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多因素影响下的气候变化与河流水质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河流水质受到许多气候因子的影响,诸如气温、降水以及极端事件等。气候变化导致的水质恶化会产生一系列严重后果。以中欧地区为例,简要阐明了气候和非气候因素在影响河流水质方面的相互作用。最后,对与气候变化相关的水质变化趋势进行了分析,并指出了气候变化情景下水质模拟的要求和约束条件。  相似文献   

长江源区近年水质时空分布特征探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江源区地处青藏高原,气候条件恶劣,受技术条件限制,有关源区特有的高原生态环境状况的调查和报道较少。根据2012,2014,2015年长江源区科学考察获取的水质监测资料,分析了长江源区常规监测指标、金属类及有机物等水质指标,探析了近几年长江源区水质时空分布特征。结果表明:长江源区河流水质良好,大多数区域的水质指标达到Ⅰ—Ⅱ类水标准;受水体含沙量和区域地质条件的影响,源区不同区域河流水质有一定差异;源区水质年际间差异不大,基本在相同的范围内波动;与国内外河流背景值相比,源区水质基本处于河流背景值范围内;源区有邻苯二甲酸酯类有机污染物检出。该结果对于进一步开展长江源区水生态环境研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过对山东省水功能区划内河流基本情况的分析,采用适宜的数学模型来客观描述水体自净或污染物降解过程,建立水体中污染物的排放与受纳水体水质之间的关系,在给定功能区现状的和规划的水质目标、设计水量、水质背景条件、排污口位置及排污口排放方式的前提下,定量地给出现状的和规划的水功能区纳污能力。根据各市经济和社会发展规划,预测各规划水平年工业和生活污染物的排放量和入河量。依据水体功能和各地经济社会发展的差异,结合纳污能力计算成果,提出不同规划水平年不同功能区污染物入河控制量和污染物的削减量。  相似文献   

为了有效应对全球气候变化的影响和挑战,澳大利亚水资源部门展开了一系列研究评估工作。介绍了数据收集、气候情景模拟以及与水利基础设施性能相关的研究情况,详述了相应的适应性管理政策与改革措施,提出了人类必须提高自身应对气候变化的能力。可为制定与实施适应性政策与措施提供参考。  相似文献   

提高水治理能力 应对气候变化挑战   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
气候变化对人类的可持续发展是一个前所未有的巨大挑战。刚刚结束的哥本哈根联合国气候峰会,反映了世界各国在应对气候变化挑战问题上强烈的共同意愿,同时也充分暴露了各国围绕气候变化应对背后激烈的利益博弈。中国作为世界人口最多、地域辽阔的国家,是全球气候变化的最大受害者之一。发展低碳经济,应对气候变化,既符合中国的国家利益,亦有助于世界的可持续发展。同样,中国作为一个人均水资源占有量偏低、水生态环境脆弱的发展中大国,水安全问题也面临来自气候变化的严峻挑战,这也对中国的水治理提出了严峻挑战。近年,水利在应对气候变化方面进行了积极探索,取得了明显成效。在新的形势下,如何采取更加切实有效的措施应对气候变化对水利工作提出的新挑战,是一个需要在水利实践中破解的问题。近期,本刊就这一话题约请相关专家,从我国国情出发,就水利部门如何应对这一挑战,不断提升水利保障能力,推进我国经济社会可持续发展,提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

模拟研究评估气候变化对全英国水体水质的影响,是全球变化对欧洲淡水生态系统的影响评价(Eurolimpacs)和环境行动计划(EA)的一部分。英国气候影响计划(UKCIP)的一系列项目在流域尺度上模拟了全英国未来一段时间的降雨、蒸发和气温。这些时间序列数据被用于水质和生态模型的输入,以模拟6条河的流量、硝态氮、氨态氮、总磷和溶解活性磷、泥沙、大型植物以及附生植物等。根据不同的河流特征、流域位置、径流情势、模拟条件和未来时间序列,得出气候变化对英国主要河流的水质影响结果。  相似文献   

为深入分析变化环境下小清河干流的河流健康状况,构建包含水量、水质、水生生物、河流生境、社会服务 和流域脆弱性 6 个准则层共 17 个评价指标的河流健康评价指标体系,采用层析分析法计算指标权重并进行健康 评价,以期为维持水生态平衡、实现流域生态保护和高质量发展提供参考。结果表明:小清河干流河流健康处于 亚健康状态,8 个评价点位健康指数位于 [61.82,69.73],其中黄台桥得分最高、岔河得分最低,不同点位间差距不 大;准则层中水量得分最高,水生生物和流域脆弱性得分最低,水质和河流生境在不同点位之间差距较大;在气候 变化和人类活动等外部压力下,河流健康体现出较大的脆弱性,因此未来提升河流健康状况需重点提高水生生物 多样性水平和流域应对变化环境进行适应性恢复的能力。  相似文献   

吴昊 《吉林水利》2020,(4):20-22,34
为了解安庆市河湖水质现状,明确主要河流、湖库及水功能区的水质特点,根据《安庆市水资源公报》公布的河湖水质数据,并结合现场监测收集的相关资料,重点对全市5条主要河流、 6个主要湖库及17个水功能区的水质变化特征及现状进行了分析研究。结果显示:2018年主要河流、水功能区水质较好,基本保持在Ⅲ类及以上水质标准,但主要湖库均受到了不同程度的污染,其中Ⅳ类水体占39.9%,Ⅴ类占7.1%; 2014—2018年主要河流、水功能区水质类别变化平稳,水质总体保持良好状态,但湖库污染程度有加重趋势。  相似文献   

河流运输是全球生物地球化学循环中营养物质从陆地到海洋的重要途径。河流营养盐在入海通量中的占比非常大,然而,受气候变化和人类活动的双重影响,河流的营养盐过程发生了不可忽视的变化。考虑数据监测和数值模拟两种河流营养盐数据获取方法,总结了河流营养盐通量计算的研究进展,揭示了世界大河营养盐通量变化过程趋势。此外,从气温升高和极端天气的角度分析了河流营养盐过程对气候变化的响应,从土地利用、大型水利工程和水环境修复和管理等角度探讨了人类活动对河流营养盐过程的作用。最后在现有研究成果分析和总结的基础上,对气候变化影响、人类活动影响、水质监测技术、模型模拟计算以及水环境保护和管理方面展望了未来需要加强探索的方向。  相似文献   

在简要介绍城市河流系统治理策略的基础上,详细论述其在鹅颈水生态修复中的应用。鹅颈水治理以流域为空间单位,准确把握河流主要问题,综合考量水资源、水安全、水环境、水生态、水文化,坚持工程和非工程措施并重,分阶段逐步实现洪水风险管理、外源污染控制、河流水质修复、河流生态系统恢复的目标。结果表明,鹅颈水目前已基本消除黑臭,水质逐渐提升至国家地表水Ⅳ类水标准。提出进一步加强河流生态系统恢复、优化管理制度、逐步建立全过程和全指标生态监测评估体系、实施弹性管理等鹅颈水系统治理措施。  相似文献   

Border areas comprise inevitably problematic fields especially when the countries are bound to share common water resources. The conflict potential is rather high and quite often countries are directed to the negotiation table in order to form tranboundary agreements. These agreements aim to the settlement of tensions and conflicts originating from the management of shared water resources. Often a starting point of the conflict resolution is the water allocation scheme between the interested parts. The definition of entitlements over shared water resources in not an easy task and it requires the use of specific decision tools in order to reach the maximum level of objectivity. According to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60, management of transboundary catchments shall be based on existing structures set by international agreements, such as the UN Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. The main aim of this paper is the implementation of a water allocation tool based on representative indicators characterizing the involved parties while placing emphasis on environmental protection. The variables used are proposed by the UN Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses incorporating both natural and socio-economic aspects. These factors are quantified for each country and a weight factor is assigned to each one depending on its importance and suitability for describing the environmental and socio-economic situation in each country. As an illustration example the transboundary river Nestos/Mesta case is presented.  相似文献   

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) can be viewed as a complex process in which the effect of adopted water management measures must be monitored and adjusted in an iterative way as new information and technology gradually become available under changing and uncertain external impacts, such as climate change. This paper identifies and characterises uncertainty as it occurs in the different stages of the IWRM process with respect to sources, nature and type of uncertainty. The present study develops a common terminology that honour the most important aspects from natural and social sciences and its application to the entire IWRM process. The proposed framework is useful by acknowledging a broad range of uncertainties regarding data, models, multiple frames and context. Relating this framework to the different steps of the IWRM cycle is helpful to determine the strategies to better handle and manage uncertainties. Finally, this general framework is illustrated for a case study in the transboundary Rhine river basin.  相似文献   

Karina Vink 《国际水》2013,38(5):743-754
Vulnerable people require additional measures to ensure their water capabilities, as they have certain characteristics making them more vulnerable than others. As pointed out by recent studies, transboundary water access laws and policies do not sufficiently address the needs of vulnerable people. The prevailing legal arrangements often only address extrinsic vulnerability and forgo focusing on intrinsic vulnerability, which creates the need for different transboundary water legislation. This paper shows how international treaties can address the right to certain water capabilities by considering not merely the current but also future global populations into the creation of their transboundary agreements.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the use of transboundary water resources management principles in two key regional water-related agreements in Central Asia: the Agreement on Cooperation in Joint Management, Use and Protection of Interstate Sources of Water Resources (1992) and the Statute of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia (2008). These agreements incorporate several internationally recognized transboundary water resources management principles, though there are also some weaknesses. The presence of such principles in these regional agreements offers plenty of hope for the promotion of sustainable water resources management in Central Asia.  相似文献   

If environmentally sustainable development goals are to be achieved for transboundary water resources, fundamental improvements over sector-by-sector development strategies are needed. This article describes the nature of needed improvements as well as lessons learned for multicountry cooperation in managing transboundary water resources. While global agreements, watercourse or basin organizations, and arbitration have fallen short of addressing conflicting priorities, joint institutional arrangements,such as those utilized by the International Joint Commission (Canada and USA), provide opportunities for: (1) creating a neutral ground for building trust among nations; (2) levelling the playing field among small and large nations; and (3) arranging joint mechanisms for working together on shared development of basins without relinquishing a country's sovereignty. The Global Environment Facility is playing a catalytic role in assisting countries in making the transition to comprehensive approaches for addressing transboundary water and land resource issues. The GEF Operational Strategy is described and lessons learned from its first five years are presented with a view to illustrating programmatic opportunities that cooperating nations can utilize for pursuing sustainable development of international waters and their basins.  相似文献   

Many people think of transboundary water in terms of national security. However, water is not, nor is it likely to become, a cause of war. Rather, the need is for water security, which implies that water management must balance the goals of efficiency, equity, sustainability and implementability. This article suggests how a joint management structure for fresh water can be designed to promote ongoing resolution of issues, and do so in a way that de-nationalizes and de-securitizes transboundary water. Though designed with the Israeli–Palestinian case in mind, the approach is applicable wherever water divides rather than unites states or peoples.  相似文献   


The potential impact of global climate change is one of the least addressed factors in water resources planning in developing countries. The potential impacts of climate change are examined for Jordan, where a methodology is presented for improved management of water demand under the uncertainties associated with climate change. A temperature/precipitation sensitivity model is constructed and combined with water demand forecasts to project deficits for the year 2020. Deficit reducing options are then evaluated in terms of social and economic viability. The study concludes that only some of the deficits may be alleviated, illustrating the significance of considering climate change in planning for countries that already experience water imbalances.  相似文献   

Transboundary Water Policies: Assessment, Comparison and Enhancement   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Transboundary water treaties are evaluated and compared using Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in order to identify the most desirable treaty and suggest how existing treaties can be improved. More specifically, a flexible MCDA technique, called the Elimination Method, is employed for analyzing and comparing three multilateral treaties and one bilateral transboundary treaty according to three main criteria, which focus on each treaty’s capacity in dispute avoidance and resolution. The three multilateral agreements and one bilateral treaty which are studied consist of the 1998 Rhine Convention, 1995 Mekong River Basin Agreement, 1992 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention, and the 1909 Boundary Waters Treaty between Canada and the United States, respectively. The analytical results reveal limitations of these international water policies with respect to conflict resolution, and provide directions for the possible improvement in cooperation over international water resources.  相似文献   

A new method of participatory decision support that can be used in transboundary basins is presented. The framework of this method relies first on the creation of a transboundary geographic information system database to store hydrologic data and allow easy access to data from stakeholders. A participatory hydro-political framework is developed to help set up hydrologic models and evaluate joint water management scenarios. Results show that the countries of the Jordan River could benefit from the framework and in the case of southern Lebanon, six climate stations should be replaced or reactivated. Finally, the mechanism of a Lebanese Hydrologic Information System is presented and shows that an observation data model will facilitate science and policy integration.  相似文献   

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