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Drought is one of the most widespread and devastating extreme climate events when water availability is significantly below normal levels for a long period. In recent years, the Haihe River Basin has been threatened by intensified droughts. Therefore, characterization of droughts in the basin is of great importance for sustainable water resources management. In this study, two multi-scalar drought indices, the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index(SPEI) with potential evapotranspiration calculated by the Penmane Monteith equation and the standardized precipitation index(SPI), were used to evaluate the spatiotemporal variations of drought characteristics from 1961 to 2017 in the Haihe River Basin. In addition, the large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns were used to further explore the potential links between drought trends and climatic anomalies. An increasing tendency in drought duration was detected over the Haihe River Basin with frequent drought events occurring in the period from 1997 to 2003. The results derived from both SPEI and SPI demonstrated that summer droughts were significantly intensified. The analysis of large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns indicated that the intensified summer droughts could be attributed to the positive geopotential height anomalies in Asian mid-high latitudes and the insufficient water vapor fluxes transported from the south.  相似文献   

The impacts of different spatial resolutions and different data assimilation schemes of the available re-analysis data sets (NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40) on the assessment of drought variability are analysed. Particular attention has been devoted to the analysis of the possible existence of a linear trend in the climatic signal. The long-term aspects of drought over the globe during the last forty years have been evaluated by computing the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) on 24-month time scale. The SPI, in fact, seems to be a useful tool for monitoring dry and wet periods on multiple time scales and comparing climatic conditions of areas governed by different hydrological regimes. To unveil possible discrepancies between the analyses carried out with the two data sets, we studied the leading space-time variability of drought by applying the principal component analysis (PCA) to the SPI time series. Results suggest that on the global scale, the two re-analyses agree in their first principal component score, but not in the associated loading: both re-analyses capture a linear trend, though the areas where this feature should be most likely observed are not uniquely identified by the two data sets. Moreover, while the ERA-40 unveils the presence of a weak net “global” trend towards wet conditions, the NCEP/NCAR re-analysis suggests that the areas in the world characterised by positive/negative trends balance to zero. At large regional scale, a good agreement of the results with those obtained from the observations are found for the United Stated, while for the European sector the two re-analyses show remarkable differences both in the first loading and in representing the timing of the wet and dry periods. Also for these areas a linear trend, superposed on other short-term fluctuations, is detectable in the first principal component of the SPI field.  相似文献   

基于新疆1960—2011年的日降水量数据,选取持续干燥指数、持续湿润指数、年总降水量、强降水天数、强降水量、1 d最大降水量、5 d最大降水量和普通日降水强度8个极端降水指标,采用线性倾向率、Mann-Kendall突变检验及主成分分析法研究新疆极端降水的时空分布特征及演变趋势。结果表明:时间变化上,新疆极端降水的持续湿润指数均呈上升趋势,持续干燥指数呈下降趋势,表明新疆降水量总体呈增加趋势;空间变化上,南疆、北疆极端降水指标的年际变化表现出明显差异,北疆湿润指数大、年际变化率大,南疆湿润指数小、年际变化率小;极端降水指标基本上在1986年、1987年发生突变,各指标突变前后的变化率存在明显差异;时间上的主成分分析表明降水量整体增加,干燥程度下降;空间上的主成分分析表明,北疆降水量多于南疆,南疆较北疆干旱。  相似文献   

The differences in spatial patterns of drought over a range of time scales were analysed by the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). In a climatic area with a wide range of precipitation characteristics (the Iberian Peninsula), Pearson III distribution is flexible enough to calculate the drought index on different time scales. The Pearson III distribution was adapted to precipitation frequencies at time scales of 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 months. Spatial patterns of drought were analysed by Principal Component Analysis. The number of components found increased as the time scale did, which indicates great spatial complexity in drought analysis and uncertainty in drought classification, mainly at scales of 24 or 36 months, since the relationships between SPI series of observatories becomes more distant as the time scale increases. We concluded that there were no homogeneous regions with similar drought patterns that could be used for effective drought management or early warning.  相似文献   

Spatial Variability of Drought: An Analysis of the SPI in Sicily   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Bonaccorso  B.  Bordi  I.  Cancelliere  A.  Rossi  G.  Sutera  A. 《Water Resources Management》2003,17(4):273-296
An analysis of drought in Sicily from 1926 to 1996 is presented.In identifying drought over the region, both the NCEP/NCARreanalysis precipitation data and those observed in 43 gauges,located quite uniformly over the territory of the Island, areused. Drought occurrence is estimated by means of theStandardized Precipitation Index (SPI). To study long-termdrought variability, a Principal Component Analysis was appliedto the SPI field.Results suggest that the entire Island is characterised by adrought variability with a multi-year fluctuations and atendency towards drier periods from the seventies onward. Apreliminary comparison between results obtained using themeteorological large-scale analysis and that derived from actualobservations on the ground shows a general good agreement,although further efforts are needed to get a better downscalingof the large-scale precipitation fields. Furthermore, byapplying orthogonal rotations to the principal componentpatterns, it has been found that three distinct areas havingcoherent climatic variability may be identified.Finally, the sensitivity of the SPI values on the calibrationperiod is also investigated.  相似文献   

Towards a Drought Watch System based on Spatial SPI   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:4  
Regional Drought can be assessed through various meaningfulprocedures mainly related to the expected consequences. However, a general knowledge of the occurrence of drought, thearea which is affected, its severity and its duration are ofgreat importance for a series of decisions, which may beappropriate for a variety of activities. From the existingsimple and popular indices used for the estimation of drought,the Standardised Precipitation Index, known as SPI, seems to winuniversal applicability. A method based on the estimation of SPIover a geographical area and its use for characterising drought,is presented in this paper. Applications of the method arepresented using a digital terrain model and a simple computercalculating routine. It is shown that the proposed procedurecan be easily applied and can support a Drought Watch System foran area of mesoscale dimensions.  相似文献   

Based on the monthly precipitation and air temperature from 1960 to 1989 in the Luanhe River Basin, the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index(SPEI) and standardized precipitation index(SPI) at three- and six-month time scales and the self-calibrating Palmer drought severity index(sc-PDSI) were calculated to evaluate droughts in the study area. Temporal variations of the drought severity from 1960 to1989 were analyzed and compared based on the results of different drought indices, and some typical drought events were identified. Spatial distributions of the drought severity according to the indices were also plotted and investigated. The results reveal the following: the performances of different drought indices are closely associated with the drought duration and the dominant factors of droughts; the SPEI is more accurate than the SPI when both evaporation and precipitation play important roles in drought events; the drought severity shown by the sc-PDSI is generally milder than the actual drought severity from 1960 to 1989; and the evolution of the droughts is usually delayed according to the scPDSI. This study provides valuable references for building drought early warning and mitigation systems in the Luanhe River Basin.  相似文献   

Rivers in arid and semi-arid regions are threatened by droughts and climate change. This study focused on a comparative evaluation of the impacts of climate change and droughts on the vulnerability of river flows in three basins with diverse climates in Iran. The standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and precipitation effectiveness variables (PEVs) extracted from the conjunctive precipitation effectiveness index (CPEI) were used to analyze the drought severity. To investigate hydrological droughts in the basins, the normalized difference water index (NDWI) and the streamflow drought index (SDI) were calculated and compared. The effects of droughts were assessed under various representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios. Changes in the number of wet days and precipitation depth restricted hydrological droughts, whereas an increasing number of dry days amplified their severity. The projected increases in dry days and precipitation over short durations throughout a year under future climate scenarios would produce changes in drought and flood periods and ultimately impact the frequency and severity of hydrological droughts. Under RCP 4.5, an increase in the frequencies of moderate and severe meteorological/hydrological droughts would further affect the Central Desert Basin. Under RCPs 2.6 and 8.5, the frequencies of severe and extreme droughts would increase, but the drought area would be smaller than that under RCP 4.5, demonstrating less severe drought conditions. Due to the shallow depths of most rivers, SDI was found to be more feasible than NDWI in detecting hydrological droughts.  相似文献   

根据辽西地区的地形特点,以阜新为典型研究对象,对该地区的降水资料、气象资料进行整理,计算降水距与Z指标两个参数进行综合计算,根据计算的结果对阜新地区的旱涝情况进行分析,得到该地区1997—2006年的评价结论。在此基础之上,对降水距与Z指标的应用情况进行总结,归纳出二者的应用特点。  相似文献   

根据渭河流域1961—2014年27个气象站的气象数据,利用综合气象干旱指数(CI)研究了渭河流域近54 a干旱时空演变特征。结果表明:渭河流域的干旱持续时间有微弱增加趋势,干旱持续时间序列不存在明显突变点;春、夏、秋、冬四季干旱站次比多年均值分别为50.7%、42.7%、37.5%、60.9%,其中春、秋、冬三季干旱站次比增加,秋季增加趋势显著;重度及以上干旱四季频发,但冬季干旱站次比小;干旱持续时间以及中度以上干旱频率西北高、东南低,东部华县站周边干旱持续时间较长;春、夏、秋、冬四季中度以上干旱频率均值分别为35.2%、26.2%、22.4%、23.8%。  相似文献   

集对分析法在陕西省单站旱涝等级划分中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国单站旱涝等级划分尚未形成统一的评价指标体系,往往导致同一旱涝状况下旱涝等级评价结果存在差异.尝试将集对分析法应用于陕西省单站旱涝等级划分,提出了一种划分旱涝等级的新思路.结果表明,方法能综合运用各旱涝指数,不仅可以消除Z指数、标准化降水指数、降水距平百分率等降水指数考虑因素单一带来的不利影响,也能削弱相对湿润度指数、K指标等由于作物种类、气温条件等的影响而引起的评估偏差,较之传统的单一指标评价法更为客观合理.  相似文献   

利用浙江省近50年降水资料,基于最优区域旱涝指标采用克里金空间插值方法对浙江省旱涝进行时空规律分析和等级评定。结果表明,浙江省发生干旱频繁,两年一旱,发生大旱以上的频率较高,连旱严重,近年干旱有加重的趋势;同时干旱呈现明显的区域性,发生重旱时波及范围广,各分区发生干旱频率在16%~26%之间,仅有4个分区不易波及。  相似文献   

为了识别我国旱涝交替事件以及探究其时空演变规律,引入降雨距平指数(RAI),并提出了一种在月尺度上识别旱涝交替事件的简便易操作的研究方法.结果表明:我国旱涝交替事件具有明显的年内分布规律,4—8月份旱涝交替事件发生频次明显增加,8月份以后,旱涝交替事件发生次数减少.不同月份,旱涝交替事件高频区的分布也不同,4—6月份主...  相似文献   


Patterns of water supply and use in Australia and the U.S.A. differ in many ways. This results in different perceptions concerning the nature of drought and policy approaches to its management. This paper discusses the differences and similarities and explores lessons that policy makers in both countries can learn from one another. A key difference between the two countries is that whereas drought is perceived in Australia essentially in terms of its impact on agriculture, in the U.S. both perceptions and policy are also heavily influenced by the impact of drought on urban communities. This has led to different policy emphases. In 1992 Australia established its National Drought Policy; the U.S. is presently considering the adoption of a national drought policy. These policies highlight drought being accepted as part of natural climate variability, rather than as a natural disaster. They also emphasize the protection of the natural resource base.  相似文献   

辽宁省干旱分析与抗旱减灾对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
指出辽宁省干旱发生的自然规律和特点,分析了干旱产生的经济社会原因,有针对性地提出了相应的对策,为辽宁省抗旱减灾提供参考.  相似文献   

海口市极端降雨事件演变趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
城市暴雨内涝与极端降雨事件息息相关。为揭示城市暴雨内涝成因,利用海口站1953-2012年日降雨量资料,采用线性倾向估计法、Mann-Kendall趋势检验法、Mann-Kendall突变检验法和小波分析法等探讨了海口市极端降雨事件演变规律。结果表明:近60年来海口市极端降雨指标均呈现出上升趋势,但极端降雨日数上升趋势较弱,短历时暴雨强度增加,对城市内涝带来较大压力;极端降雨事件的突变年份在2007年附近,暗示海口市在2007年附近对土地的开发利用是一个节点;海口市降雨周期性不是很显著。  相似文献   

The lack of reliable and updated precipitation datasets is the most important limitation that hinders establishing a drought monitoring and early warning system in Iran. To overcome this obstacle, we have evaluated the applicability of GPCC and NCEP/NCAR precipitation datasets for drought analysis in Iran. For this purpose, drought variability across the country has been analyzed through the standardized precipitation index (SPI) on 12-month time scale based on the common period 1951?C2005. For each dataset, by applying the principal component analysis (PCA) to the SPI field and Varimax rotation, the studied area has been regionalized into a few distinctive sub-regions characterized by independent climatic variability. Results have been checked against observations at 32 rain gauge stations having reliable data for the study period. Both GPCC and NCEP/NCAR datasets identify the same sub-regions of drought variability and they are in good agreement with observations. However, the NCEP rotated principal component scores associated with the sub-regions show different time variability with respect to the behaviours captured by GPCC, on one hand, and observations, on the other hand. It seems that, in central Iran such differences concern mainly the period before the seventies. Thus, the results suggest that GPCC dataset is a useful tool for drought monitoring in Iran and it can be used to complement the information provided by rain gauge observations. The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset shows a better agreement with observations for the period 1970?C2005 than for 1951?C2005, and its discrepancies in the regional time variability of drought with respect to GPCC and observations should be taken into account when periods before the seventies are considered.  相似文献   

长江流域极端降雨事件时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,许多学者对中国的极端降水进行了研究,但对长江流域极端降水的研究多集中在日时间尺度强降水事件,从不同子流域极端降水事件入手的研究较少。利用1961~2017年长江流域各子流域面雨量资料,根据面雨量的分布曲线确定长江流域各子流域极端降雨事件判断的阈值,得到各子流域极端降雨年份,分析极端降雨事件的时间变化特征,以及不同子流域间极端事件的相关关系。研究表明:①20世纪60年代长江上游极端多雨事件频发,70年代以全流域极端少雨为主,80年代极端多雨事件中心转移至长江中下游,90年代长江上游变为极端少雨事件中心,2000年以来,长江流域处在由少雨向多雨转变的年代际背景中。②当子流域发生极端少雨事件时,流域其他流域大部也是以降雨偏少为主,空间的一致性较好。但是子流域发生极端多雨事件时,存在大部分地区少雨的情况,会出现旱涝并存的情况。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to analyse the impacts of the sequence of 1 El Niño (2009–2010) and 2 La Niña (2007–2008 and 2010–2011) events on the interannual variability of daily streamflow during the growing season (April to September) and grass species abundance downstream from the Taureau reservoir (4,070 km2) on the Matawin River (Quebec, Canada). This reservoir has inverted the natural annual cycle of streamflow: Maximum flows occur in winter and minimum flows in springtime during snowmelt. Comparison of daily flows over the period from 2006 to 2011 using various statistical tests revealed a significant increase in flows released downstream from the reservoir during the 2 La Niña events, with a particularly large increase in the growing season (April to May) during the 1st La Niña event (2007–2008). In contrast, during the El Niño event (2009–2010), streamflow decreased significantly. As far as the abundance of plant species is concerned, the total number of obligate wetland species increased significantly after the 1st La Niña event and then decreased after the El Niño event, along with the total number of terrestrial species. The study shows that relatively intense El Niño Southern Oscillation events can have significant implications for the management of flows released downstream from reservoirs in Quebec and hence affect plant species abundance on islets.  相似文献   

降水量的变化情况一直是气候问题的讨论焦点.使用1969—2018年青海省生长季(5—9月份)降水量数据,借助ANUSPLIN插值、Mann-Kendall检验、小波分析等方法,研究青海省近50 a生长季降水量变化特点.结果显示:①50 a间降水量总体趋势为增加,倾斜率为2.12 mm/a,变化周期主要有22、8、4 a...  相似文献   

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