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根据东武仕水库水质监测评价结果和不同区域水质变化情势分析,得出水库高密度网箱养鱼区底层水DO仅为表层的30%,总硬度是表层的2.5倍,NH3-N是表层的2~7倍,底层水质明显受到污染。结合网箱养殖对水体的影响和主要污染物在不同区域变化情势及底层水质较差原因,提出改善库区水质的措施与建议。  相似文献   

为了研究如何利用人工湿地技术处理永定河直接进入官厅水库的受污染水体、削减污染物总量,在黑土洼人工湿地进行了相关试验研究.试验选取永定河引水口和湿地退水渠两个典型监测断面,取样采用标准化方法分析.重点对人工湿地水质净化效果进行了初步分析,结果表明,湿地系统对官厅水库水质净化及水环境改善取得了较好的处理效果;季节变化会影响湿地的处理效率.该研究为北方地区利用人工湿地系统处理河道微污染水体提供了有力的技术支撑.  相似文献   

文章以中山大学南校区的教工区的园西湖为研究对象,设计了一套人工水体绿色净化系统,旨在出去富集氮磷物质,增强水体的流动循环性能,以解决微污染景观水富营养化等污染问题。  相似文献   

微生态菌剂直投技术原位修复微污染水源水的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用微生态菌剂直投技术处理城市微污染水源水体是控制季节性水质污染和水体富营养化的重要方法。采用实验室模拟的方法,研究了筛选制备的生态菌剂在自然条件下不同投加量对水质净化效果的影响。试验进行了32d,结果表明,微生态菌剂原位直投技术用于水源水质的原位改善是可行有效的,对水中主要污染物指标及其去除率分别可达到:氨氮100%、硝态氮76.2%、总氮80.9%、总磷90%、TOC 67.6%和CODMn40.6%;微生态菌剂可与水体的土著菌种叠加形成稳定的生态位,充分发挥了同步硝化反硝化作用。  相似文献   

付凌  刘磊 《中国水利》2013,(21):38-40
为研究如何利用人工湿地技术处理永定河直接进入官厅水库的受污染水体,削减污染物总量,在黑土洼人工湿地进行了相关试验研究。试验选取典型监测断面取样,采用标准化方法重点对水质净化效果进行了初步分析,结果表明湿地系统对官厅水库水质净化及水环境改善取得了较好的处理效果。经过多年运行的湿地,出现了堵塞、水质深度处理能力下降、植物维护等问题,经过研究提出了相应的对策措施。该研究为北方低温地区利用人工湿地系统处理河道微污染水体提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

本文以上海农场生态农业示范园内湖区水系为研究对象,通过构建湿地净化系统模型,计算确定合理的水力停留时间和水力负荷,研究分析出水体中有机物、氨氮、总磷等污染负荷的削减量,以及固体悬浮物的减少量,同时制定相应的维护管理措施,从而探索湿地净化系统对区域水环境的净化作用。研究结果可为河道、湖泊等水体水质提升和透明度的提高提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

固定化微生物处理河流微污染水体试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用固定化微生物-曝气生物滤池(IBAF)系统对北京市马草河微污染水体进行了现场连续运转中试研究.通过对进水与出水COD、氨氮和总磷的监测,研究了IBAF系统对河湖微污染水体的处理性能.结果显示:采用IBAF系统处理河流微污染水体,处理后主要水质指标可达到地表水Ⅳ类水体标准;各污染物的去除率分别达到:CODcr60%以上、CODMn30%以上、氨氮90%以上和总磷在50%以上;克氏定氮法测定表明IBAF系统中的生物量为35 g/L,可极大地提高处理效率;IBAF系统在驯化完成后,能够满足重复使用的要求;试验还表明在温度5~15℃的条件下,IBAF系统脱除氨氮性能未受影响,这对低温脱氮的研究具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

长江下游干流水体中氮的空间分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为全面了解长江下游干流氮素的含量水平,于2014年6月对长江下游干流表层、中层和底层水体中总氮(TN)、溶解性氮(TDN)、氨氮(NH4+-N)的含量进行检测,分析了氮素的空间分布特征。研究结果表明:TDN是氮在长江下游干流水体中的主要形态,而且表层、中层、底层水体中氮素含量均不相同;长江下游干流水体中TN的含量范围为0.85~2.46 mg/L,表层和底层水体中TN平均含量均高于中层水体中TN的平均含量;水体中TDN的含量范围为0.72~2.08 mg/L,表层水体中TDN平均含量相对较高;水体中NH4+-N的含量范围为0.13~0.75 mg/L,表层、中层和底层水体中NH4+-N的含量相近;从研究区域上游至下游,TN和TDN的平均含量呈现上升的趋势;不同城市间的NH4+-N平均含量波动较大。通过相关性分析还发现,TDN与叶绿素a (Chl-a)呈显著负相关, 水温(T)与叶绿素a (Chl-a)呈显著正相关,其它形态氮与水的理化性质无明显相关关系。此研究结果可作为控制长江下游干流水体中氮素污染的基础数据。  相似文献   

大型深水湖泊和水库普遍存在水温热分层现象,导致水质也存在分层现象,中间层或上下层混合水体水质比表层和底层水体水质好。结合具体实例,建立了双孔口混层取水水质分析模型,并利用模型成功分析了7种取水模式下的取水水质情况。研究结果表明,通过调节不同高度取水口的开度,可获得不同的供水水质;在所选择的实例中,工况3和工况4在相同条件下出流水质优于其余工况。研究结果对多孔口取水塔取水有指导意义。  相似文献   

针对水体富营养化的状况,分析了水质污染的原因,并提出综合治理措施,同时阐述了生物生态技术、微生物制剂技术等水体净化技术在控制水库水质污染方面的应用效果。  相似文献   

三峡水库香溪河库湾水体富营养化演化监测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡圣  邱光胜  印士勇 《人民长江》2012,43(12):10-13
三峡水库蓄水后,香溪河平邑口水域成为库区支流水体富营养化演化和水华发生的典型水域。通过对该水域表层水体叶绿素a与各种环境因子持续1 a的高密度监测结果的分析表明,叶绿素a与TP、温度、溶解氧,pH值和浊度正相关性明显,与PO4-P/TP和透明度负相关性明显。虽然叶绿素a与TN的全年监测结果的相关性较差,但水华发生时,TN、TP和叶绿素a存在明显的正相关性,说明水华期间藻类增殖对氮磷有明显富集作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents an Interactive Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming (IFMOLP) model for water quality management in a river basin. The IFMOLP model formulated will first evaluate dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations or DO deficits at a point in different reaches depending on the overall Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) concentration present in the respective drain. Subsequently, the model incorporates the aspirations and conflicting objectives of the decision maker (DM) by taking into consideration the aspects relevant for pollution control boards as well as dischargers responsible for generating wastewater. The uncertainty associated with specifying the water quality criteria (based on DO concentration or DO deficit) and treatment cost to remove pollution level is incorporated by interacting the decision maker. In this process DM is asked to specify the reference aspiration levels of achievement for the values of all membership functions generated with respect to each objective. This provides flexibility for the pollution control authorities and dischargers to specify their aspirations. IFMOLP model developed herein is then used in a case study for the evaluation of optimal BOD removal in different drains located across the river Yamuna at New Delhi, India. The presented model will simulate the allocation of waste load efficiencies with satisfactory results which will indicate usefulness of the model in managing more complex river basins along with better flexible policies of water management.  相似文献   

Understanding the fate of effluent organic matter (EfOM) and natural organic matter (NOM) through riverbank filtration is essential to assess the impact of wastewater effluent on the post treatment requirements of riverbank filtrates. Furthermore, their fate during drinking water treatment can significantly determine the process design. The objective of this study was to characterise bulk organic matter which consists of EfOM and NOM during riverbank filtration using a suite of innovative analytical tools. Wastewater effluent-derived surface water and surface water were used as source waters in experiments with soil columns. Results showed the preferential removal of non-humic substances (i.e. biopolymers) from wastewater effluent-derived surface water. The bulk organic matter characteristics of wastewater effluent-derived surface water and surface water were similar after 5 m soil passage in laboratory column experiment. Humic-like organic matter in surface water and wastewater effluent-derived surface water persisted through the soil passage. More than 50% of total dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal with significant reduction of dissolved oxygen (DO) was observed in the top 50 cm of the soil columns for both surface water and wastewater effluent-derived surface water. This was due to biodegradation by soil biomass which was determined by adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentrations and heterotrophic plate counts. High concentrations of ATP in the first few centimeters of infiltration surface reflect the highest microbial activity which correlates with the extent of DOC reduction. Good correlation of DOC removal with DO and biomass development was observed in the soil columns.  相似文献   

为控制白洋淀的水体富营养化状况,在所选实验水域建立由不同类型的食物链组成的围隔生态系统。从2010年8月份到10月份每周采样一次,共8次,测定水体中的pH、溶解氧(DO)、透明度(SD)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、总氮(TN)、氨氮、总磷(TP)、叶绿素a的浓度,研究围隔生态系统对于水质的影响作用。实验结果表明:实验初期围隔内水质明显好转,富营养化程度降低。在各个实验组中金鱼藻组对于水质的改善作用最为明显,对SD、DO、CODMn、TP、TN、NH 4+-N、叶绿素a等水质指标的改变率分别达到192%、204%、73.8%、21.3%、56.0%、75.0%、28.6%,使水体的富营养化指数减低为初始值的74%。  相似文献   

In recent years integrated models have been developed to simulate the entire urban wastewater system, including urban drainage systems, wastewater treatment plants, and receiving waterbodies. This paper uses such an integrated urban wastewater model to analyze the frequency of receiving water quality in an urban wastewater system with the aim of assessing the overall system performance during rainfall events. The receiving water quality is represented by two indicators: event mean dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and event mean ammonium concentration. The compliance probability of the water quality indicators satisfying a specific threshold is used to represent the system performance, and is derived using the rainfall events from a series of 10 years' rainfall data. A strong correlation between the depth of each rainfall event and the associated volume of combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharges is revealed for the case study catchment, while there is a low correlation between the intensity/duration of the rainfall event and the volume of the CSO discharges. The frequency analysis results obtained suggest that the event mean DO and ammonium concentrations have very different characteristics in terms of compliance probabilities at two discharging points for CSO and wastewater treatment plant effluent, respectively. In general, the simulation results provide an understanding of the performance of the integrated urban wastewater system and can provide useful information to support water quality management.  相似文献   

以湖南省常德市穿紫河综合整治工程为例,利用美国环保局开发的综合水质模型QUAL2E对该工程治理方案进行效果预测。根据综合整治的主要治理措施设计了穿紫河水质模拟的五大类情景,模拟了CODCr、DO、BOD5、NH3 N等4项指标,进一步分析了不同截污程度、引水方案和引水量组合工程措施对提高水质达标率的作用,为穿紫河综合整治工程提供合理化建议。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to develop an automatic control system for dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH of the activated sludge process in a coke wastewater treatment plant. A discrete type autotuned proportional-integral (PI) controller using an auto-regressive exogenous (ARX) model as a process model was developed to maintain the DO concentration in aerators by controlling the speed of surface aerators. Also a nonlinear pH controller using the titration curve was used to control the pH of influent wastewater. This control system was tested in a pilot scale plant. During this pilot plant experiment, there was small deviation of pH and the electric power consumption of surface aerators was reduced up to 70% with respect to the full operation when the DO set point was 2 mg/1. For real plant operation with this system, the discrete PI controller showed good tracking for set point change. The electricity saving was more than 40% of the electricity consumption when considering surface aerators. As a result of maintaining the DO constantly at the set point by the automatic control system, the fluctuation of effluent quality was decreased and overall improvement of the effluent water quality was achieved.  相似文献   

Investigations were performed on biofilm and sediment from the river Emscher, Germany, presently acting as a large wastewater collector. Biofilm laboratory batch experiments were performed under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The aerobic biofilm surface activity in terms of dissolved oxygen (DO) consumption was determined. Under anaerobic conditions the sulfide production was investigated. Laboratory biofilm experiments were compared with full scale studies performed under aerobic and anaerobic conditions to determine the total biofilm and sediment activity at selected reaches of the Emscher. The biofilm and sediment activity determined may be used for modelling of wastewater quality changes in the Emscher.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need to establish wastewater treatment facilities for improving water quality of heavily polluted rivers in rapidly urbanizing areas. Optimization models are widely used to determine the pollutant removal levels at different pollution sources, with the aim of minimizing the wastewater treatment cost and satisfying certain water quality criteria. Water quality is usually evaluated in a prescribed space or time point. Thus it cannot reflect the overall status of a tidal river that has significant spatio-temporal variations. In this paper, new spatio-temporal water quality criteria, which consider the water quality violation against specified water quality standards during the whole simulation period of time for the entire river simulated, are proposed and then applied to optimization of a wastewater treatment system in Shenzhen, China. The results indicate that the optimization based on the proposed criteria facilitates an improved performance of wastewater treatment systems in terms of water quality along the whole river during a long time period, instead of just in a prescribed space or time point. Furthermore, use of the new criteria derives a better Pareto front of cost and water quality in terms of convergence and coverage compared with the conventional criteria and thus they are recommended as the water quality criteria to measure spatial and temporal variation in a tidal river for wastewater treatment system planning.  相似文献   

QUAL2E模型在呼和浩特市水质模拟中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
呼和浩特市的地表水系由黄河干流和支流组成,以支流为主,整个地表水系统呈树枝状分布,水质污染严重。建立了呼和浩特市的河流水质模型,选用BOD5,CODMn作为模拟污染指标,给出模型关键参数的确定方法,应用QUAL2E模型进行河流水质模拟分析,检验QUAL2E模型参数。模拟结果表明,模型合理有效,能很好地描述河流的水质状况,可进一步为水环境规划提供有利工具和科学的参数依据。  相似文献   

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