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流域产流是一个动态的复杂的山坡水文过程,它在水文及水环境过程的形成与模拟中占有相当重要的地位。本文较为详细地论述了近年来在流域产流理论研究方面的新进展,包括对产流机制的新认识,产流、产涉及溶质运移的多相流产生机制,产流面积的空间变化以及小流域产流对大流域洪水响应的影响等.可为进一步的研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

大中流域长系列径流泥沙模拟   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据治理与尺度对黄土地区产流模式的影响,将径流成份分为地面径流和地面以下径流,分别用超渗产流理论和地下水线性水库演算法加以模拟计算。通过坡面土壤颗粒的受力分析,运用泥沙运动力学基本理论和方法,推导出坡面土壤侵蚀量计算公式,从而建立了适用于长系列大中流域的产流产沙物理概念模型。率定后的模型应用于中大尺度的大理河流域水沙计算,效果良好。  相似文献   

水电开发改变了流域内径流的原始状态。为此,以雅砻江流域为研究区,分别基于径流特征和控制面积构建表征流域径流状态的径流指标,并通过降雨-径流关系分析指标适用性。结果表明,月尺度上,降雨与两个径流指标的相关系数高于二滩站降雨-径流相关系数;年尺度上,降雨与两个径流指标的相关系数低于二滩站降雨-径流相关系数。说明水库调蓄对流域径流的影响在不同时间尺度上呈现不同的特征,雅砻江流域月尺度径流变化主要受降雨与调蓄的影响,而年尺度径流则主要受降雨影响。  相似文献   

城市水文的研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
阐述城市化对流域下垫面条件的改变,对城市区域小气候的影响,对径流形成及洪水过程的影响,以及城市水土流失及其对城市水质的影响,介绍若干城市水文模型,指出新技术的发展和推广,如卫星遥感,雷达测雨,信息网络及地理信息系统等,和新理论的研究与应用,如流域水文尺度化的相似性等,将是城市水文研究和发展的主要趋势。  相似文献   

基于动力水文过程测定技术和景观生态学测度方法,分析了黄土丘陵沟壑区罗玉沟流域土地利用/覆被变化的径流调节效应。结果表明:由森林植被增加与坡改梯的耕作措施调整共同引起的土地利用/覆被变化,对径流有显著的调节作用。无论场暴雨、雨季及年尺度,土地利用结构优化及森林植被覆盖增加,均使流域产流能力降低。罗玉沟流域土地利用后期在丰、平和枯水年径流系数比前期分别减少约51%、85%和84%;在剔除降水量的影响,通过相同降水条件径流系数的预测,后期较前期在丰、平、枯水年均减少约63%。土地利用覆被对流域径流的影响表现为季节性,且土地利用结构优化,场暴雨洪峰流量呈减小的规律。相对于森林植被增加和坡改梯耕作措施调整,前者对流域产流能力的影响大于后者,但对于山区土地整理与生态修复政策,二者共同实施才可促进土地资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

受气候变化和人类活动的共同影响,流域环境的变化导致流域径流发生了很大的变化,对流域水资源管理提出了新的挑战。区分和界定气候变化与人类活动对流域径流的影响,对减缓和适应环境变化的有关措施和行动具有重要的科学支撑价值,也是流域水资源可持续管理中亟待解决的关键问题之一。目前基于水文模型的划分方法在年以上尺度的分析中存在均化效应和附加误差,且由于参数较多相对比较复杂,存在的不确定性因素较多。本研究基于Budyko假设理论建立一种区分气候变化和人类活动对流域径流影响的界定方法,并选取黄土高原三川河流域进行应用分析,通过与VIC模型分析结果比较研究表明,对于年以上尺度径流变化分析,该研究中建立的方法具有较好的适用性。由于气候变化和人类活动对流域径流的影响缺乏真值,该方法丰富了这一问题的研究理论,增进了对该区域环境变化影响的认识。  相似文献   

论流域产流   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
籍助于国内外的径流实验资料,基于水分在有孔介质的运行理论,本文对流域中单点产流机制进行了探讨。阐述了不同径流成分的生成机制及其产流条件,并概括出“界面产流”的基本规律。阐述了在天然条件下,各种机制的组合形式及其实际存在的客观条件,相互转换关系。流域产流过程是不同产流机制在一定的空间组合与分布下,在给定的供水条件下的空间发展过程。文中阐述了流域产流机制的核心问题及产流特征。为进一步正确的分析与认识流域产流现象提供了理论概念基础。  相似文献   

模拟降雨条件下径流侵蚀力与地貌特征的动态响应关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过模拟降雨模型试验,用高精度摄影测量、GIS技术和分形理论,对不同雨强条件下小流域模型次降雨径流侵蚀力和地貌形态分形维数变化及其动态响应关系进行了研究。结果表明,基于次降雨洪峰流量模数和径流深乘积的流域尺度径流侵蚀力量化方法揭示了径流的做功效率;大雨强的次降雨径流侵蚀力明显高于小雨强,不同雨强的次降雨径流侵蚀力随模拟降雨场次增加均呈现较为相似的变化趋势;小流域模型历经25场模拟降雨,地貌形态趋于复杂化,地貌形态分形维数呈波动增加趋势;小流域模型地貌形态分形维数的所处取值范围对于相同降雨条件下次降雨径流侵蚀力变化趋势具有决定性影响。本研究揭示了地貌形态特征与次降雨径流侵蚀力空间变异定量作用关系,提高了流域尺度土壤侵蚀预报模型精度和适用性。  相似文献   

海河流域人类活动对径流的影响分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海河流域大规模人类活动,改变了流域的自然态势,从而改变了流域的水文情势,致使地表径流的产流条件发生较大变化。同时,随着水资源开发利用程度的显著提高,地下水的补径排条件以及地表水与地下水的转化关系也相应发生了变化。从降水径流关系线入手,分析了人类活动影响后的径流减少量和影响因素,并重点从成因上分析了产流规律的变化情况,为进一步探求人类活动影响后的产流理论奠定了一定基础。  相似文献   

利用黄土高原典型流域延河流域水文和退耕还林数据,分析退耕还林还草工程对流域水土保持功能的影响,探讨了近30年来流域水文变化过程及水文指标与退耕还林还草指标的关系。研究结果表明:30年来流域降水量减少趋势不显著,径流量和输沙量均成显著下降趋势。将流域径流量和输沙量变化序列分为前期(1980-2002年)和退耕还林还草影响期(2003-2010年)两个阶段进行比较分析,退耕还林还草影响了降水径流关系,削弱了流域产流能力,退耕还林还草影响期流域产沙动力系数下降。累计退耕还林还草面积与径流系数和含沙量均呈负相关,其中径流系数与之负相关性显著。  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that roofing materials are an important source of metals in urban runoff. Today, in the context of the European Water Directive (2000/60 CE), the quantification of these emissions is necessary, and thus the development of assessment tools is needed. This study focuses on a small urban catchment (drained by a separative sewer system). Atmospheric fallout, road runoff, roof runoff and total runoff at the outlet of the catchment were sampled. The aim is (1) to verify the contribution of roofing materials to metallic flows of Zn and Pb at the catchment scale and (2) to try to model emissions using some models previously developed at the test-bed scale. These models have to be tested at different spatial scales. Results obtained confirm the strong contribution of roofing materials to Zn and Pb flows at the catchment scale. For Zn, models tested were successfully transposed and validated at the roof and the catchment scales, permitting a good quantification of Zn emissions. For Pb, the use of the models highlights some difficulties, especially concerning the identification and the quantification of lead surface areas implemented.  相似文献   

The paper examines relative performance of six monthly rainfall-runoff models on 12 catchments located in different agro-climate zones of Central India. Study indicates that a water balance type model can reproduce the catchment behaviour in a better manner as compared to a statistical model and it is easier to model runoff for catchments with higher runoff factor. Also, a two-parameter model is found sufficient to represent the rainfall-runoff relationship of the catchment on a monthly scale.  相似文献   

A comprehensive, GIS‐based modelling approach is developed to estimate runoff and phosphorus transport within a watershed at a daily time step. The approach relies on the use of GIS data for deriving major critical model parameters that exhibit distinct spatial variability over the catchment. Surface runoff is calculated by a modified rational method, which depends upon rainfall intensity, soil moisture status, slope, land‐use and soil characteristics. Phosphorus loading is estimated as a function of the runoff volume and the event mean concentration for different land use categories. A diffusive approximation method is used to trace runoff and phosphorus transport to the basin outlet. The modelling approach is tested in the Margecany catchment, Hornad River basin, Slovakia, to simulate runoff, phosphorus loading, and its transport on a daily time scale using data observed between 1995 and 2000. Satisfactory results of the hydrographs and phosphorus concentration at the basin outlet are obtained, though more efforts regarding the phosphorus cycling and its biochemical reactions need to be clarified by further research. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了明晰径流演变的驱动力,进而促进水资源的可持续利用,对滹沱河上游的径流变化进行了归因分析。基于单参数Budyko方程,将径流影响因素直接划分为干旱指数和流域特征两类,首先以时间为协变量,描述Budyko方程参数及气候因子的时间变化,构建时变Budyko方程;然后基于分解法在年尺度及多年尺度上分离干旱指数和流域特征对径流变化的影响。研究结果表明:①时变Budyko模型大大提高了年径流的模拟能力;②基于时变Budyko模型的分段研究的结果与传统常参数Budyko模型的结果相近,表明本文所建立的时变Budyko模型是可靠的;③干旱指数和流域特征对滹沱河上游年径流的影响均为负贡献,其中,干旱指数的贡献率由86.79%持续递减至71.01%,而流域特征的贡献率由13.21% 持续增加至28.09%;④干旱指数对年径流的影响强度明显减弱是流域特征对年径流变化贡献率增加的主要原因。综上所述,滹沱河上游径流显著减少的主导因素是干旱指数,即降水和潜在蒸散发的变化。  相似文献   

This paper describes an integrated surface–subsurface modeling study of the Fuxianhu Lake catchment (southwest China). Pollution threats to this important water resource have led to the need to evaluate transport pathways and the overall water balance of the catchment. Catchment inputs to the lake include river inflows, direct overland flow and groundwater discharge, which are incorporated into a mathematical model of the system. Surface runoff and groundwater recharge are estimated using a parsimonious soil–vegetation modeling approach, while groundwater flow is based on the MODFLOW-2005 code. Overland flow and stream discharge are coupled to the groundwater regime through the soil layer and are routed through the catchment to account for surface water flow pathways. The model is tested using the V-catchment benchmark problem and is compared to existing models to demonstrate accuracy and capability. Application of the model to the Fuxianhu catchment provides for the first-order approximation of the average catchment water balance, which comprises such components as evapotranspiration losses (37% of rainfall), surface runoff to the lake (37% of rainfall), and groundwater discharge to the lake (8% of rainfall), amongst others. The computationally efficient approach to surface–subsurface modeling adopted in this investigation presents as an alternative to more complex methods, and allows for the rapid assessment of flow pathways at the catchment scale. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

窟野河流域径流演变及其驱动因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄土高原典型流域窟野河流域为对象,采用有序聚类方法,诊断了近60 a来实测径流演变的阶段性特征,在此基础上,分析了不同阶段实测径流与气候要素之间的响应关系,初步揭示了径流演变的驱动机制。结果表明:近60 a来窟野河流域实测径流量以1980年和1998年为分割点总体呈现阶段性减少趋势,其中,1999年以来减少尤其明显。不同阶段的年降水、径流关系有一定差异,相比而言,汛期(6-10月份)的月降水量与径流量具有相对较好的相关关系;非汛期(11-5月份)的月降水径流关系点群散乱,在月平均气温低于5℃时,月径流量与月平均气温具有较好的正相关性。窟野河流域汛期产流受高强度降水支配,人类活动对河川径流演变的影响有增大趋势。  相似文献   

暴雨洪水是主要的自然灾害,分析暴雨洪水特性及其与气候要素的响应关系对流域防洪减灾和水资源可持续利用等方面具有重要意义。根据清流河流域102场暴雨洪水资料,系统分析了场次暴雨洪水过程特征、径流组成以及洪水特征要素与降水指标之间的响应关系。结果表明:场次降雨特征在一定程度上决定了洪水过程变化,水利工程修建和下垫面变化等人类活动对暴雨洪水过程特征有一定影响;场次暴雨洪水的产流系数总体具有递减趋势,但地表径流占径流总量的比率有增大趋势;场次径流量及洪峰流量与场次降水量之间具有较好的相关性,雨强对清流河流域暴雨洪水特征影响相对较小,蓄满产流是清流河流域主要的产流机制。  相似文献   

小面积区的集水径流计算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曲线数值法考虑了径流与土壤特性和土地利用情况的关系,所需参数少,是一种较好的小型集水区径流计算方法,可用于小面积集水区可集雨量的计算。  相似文献   

A method capable of estimating the hydrograph from a prescribed storm for a practical mild slope upstream catchment is proposed. This method makes use of two new characteristic parameters, andS, in conjunction with the kinematic wave equation to compute lateral inflows of the main stream of the catchment. The depth profile of overland flow at any instant within the catchment and hydrograph at any location can be easily found. Lag times for individual lateral inflows are then considered and are linearly combined to obtain the hydrograph at the outlet of the catchment or depth profile of the main stream at any instant. The validity of the excess rainfall-surface runoff linear relationship in this study has also been verified with Tatsunokuchiyama catchment, and it shows good results for this computed runoff.  相似文献   

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