity, and wave height, whereas in the northern ecoprovince temperature was the major habitat driver for most of the species modeled. Habitat factors best explaining fish richness and diversity were bottom slope and chlorophyll a. These models could likely be further improved with addition of high-resolution submerged macrophyte complexity data which are currently unavailable at the basin-wide scale. Proportion of invasive species was correlated primarily with increasing maximum observed inorganic turbidity and chlorophyll a. We also demonstrate that preferred habitat for several coastal species and high-diversity areas overlap with areas of high watershed stress. Great Lakes coastal wetland fish are a large contributor to ecosystem services as well as commercial and recreational fishery harvest, and scalable basin-wide habitat models developed in this study may be useful for informing management actions targeting specific species or overall coastal fish biodiversity.  相似文献   

Dams disrupt the flow of water and sediment and thus have the potential to affect the downstream geomorphic characteristics of a river. Though there are some well‐known and common geomorphic responses to dams, such as bed armouring, the response downstream from any particular dam is dependent on local conditions. Herein, we investigate the response of the upper Santa Ana River in southern California, USA, to the construction of a large dam at the transition from mountains to valley, using calculations of bedload transport capacity on the mainstem below the dam and for major tributaries. Approximate sediment budgets were constructed for downstream reaches to estimate deposition and erosion rates for sand, gravel, and cobble particle sizes. Our results indicate that the classical response of bed armouring and erosion is likely limited to a short reach immediately below the dam. Farther downstream, though transport capacity is reduced by flow regulation by the dam, the channel reaches are likely to remain depositional but with reduced deposition rates. Persistent deposition, as opposed to erosion, is the result of the replenishment of flow and sediment supply by large downstream tributaries. In addition, the calculations indicate that the composition of the bed is unlikely to change substantially in downstream reaches. A Monte Carlo approach was employed to estimate the uncertainty in the sediment budget predictions. The impacts of the dam on the geomorphic character of the river downstream could have implications for native fish that rely on coarse substrate that supports their food base.  相似文献   

深水航道整治丁坝群对鱼类生境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常留红  徐斌  张鹏  汤薇 《水利学报》2019,50(9):1086-1094
航道整治丁坝群一定程度上改变了局部水动力条件,从而对鱼类的生境也产生了影响。依托长江12.5 m深水航道整治工程,选择仪征水道整治工程为典型河段,建立二维数值模型,分析了三种典型工况下整治丁坝群实施前后研究河段的水流特性变化,基于对鱼类生境需求的调查分析的基础上,探讨了丁坝群对鱼类产卵场、索饵场、越冬场和洄游通道的影响及成因,揭示了潮汐河段航道整治丁坝群对鱼类"三场一通道"的影响规律。研究表明:丁坝群附近的复杂水流结构及近岸缓流区,为漂流性鱼类和沉黏性鱼类提供了适宜的产卵场;丁坝坝后的底层缓流及静水环境,为鱼类提供了良好的越冬场;丁坝群独特的水流结构,将河道内的浮游生物横向输移至坝后富集,为鱼类觅食提供了丰富的饵料场;丁坝群建成后世业洲右缘近岸缓流区的范围有明显扩大,为鱼卵和仔鱼的降河洄游提供了稳定的洄游通道。  相似文献   

Hydropeaking dam operation and water extractions for irrigation have been broadly stated as alterations to natural flow regimes, which have also been noticed in the Biobío Watershed, in Central Chile, since 1996. In the Biobío River, most of native fish species are endemic and very little is known about them. Their ecological and social values have never been estimated, and there is lack of information about their habitat preferences. Furthermore, changes on fish habitat availability due to natural and/or man‐made causes have not been evaluated. In this study, eight native fish species, in a representative reach of the Biobío River, were studied and their preferred habitats were surveyed and characterized. A hydrodynamic model was built and linked to the fish habitat simulation model CASiMiR. Fuzzy rules and fuzzy sets were developed for describing habitat preference of the native fish species. CASiMiR was then used to simulate how physical habitat conditions vary due to flow control (i.e. upstream dams). Results show how overall habitat quality, expressed as weighted usable area (WUA) and hydraulic habitat suitability (HHS), changes and fluctuates due to the dam operation and how the daily hydropeaking is influencing quantity, quality and location of different habitats. The study suggests that the analysed fish are highly susceptible to flow control, as dams are currently operated, and fish habitat improvement suggestions are proposed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

白鹤滩水库回水支流的鱼类 栖息地模拟评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于河道内流量增加法(IFIM),采用River2D对白鹤滩水库回水支流黑水河进行水动力模拟和鱼类栖息地模拟,根据加权可利用面积(WUA)分析蓄水前后鱼类适宜物理栖息地的数量变化和质量变化。结果显示:蓄水后,按蓄水水位不同,适宜栖息地总面积仅为自然状况下的0.8%~25.3%,且呈边缘化分布。根据水库调度运行方案,蓄水后春夏季节栖息地总量将高于秋冬季节,与蓄水前情况相反。  相似文献   

The diversity of fish species found in warmwater stream systems provides a perplexing challenge when selecting species for assessment of instream flow needs from physical habitat analyses. In this paper we examined the feasibility of developing habitat suitability criteria (HSC) for the entire fish community of a warmwater stream using habitat guilds. Each species was placed a priori into a guild structure and habitat data were collected for depth, velocity, Froude number, distance to cover, embeddedness and dominant and subdominant substrate. Correct guild classification was tested with linear discriminant analysis for each species. Correct classification based on habitat‐use data was highest for riffle and pool‐cover guilds, whereas the fast‐generalist and pool‐run classes, the broader niche guilds, were more frequently misclassified. Variables most important for discriminating guilds were Froude number, velocity and depth in that order. Nonparametric tolerance limits were used to develop guild suitability criteria for continuous variables and the Strauss linear index was used for categorical variables. We recommend the use of a wide array of variables to establish more accurate habitat analysis. Additionally, guild HSC can be developed with similar effort to that needed to develop HSC for a small number of individual species. Results indicate that a habitat guild structure can be successfully transferred to another river basin and that habitats for a diverse fish assemblage can be adequately described by a small number of habitat guilds. This approach represents an alternative for incorporating entire fish assemblages into habitat analyses of warmwater stream systems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于松花江流域拦河建筑物现状,采用阻隔系数法,评价主要干支流的纵向连通性。结果表明:松花江干流和嫩江纵向连通性指数分别为0.21和0.27,连通性评价等级为良,第二松花江连通性指数为0.62,连通性评价等级为中等。嫩江支流中连通性最好的是嫩江,成为冷水性鱼与嫩江尼尔基以下河段交流的唯一通道;而甘河、雅鲁河、绰尔河和讷谟儿河连通性评价等级为良,洮儿河、霍林河和乌裕尔河连通性评价等级为劣。第二松花江支流中伊通河和饮马河拦河坝众多,鱼类洄游受阻,连通性等级为劣。松花江干流支流牡丹江、拉林河受梯级水电站开发影响,其评价指数为劣;倭肯河、汤旺河受河流沿岸灌区渠首闸坝、水库及水电站建设影响,评价等级为差,这些支流目前濒危珍稀鱼类已绝迹,也极少见到冷水性鱼类。整个流域内未建设过鱼设施,对鱼类洄游和种群交流产生阻隔,提出了补建和新建过鱼设施,必要时开展增殖放流的措施。建议对没有预留生态流量的拦河建筑物进行改造或者利用现有设施泄放生态流量,对预留生态流量的调整水库调度方案保证其下泄流量满足不同时间、空间鱼类生存需求。  相似文献   

Three types of artificial fish habitat constructed of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe were placed at three sites in Spring Lake, a drinking water reservoir in McDonough County, Illinois. Direct current (DC) electrofishing was used on a monthly basis from May through October 2008 at each site, and a corresponding control area. The fish catch per unit effort (CPUE) and mean size of fish captured were compared between the artificial structures and the control areas. The CPUE and mean size of fish captured also were compared to the number of ‘branches’ on the artificial habitat. The fish catch rates for the various structures were evaluated among the three sites on the lake. The mean CPUE was significantly higher for the PVC structures, and compared to control sites, for bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), white crappie (Pomoxis annularis) and largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). This was not performed for gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum). No significant differences were detected in mean size for all four species between the PVC and control sites. A linear regression indicated no significant relationship between the number or size of fish, and the number of branches on the PVC structures. Bluegills used the PVC structures significantly more in the dam area than in other areas of the lake. In contrast, gizzard shad used the PVC structures significantly more in the west end of the lake. These results suggest that PVC structures, which can be constructed of common, inexpensive materials, can be effective in attracting fish in drinking water reservoirs. Another advantage of the PVC structures is that they are non‐organic and, therefore, will not degrade water quality.  相似文献   

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