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为深入了解开孔促淤板周围的水流特性,通过室内概化水槽试验分析了开孔促淤板前后的水流紊动特性,采用声学多普勒流速仪(ADV)测量了开孔促淤板前后典型断面上的三维瞬时流速,分析了典型断面上的时均流速、紊动强度、雷诺切应力和紊动能的分布规律。试验结果表明:板后近板区出现回流区,且回流区与开孔促淤板格栅位置相对应;板后水流相对紊动强度、雷诺切应力及相对紊动能明显大于板前,开孔促淤板对板后近板区水流影响较大;随着与开孔促淤板距离的增大,回流现象消失,流速变化趋于稳定,水流相对紊动强度减小且最终趋于稳定,相对紊动能出现折减且折减率逐渐降低;靠近近板区xOy面雷诺切应力大于yOz面雷诺切应力,靠近下游xOy面雷诺切应力与yOz面雷诺切应力相差较小。  相似文献   

Detailed laboratory experiments were conducted to analyze and evaluate a new weir‐pool fishway design. The new design consisted of a series of one‐cycle, triangular labyrinth weirs that formed a weir‐pool fish passage. Hydraulic characteristics of flow over the proposed fishway were examined for three pool lengths and a wide range of discharges. It was found that the new design had superior discharge capacity over classical weir‐pool fishways in plunging flow regime. Spatial and point analyses of measured velocity data were carried out to understand turbulence structure and distribution of turbulent flow. The power dissipation per unit volume was calculated for different tests, and it varied nonlinearly with discharge. Based on the limiting criteria for energy dissipation rates of different fish species, the maximum operating discharge for different slopes was extracted for the proposed design. The model‐to‐prototype scaling analysis was performed based on the recommended scaling factor of three for prototype. It was found that the approach velocity of prototype increased by 12%, whereas the total discharge increased by more than five times. The contour plots of time‐averaged velocity indicated that the proposed fishways offered diversified flow fields without exceeding the maximum velocity above the standards recommended for weir‐pool fishways. To study the size, direction, and periodicity of turbulent eddies, magnitude of the most energetic eddy and dominant frequencies were extracted using power spectrum analysis. Quadrant analysis consistently showed that Reynolds shear stresses in ejection and sweep events became weaker as the pool length increased. The small region of strong ejection and sweep events evidenced a good resting place for fish migration, whereas the generated turbulence was large enough to attract fish species to use the passage.  相似文献   

各向异性对无切变边界层与轴对称应变湍流特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文运用湍流快速畸变理论对各向异性条件对无切变边界层及轴对称应变湍流特性的影响进行了探讨,对无切变边界层,所进行扮析与实验资料表明,此时各向异性的影响在于增加纵向紊动强度及减小横向紊动强度,但其对垂向紊动影响甚小,对轴对称应变湍流,本文也对紊动强度与雷诺应力随向各异性条件的变化进行了分析。  相似文献   

The properties of unsteady open-channel turbulent flow were theoretically and experimentally investigated in a circular cross section channel with fixed sediment deposits. Velocity and turbulence distribution data were obtained using an ultrasonic velocity profiler (UVP). Different uniform flow conditions and triangular-shaped hydrographs were analysed. The hydrograph analysis revealed a dynamic wave behaviour, where the time lags of mean cross section velocity, friction velocity, discharge and flow depth were all evident. The bottom shear stress dynamic behaviour was estimated using four different approaches. Measurements of the velocity distribution in the inner region of the turbulent layer and of the Reynolds stress distribution in the turbulent flow provided the analysed data sets of the bottom shear stress. Furthermore, based on the Saint Venant equation, the bottom shear stress time behaviour was studied using both the kinematic and the dynamic flow principles. The dynamic values of the bottom shear stress were compared with those for the steady flow conditions. It is evident that bottom shear stress varies along the generated flood hydrograph and its variation is the function of the flow unsteadiness. Moreover, the kinematic flow principle is not an adequate type of approximation for presented flow conditions.  相似文献   

主支汇流比对交汇区域水流脉动特性影响试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过多组次水槽试验,应用ADV研究入汇角为90°时不同汇流比水流条件下交汇区域的三维水流结构及其脉动特性。试验表明:支流汇入后,将对主流上游水面产生顶托影响,使得主支流水位不仅是各自流量的函数,还与主支流流量比大小有关。入汇口上游断面受影响范围很小,但下游断面受影响范围较大,越靠近入汇口一侧,受影响程度越大,影响范围接近入汇口下游收缩区外侧的剪切面。入汇口下游的主流边壁(靠近入汇口一侧)的分离区附近水流脉动强度和雷诺应力均较大,回流现象很明显,水面呈现极不规则的扭曲面。入汇口下游主流右侧(靠近分离区附近)在相对水深z*=0.2附近处,x和y方向的脉动强度易出现极大值。  相似文献   

明渠岸边横向取水口的三维数值计算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
曹继文  陈惠泉  贺益英 《水利学报》2004,35(2):0119-0127
本文是在明渠岸边横向取水口的试验研究基础上的配套数值模拟。采用雷诺平均的N—S方程,以各向异性的雷诺应力模型(RSM)封闭方程组,用SIMPLEC算法对压力—速度场求解。计算结果与试验实测结果吻合较好,反映了此项模拟的可信性,可籍以扩大、分析一些运动规律。数值计算结果启示了横向取水口水流的复杂三维流动特性,据之对取水口附近水流各区的划分、水流的分离和反向流动、螺旋流以及床面剪应力的分布等复杂水力和泥沙输移物理现象有了进一步认识。  相似文献   


鱼道紊流特性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱼道内的紊流特性对于鱼类能否顺利上溯洄游至关重要。为了解鱼道内的紊流状态,综述了丹尼尔式、竖缝式、组合式、涵洞式等鱼道内紊流流速、紊动能、紊流强度、雷诺剪切应力以及漩涡等紊流特性的研究进展,分析不同鱼道内紊流的分布规律及特点,指出鱼道中的紊流强度、紊动能等均会对鱼类对栖息地的选择以及鱼类通行造成较大的影响。此外,目前国内对鱼道内漩涡紊流特性的研究较少,建议对其深入研究,以改善鱼道内水力条件,保证鱼道有效运行。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of the renormalization group k turbulence modeling of a vegetated multi-stage compound channel. Results from Micro acoustic Doppler velocimeter(ADV) tests are used with time and spatial averaging(doubleaveraging method) in the analysis of the flow field and the characterization. Comparisons of the mean velocity, the Reynolds stress, and the turbulent energy distribution show the validity of the computational method. The mean velocity profile sees an obvious deceleration in the terraces because of vegetation. Secondary flow exists mainly at the junction of the main channel and the vegetation region on the first terrace. The bed shear stress in the main channel is much greater than that in the terraces. The difference of the bed shear stress between two terraces is insignificant, and the presence of vegetation can effectively reduce the bed shear stress.  相似文献   

湍流近壁区非线性模型的应力相位研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来的研究结果显示,在非平衡湍流中,线性湍流模型中的雷诺应力与平均速度变形率之间存在着相位差,但是非线性湍流模型中是否也存在这个问题,至今还没有文献涉及。针对这一问题,该文对空间周期性吹吸边界条件的槽道湍流进行了直接数值模拟。研究发现,在湍流近壁区,剪切变形的相位在典型的非线性湍流模型的主要项中起着主导作用,这使得雷诺应力与相应的模拟项之间存在相位差。因此在建立有关非线性湍流模型时也应该注意这一问题。  相似文献   

运用Fluent软件建立雷诺应力模型,模拟不同冰盖覆盖度下恒定均匀流流场,从纵向时均流速、二次流、雷诺应力、紊动能等方面揭示部分冰盖下水流的水力特性。结果表明:岸冰的形成会导致冰盖下水流在断面上重新分配,明流区流速增大,冰盖下流速减小;横向动量交换产生复杂的二次流结构,涡体形状、数量、大小和位置随着冰盖覆盖度的增加而变化;雷诺应力断面分布较复杂,冰盖附近区域雷诺应力为负值,负值区范围与冰盖覆盖度密切相关,并凸向明流区;冰盖、边壁和床面的粗糙度不同导致紊动能在断面上的分布呈现出明显的差异,冰盖区紊动能大于明流区的值,反映出岸冰对冰盖下水流结构影响的复杂性。  相似文献   

矩形明渠三维紊流的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在明渠三维流动中,紊流产生的二次流起关键作用,它对主流流场分布,壁面应力及污染物的扩散有很大影响,有时还影响床面的稳定,K-ε紊流模型及类似的双方程模型不能计算这种二次流动。本文将非线性K-ε紊流模型用于明渠三维紊流的计算,模型用张量形式推出,比代数应力模型更易推广到复杂边界流动,应用这一模型及另两种代数应力模型对矩形明渠流动进行计算,所得结果,尤其是表述紊流特征的量,与实测资料进行了详细比较,并  相似文献   

二维自由剪切湍流的实验结果及其与理论计算的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用热线风速仪和数据采样技术,对二维湍流混合层、湍尾流和湍射流自模拟区内的平均速度、湍流强度、雷诺应力和脉动速度的高阶关联进行了测量,所得结果与不可压缩流体剪切湍流理论的计算结果进行了比较,两者吻合得较好。  相似文献   

表面糙率与明渠紊流猝发现象   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
毛野  杨华  袁新明 《水利学报》2002,33(6):0053-0060
采用流场综合分析法将流动显示与计算机图像处理相结合,在不同表面糙率的条件下重点研究紊流的猝发形态和特性.研究表明,表面粗糙度对明渠紊流拟序结构的特征有重要影响.猝发喷射角约为35~75度,随表面粗糙雷诺数增加趋于增大;喷射高度可达1/8水深;喷射尺度和清扫尺度均有随雷诺数增大的趋势.增大粗糙雷诺数明显增加了多头群体喷射现象,以致形成“喷射垫层”,清扫须在床面附近逐步深入推进;由于大雷诺数增加了群喷延续时间及清扫与喷射相持时间,无量纲猝发周期明显加大.分析还表明,在喷射迸发区域水体动能和紊流耗散率较床面附近提高了数倍.  相似文献   

The mechanical energy equation for total flow in open channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mechanical energy equation is a fundamental equation of a 1-D mathematical model in Hydraulics and Engineering Fluid Mechanics. This equation for the total flow used to be deduced by extending the Bernoulli's equation for the ideal fluid in the streamline to a stream tube, and then revised by considering the viscous effect and integrated on the cross section. This derivation is not rigorous and the effect of turbulence is not considered. In this paper, the energy equation for the total flow is derived by using the Navier-Stokes equations in Fluid Mechanics, the results are as follows:(1) A new energy equation for steady channel flows of incompressible homogeneous liquid is obtained, which includes the variation of the turbulent kinetic energy along the channel, the formula for the mechanical energy loss of the total flow can be determined directly in the deduction process.(2) The theoretical solution of the velocity field for laminar flows in a rectangular open channel is obtained and the mechanical energy loss in the energy equation is calculated. The variations of the coefficient of the mechanical energy loss against the Reynolds number and the width-depth ratio are obtained.(3) The turbulent flow in a rectangular open channel is simulated using 3-D Reynolds averaged equations closed by the Reynolds stress model(RSM), and the variations of the coefficient of the mechanical energy loss against the Reynolds number and the width-depth ratio are discussed.  相似文献   

精确估计水流与壁面间切应力在泥沙输移和水利工程安全方面具有重要意义。通过选取并整理文献数据,对现今七种主要的水流与壁面间切应力的估计方法在不同雷诺数的条件下进行评价和比较,发现总体上湍流动能外推法和雷诺应力外推法估计壁面切应力的可靠性和精确度最高,平均相对误差分别为3.2%和5.2%。湍流能量法、湍流动能法和雷诺应力法次之,以壁定理的精确度最低,但其所需的数据较容易获取。二阶应力法的精确度取决于阻力系数的取值。其中,壁定理和二阶应力法的估计值偏高而更加安全,湍流动能外推法的估计值较为准确,而其余方法给出的估计值偏低。所得结果对不同条件下水流与壁面间切应力估计方法的选择以及直接测量仪器的校准有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

三维明渠流动数值模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对经典的SIMPLE方法进行了改进,在模拟具有自由表面的湍流问题时,摒弃了对自由表面常作的“刚盖”假定。通过求解k-ε模式闭合的三维雷诺方程及自由表面运动方程,得到了渠道槽沟区水流速度、涡粘性系数、湍流切应力、湍动能的分布规律和自由水面位置的变化规律,计算结果与实测值十分吻合。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to numerically investigate how the flow structures are affected through a longitudinally discontinuous and vertically two‐layered vegetation occupying half width of the channel, with steady flow rate and subcritical conditions. A three‐dimensional (3‐D) Reynolds stress turbulence model (RSM), incorporated by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code FLUENT, was first validated with the experimental data, and then used for simulation purpose. The results showed that the flow stream‐wise velocities within the gap regions are visibly slower than that in the vegetation patch regions. Along the cross section, the velocity in the vegetation region (VR) reduced significantly due to resistance offered by the vegetation, which affected the channel conveyance; as compared to the free (non‐vegetated) region. The flow instability in the lateral direction was triggered by the flow shear due to the presence of partly distributed vegetation, resulting in the formation of coherent vortices and exchange of momentum at the interface. The discharge percentage passing through the free region (FR) was found to be 144–525% larger than that passing through the VR. The flow resistance increased significantly with higher vegetation density, whereas it decreased when both the vegetation layers were submerged. Moreover, the flow characteristics profiles in large gaps were more stable than in small gaps. The turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and turbulence intensity also increased significantly through the patch regions compared to that of the gap regions. The results indicated that the flow structures and the flow resistance are strongly influenced by partial and discontinuous vegetation.  相似文献   

Our previous study showed that the frictional drag decreases with increasing void fraction at Re > 1300, while it increases at Re < 1000. Decomposition of the Reynolds shear stress also implied that bubbles induce isotropy of turbulence. In order to confirm our previous analysis and to further investigate flow fields in the vicinity of bubbles, we analyze velocity fluctuations on the quadrant space in the streamwise and transverse directions ( u′ – v′ plane). Here, we focus on two specific Reynolds numbers ...  相似文献   

This study presents the turbulent flow field in submerged plane wall-jets on horizontal fully rough walls detected by a Vectrino velocimeter. For the comparison between the fully rough and smooth submerged wall-jets, the smooth submerged wall-jet case was also revisited. The two-dimensional Reynolds averaged boundary layer equations of a steady turbulent flow are analyzed to determine the velocity and Reynolds shear stress profiles in the fully developed zone of smooth and fully rough submerged wall-jets. The response of the turbulent flow characteristics in submerged wall-jets to wall roughness is examined from the point of view of similarity characteristics, growth of the length scale, and decay of the velocity and turbulence characteristics scales; and compared with the response of those to smooth and transitionally rough walls. The significant observation is that with an appropriate scaling, the velocity, Reynolds shear stress and turbulence intensities in the fully developed zone of fully rough submerged wall-jets are reasonably similar. The rate of decay of jet-velocity on fully rough walls is greater than that on smooth wall, but it is less than that on transitionally rough walls due to the presence of roughness sub-layer on the fully rough walls. Analysis of the third-order moments of velocity fluctuations reveals that the jet-layer is associated with the arrival of low-speed fluid parcel causing an effect of retardation; while the inner-layer of circulatory flow is associated with the arrival of high-speed fluid parcel causing an effect of acceleration. Wall roughness influences the peak values (both positive and negative) of the third-order moments increasing them significantly. Thus, on fully rough walls, the arrival processes of low- and high-speed fluid parcels become stronger in the jet-layer and the inner-layer of circulatory flow, respectively. Also, the peak values of streamwise and vertical flux of turbulent kinetic energy increase significantly in the presence of fully rough walls.  相似文献   

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